Aujourd’hui, nous sommes submergés d’infos, néanmoins nous prenons rarement le temps d’aller au-delà des gros titres. Nous connaissons tout… mais en surface. Et si chaque jour, nous zoomions sur un mot nouveau pour vraiment le comprendre ? Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Learn about traditional Zen and Buddhist teachings, practices, and history through episodes recorded specifically for podcast listeners. Host Domyo Burk is a Soto Zen priest and teacher.
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Santa Fe, NM
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Do you like Video games, Comics, Movies and Much More. Well do we have a Podcast for you. Give us a follow. Welcome to Zeng This!
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Listen to Zengeen+ Podcast 5 days a week on Zengeen Podcast is the life hack of real economics and the experience of Anas Ebraheem
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Informationen und Hintergründe für die Kantone Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Zug.
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"The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things"
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The Upaya Dharma Podcast features Wednesday evening Dharma Talks and recordings from Upaya’s diverse array of programs. Our podcasts exemplify Upaya’s focus on socially engaged Buddhism, including prison work, end-of-life care, serving the homeless, training in socially engaged practices, peace & nonviolence, compassionate care training, and delivering healthcare in the Himalayas.
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Dharma Talks given at San Francisco Zen Center
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Presented by the Mountain Rain Zen Community based in Vancouver, BC. Featuring talks by our guiding teachers Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton, and other guest speakers. To learn more about our community, explore our extensive teaching archive, and offer your support, visit
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Spisovatelé Štěpán Kopřiva a Jiří Pavlovský se baví o zajímavých žánrových autorech. Detektivky, noir, drsná škola. Obsahuje spoilery.
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CZT is a church where Christ is at the center.
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Dharma Talks from the Everyday Zen Foundation
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Rinzai Zen Dharma Talks given at the Seattle Zen Temple Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji or other locations associated with Chobo-Ji.
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Sok jó zene kis helyen is elfér! Zenei utazások Marosi Viktorral térben és időben. Beszélgetések előadókról, előadókkal, előadásokról. Mindenről, ami a zenéhez köthető.
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Talks from the Sydney Zen Centre about Zen Buddhist practice.
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Welkom bij zengeluiden, een podcast van De missie van is om zoveel mogelijk mensen te faciliteren in duurzaam geluk door middel van zen. Dat doen we dagelijks in veertig meditatiecentra in Nederland. Maar ook met deze podcast. Wij zijn Janneke Koch en Arthur Nieuwendijk. We gaan in gesprek met beginnende en gevorderde beoefenaars over hun persoonlijke ervaringen met zen en zenmeditatie. Wat inspireert hen, wat zijn hun uitdagingen, hoe geven ze vorm aan hun leven en hoe kunnen ...
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A unique dog training podcast sharing a peaceful approach to raising your dog with Zen. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & dog lover & Gordon Fontaine, master dog trainer & founder of Zen Dog Training.
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Der Podcast von Choka Sangha
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A dharma talk given at the Windhorse Zen Community by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei. Sunya Sensei was sanctioned to teach by Roshi Philip Kapleau, founder of the Rochester Zen Center. These talks are straight to the heart of zen. For more information, see our website,
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Hírstart robot podcast - Film, zene, szórakozás
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A peaceful place for vegetarians, vegans and the veg-curious to share tips for living a more compassionate plant-based lifestyle.
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Santa Fe, NM
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Podcast by Chicago Zen Meditation Community
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Sunday Talk Archive
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Zena Dell Lowe is a seasoned and engaging teacher with a passion for writers and storytellers. Her focused, concise, and practical episodes (all roughly 20 minutes) not only explore the nuts and bolts of the craft, but also dive deep into the inner life of the artist and the "why" behind creativity. If you believe that story matters, you'll want to give this podcast a listen.
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Dharma talks (teisho) from Eiryu-ji Zen Center in Wyckoff, New Jersey
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Dharma Talks at the Ordinary Zen Sangha, a Zen Meditation Practice Center located in Sarasota, Florida. Please help us if you can. Our programs and events are only made possible by donations from our supporting members. Donations Link... Thank you for listening, Will Rauschenberger, Abbot
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Every week, Erik Torenberg, Dan Romero, Antonio Garcia Martinez and frequent special guests discuss what's happening in technology, business, politics, and beyond. Moment of Zen is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more:
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Nature & White Noise | Relax, unwind, and find your inner peace with Audio Zen Garden 🧘 Enjoy natural sounds like birds, water, fire, wind, rain and animals, along with white noise, meditative bells, ASMR, sleep sounds, relaxing instrumental music, healing sound frequencies and so much more; My Audio Zen Garden offers you an oasis of calm for your mind, body, and soul. Just press play on any episode and easily unlock your Zen! Join our Zen Community: Subscribe now to our Podcast to listen fo ...
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Dharma talks by senior teachers, including Sensei John Pulleyn, Sensei Donna Kowal, and Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede. The Rochester Zen Center was founded in 1966 by Roshi Philip Kapleau, author of 20th century Zen classic, The Three Pillars of Zen.
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Monthly Dharma talks by Tenshin Fletcher Roshi at Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center. Yokoji is a year-round Zen Buddhist Training Center in the Southern Californian mountains.
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Lectures, talks, and classes on Zen Buddhism from Shogakuji Temple, Berkeley Zen Center, in Berkeley, California, USA.
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Dharma Talks from Boundless Way Temple in Worcester MA
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given at the Zen Buddhist Temples of the Buddhist Society for Compassionate Wisdom (BSCW). The BSCW is a North American Buddhist order founded by Ven. Samu Sunim, a Korean Zen master. The Society's Dharma work promotes the non-dual gate of awakening in everyday life. For more information, visit
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szétszedjük a zenét, megnézzük milyen belülről
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The Ordinary Mind Zen School Sydney podcast consists of Dharma talks given by Geoff Dawson.
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Eine der ersten und bis heute wichtigsten Moscheen in Deutschland.Das Islamisches Zentrum in München war einer der ersten Moscheen, die grundlegende Arbeit für den Islam in Deutschland und deren Infrastruktur geleistet haben.Es hat als einer der ersten Moscheen einen deutschen Imam eingestellt und Bücher und Vorträge auf Deutsch angeboten.Unsere Vision ist es, dass Muslime das Leben der Menschen in Deutschland bereichern.Dies möchten wir erreichen, indem wir den Geist der Sahaba wiederbelebe ...
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Trading In The Zen is designed to help financial traders achieve their peak state and find consistency.
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Zen Commuter is about meditation and how it can improve the quality of your life. Thom Walters speaks with acclaimed meditation teachers, authors and everyday practitioners, to help listeners understand how to start a mindfulness habit, as well as keep it going. Along the way he discusses topics that help listeners cultivate a calmer, wiser and happier life. Come join Thom Monday through Friday to deepen your meditation practice.
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Weekly public talks recorded live at the Angel City Zen Center
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Zenki Christian Dillo Roshi is the Guiding Teacher at the Boulder Zen Center in Colorado, USA. This podcast shares the regular dharma talks given at the Center. Zenki Roshi approaches Zen practice as a craft of transformation, liberation, wisdom, and compassionate action. His interest is to bring Buddhism alive within Western cultural horizons while staying committed to the traditional emphasis on embodied practice.
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A podcast of original teachings and music by Zenkai Taiun Michael Elliston Roshi, guiding teacher of the Atlanta Soto Zen Center and abbot of the Silent Thunder Order.
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Listen to all things IT, tech and Zen, covering everything that matters to our customers and the hot topics of the day.
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Quiet your thoughts, take a deep breath, and experience pure mindfulness & relaxation with A Zen Mind Guided Meditations & Visualizations 🤍 Journey within to connect with your highest potential 💫 Let go of the thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you, and welcome healing, inner peace, wisdom, and harmony within🕊️ ✨ New meditations uploaded every Wednesday 💗 With Love & Light, xo Jo More from A Zen Mind🌼Follow me on Instagram✨ 🕉️ Get More Meditations Each Month
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Koan but Were Afraid to Ask
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1:08:26Tenshin Roshi talks about the koan system used in the White Plum Asanga.Tenshin Fletcher Roshi
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durée : 00:03:42 - La chronique de Benjamin Tranié - par : Benjamin TRANIé -Benjamin TRANIé
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Dharma talk by Melissa Myozen Blacker, Rōshi, on March 25, 2025Melissa Myozen Blacker, Rōshi
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Wisdom & Non-Attachment, Part 1
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1:01:31Talk and study session by Eran Junryu Vardi Roshi of Eiryu-ji Zen Center in Wyckoff, NJ, USA on 3/23/2025.
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Epizoda 65: Václav Erben (feat. Michal Jareš)
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2:03:02Kapitán Exner, doktor obojího práva, "zoufalý noční poutník" a přízračně elegantní playboy je jedním z nejslavnějších českých detektivů - a právě jemu a jeho tvůrci se budeme věnovat v tomto dílu Rudé žně. Spisovatelé Štěpán Kopřiva a Jiří Pavlovský debatují o zajímavých žánrových autorech - a tentokrát si opět přizvali hosta, básníka, literárního …
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Books and the Internet aren’t the only way to learn about plant-based recipes and tips or cruelty-free products. Magazines can be great resources as well. Let’s take a look at some of the best vegetarian and vegan magazines available. Vegetarian Zen is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a monetary commission. Addi…
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Recorded on March 8, 2025 at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY. The BZC Podcast is offered free of charge and made possible by the donations we receive. You can donate to Brooklyn Zen Center at under ‘Giving.’ Thank you for your generosity!Brooklyn Zen Center
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In this Wednesday Night Dharma Talk, Chris Senko Perez explores the wisdom of the Diamond Sutra’s with humility and insight. Drawing from various commentaries, he investigates how this ancient text points to the fundamental truth of “exactly this here right now.” Parez shares his own struggle with feeling inadequate to address such a profound text,…
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🙏 This meditation is a weekly reset, a space to release the past week and welcome the new one with gratitude. This practice invites you to shift your focus, embracing the week ahead with an open and grateful heart - becoming truly magnetic to all that is heading your way. Through gentle guidance, you’ll reflect on what you’re thankful for, let go o…
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ZED (Zen Engaged Dharma) Talks tell how a sangha member’s practice extends into everyday life. Zen priest Onsen Kerr from Middle Way Sangha in Victoria discusses how her art practice is one of realization and disruption. "How can Art & Zen co-exist, and for whose benefit? __________________________________…
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2025.03.23 adásnapló
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2:00:00adás archívumTilos Rádió
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Welcome to Zen Commuter and day four of Tricycle Week! Today, we’re diving into a topic that challenges the way we see productivity and rest—laziness. Is laziness a real obstacle, or is it simply a rejection of society’s constant push to always be moving? We’ll explore the three aspects of laziness and question whether what we call “being lazy” is …
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In der Einleitung zu Koan 91 des Hekiganroku fordert Engo Kokugon jeden von uns auf, trügerische Verhaftungen wie Ärger, Schuld und Scham sowie irreführende Vorstellungen zu transzendieren. Denn nicht der Mensch ist unser Feind, sondern seine Verstrickungen. Was natürlich auch für uns selbst gilt. In jeder Situation können wir wählen, ob wir hasser…
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Erik Torenberg and Samo Burja discuss the complex relationship between Mexican drug cartels and the country's political system. Samo explains how cartels operate not as insurgencies but as business entities with deep connections to Mexican elites. The discussion covers the economic impact of drug trafficking, how legalization affects cartel operati…
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Shuso Laura Trippi gives the eighth talk of the “Living by Vow” 2025 Series on ‘Forms in the Expanded Field” to the Dharma Seminar as the focus of the Everyday Zen 2025 Practice Period. These lectures reference Shohaku Okumura’s book “Living by Vow; A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts.” Suggested donation: $7 https://bi…
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In this behind the scenes special from our first ever training ango, Dave puts on his sensei hat to give a lecture on the fundamental Buddhist teaching of the Two Truths. Part 1 of a two part series! Next week Sara will show and tell her homework as she puts the philosophy into practice with a personal talk on where the rubber of theory meets the r…
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Dharma Talk by Anjali Jacques Oule at the Toronto Zen Buddhist Temple, February 23 2025
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This talk is a guided meditation that is part of the commentary on Dogen's fascicle "Shobogenzo Zenki – Undivided Activity." Instead of continuing with the line-by-line commentary, it takes a step back and points to the mind, from which we need to listen to Dogen's writing if we don't want to get lost in its apparent contradictoriness and complicat…
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In this episode, we sit down with Bob Martin, who shares simple and effective ways to improve your trading mindset, learn how to stay focused, boost your trading confidence, and handle market stress like a pro.Trading In The Zen
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Curative Fantasies by Ordinary Mind Zen SchoolOrdinary Mind Zen School
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In all the mystical traditions of various religions, love is oft discussed, but it is seldom mentioned in Zen Buddhism. In this recent teisho from early March of 2025, Roshi Sunya Kjolhede discusses how love can be a tricky word to define or experience—but also how wholehearted Zen practice helps dig up the concrete of views and judgements to redis…
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Anuj's Dharma Talk 3.10.25 by Chicago Zen Meditation CommunityChicago Zen Meditation Community
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“Bodhisattva Samadhi” is Repose and Bliss.
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Not floundering in dread and resentment, but rising to the occasion in these difficult times when we really don’t know what will happen. Teisho by Sensei John Pulleyn. Automated Transcript The post Living in Interesting Times appeared first on Rochester Zen Center.Rochester Zen Center
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Dharma talk by Ted O'TooleFile Size: 13903 kbFile Type: mp3Download File
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Almost everyone who practices meditation or mindfulness encounters the phenomenon of the wandering mind – when, despite your conscious intention, your mind is filled with thoughts that have nothing to do with your current experience. You can employ various techniques to let go of the thoughts and “bring the mind back” to your meditative object or t…
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Zen Dog Training Episode 42: What To Do About The Zoomies Jason Connell and Gordon Fontaine discuss what to do when your dog gets the zoomies! Recorded: 01-29-25 Studio: Just Curious Media Partner: Zen Dog Training Hosts: Jason Connell Gordon Fontaine #justcuriousmedia #zendogtraining #mrjasonconnell #gordonfontaine #pets #puppies #dogoftheday #dog…
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In this talk, Valerie begins with poetry as a portal to the language of koans, a language that uses words to go beyond words. Koans don’t just describe or express the reality of who we truly are. They offer a turning word – a seed of awakening – that can open our eyes to that fundamental reality right in our midst. The talk will turn to case 12 in …
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Relax and unwind with this episode of Campfires: Stoked and Popping Campfire. Enjoy the comforting sound of crackling wood, sizzling embers, and the occasional pop of fire. Perfect for creating a cozy, peaceful atmosphere while studying, meditating, or simply enjoying the warmth of nature's rhythm. Let the fire’s sounds bring you calm and relaxatio…
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Genjo Marinello Osho presented this Teisho during the March 9, 2025 Zazenkai held at Chobo-Ji. This talk delves into a crucial path that can assist us in transcending our troubled selves and fostering a profound connection with the essence of our being.
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A talk given at Berkeley Zen Center on Saturday, March 8th 2025 by Dōshin Dan Gudgel.Dōshin Dan Gudgel
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