Your Ankeny Sports Resource
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Die kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages mit Anke Engelke und SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees.
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Un Minuto con John Ankerberg se escucha por toda la nación alrededor de 700 veces al día proveyendo respuestas rápidas del experto apologeta Dr. John Ankerberg. Este programa revitalizará tu entendimiento de muchos temas claves de la fe cristiana incluyendo tu diario caminar cristiano, la confiabilidad de la Biblia y tu conocimiento de Dios.
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The Ankerberg Minute airs nearly 700 times daily nationwide and provides quick answers from apologetics expert Dr. John Ankerberg. The Ankerberg Minute will boost your understanding of hundreds of key issues of the Christian faith including your daily Christian walk, the reliability of the Bible and what God is like.
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Podcast by Diabetes-Anker
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The John Ankerberg Show is a daily radio program that discusses the historical accuracy of the life of Jesus, the Bible and how current issues stand up to Biblical history and Christianity.
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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
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The John Ankerberg Show is a daily half-hour radio program and a weekly half-hour internationally syndicated television program using informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say. The programs are designed to appeal to a thinking audience of Christians and non-Christians alike.
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Let's talk about... Ankeny Community School District! Superintendent, Dr. Erick Pruitt is your host as he talks about all things Ankeny Schools with staff, students and community members.
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Ankeny Free Church Series Podcast. New Gospel-centered content and teaching from God's Word uploaded weekly!
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Welkom in mijn wereld waar we een feestje maken van het leven! Door ruimte te maken voor onze ziel hier op aarde. Want ‘we are souls having an human experience’ ; iets wat soms best ingewikkeld is maar wat veel makkelijker en zelfs supergaaf wordt als je ruimte maakt voor jezelf, voor je ziel, voor je purpose, power and pleasure.. ! Want alles is mogelijk en het leven is er niet om te overleven of geleefd te worden, het is er om voluit te leven!
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Tanken macht wieder Spaß! Aber nur in Ankes Tanke, wenn die Dame hinter der Kasse täglich Themen anspricht, die einen schon immer mal nicht interessiert haben. Zusammen mit ihrem Stammgast Stefan und dem Dauerkunden von Zapfsäule vier geht es um die wirklich, wirklich, wirklich wichtigen Dinge des Lebens. Wie zum Beispiel Linkshänder, der Besuch im Baumarkt oder Taylor Swift. Ankes Tanke gibt es Montag bis Freitag täglich neu im Programm von Hit Radio FFH und hier als FFH-Original-Podcast. P ...
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Das trans Radio wurde 2x ausgezeichnet mit der HörMöwe, Hörfunkpreis der nichtkomerziellen Bürgermedien | jeden 5. Samstag auf TIDE | #transgender #trans #fightpatriarchy #transrights
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We believe that it's no accident that you're at this podcast. In fact, we've been praying for you! To find out more about Lutheran Church of Hope, please look through our history, our values and mission, feel free to visit us at
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Podcast by Anker Dich
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“Alle ankers los helpt mensen om te breken met hun verleden door te werken aan de toekomst en het negatieve uit het verleden te vervangen naar een positieve toekomst.” Vele mensen lopen vast in het leven krijgen een depressie of een burn out. Ze hebben het gevoel dat ze niet meer vooruitgaan in het leven en soms zelf even achteruit gaan. “Mensen zijn als schepen soms door omstandigheden laten ze het roer los en dobberen ze doelloos rond tot een storm hun schip doet kapseizen of een ander hen ...
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FREE HUGS - eine Umarmung für die Seele. Der neue Podcast mit Anke Engelke und Riccardo Simonetti. Jeden Freitag überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. Anke Engelke und Riccardo Simonetti öffnen ihre Arme und nehmen dich mit in eine kleine Auszeit. Sie tauschen sich über Showzirkus und Alltag aus, teilen Anekdoten und Erlebnisse, und sprechen über berührende Momente aus ihren Welten. Free Hugs – die wöchentliche Umarmung für die Seele. Manchmal ein bisschen fester, manchmal ganz zart. Jeden Freitag. ...
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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In der Sendung "THE TIDE IS QUEER" stellten Paul und Joana schriftlich an Cornelia Kost eine ganze Reihe Fragen und veröffentlichten Ausschnitte davon in ihrer 11. Sendung am 12.11.2024 zu Trans Awareness & Selbstbestimmung mit Cornelia Kost und Mo: Paul und Joana sprachen die Fragen nachträglich ein und gemeinsam haben THE TID…
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Bij wie of op welke plekken raak jij vaak uit contact met jezelf? Ik denk dat dit heel menselijk is, dat je dit ervaart. Maar hoeveel fijner zou het zijn als je dat niet meer zouden hoeven te doen, en dichter bij je authentieke zelf zou kunnen blijven? Ik denk dat we een stuk geïnspireerder, creatiever, opgeladen en bewuster door het leven zouden g…
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Noch 10 Tage bis zum ersten Türchen, Anke wird langsam nervö (HIT RADIO FFH)
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A commitment to the Gospel means a commitment to God above all things. This week, we will see that commitment tested in ways we still face today. https://www.ankenyfree.churchAnkeny Free Church
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.c…
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.The John Ankerberg Show
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The John Ankerberg Show
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The John Ankerberg Show
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So langsam steht der Winter auf der Matte, das lässt Anke (HIT RADIO FFH)
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Heute ist der Kloschlüssel von Anke besonders gefragt, sie ist ganz von der (HIT RADIO FFH)
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Whenever the Bible speaks of suffering, war, or cataclysm of any kind we tend to assume it is speaking of God’s punishment. Jesus does not do that. Referring to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, “war and rumors of war,” he calls them “birth pangs.” This does not minimize the suffering and pain. It reminds us, however, that the birth pangs…
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.c…
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.The John Ankerberg Show
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The John Ankerberg Show
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Anke hat den (HIT RADIO FFH)
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The John Ankerberg Show
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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November 17, 2024 - Hope Ankeny - Building Hope for Tomorrow: HOPE: LOVE: The Greatest Gift!
Hope Ankeny - Sermon by Pastor Scott Rains from November 17, 2024Scott Rains - Hope Ankeny Pastor
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.c…
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.The John Ankerberg Show
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The John Ankerberg Show
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Anke liest heute alles, was ihr vor die Lesebrille (HIT RADIO FFH)
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The John Ankerberg Show
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In the latest edition of the Ankeny Fanatic weekly podcast sponsored by Coldwell Banker Mid-America and Revive Clinic and Spa, publisher Dan Holm recaps the state tournament and previews the Senior Volleyball Classic with coach Michele Quick, setter Katie Quick and outside hitter Carley Craighead of Ankeny Christian Academy, outside hitter Delaney …
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Anke hätte Interesse - passt ja zu ihren Fossilen (HIT RADIO FFH)
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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When schools, nonprofits like the Food Bank of Iowa, students, and dedicated staff come together, real change happens. Ankeny Schools Community Engagement Specialist, Madisen Gaskin hosts a roundtable discussion with Michelle Book, CEO & President of Food Bank of Iowa, Scott Litchfield the Director of Nutrition Services for Ankeny Schools, and Leah…
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To support this ministry financially, visit: John Ankerberg
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.The John Ankerberg Show
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The John Ankerberg Show
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Deutschland 2024, wenn Menschen stundenlang bei Wind und Wetter Schlange für eine Tafel Schokolade stehen, die 20 Euro kostet, was fällt einem da noch ein. Auf Stefan ist bei dem Thema bestimmt (HIT RADIO FFH)
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The John Ankerberg Show
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Acts: To the ends of the earth "The Spirit of God forming the people of God" | Pastor Todd Hessel | November 10, 2024
The church shares and cares for one another. Listen to how the Spirit empowers us to become the people of God. https://www.ankenyfree.churchAnkeny Free Church
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Heute dreht sich bei Anke alles um (HIT RADIO FFH)
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What does it mean to give everything when you don’t have enough to begin with? A widow’s offering of two small coins challenges everything we know about generosity, trust, and faith. In a world that devours us, how can we respond with faith that holds nothing back? What does it truly mean to offer our all?…
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.c…
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The John Ankerberg Show
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.The John Ankerberg Show
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Heute werden wieder die Laternen Gassi geführt und Menschen auf Pferden wollen einem die Hälfte ihres Mantels andrehen - Anke macht das irgendwie (HIT RADIO FFH)
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The John Ankerberg Show
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The John Ankerberg Show
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KW 46 (Mo) Ein Schiff ist noch draußen
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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Hope Ankeny - Sermon by Pastor Scott Rains from November 10, 2024Scott Rains - Hope Ankeny Pastor
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How will the next generation learn about the gospel? According to our guests, we are running the first leg of a relay race, tasked with passing the baton of truth to our children. They explain using four men mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 who successfully ran their legs of the race.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.c…
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The John Ankerberg Show
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