Michael Wirbitzky und Sascha Zeus haben sich ab 2024 mit ihrem Wechsel von der SWR3 Morningshow zur Sendung SWR3 MOVE am Nachmittag einen wohlverdienten Wunsch erfüllt: Sie können jetzt endlich wieder ausschlafen! Und sind damit noch munterer für diesen Podcast: Ein großer, dicker Bayer und ein kleiner, schmaler Rheinländer machen große, dicke Gags und kleine, schmale Gemeinheiten.
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Storming Beast Type Soul A Must-Have Accessory
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Just an average dude from Chicago.
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A platform of empowerment, encouragement, entertainment, and all around good energy. From one god to another. Enjoy
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Um grupo de amigos que mistura filosofia com qualquer coisa.
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Discussions on life and fun.
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We are talking about Zeus this time. Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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Welcome to the Zeus Osorio podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Retail automotive, marketing, business, sales, start-ups and more. Let's talk challenges and solutions!
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We talk with experts in the battery technology field to discuss the ins and outs of energy density, battery storage techniques, Zeus battery products and more!
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Comedy Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zeusdownshow/support
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On a journey to not be slave to my own logic... Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tommy-brown2/support
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Episódios quinzenais. Preparem-se para conhecer todo panteão mitológico e descobrir que mitos não são apenas contos de ninar. Focado em desenvolvimento pessoal e expansão de consciência, usaremos a mitologia para mergulhar nos mistérios ocultos dos símbolos e seus significados físicos, psíquicos e espirituais. Vamos aprender a importância dos mitos na vida e até nos sonhos e...que Zeus nos Livre da Inconsciência!
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Stories, tales, fables, Pearl's of wisdom and anecdotes of my life. Past, present and future. Cover art photo provided by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@pawel_czerwinski Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/michael558/support
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Zeus Plug - a Doctor Who podcast series discussing each new episode of Doctor Who as it broadcasts, as well as special one-off episodes in between series. Made in New Zealand. Broadcast to the world.
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Recording from the Olympus Ink Tattoo shop in Topeka, KS. Brian Harmer and Dave Parrett (Owner of Olympus Ink) decided that they shoot the breeze enough that they would record it and see where it went. Join us as we talk about tattoos, movies, and everything in between.
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Although commonly used as a noun, Bruce views the word Zeus when used as a verb to indicate a sense of growth from the pits of despair and empty vessels of ignorance to mountain tops of hope and knowledge. Topics include philosophy, sociology, psychology, culture, mindset, and everything else. Interviews with humans from all walks of life are included to broaden our perspectives. At its core, Zeus with Bruce is about Embracing Wisdom and Rejecting Ignorance.
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"Let's navigate towards our higher selves, together." — Hey! My name is Athena Zeus, and I'm the host of Let's Get High, a podcast I created that focuses on self-love and growth; and as I share my experiences as I live them, it's with the faith that it'll help someone. Get in bitches, we’re healing! 🚗💨 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/letsgethigh/support
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Warum bleibt die einfach stehen? Warum schläft der rechts? Und warum ist da kein Komma? Echt jetzt!
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Was sind das für Fenster? Wer hat denn den jetzt gewählt? Und wer faltet denn so was? Echt jetzt!
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Wieso hatte der denn 3? Warum kommt der als Müllmann? Und warum ist da Harz? Echt jetzt!
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Wo ist eigentlich unser Rottweiler? Wo ist eigentlich mein Handy? Und wann wird Siegfried endlich eine Frau? Echt jetzt!
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Was will der mit dem Rettich? Warum stoppt die App nicht? Und warum geht die Kastanie nicht kaputt? Echt jetzt!
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Wieso geht der Fernseher nicht? Warum gibt´s Klara gar nicht? Und wer füllt den Branntwein nach? Echt jetzt!
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Was wiegt die Zeit? Warum hat es nicht gepiept? Und warum sind die Haare so kurz? Echt jetzt!
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If you're a Type Soul player, the Storming Beast Type Soul accessory is essential for leveling up your character. Not only does it boost your stats, but it also gives you an edge in intense battles. Available on ZeusX. For more information visit - https://zeusx.com/game/roblo/23/in-game-items/storming-beast-neck-type-soul-accessory-6373537…
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Wer braucht denn die Sark-Flagge? Warum ist es da so sauber? Und warum fragen die nicht den Scholz? Echt jetzt!
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Warum kann der nicht aufhören? Wieso blinkt der nicht? Und warum zur Hölle sind hier so viele Menschen? Echt jetzt!
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Wo geht´s hier zum Schamanen? Wieso macht der so gar nix? Und wo ist der Schlüssel? Echt jetzt!
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Warum drehen die sich nicht um? Wohin mit dem Kaugummi? Und warum war die geladen? Echt jetzt!
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Warum riecht der Hund so? Warum ist die Wurst nass? Und warum geht da keiner ran? Echt jetzt!
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Warum riecht der so? Warum schwimmen die nicht schneller? Was steckt denn da im Buch? Echt jetzt!
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Wie macht´s der Neandertaler? Warum ist da Asbest drin? Und wieso ist die so teuer? Echt jetzt!
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Was ist das denn für ´ne Uhr? Was läuft denn da aus dem Müllbeutel? Und was will die mit dem Ei? Echt jetzt!
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Please Do the right thing Mr. President!
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Joel Brown interviewed me at his home in California. We talked about the drawbacks of porn, why men are struggling, and what can be done to navigate this immense challenge. Joel Brown runs "Influential Coach," an international coach training and coaching business certification company. Joel shares Mindset Advice, Dating & Relationship Advice, Tools…
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Wieso weint der denn? Wo guckt die denn hin? Womit pinselt denn der? Echt jetzt!
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INTERVIEW - Unleash Your Inner Zeus For Social Intelligence, Mindset & Dating
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The Grateful Giraffes interviewed me on dating, mindset, and social intelligence. The Grateful Giraffes are a vibrant global community of 800+ members who value gratitude, wellness, and impact and are spiritual yet grounded. They come together to co-create meaningful experiences while building a community-owned lifestyle brand dedicated to human fl…
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"Wheeling and dealing and rolling through life." Tune into this episode with Motivation Speaker Francisco Oller Garcia. Connect with Speaker Francisco through the following Linkedin --> https://www.linkedin.com/in/francisco-oller-garcia Instagram --> https://www.instagram.com/vitamincisco Stay in the loop with my NEWSLETTER https://mailchi.mp/zeusw…
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What does somatic mean? Tune into this episode with Somatic Coach Valerie Rubin. Connect with Coach Valerie on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/healwithval/?hl=en Stay in the loop with my NEWSLETTER https://mailchi.mp/zeuswithbruce/zeus-with-bruce Join 35+ subscribers to Zeus With Bruce. Every Friday morning, we send you a recommended book, p…
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Wo ist die Salz-Pistole? Was kosten die Trauben? Und wann ist denn jetzt Abseits? Echt jetzt!
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Was sammelt denn der? Warum nur 5 Minuten? Und warum gibt´s da Kölsch? Echt jetzt!!
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Wo ist der Staubsauger? Wo wollen Sie mit dem Schirm hin? Und wie läuft´s im fliegenden Bereich? Echt jetzt!
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Is that an AirPod or your cum hanging off your ear?
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Wer sägt denn da? Wer bläst denn da? Und was ist denn da im Rucksack? Echt jetzt!
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Being a man requires... WHAT? In today's ever-changing world, being a man is not only difficult to define but nearly impossible to embody. Listen to Bruce's take on How To Be A Man. Stay in the loop with my NEWSLETTER https://mailchi.mp/zeuswithbruce/zeus-with-bruce Join 30+ subscribers to Zeus With Bruce. Every Friday morning, we send you a recomm…
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