Let's face it, sometimes the world feels broken. We can see what needs fixing, yet more and more, it feels like the problems are too big and the bad guys are winning. But the truth is, they’re not. They’re just hoping we stop fighting. Welcome to Assembly Required with Stacey Abrams, a new podcast from Crooked Media and Democratic changemaker Stacey Abrams. Stacey knows better than anyone that societal shifts happen when a group of ordinary people decide that a problem is solvable, and are w ...
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L'émission projet
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Jeff Abracen, a Montreal-based Communication & Storytelling Coach, Pitch Consultant, Creative Director & Public Speaker, talks with brilliant minds who are disrupting and influencing their industry, in their way.
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Toda la información que necesitas saber para hacer de tu trabajo un lugar digno, para tener más y mejores derechos y para que tus ingresos sean razonables, lo escuchas en este itinerario mañanero a través de las principales plataformas de podcast. Analizamos el impacto de la política y la economía en el mundo del trabajo. Además, todos los jueves publicamos historias de un barrio céntrico y multicultural de Buenos Aires que podrían ocurrir en cualquier parte del planeta.
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Somos a Associação Brasileira de Linfoma e Leucemia (ABRALE), uma ONG que tem por missão oferecer ajuda e mobilizar parceiros para que todas as pessoas com câncer e doenças do sangue no Brasil tenham acesso ao melhor tratamento. Dispomos de vários serviços gratuitos para o paciente e a sua rede de apoio e trabalhamos as questões relacionadas à educação em saúde da população e dos próprios pacientes. ABRALE CAST é mais um canal da Abrale para você aprender sobre a sua saúde, de uma forma desc ...
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My name is Zach Abramowitz and I am Legally Disrupted. This podcast covers the trends disrupting the legal profession. Once a mild mannered practicing attorney, I now am an entrepreneur and investor in disruptive legal startups. My company, Killer Whale Strategies, helps law firms, legal departments, and anyone else capitalize on the wave of disruption sweeping over the legal industry. Join me as I spotlight key players, significant trends, and innovative companies who are shaking up an age ...
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Les belles histoires de l'oncle Jean et ses Ciné-Buddies. Le podcast sur la magie du Cinéma. Le réalisateur/podcasteur Jean Veber est tombé dedans quand il était petit. En compagnie de super invités/co-hôtes , ses « Ciné-Buddies », et souvent aux côtés de son père le cinéaste Francis Veber, il écrit une lettre d'humour au 7eme art et à la Pop Culture en général. Plus qu’un simple show, abracadaPod c’est un esprit ludique et informatif, un véritable network de programmes présent sur toutes le ...
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Occult, History, Conspiracy, Violence. Host, Jon Towers pours a giant drink and tackles topics weekly. Sometimes dark, sometimes mysterious but always entertaining. Jon presents the information in a conversational but edgy tone and struggles to add context and often levity to these examinations of dark magic, the mysteries hidden in dusty old books, forgotten myths, unknown stories of our past, politics and pop-culture and plots from secret organizations and elites. In realms (occultism and ...
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Welcome to The ABR Podcast, produced by Australian Book Review. Released every Thursday, The ABR Podcast features a range of literary highlights, such as reviews, poetry, fiction, interviews, and commentary. Subscribe on iTunes, Google, or Spotify Podcasts, or whichever app you use to listen to your favourite podcasts. For more information about ABR, visit our website, www.australianbookreview.com.au
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Time das Oito - Mario Sergio Cortella, Natuza Nery, Sergio Abranches, Wálter Maierovitch e Andreia Sadi
Um timaço de comentaristas analisa fatos relevantes e ajuda os ouvintes a compreender o mundo.
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Sermons & teachings from the Seed of Abraham Messianic Jewish Congregation, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
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Historia, ciencia, divulgación... comunicando para mentes inquietas. Desde 1996.
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Wolne tłumaczenie częściowych materiałów, pochodzących z seminariów i spotkań z publicznością na żywo.
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After producing podcasts for comedians such as Jim Jefferies, JoKoy and Theo Von host Isaac Abrams steps up to the mic to bring you his take on Hollywood, Comedy and Photography
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Estamos no meio da revolução digital. Durante esse período, pode ser desafiador filtrar todo o hype e descobrir o que funciona, o que ainda será viável daqui a dois anos e o que contribui para a sua organização. Muitas organizações de TI precisam de ajuda com mensagens confusas e tecnologias conflitantes. Nós ajudamos as organizações a filtrar o ruído e abraçar a transformação digital. O mundo da transformação digital está em constante mudança e você precisa saber o que é viável hoje. Ouça o ...
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Ongoing actual play of The Expanse Roleplaying Game based on the books by James S.A. Corey. Follow the crew of the Sin Claire as the future history of humanity unfolds around them in the Solar System and beyond. Game Master John Bultena weaves tales of the folk on periphery of the major powers work their machinations on the fate of humankind. Join cast members Donna Prior, Scott Mitchell, Michael Hsiung, and Claire Lewis on their adventures in this hard science fiction setting using the AGE ...
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Have you ever felt so hurt and/or disrespected, but just couldn't understand exactly why or how that could happen? Have you ever felt taken advantage of? Have you ever put in so much work, maybe even gotten praised for it, but you started to feel burnt out? Do you find yourself living a life, that looks nothing like what YOU would love for it to be? Well, if you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, you've come to the right place! Boundaries and More helps you identify areas where you ...
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cuap-cuap isu populer kelas warkop
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Podcast da Abraccine (Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Cinema).
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The unofficial weekly drabble competition in the Elite Dangerous forums.
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Welcome to the podcast abrar imam podcast where amazing things happen
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Desenvolvimento pessoal, social e não-verbal para pessoas inteligentes!
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abrar ulamin
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Estamos en plena revolución digital. Durante este tiempo, puede resultar desafiante filtrar toda la exageración y encontrar lo que funciona, lo que seguirá siendo viable dentro de dos años y lo que aporta a tu organización. Muchas organizaciones de TI necesitan ayuda con mensajes confusos y tecnologías conflictivas. Nosotros ayudamos a las organizaciones a discernir entre el ruido y abrazar la transformación digital. El mundo de la transformación digital está en constante cambio y necesitas ...
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A best of the week's episodes from The Dan Abrams Show on Sirius XM's POTUS 124. The motto of the show is "where politics meets the law." Everyday Dan, a lawyer and media entrepreneur, analyzes the biggest news stories of the day from a legal perspective. With so much of today's breaking news having a legal component, Abrams digs into the issues with a team of experts, including former federal prosecutors and high-profile legal experts. In addition to Abrams' unique insights into the legal s ...
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Newly moved in girl to Mumbai has an unreal supernatural experience. Is it her imagination or something more real than reality?!!
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Welcome to the Abraham podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Periodístico con la conducción de Horacio Abadie y Leo Sanguinetti.
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¿Te gustaría mejorar tu vida y tus relaciones y ser feliz en el amor? Este es un podcast semanal en el cual el Dr. Rafael Ramos, psicólogo, trata temas (en solitario o en entrevistas a colegas) que nos ayudan en nuestro desarrollo personal. El objetivo es conversar como amigos sobre aquello que nos impulsa a crecer como personas y/o en nuestras relaciones de pareja o de todo tipo. Hablamos sobre amor hacia otros y hacia nosotros mismos, autoestima, soledad sana y salud emocional y psicológic ...
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Novos contextos trazem novas limitações e novas permissões. Como perceber estas mudanças e nos prepararmos para o novo sem nos preocuparmos com julgamentos de terceiros e sim focarmos em nossas próprias buscas. Enfim, sobre a busca de nossa melhor versão.
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Iniciativas que podem ser adaptadas para melhorar o dia a dia das pessoas.
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Sandy Abrams serves up shots of Breath & Mindfulness to help you tap into the power of your BREATH in small moments everyday. Just like we choose the kind of coffee or tea that we drink (from decaf/herbal to triple shot), we should choose how we breathe because mindful BREATH helps us create that specific energy from calm to balanced or boosted. You'll soon see that your first nourishing breath of the day can be just as coveted as that first sip of morning coffee. How do you take your breath ...
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Unpopular opinions on popular subjects a Rated-R podcast for mature adults only
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Application of the word of God
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Know Your Risk Radio with Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Bulwark Capital Management
Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
Do you know how much risk your retirement portfolio is actually exposed to? Whether it’s preservation of capital or an aggressive growth strategy, every investor needs a clearly defined RISK PROFILE. Host Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer at Bulwark Capital Management, will cover all types of investment vehicles and you’ll learn what investing looks like when portfolios aren’t influenced by the corporate objectives of the big banks and Wall Street brokerage houses. Subscribe to the podc ...
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Living in the new world order
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Wanna laugh? Or relax ? Or enjoy the randomness? Then you’re in the right place if you’re looking to smile and feel at ease, please make yourself at home 💕
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Daily meditation from the throne of Grace to inspire your day.
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Um pouco sobre tudo.
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Welcome to my podcast. In here you'll find various talks about gaming, depression and some other problems within the society. Have fun.
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Abraham Rodriguez
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This week on The ABR Podcast, Ebony Nilsson unearths the letters that Robert Menzies received from the Australian public during the 1950s Petrov Affair. Letters included everything from warnings to exhalations of relief to expressions of concern for the Petrovs’ dog. Ebony Nilsson is a historian of migration and security during the Cold War and the…
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Zach and Chase break down the daily dots from today's action.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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Ángel vende flores en la Plaza Manzana 66, justo en la salida de la estación Venezuela del Subte. Hace más de 20 años que trabaja en el barrio, es querido por los vecinos y colabora con la comunidad. Sin embargo, esta semana sufrió un operativo de desalojo por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad. 💬 Escuchá su historia en primera persona y conocé la r…
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In this episode, Zach and Charlie delve into the rapid advancements in AI, particularly in the legal tech sector. The discussion transitions to the increasing caliber of entrepreneurs in legal tech and the acceleration of innovation in the field. They reflect on the evolution of legal AI from 2015 to 2023, noting the shift from mere ideas to full-b…
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Para o STF, três ministros não estão impedidos de processar e julgar Bolsonaro. Teremos processo justo?
Wálter Maierovitch fala sobre a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal de manter os ministros Alexandre de Moraes, Flávio Dino e Cristiano Zanin no julgamento da denúncia contra o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro pelo 8 de janeiro. Ouça!
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Sharing another podcast we can’t get enough of: Your Mama’s Kitchen. It’s a show about cuisine and culture, ingredients and identities, and the meals and memories that make us who we are. Host Michele Norris talks to Michelle Obama, Glennon Doyle, Gayle King and so many other guests about the complexities of family life and how their earliest culin…
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💔 ¿Por qué algunas relaciones se acaban a pesar del amor? 💔 Nos enseñaron que el amor lo puede todo… pero en la vida real, no siempre es suficiente. En este episodio, vamos a desmentir la idea de que amar alcanza para sostener una relación y hablar de las herramientas emocionales que realmente hacen que el amor funcione . 💡 Hoy aprenderás:✔️ ¿Cómo …
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Marduk Bowed, Episode 18: Into the Jaws of Life
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1:51:45The crew boards the Zoe Auspex, a cargo ship in orbit around Tesoro Rosso. The goal, finding survivors and what exactly happen to the colonists of the Nod system. Abraxas' Precipice is an actual play of The Expanse Roleplaying Game by Green Ronin Publishing. based on the novels by James S.A. Corey. It airs live on Wednesdays at 6pm PST on twitch.tv…
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Zach and Chase break down the daily dots from today's action.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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Get ready to embrace a path of joyful liberation. This episode is your official call to action. Drawing from personal experience and years of coaching others, I reassure you that while the thought of establishing healthy and effective boundaries can be daunting, the reality often brings instant relief and empowerment. Let's dive in! CLICK HERE to l…
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Cine con Historia: La India - La Tertulia de El Abrazo del Oso - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
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2:00:41Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! La industria del cine en La India es la protagonista de esta tertulia para mecenas de El Abrazo del Oso nacida después de los dos programas que hemos dedicado en nuestro podcast a la historia de este país-civilización, como lo he…
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Mario Sergio Cortella faz uma reflexão sobre o racismo no futebol. Comentarista destaca a fala do presidente da Conmebol, Alejandro Domínguez, que disse que uma Libertadores sem clubes brasileiros seria como ‘o Tarzan sem a Chita’.
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Many of us get to a point in our lives where going back to school seems like the next move. Everyone else is doing it, but will further education actually further my career? Will those thousand of dollars actually pay off? In this episode, we weigh the costs and benefits of pursuing higher education as an adult. Intellectual capital matters, but mu…
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Zach and Chase break down the daily dots from today's action.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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Send us a text Tapping into the power of your breath—whether in moments of joy, stress, or uncertainty—gives you control over the emotions and energy you experience. In this episode, we explore how intentional breathing can shift your state in real time, helping you create the feeling you want. From calming nerves to boosting joy and presence, your…
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E19 - Leya Just Rebranded As Legora: Chris Williams, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Community at Legora
In this episode, Zach speaks with Legora's head of strategic partnerships and community, Chris Williams, about the rebranding journey and the strategic role of Legora in the AI-driven legal tech landscape. The discussion covers the responsibilities of his role, the transition from selling no-code, low-code platforms to generative AI, and the signif…
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Zach and Chase break down the daily dots from today's action.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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Artist Jessie Rules | Ep 171
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1:15:12Welcome back to *The Isaac Abrams Show*! This week, we’re excited to have the talented artist Jessie Rules as our special guest! Get ready to dive into the world of creativity and art with an engaging discussion that goes beyond the canvas.#theisaacabramsshow #Jessierules In this episode, Jessie shares her artistic journey, the inspiration behind h…
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Feliz Dia de São Patrício! Transformação digital para a semana de 17 de Março de 2025, incluindo notícias sobre Computação de Borda, Inteligência Artificial e Cibersegurança. Descubra como a fusão da computação de borda e IA está revolucionando indústrias ao possibilitar a tomada de decisões em tempo real, melhorando a segurança e transformando o f…
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¡Feliz día de San Patricio! Transformación Digital para la semana del 17 de marzo de 2025, incluyendo noticias de Computación en el Borde, Inteligencia Artificial y Ciberseguridad. Descubre cómo la fusión de la computación en el borde y la IA está revolucionando las industrias al permitir la toma de decisiones en tiempo real, mejorando la seguridad…
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Encore Podcast: Continuing through the Book of Matthew - starting at Matthew 17:14. This message was given by Messianic Rabbi Frank Davis during our Saturday Shabbat Service on May 6, 2017.Messianic Rabbi Frank Davis
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The start of a three part meditation on what the government does with the food it takes off our table, the shoes it takes off our kids feet, and all the things we pass up in order to pay our taxes. In some alternate reality the people we trust to be responsible stewards of our sacred tax dollars take their job very seriously and reverently apply th…
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La Independencia de La India
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2:26:26La historia reciente de La India, marcada profundamente por el desastroso colonialismo británico, nos lleva hoy a tratar de entender un inmenso país-civilización que, inmerso en sus contradicciones, pugna por alzarse en un mundo multipolar en pleno cambio. Las terribles desigualdades que lastran su sociedad, junto a la ola reaccionaria nacionalista…
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Conversamos con Silvia Collin, presidenta de la Junta Comunal 3, sobre los principales desafíos de Balvanera y San Cristóbal. En esta entrevista, abordamos temas clave como: ✅ Obras en Av. Independencia y mejoras en espacios públicos ✅ Seguridad en la Comuna 3 y falta de personal policial ✅ Dificultades en la gestión comunal y desafíos presupuestar…
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KINOPOD. BORSALINO (Avec Philippe Setbon, Jeff Domenech, David Bolling et Jean Veber)
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1:23:49Les Ciné-Buddies s'attaquent à "Borsalino." Likez et abonnez-vous à la chaine abracadaPod sur Youtube, merci.Podcast by Jean Veber
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Zach and Chase break down this week in the market.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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Zach and Chase break down the daily dots from today's action.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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Conversamos con Fabiana Puente, integrante de la Mesa Promotora del Consejo Consejo Consultivo sobre la última asamblea ordinaria y le decisión de un agrupación de vecinos de armar un organismo similar.
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O procurador-geral Paulo Gonet recorreu da decisão do ministro Dias Toffoli que concedeu a Antonio Palocci impunidade. Para Wálter Maierovitch, Toffoli desconsiderou um 'secular princípio de Direito': 'Numa canetada, revogou um secular princípio de Direito, mencionado até por Aristóteles, e adotado no nosso direito e no direito internacional: pacta…
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Our nation’s veterans are being disproportionately impacted by the Trump administration’s assault on government agencies, from cuts to the VA, to job and funding reductions across the board. Not only have Republicans turned their backs on those who have dedicated themselves to serving our country, they are also doing damage to a constituency that w…
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🛑 ¿Cómo saber si tus relaciones son sanas o te están drenando? 🛑 No solo en el amor, sino en la amistad, la familia y el trabajo, las relaciones pueden ser fuente de bienestar… o de agotamiento. Aprender a construir relaciones sanas es una habilidad clave para una vida plena. 💡 Hoy hablamos de: ✔️ Cómo reconocer si una relación es sana o tóxica. ✔️…
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'Attention, Please!' A Peter Rose Poetry Special
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1:12:49This week on The ABR Podcast, we bring you a special poetry feature. With Editor Peter Rose’s imminent departure from Australian Book Review and the publication this month of his seventh poetry collection, Attention, Please! (Pitt Street Poetry), eighteen poets and critics read from Peter Rose’s extensive body of work, dating back to 1990. Readers …
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Zach and Chase break down the daily dots from today's action.Jerry Nash - Todd Herman Show
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In this week's episode, Dan confronts Investigate Reporter Daniel Boguslaw who wrote a hit piece on Dan’s Luigi Mangione MAX Documentary. Dan also touches on CNN refuting the Rogan-Musk conspiracy theory that the network may have been "tipped off" on the Trump assassination attempt as well as Trump triggering a trade war with new tariffs on Canada,…
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In this episode, I'm diving into understanding how personal boundaries manifest in our daily lives and why it's crucial to recognize them for our emotional well-being. I share personal experiences and practical steps to help you pinpoint what it looks like in your life. Let's dive in! CLICK HERE to let me know how the show's been working for YOU or…
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Mujeres perversas en la literatura - La Tertulia de El Abrazo del Oso
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2:08:47Las vampiras, las lamias, el pecado original. Lilith, las brujas, la madrastra del cuento. La Femme fatale que supone la perdición de los hombres. Mujeres perversas responsables de las mayores calamidades que el mundo ha sufrido. Así las han dibujado tantos a lo largo de la historia de la literatura para sentar las bases del pensamiento de las soci…
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