Let's Talk About Issues pertaining to #grief"that hits us everyday, #Coaching #Narcissism #spiriituality #IntercesoryPrayerWeekend #Coaching: Coaching has responsibilities. Discussion about coaching issues #The Narcissist: Do you know one? What do you know? Jesus Christ is Lord🎶 He rules, reigns, and is King and is coming again. Dr. Jones brings the weekend message on either the 1st, 3rd, or 5th weekends. .
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Ee make bad ones abd not so bad ones, then some are horrific. Negotiations need be about others not about you. In a Negotiation, there is planning, communicating and flexibility. Negotiations os in the bible too. Let's talk...
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It hurts, it's a loss of a relationship, and it's in the bible and Jesus is aware of it. Families are affected by estrangement. Boundaries must go up, we as believers must forgive, be patient, not prideful as God hates. This is deep grief but we turn it to Jesus Christ! He delievers. Let's Talk....
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John 15:5 (KJV) I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. In our lives we do too much, where we need understand, we cannot do anything without him. When we do too much. there will be consequences. We do too much because the flesh will.rise up. Jesus…
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Coaching as a Christian Coach has responsibilities to it's cients whether they are new coaches or coaches. Coaching is about accountability for both groups. Scriptures talk about how the Christian Coach should direct helping the new coach and coaches move forth in their journies. . Steps taken are the following: givijg structure,, giving an agreeme…
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Ending 2024 on this one. Oh yes, there's two types the Manic and the Hypo- .The manic get ready to spin on your head. It's like an annoying nat. You can breathe a bit with the hypo-one. The Narcissist, you know them, they are who they are. You might ask yourself with the manic one, how did I get myself with this one. Narcissist don't like treatment…
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God's grace is measured and every reason we need stay in his face for he has our lives in his hands.
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Emotions are easy to get unsettled and "hyped" up. They can produce strife and stress. A coach's duty is to help a coachee to be accountable for how they handle emotions intelligently and not to allow them to get out of hand. Let's Talk
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WIse Choices are beneficial abd should have wisdom. Wisdom cometh from the Lord. Make wise choices if you don't, you will regret what you have done. Wise Choices brings truth, and they are planned too.
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iN memory of Nancy McClennahan the Bible instructor who passed from breast cancer. Encouraging women to have breast exams
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iF one isn't careful they cam make a wreck within their life and without Christ a wreck will occur. There are areas we need to follow to prevent grief and wreckage. Let's Talk About it.
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That's more fascinating about the knowledge of the Kingdom of God. The one who knows Christ should be sounding the alarm of such beauty abd splender of such a sight to come. Oh how marvelous to know about such a place that awaits the Kingdom of God. Glory !"
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Coaching is only holding tge person accountable. We are also held accountable as well by God. If you are a coach it's important to have good not poor management skills. Jesus was about others, your job is to be about your coachee and why they talk to you, we need show support to them. Jesus supports us as well with truths . He has no respect of per…
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There is grief among Africian American women in academia. Its occurring in today's time. Some in the areas that caused rejection and caused pain. There is and still is blatant racism, agendas, jealousy and confrontations that are due to attempts to hinder the process. There are even fraudsters within the process, you may never knew who they were. T…
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We get caught up and we can't deny it. It may not be intentional but we do. We get caught up on things, people, money, the self. God knows us and what motivates. Don't get caught up on anything this world has to offer.
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iF we don't follow time in a simple way, grief will surface. Time is the essence for everything. Want things simplierabd not grievous follow through making things simplier.
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Ghosting is no explanations given to the one being ghosted It's disrespectful and should not be done by a fellow believer. It's a worldly thing and remember we are our brothers keepers.
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Not a popular subject depending on one's views . The Bible has reasons for divorce specifically bit society wants to see other areas thar justifies their reasons for getting divorce. Marriage is sacred abd it matters to God, ending up in an unjustified Divorce many need look at the seriousness of the matter. Let's Talk.…
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We reference holidays but Jesus didn't get enough reference in the 4th of July holiday and it's a day of freedom. All References should be given to Jesus EVERYDAY because it's his word that's going to stand forever. He deserves all praises.
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Addictions, we cannot just let go because we are fixated on that thing and it's almost like an idiot. Substance abusers, are not the only ones who get addicted, believers get addicted to things as well. Anything that takes all your energy a d time can force one into addiction. Addiction is grievous because we are are to never give anything more att…
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Remember the Narcissist is only about controlling you. They will make you think everything is on you. Why waste time arguing with them. Be assertive, don't tolerate, don't alter, connect with your supports.
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Words can hurt and can cause much damage. One loves what they say and sometimes honesty we need say not one word but keep the mouth shut. Let's be cons ious of what we say . Let's Talk.
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We all guilty pf it and that's wasting time. The days are evil and the enemy wants us to waste time to keep us from our purposes but your tome is significant with Christ and he will help us keep focus to keep him the center of his will and if you are wasting time, admonished to stop and keep your time purposeful and free.…
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Denial already someone wants to deny the truth. There are some it's haunting them. That's grievous because you may have feelings wanting to reconcil them. Just pray for those who exhibit this. Let's talk a little.
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There are those who believe they are better. They are elitist. You can't tell them anything. Narcissist are included in this as well. These people need Christ as well and yes, they also are leaders in the sanctuary. Don't judge them. Christ will do that. Just know you don't want to go this path. We all want to be better selves. No one is better tha…
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How often do we make acmess only because we have not resisted. Take aclisten James told about. RESIST that the enemy has to flee.
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Part 2 A Special Journey from Father and Son. Dr. Saleem Khan, Board Certified Psychiatrist, MD
Dr. Khan discusses about who he is and the impact of his newest book had on his life. Dr. Khan has experienced many years in his career impacting the adolescent industry through his skills and interventions with his patients and families. He gives a powerful message to the next generation and families as well.…
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Dr. Saleem Khan's presentation regarding his Journey sends a message to Fathers and how a son can follow in his "footsteps" Dr Khan was intuitive in the choosing of the title of the book. Dr Khan studied his fathers walk, his hats he wore and his life was impacted today. A must read and listen. Inspirational indeed. part 2 to follow.…
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You CANNOT SLICE OR DICE, The fact that WHO GOD IS and bringing his SON TO US is just enough to tear up a room with praises from bringing us to HIM. Giving us the Freedom and Joy to serve him in Spirit and truth. His love for us is Everlasting JUST Because JESUS! GLORY!
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A must to be freedom. It's required from Jesus to be set free. Unforgivenessvleaves scars, cpsin but we can get through with God's help. The choice to forgive is yours. Be free today
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Yes, there were and are childhood traumas that has occurred and trauma affects in different ways. There are signs in Traumas that some don't want anyone to know about and are difficult to manage. One needs be sensitive to traumatic experiences in ones life. Jesus is present in a time of such. Be supportive to one you know who experienced a trauma.…
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Whether in a relationship or in marriage with narcissists it's difficult to stay with them. Take a few tips.
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Christ wants ALL to come. The minute we listen to him and follow him, we can learn lessons. He's called you from a hot mess, because the moment when you 👂🏾 and said yes, you were accepted in the beloved. Glory!
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We make resolutions every year, it's a goal, an accomplishment, a desire or something we desire to occur. What does God has to say about your resolutions. Resolutions need be rephased to be Gods daily plan for your life. Half times we have such a long list, we forget. Commit the works unto the Lord and thy thoughts and they shall be established Pro…
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What's your shifting that you are experiencing are you questioning it? Are you like Moses asking God "Who Am I that will lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. Are you aware that you are in a shifting in your life and you have to be obedient and listen to the voice of God and leave all the other things behind. Take your shifting.…
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Financial matters hits us all. Like robbing Peter to pay Paul and there are other financial matters that can cause grief. Money need not get into the way of our relationship.with Jesus. Money can be problems to some. Let's talk.
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Lives of believers are full of shiftings. They are part of the plans God allows. The instructions must be adhered to, our faith, our ears and being obedient is a key through the shifting process.
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Grief applies in the area of caregiving because parents are living longer and children are faced with challenges regarding mental health challenges and diseases such as Dementia or Alzheimers. Darlene Nowlin, MSW, MHC, discusses the subject of grief and caregiving and the experience she's aware about. Let's Talk…
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Ever wonder about your relationship with the Lord and are you pleasing him. We want the heart of Giod..We all are in Gods heart. Let us pursue being a person after Gods heart.
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we often ask of the cause of adversity in life and even about the will of God. we question is the this and that what he wants? It's not a sin to ask God what his will is for your life. Dr Jones will talk about the subject of this message. It wasn't recorded on 11/4/23. Is this your will Jesus?
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Everyone has denied one day in their life. One don't want to face truth. Often times there is an under cover of guilt, shame and embarassment.Denial is definitely grief because it affects daily life and we live in a fallen world. Face the situation, whatever it is. The Bible in Luke and Matthew talks about denying yourself. I refer also to Grief to…
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Want some grief, burden others with uncovered life insurance issues. It's an important issue one gets secretive, critical about and even some are ignorant to it. Stop 🚫 this poor thinking and get real issues handled. You cannot afford not to be responsible with this subject.
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There will be moments in your journey encounters will occur. Obstacles may arise it may appear, you the one being punished but in actuality, God is using it to HELP someone else and maybe warn them too. Just knkw in it all, God has CONTROL!
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Yes there is grief in some re marriages basically because there is and was not ORDER. God word talks about remarriage and what he defines not what WE define. Remarriage has biblical approval and not reasons for a remarriage is in Gods will but it's the person who wants what they want. better think real hard about remarriage. Let's talk .…
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The yielding to narcissism entails control and basically wearing you out. You will have no say. The way you feel by yielding to a narcissist will make you feel grievous and it's important to seek professional help.
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Whatever God says it "goes" .Loving God says in loving him with the heart, mind and soul and the second commandment loving the neighbor as they self. God says it and he means it. What God says stand because God says so...
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Toxicity lies within Santuaries and people sit underneath toxic leadership. Many don't know. It's Grief. Let's talk.
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The heart of the Post is when the heart speaks what's within it. There are things within our hearts we need take note if. Dr. Jones.will expound on a few of these areas that impacts the heart.
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Graveyard visitations has negative and positive affects on people it's also in the Bible too. A topic one might avoid but grave yard visitations are performed for various reasons. Let's Talk.
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Everyone has challenges. Grief goes along with challenges because in challenges there can be grief.. In the Bible there are those who had grievous challenges but God was with them and he will be with us as well. Lets talk
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Plans,plans and more plans . We make plans but are they Gods plans. You want to make God laugh, make your own plans. Your plans will fail. Gods plans are perfect. Every one of them. You be obedient to it.
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