Cures Without Cages is a new, different charity aiming to end animal testing. In our podcast we discuss the charity, news in animal testing, animal rights and medical science.
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In the twelfth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from October 2011 about Animal Testing, plus the usual quotation of the month! And happy Halloween! BOO!Sam Iles
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In the eleventh Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from July, August and September 2011 about Animal Testing, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the tenth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from May and June 2011 about Animal Testing, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the ninth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from March and April 2011 about Animal Testing, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the eighth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from February 2011 about Animal Testing and a big feature about politics, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the seventh Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from January 2011 about Animal Testing and some big news about us, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the sixth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from December 2010 about Animal Testing and a special section on public opinion, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the fifth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from November 2010 about Animal Testing and a special feature on animal testing and science, plus the usual quotation of the month!Sam Iles
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In the fourth Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from October 2010 about Animal Testing and a special feature on the World Community Grid!Sam Iles
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In the third Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from September 2010 about Animal Testing!Sam Iles
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In the second Cures Without Cages podcast we bring you all the news from August 2010 about Animal Testing!Sam Iles
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This is the first podcast on new animal testing charity Cures Without Cages. In this episode, we give you a crash course on animal testing: why it's wrong and what we should be doing instead.Sam Iles
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