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The IRS uses the Form 990 to determine if a nonprofit is operating as a regulated public charity. Whether or not the organization generates a lot of revenue, they have to submit a form 990 to the IRS so that they know if your organization is operating as a tax exempt organization. Learn all the in's and out's of submiting your form 990 and the cons…
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Financial statemens help Funders determine a nonprofit's funding readiness. Independent Audits by Certified Public Accountants are what Funders use to get a clear picture of a nonprofit's financial situation. Audits can be costly. But also audits are for organizations at certain budget levels. Check out this episode to learn when you need an audit,…
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Quiet resignation by a generation that turns down 6-figure salaries + health benefits, retirement, and bonuses. What's the future of the nonprofit sector when it can barely provide their staff with part time positions at minimum wage. The impact for the nonprofit pipeline is dim. Learn what drastic steps need to happen to ensure the future and sust…
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Big problems require big solutions, stipends, honorariums, and lover offerings aren't enough to get you to the finish line. Learn how to stop undervaluing your programs and role as a nonprofit leader by accepting less than living wages for the work.
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1099 Part time employees are forced to live from paycheck to paycheck, no health benefits or opportunities for growth despite their dedication and loyalty to your organization. To keep them tethered to a spotty future is not rewarding their sacrfices to your organization and the community. Learn what every Executive Director should be doing to hono…
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Nonprofits these days are rarely unique. Funders ask "Who is your competior?" to see if you've done your research and have explored opportunities to collaborate. They're looking for a return on their investment. Learn how to respond to this question and how to leverage your research to increase your organization's impact in this episode.…
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If you're 2+ years in with your nonprofit and in the same place as you were last year (self-funding your organization), then you are asking the wrong questions. If you're still asking "How do I get grants?" or "How can I get this for free?" you're asking the wrong questions. A nonprofit is a business. You should be asking those who are where you wa…
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It takes more than a 501(c)(3) to get donations. Donors are asked 25 times a day for donations. Learn how to make your requests stand out. Get the secret formula for securing donations for your program, event, and organization with this one thing that seals the deal!
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Things go wrong in life. It's just the way it goes. The unexpected also happens when administering programs. Learn the appropriate way to respond to keep your organization from being suspended or ruining your relationship with funders.
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Every Executive Director needs a person who will hold them down - encourage, support, listen tell them the truth. Then there are people who Hold you Down. Literally, never have a positive thing to say. Always pointing out your short falls. Learn how to create a strong support system by increasing one and decreasing the other.…
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Networking in the nonprofit sector is important. Visibility helps nonprofits get in front of Funders and potential collaborators. Networking is not about showing your face in every space. It's about being strategic. Learn how to network effectively to increase capacity and maximize your time in the community.…
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Are you open to new information, receiving it in new ways, trying new strategies? Or do you push back. Do you find ways to Not Do what's being suggested. Do you find yourself saying, I've done that before. That's not being coachable. Being coachable is being open, trying new things. Learn how being coachable can help scale your organization.…
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If you've ever been in the situation where you've submitted a grant requesting a specific amount, but the Funder responded offering your organization much less than your request, you might be at a quandry at how to respond. On the one hand, some money is better than none, so you want to accept the reduced amount, but at the same time you know you c…
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AI is everywhere. You can't hide from it. If leveraged the right way, AI can be used to increase efficiencies in the nonprofit. Learn how AI might be used in the nonprofit to help increase capacity and fill gaps that struggling budgets aren't able to fill.
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How do Funders view volunteer-based and volunteer-led nonprofits? It may not be what you think? Funders are concerned with accountability, continuity, and consistency. Learn how to make your funder feel comfortable with funding your organization if it is volunteer-driven.
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Government grants tend to be large, multi-year grants. To the untrained eye, a government grant may seem like a great solution to your funding woes. While large multi-year grants are great there are a lot of compliance issues surrounding government grants that nonprofit leaders should be aware of before they pursue and land one. Learn what they are…
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The Nonprofit Board of Directors has its Fiduciary responsibilities to govern the organization. But what about the Advisory Board? Does it have role? It can. Learn the two ways to strategically leverage an Advisory board to help strengthen your nonprofit.
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We all have someting to offer, because we all have tried and failed, tried and won. With resources so limited in the nonprofit sector, we win by sharing knowledge and resources--not by competing. Let's pool our shared wealth of knowledge and insider secrets with those struggling to make this world a better place and fill the gaps that prevents our …
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Are you posting on IG like crazy, but not seeing any return on your efforts? It could be that your donors aren't on IG. Learn how to research and identify which platforms your potential donors are on and how to reach them for more effective fundraising outcomes. Meet your donors where they are. Nonprofit marketing and fundraising requires strategy …
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When you start a nonprofit, there is a huge learning curve. Many nonprofit leaders do things that don't align with industry practices and norms. Instead of addressing these missteps, they keep them in place, not knowling that they serve as red flags to Funders and nonprofit leaders in the sector. When you know better, do better. If you don't know h…
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There are times when nonprofits need to collaborate and times when they are in competition. It's important to understand when, how, and how best to cultivate collaborations, and when, how, and how best to set your organization a part from your competitors to win grants. Learn the in's and outs to powerfully set your organization up for success.…
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If you got into this thinking grant money was waiting for you. If you thought it would be easy (not a Real business). If you though you could just make stuff up and get funded. You picked the wrong business! Running a PROFITABLE nonprofit takes more work than running a for profit business. Learn all it takes to be successful as a nonprofit organiza…
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Funders don't know you from eve. All they know is what you show them. Words have meaning to the IRS. What are your coordinates? What street will your sign lead funders to? Stop making stuff up. It hurts you in the end. Learn what your lack of knowledge could be doing to your ability to generate revenue and how to change directions so that you lead …
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Are you at every community meeting? Do you sit on multiple committees? Join every rally? If so, ask yourself if those efforts are moving your organization forward? Chances are they are not. What they are doing is keeping you Busy. Learn how to develop a strategy that maximized your time and effort. Learn how to Stop Moving and start Being in Action…
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Be careful when accepting donations. Because they are tax deductible, individuals/companies are incentivized to donate. However, often these donations may not align with your organization's goals, may be obsolete and unusable, and end up costing the organization either in space, time trying to figure out how to use it, or money--getting rid of it. …
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You may have a mission statement, a budget, program descriptions, and a board of directors. But, are they Funder-Ready? Funders use the documents they request to weed out nonprofits. Learn what Funder-Ready means, and how to get there.
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Funders need to know if they cut you a 6-figure check, they will be able to determine if your nonprofit made an impact or not. They use the measures you set as the barometer for accomplishing your goals. Learn how craft measurable goals that help you tell your Success Story.
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Not getting funded? It could be how you describe your Programs and Projects. A Funder doesn't know you or the work you do. If you don't explain your programs in a way that shows ROI, you could be missing an opportunity. Learn exactly what it is a funder is looking for so you can increase your odds of securing funding.…
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There's a lot of conversation around the disconnect between the Full Costs of running a nonprofit and what Funders cover (90% Direct Cost v 10% Direct Cost). Learn the Funder's perspective behind funding a nonprofit's overhead and how it impacts your organization.
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Mission creep is when take money to administer programs that aren't aligned with your mission. You take the money to fill gaps. It's tempting but it's expensive: you need to hire staff, that takes away resources, but most importantly it distorts your IMPACT. Instead of chasing money, build out your organization to position it for consistent revenue…
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If you're struggling to move to the next level, you need to assess where your organization is. What stage? Be truthful. When you know what stage it's in, you can move to the next stage by checking off the foundational elements you have (or don't have). Don't check off the box to move forward. If you've been self-funding your organization, chances a…
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Funders look for proof of success when determining who they will fund. Get some quick wins: quotes, testimonials, praise from collaborators. Show your impact: Pre/Post Tests, graduations, Sign in sheets, number of clients served, food bags given away, volunteer hours transformations. Build a track record by demonstrating proof of impact.…
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An Org. assessment is like your vehicle 3,000 mile check up where you look under the hood to proactively catch issues early, before they become costly. Lift your head up, get out the weeds. Make sure your programs are relevant. Make sure your staff is happy. An assessment helps you stay in the know, prioritize, and develop a strategy to get you bac…
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Nonprofits compete for a small pot of money. Funders aren't handing out money to any nonprofit just because they have a tax exempt status! They select the most qualified nonprofits to fund. "Qualified" comes down to Proof. In this episode, learn how to define, capture, quantify, and demonstrate Proof to Funders to increase your chances of being sel…
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Ever wonder why we haven't moved the needle on most causes plaguing society? With over 1.45 million nonprofits in the US you'd think we'd solved some of our problems. There are plenty of reasons, and some simple solutions. Check out this episode for some insights on the plan for how to solve the big problems (hint: it requires some Big Solutions!)…
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Funders fund programs, not businesses. It's not their responsibility to cover business expenses, yet 90% of Founders and Executive Directors expect them to. Keeping them in poverty mode. Learn what the Funder's Perspective is, why it matters, and what you should be asking funders for so your proposals are funded (and how to cover the rest!).…
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Are You Struggling to Fill Your Programs? There could be many reasons why. Marketing, need, a change in your community. What can and should you do to address a drop in your enrollment? Take a listen to this episode for ways to address how to get more butts in the seats in your programs!
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Do Your Descriptions Clearly Reflect Your Mission? Funders use your mission and program descriptions to determine alignment with their funding goals. With so much at stake, don't risk getting screened out of a funding opportunity because you didn't understand how important clear, measurable, and targeted descriptions are. Learn more in this episode…
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If you're thinking about starting a nonprofit but aren't sure if you should or shouldn't, this episode will help you to decide. Starting a nonprofit is starting a business. If you think you will "get a grant " to start a nonprofit - then, No. You shouldn't start a nonprofit. If you have at least $25K to start your nonprofit, then yes, you should. I…
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Is it time to dissolve your nonprofit? if you're constantly self-funding your organization, and your "We" is really "You", if you don't have paid staff and your volunteers won't pick up your call. And you're delivering the same programs, with no growth or innovation. But mostly, if you're sacrificing YOU to give to your community with no compensati…
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Funders don’t just write checks because nonprofits ask for support. They need to be inspired and believe their money will make a difference. The Statement of Need is an essential tool for demonstrating need. Without the justification, Funders will not support your cause. Find out how to validate the need in your community; what goes into a Statemen…
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Did you start your nonprofit organization because you thought it would be easy? Or, you thought you'd get grants to help you serve your community? People start nonprofits without understanding that there are rules that must be followed, infrastructures that must be in place, and systems that can produce information, in order to qualify for funding.…
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*Originally published on November 1, 2021*In this episode, Amber explains why "Nonprofit" doesn't mean "No Profit." A nonprofit is a business (it's just a business with a philanthropic purpose), and every business has expenses. That's why nonprofits MUST generate revenue to cover those expenses. *It is the organization's responsibility to cover bus…
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How do you get grants as a start-up? You’re competing against organizations with long track records. Learn what you must have, do, and how to get them before applying and getting rejected for grants.
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How to qualify for grants? Funders request financial statements to help determine eligibility. How do you produce the financial statements? You need systems in place that track, monitor, and produce reports both the IRS and Funders need. Learn what they are and how to create them.
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