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Bethesda Christian Church Sermon of the Week

The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI

Bethesda is a church with a long history and exciting future. For 90 years, we have endeavored to be true to scripture and introduce people to Jesus Christ. Our foundation is built on the concepts of KNOWLEDGE, RELATIONSHIP, and DESTINY.
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show series
The Lord's patience is vast while our human patience is often driven by our limited perspective. The Lord is neither slow nor hurried; rather, He stands outside of time surveying everything with purpose. Patience isn't just waiting, but believing that God is working even when we can't yet see it.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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In God's kingdom, surrender is the path to peace. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, surrendered His life to bring us peace. To cultivate peace, you must first lay down yourself and your preferences. As we walk by the Spirit, we mature in faith and bear the fruit of peace.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Joy is not the absence of hardship but simply the presence of the Holy Spirit, anchoring us even in the storms of life. In order to cultivate joy in our lives, we need to actively desire more of His presence. Reflect on the joy of your salvation in Jesus.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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If our source is the Spirit, the fruit will be good and life-giving. Without Him, we can do nothing. Love is not merely an emotion or an action we muster on our own. Instead, it is a divine quality that flows from our relationship with God. The source of true love lies in our dependence on Christ.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Part of our mission is to live the Word of God in our daily lives. In Galatians 5, Paul says that we need to walk by the Spirit, but how do we do that? We must set our minds on the things of the Spirit. As we go through each fruit of the Spirit in the coming weeks, remember that spiritual growth is neither instantaneous nor self-generated. We must …
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Often, we let our circumstances determine how we're doing. Yet, Jesus reminds us that while we will face trouble, we can take heart because He has overcome the world. Our true source of life is found in Him. If you're struggling, turn to Jesus—surviving relies on our own strength, but thriving comes from abiding in Him. Additionally, God has given …
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Kingdom living isn't a two way street, it is a roundabout. Having faith in Jesus requires disciples to give what they have received. What would it look like if we live out our next year focusing on the Kingdom of God?The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Immanuel is not just a title but a revelation of God's heart for humanity. From the beginning, God has desired to be with His people. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit. His presence with us and within us.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Life without Jesus is chaos, and we spend our lives looking for temporary relief. However, Jesus offers us new life in Him. New life is a gift of God, unmerited, undeserved, and Jesus patiently waits to give it to anyone who would receive. Through Jesus we are made alive. We are no longer defined by our past, our sins, or our failures.…
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At the heart of Christmas is the glorious truth that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God's promises to humanity. The ultimate proof of God's faithfulness is found in Jesus. Jesus is the promise of God who came to show us that God is always with us.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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As we kickoff our Advent series, Pastor Pat talks about how Jesus is the ultimate gift. One of the gifts from Jesus is the promise of heaven. Jesus tells us, "unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." What would it look like for you to walk in humility like a child and to have that joy and wonder.…
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As Thanksgiving is upon us, sometimes it can be hard to be grateful. Pastor Pat challenges us to not allow your heart to be robbed of gratitude. Gratitude flows naturally when we see Jesus' sacrifice as the ultimate gift. Gratitude is something we should make apart of our daily life, not just on Thanksgiving Day.…
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We are called to be ambassadors of Jesus wherever we go. We look to Jesus as the example on how to live, serve, and engage with the world around us. Our mission is to represent Christ in every setting, including that difficult family gathering.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Jesus calls us all to place Him above all else as seen in Matthew 19 including family. We must speak in truth and grace which is a balance. Jesus showed love through compassion, patience, and grace, even while holding people accountable to teaching God's truth, and we are to do the same. We must trust God can work through that love in ways we may n…
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Paul tells the church that we are not to judge those who do not believe or follow the ways of Jesus. We are called to keep each other accountable who have professed that Jesus is Lord. Always make sure that you walk in humility, recognizing your own need for grace while also holding each other accountable.…
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Jesus modeled what it looks like to give compassion and not condemnation. There is a balance of both grace and truth. Jesus offers a pathway to repentance and restoration. We as the church are called to follow Christ's example by offering love and mercy, and encouraging people to to turn from their sin to be transformed in Christ.…
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We live in an age of convenience. In every corner of life, people gravitate towards things that are easy, quick, and immediately satisfying. The same can be said for our spiritual life. Be careful what you take in and listen to.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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We all have opinions, but what does God's Word say about our opinions? Focusing on personal preferences is failing to focus on God's purposes. Opinions must submit to unity in the church.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Overindulgence is a topic that is rarely covered in the church. The principle of balance and moderation extends far beyond food. When we think about balance, we must also think about our spiritual lives as well.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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In this series, we will be going over topics that might be uncomfortable. In today's message, Pastor Pat address the topic of politics, and how we as Christians should interact. Use the Word of God to guide you when you cast your vote.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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As our missions series comes to a close, Pastor Pat talks about how we are called to make disciples and share the good news of Jesus. We don't all have to be missionaries around the globe, but we are called to share the good news wherever we go in our day to day lives. If we are unwilling to share our time with others, we miss out on the opportunit…
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As we look at God's redemptive plan in the Scriptures, we see that the way God executes His mission is using His people. As believers, we all have a role to play in God's mission. He wants to use each and every one of us. Will you let God work redemption in and through your life?The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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We have the gift of Jesus in us, but we keep it to ourselves much of the time. It’s hard in the world of many people who won’t acknowledge Jesus, to be one who stops and helps the beaten and broken, or those who mock or cast aspersions toward us who walk in faith. I am not ashamed of the gospel and that is where real life and change needs to come.…
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One big God makes one big difference one life at at time. At Bethesda, we support missions because we believe that everyone needs to hear the good news of Jesus. Ask God for a person and a particular way to bless them this week.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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There is a harvest of souls hungering and thirsting and ripe for eternal life. Will we heed the words of Jesus, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest!The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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As you go through life, don’t focus on the harvest of material gain and forget the final harvest of life. What will your destination be? For those on the path to outer darkness, Jesus offers a new path that leads to the harvest of eternal life and eternal light.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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God has called us to be holy as He is holy. That also applies to our finances. We tithe because it tells God, I trust you, and it allows us to be joyfully dependent on God. When you are obedient, thankful, joyful and generous, it does not go unnoticed by the Lord.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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There is physical hunger, and there is spiritual hunger. Jesus is the bread of life that satisfies our soul. Are we content with keeping Him to ourselves? Are we content that so many have forgotten or do not know of the harvest that brings eternal life?The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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We fail to be bold in the present when we fail to remember what God has done in the past. We also fail to move in the present if we're only looking in the past. We must move forward into what God has for us, and it takes each and every one of us to do so.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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God didn't make promises to give false hope. He spoke and He followed through. Yet we have promises of God that remain to be fulfilled, but like the cross of Christ, these promises will be kept and come to completion.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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We have been reflecting on God's faithfulness these past few weeks. In today's message, Pastor Pat talks about what the future holds for Bethesda. We will continue to follow the mission and vision that Jesus gave to his disciples. Jesus is the faithful builder of His church.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Through the wonder of technology, we get to hear stories of how our church was founded by our second lead pastor, the late Brother Jim Beall. The constant theme throughout the message is our desperate need for the Holy Spirit in our lives. Light the oven!The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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As we kick off the month of June, we look back on God's faithfulness over these past 90 years in our church. Our 90 year history does not bring us to completion. God is faithfully carrying on his work here.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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If we want to do the things that Jesus did, we must remain the vine. We need to draw near daily to God for a fuller, freer, and fueled life. Believers must remain in Christ in order to produce kingdom fruit.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Often times, we talk about the faithfulness of God in our lives. In today's message, Pastor Pat talks about our faithfulness to God. Many fall away and are devoted to the world. Remaining faithful to God's way leads to blessing and life.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Practical does not mean easy, it is that which is expressed in practice or action. Honoring God means putting love and mercy into practice. To move more and more toward Christ-likeness requires the ongoing practical application of His Word.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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You can't be great in the kingdom unless you are connected with the kingdom. Greatness in God's kingdom is not about position and power. It's about relationship and attitude. What's one characteristic of children that could help you on your journey of faith?The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life." Culture will tell you there are many ways to get to the Father and to get to heaven. However, Jesus tell us in John 14:6 that, "No one comes to the Father except through me."The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Sometimes we don't get a miracle. Sometimes God does not respond as we expect. Be a seeker, especially when a crisis comes in and rocks your faith. God does not tremble at our questions. God doesn't mind our questions when we come sincerely seeking. Your faith had a beginning, now build your faith.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Luke 20:25 He said to them, "Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Jesus spoke of a human government, and a higher order above human government, God's government. Jesus used a coin to remind his adversaries of a timeless principle: We've been made in the image of God. We bear God's image. The question we have to ask …
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Jesus responded to the Pharisees and teachers of the law in Matthew 5 saying, "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Sometimes we see ourselves as the Pharisees. We believe we are righteous on our own, however, all are in need of repentance. As Christians, we share the same mission, to call sinners. Jesus sacrificed His…
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Our pain and loss can sometimes prevent us from seeing God. We often will go to someone or something to give us relief. Jesus is standing there calling out to us. He is the resurrection and the life. Mary Magdalene heard him and responded. Will you?The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Who do you say I am is a question that everyone will have to answer. Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, and Jesus is our Savior. God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to take our place. Who do you say He is?The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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Jesus promised that he would not leave us alone, and that promise was fulfilled with the Holy Spirit. The promise wasn't to only have the Holy Spirit within us, but that we would be empowered by the Holy Spirit. The power is there, available. How available are you? How open are you to welcoming the connection? In times of trouble, when doubts rise …
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Do you love me? That is a question that Jesus asked Peter three times, and it is a question that we should put before ourselves daily. The way that we can answer is through our priorities, our commitment, and our actions.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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God is focused on your spirit and what is in your heart. His Word is true and life giving. Jesus is the bread of life and eternal life is found only through him.The weekly podcast of Bethesda Christian Church in Sterling Heights, MI
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