Studio AIK Live är ett studioprogram som sänds live på AIK+ & numera också släpps som podcast.
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Thoughts and ideas for the aikido practitioners and any martial artists interested in martial arts history, training, strategy, and growth.
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Oasis Church, located in Aiken, South Carolina, welcomes you to join us weekly for sermons by Pastor Ray Popham.
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If you want to know what is going on in Aiken, where to eat, what to do, or a little history about the town, Brian Katonak will bring you a weekly podcast about the South’s best small town-Aiken, South Carolina
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Praise the Lord! New Life Ministries of Aiken is Apostolic in belief and Pentecostal in experience. We are impacting our city, one soul at a time. This podcast will deliver the weekly sermons, presented by Suffragan Bishop Gerald Haynes in Aiken, SC.
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Joosefin kertomuksen kolme eri tasoa: Puhuttelevan ja opettavan elämäkerran, Joosef Kristuksen esikuvana sekä heijastumat juutalaisten tulevaisuuteen. Joosefin kirjaa avaa lähetyspastori Niilo Närhi.
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Pikaopas kristinuskon tielle ja lukuisille sivupoluille. Tervetuloa kelailemaan kristinuskon perussisältöjä ja ihmettelemään sitä, miten ikuinen sanoma kääntyy tähän päivään. Luvassa on faktatietoa, puhetta asiasta ja asianvierestä, naurua ja tietysti heresiakello.
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Kobe Bryant interview Cover art photo provided by TJ Dragotta on Unsplash:
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Welcome to Aikay McAwesome, where amazing things happen.
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Teacher Aik in holiday
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Todo sucesso esconde grandes flops - tem gente que deixa bem escondido na fan base e tem quem faz um podcast pra rir disso. 🤷🏽♂️ A cada novo episódio, os flops que todo mundo já viveu algum dia. No instagram @Aikflop
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Aventuras y desventuras de @miyashiropro , nacido en Perú, en Japón
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This is a weekly podcast discussing current issues in the world of Aikido and our trials and tribulations in our art.
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Aikuisen miehen ajatuksia, kelvollisia ja kelvottomia - mutta ajatuksia kuitenkin. Aiheina ympäröivän maailman antamat ajatuksen aiheet.
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Yli rinteen – seikkailuja aikaansaamisen lähteillä
Yli rinteen – seikkailuja aikaansaamisen lähteillä
Podcast by Yli rinteen – seikkailuja aikaansaamisen lähteillä
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Marcel Proust: Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä. Pakenija, Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä -kirjasarjan suomennoksen yhdeksäs osa. Suomentaja: Inkeri Tuomikoski. Radioteatteri lukee Marcel Proustin Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä, kymmenestä niteestä koostuvan upean romaanisarjan, jonka Proust kirjoitti vuosina 1908-1922. Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Ranskassa vuosina 1913-1927. Se on kehityskertomus, kertoo elämästä äärimmäisen yksityiskohtaisesti ja analyyttisesti mutta myös a ...
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Just 2 common sports fans giving you the hard knock opinions.
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Comedians Aiko & Taylor Williamson have silly conversations about Japan, Japanese culture and everything else.
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Hablaremos de temas relacionados con el Aikido, en Argentina y el mundo. Historia, actualidad y tendencias. Esperamos que lo disfruten! Si te gusta nuestro contenido, nos podés invitar un cafecito, te dejamos el link:
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This is Sonalee, venturing into the podcast world. Where I will be talking about mee, that’s not a spelling mistake, in fact, it actually says what exactly it’s going to be like. People like to listen to stories about celebs, but what if we tell our own stories? No fabrications, no scripts, no edit or no filters it’s all non-fiction. It will be a candid conversation every single time, a one-take sharing of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and of course gossips, that’s why I’m calling it “Sonalee S ...
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Welcome to Aik Kahani, here you will find Urdu audio stories developed for all ages but especially for children from ages 7 to 12, one of the most important stages of our lives where what we learn, do, and act upon stays with us until the end, so it's much better to learn the good things earlier. Aik Kahani can help kids differentiate between the useful and the useless which can affect the growth of a child and help them learn values through mental activities that will make them smart, produ ...
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New episodes every Saturday! In this podcast Aaron and Lindsay sit down with cigars and talk being a mom and dad, husband and wife, and business owners. We'll also discuss homeschooling, starting an online business, current news stories that are worth a comment or two, and everything in-between. Submit your questions and we'll answer them on the next episode!
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Election 2020 is here and the countdown to our future has begun! But before we put any misplaced trust in the people trying to lead us, Politicon is recruiting our fellow Americans to see if they have what it takes! Join our moderator Clay Aiken and the live audience on set and on the web as they grill an all partisan panel of the sharpest, funniest, and most innovative minds in politics, media, and comedy to see if they’re the ones we should have running things-- and what they think about t ...
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Axel Insulander, Zinar Spindari, Adelisa Grabus & Elin Pettersson
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Joosefin kertomuksesta löytyy heijastumia hänen kansansa juutalaisten tulevaisuuden tapahtumiin. Ohjelmassa käydään läpi muutamia esikuvia.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Joosefin vaiherikas elämä heijastelee monin tavoin Kristusta. Ohjelmassa tutustutaan keskeisimpiin yhtymäkohtiin ja esikuviin.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Jumalan suvereenin johdatuksen seurauksena perheensä pelastanut Joosef nukkuu pois ja antaa määräyksen viedä luunsa Egyptistä kansan lähtiessä kohti luvattua maata.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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147 vuoden ikään päässyt patriarkka Jaakob siunaa profeetallisella siunauksella poikansa nuorimmasta vanhimpaan. Ohjelmassa käsitellään Juudan ja Joosefin siunauksia.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Löydämme Joosefin pojat Manassen ja Efraimin isosisänsä Jaakobin siunattavina. Jaakob asettaa yllättäen nuoremman pojan esikoisen edelle.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Pitkään henkisesti ja hengellisesti hukassa ollut patriarkka Jaakob kokee voimakkaan uudistuksen ja kohtaa poikansa, jonka oli luullut kuolleen.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Koeteltuaan veljiänsä Joosef paljastaa identiteettinsä ja julistaa heille anteeksiantamusta ja luottamustaan suvereeniin Jumalaan.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Joosef asetti velipuolensa koetukselle ja sai vihdoin kohdata ainoan kokoveljensä Benjaminin.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Noin kahdenkymmenenkahden vuoden eron jälkeen Joosefin myyneet veljet päätyvät viljanostomatkallaan hänen eteensä.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Kolmekymmentävuotias Joosef korotetaan äkillisesti Egyptin pääministeriksi ja saa tehtäväkseen varmistaa kansan selviytyminen tulevasta nälänhädästä.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Kun Joosefin kykenee selittämään faraon hoviherrojen unet, toivo vapautumisesta herää. Juomanlaskijan unohtaessa hänet jää jäljelle vain Jumala johon turvautua.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Joosefin orjuus vaihtuu väärän syytöksen tähden vankeudeksi. Käsittämättömien tapahtumien keskellä Jumala on kuitenkin palvelijansa kanssa ja ohjaa tapahtumien kulkua.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Jaakobin perheessä tikittänyt aikapommi räjähtää, kun Joosefin veljet antavat patoutuneelle vihalle vallan ja myyvät veljensä orjuuteen.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Miksi Joosefin ja Jaakobin perheen piti päätyä Egyptiin ja viettää siellä yli 400 vuotta?Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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Joosefin kertomuksen kolme eri tasoa: Puhuttelevan ja opettavan elämäkerran, Joosef Kristuksen esikuvana sekä heijastumat juutalaisten tulevaisuuteen. Joosefin kirjaa avaa lähetyspastori Niilo Närhi.Avainmedia Lähetysjärjestö ry
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All martial artists progress, but only some progress to the point where they internalize what they learn to achieve a high degree of prowess. How do you you do it? This podcast talks about why, when, and how should you do it. For more information about Spirit Aikido Online: Paypal tipjar: https://www.paypa…
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Pastor Ray's continues the series Apprehended. Apprehended is a 7 Part Frame work for being able to have, cease and apprehended for whatever you want in your life. This week’s message, “Forward” Join us as we explore how to step into the life God has planned for you with clarity, faith, and purpose.Oasis Church Aiken
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Med: Axel Insulander, Johan Hove & Elise Eriksson
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Pastor Ray's continues the series Apprehended. Apprehended is a 7 Part Frame work for being able to have, cease and apprehended for whatever you want in your life. This week’s message, “Press” Join us as we explore how to step into the life God has planned for you with clarity, faith, and purpose.Oasis Church Aiken
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Sunday Message 3/9/25
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Studion besöks av Ordförande Mikael Jomer och supportern Juho Bah.
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It's March, and that means horses in Aiken. The first event is this weekend at McGee's Mile for the Aiken Harness races. Brian interviews the owner of the event, Janice McGee. Also, an update on what's going on with the Hotel Aiken development.briankatonak
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Sunday Message 03/02/25
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Sunday Message 02/23/25
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Pastor Ray's continues the series Apprehended. Apprehended is a 7 Part Frame work for being able to have, cease and apprehended for whatever you want in your life. This week’s message, “Focus On The Direction You Are Going” Join us as we explore how to step into the life God has planned for you with clarity, faith, and purpose.…
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Apprehended: Pursuit
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1:02:10Pastor Ray's continues the series Apprehended. Apprehended is a 7 Part Frame work for being able to have, cease and apprehended for whatever you want in your life. This week’s message, “Pursuit” Join us as we explore how to step into the life God has planned for you with clarity, faith, and purpose.Oasis Church Aiken
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Med samtalsledare Jesper Norberg, VD/klubbdirektör Fredrik Söderberg & finansdirektör Håkan Strandlund.
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Ep. 200: When is a Martial Art Too Specialized? - with Matt Stait
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1:25:52Our discussion covers many reasons why martial arts become too specialized, sometimes to their detriment. How do we spot it and what can we do to make sure our art doesn't become impractical or irrelevant. For more information about Spirit Aikido Online: Paypal tipjar:…
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Sunday Message 2/9/25
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This week’s message, "Purpose" Join us as we explore how to step into the life God has planned for you with clarity, faith, and purpose. Join Us In Person If you're in the Aiken area, we invite you to worship with us in person! Our Sunday service is at 10:30 AM and is also available online via Aiken Oasis Facebook, YouTube, or the Church Center App…
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Danilo Al-Saed och Alexander Fesshaie är med direkt nerifrån lägret i Marbella. Axel Insulander & Juho Bah i studion.
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Sunday Message 02/02/25
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This week’s message, "Vision" Join us as we explore how to step into the life God has planned for you with clarity, faith, and purpose. Tune in tonight on Solid Rock Radio, available through our website or app. Join Us In Person If you're in the Aiken area, we invite you to worship with us in person! Our Sunday service is at 10:30 AM and is also av…
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Studio AIK Live: Lukas Syberyjski, Athanassios Papadopoulos & Axel Franzén
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1:06:48Med AIKs chefs- och assisterande tränare Lukas Syberyjski och Athanassios Papadopoulos. Dessutom med Radio Skytteholms Axel Franzén.
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Ep. 199: Aikido's Past and Present with Marcus Encel
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1:45:14An in depth conversation with a long time aikido instructor who trained under some of O'sensei's primary students. We talk about how aikido and training has changed over the long span of time and under different influences. For more information about Spirit Aikido Online: Paypal tipjar: https://www.paypal.…
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Sunday Message 01/26/25
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Sunday Message 01/19/25
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This week’s message, "A Changed Mind," lays the foundation for an inspiring journey over the coming weeks. Pastor Ray will unpack a faith-based framework to help you: Discover how to "apprehend" what you truly desire in life, aligned with God’s purpose. Embrace the promises and unique design that God has redeemed you to fulfill. Join us as we explo…
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I studion: Axel Insulander & Jalle Hinderson. På länk från lägret i Benidorm: Kristoffer Nordfeldt & Jere Uronen.
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I talk to Beth Eberhard Who is on the board at Southern Pickleball Academy, an organization that helps promote the sport of Pickleball in Aiken. If you wanna learn about the sport and where you can play it, you must listen to this episode. I also break down the year-end numbers for real estate in Aiken County.…
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Apprehended: Spirit Change
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1:00:15This week’s message, "Spirit Change," lays the foundation for an inspiring journey over the coming weeks. Pastor Ray will unpack a faith-based framework to help you: Discover how to "apprehend" what you truly desire in life, aligned with God’s purpose. Embrace the promises and unique design that God has redeemed you to fulfill. Join us as we explor…
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This week’s message, “Change Makers,” lays the foundation for an inspiring journey over the coming weeks. Pastor Ray will unpack a faith-based framework to help you: Discover how to “apprehend” what you truly desire in life, aligned with God’s purpose. Embrace the promises and unique design that God has redeemed you to fulfill. Join us as we explor…
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Sunday Message 01/05/25
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Open Hearted Open Handed Living: Generous Heart
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1:05:27"Open-Hearted, Open-Handed Living: Generous Heart Tonight at 7 PM EST, don't miss the replay of Pastor Ray Popham's as he continues Open-Hearted, Open-Handed Living. Today's message is Generous Heart. You can tune in on Solid Rock Radio through our website or app. Join Us In Person If you're in the Aiken area, we invite you to worship with us in pe…
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Pastor Ray Popham's Christmas message, The Fullness Of TimeOasis Church Aiken
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Sunday Message 12/22/24
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