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The Westerosi Primer

Elizabeth L

Are you a fan of Game of Thrones? Never read the books? No problem! Check out this podcast where the host, Liz, discusses about some of the things you missed out from the books! If you're interested in this podcast or the fandom, check out the website (https://www.thewesterosiprimer.com) to find out more! Sign up to the newsletter for the latest updates to the podcast or website. Artwork by Art - https://www.fiverr.com/lordoflogos Music by Cloud Road Music - https://www.cloudroadmusic.com/
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Aus "Das Erste Mal in Westeros" wird "Betreutes Bingen" der Serienpodcast! Was passiert, wenn jemand, der Game of Thrones oder The Walking Dead nie verfolgt hat, die Serie das erste Mal schaut und die Folgen anschließend mit einem Nerd diskutiert? Richtig: Absurde Vorhersagen, krasse Emotionen, lustige Kommentare und interessante Gespräche über mögliche Plot-Holes und Fan-Theorien. Alicia Joe hat viele Serien komplett verpasst und nie geguckt. Naja, bis jetzt. Denn Tim, seines Zeichens fanat ...
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Radio Westeros ASOIAF Podcast

Radio Westeros

George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF) novels are our focus: Analysis and theories, readings, adverts from Westeros, music from the fandom, guests, and more, with your hosts yolkboy and Lady Gwynhyfvar. Radio Westeros is the only radio station this side of Asshai... Spoilers all books! Support: patreon.com/radiowesteros Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Westeros Tierra Querida

Westeros Tierra Querida

Este podcast es se trata de ver televisión con amigos, específicamente Game of Thrones y House of the Dragon. Los domingos por la noche vemos cada nuevo episodio y elegimos a cuatro amigos (entre varios) para grabar una conversación sobre el show. Si te interesa hacer parte de este «club de lectura», sólo tienes que estar al día con HOTD.
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South Side Westeros

Duane Paul

Valar Morghulis! Join us as we explore the deep, dark secrets of Westeros. New & Innovative perspective on the Game of Thrones TV series as well as in-depth coverage of the upcoming House of the Dragon series. Valar Dohaeris! Contact: Email: southsidewesteros@gmail.com Website: Home | South Side Westeros IG: Southsidewesteros (@southsidewesteros) Twitter: South Side Westeros (@Sswesteros) / Twitter Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southsidewesteros/ Donate:Buy me Coffee: Sswesteros Patreon ...
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EW's West of Westeros

Entertainment Weekly

The Game of Thrones isn't over. HBO's blossoming franchise is expanding with multiple spin-offs, starting with this fall's House of the Dragon. Entertainment Weekly's Westeros gossip columnist Nick Romano and resident maester Lauren Morgan are here to unpack it all. Join them and their special guests weekly as they dig into everything in the Game of Thrones universe, both what happens on screen and behind the scenes, in the books, and much more. West of Westeros launches August 21st followin ...
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show series
King Aerys II had Brandon Stark seized and imprisoned on charges of treason, but Lord Rickard declared he would stand for his son in a trial by combat. Yet instead of an honorable duel, the Mad King declared that House Targaryen’s champion… would be fire. We take on the full, horrifying story. Bonus Eps & More -⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ www.patreon.com/h…
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Die Grippe verwandelt das Gefängnis nach wie vor in eine Todeszone, doch erst mal gibt es Konsequenzen für Carol. Hershel gibt sein Bestes als Seuchen-Doktor, doch am Ende sterben trotzdem viele. Und während alle denken, das sei schon schlimm genug, taucht der Governor mit neuem Bart und alten Problemen wieder auf... Nächste Woche besprechen wir 2 …
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In the second installment of LG and Friends, originally streamed live on YouTube, we welcome Maester Merry in conversation about Arya's second chapter in AFfC. Support us! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Welcome to the season 2 finale episode! In this episode, Liz shares some final thoughts and does an overview of House Targaryen. She makes plenty of references to episodes from this season. So be sure to listen to those first or you will hear spoilers! She includes some references to real world history and personal commentary when reflecting on the…
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This is part 3 of 3 of the Nymeria series, but this episode works as a stand-alone! We cover the unification and Conquest of Dorne by Nymeria and Mors Martell and her reign afterwards as the first Princess of Dorne. A scripted episode with lots of maps and art, and (correct) captions/subtitles! Scroll down for timestamps. Descript:https://get.descr…
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A project with this exact name "Ten Thousand Ships" is in development at HBO as of 2021. GRRM's version of the Odyssey is here! We've got Brindled Men, wyverns, killer diseases, ancient cities, corsairs, dark gods... Plus characters like Daenerys, Missandei and her brothers, Victarion, Barristan Selmy, and his new knights. Originally published Nov …
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Eine neue Staffel, ein neuer Zeitsprung und neue Haustiere! Die Gefängnistruppe hat mittlerweile Gemüse angebaut und lässt es sich gutgehen, doch da steht die nächste Katastrophe vor der Tür: Eine tödliche Krankheit breitet sich aus. War Daryl in seinem früheren Leben Tankwart? Und warum verhält sich Carol wie ein Pilzgeflecht? Es ist mal wieder Ze…
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Recently named as an "in development" project for HBO! Foreshadowing for ASOIAF via the Rise & Fall of the Rhoynar! Includes: Greyscale, Darkstar, Water Wizards, the Water Gardens of Dorne, Volantis, dragons and much more. Special thanks to Michal Schick of Vassals of Kingsgrave podcast for the voices. Video available on Spotify. Originally publish…
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Join Liz in the final chapters of the Targaryen dynasty as she discusses the reigns of Jaehaerys II and Aerys II. She welcomes new listeners and announces a brief hiatus to prepare for season three. The discussion starts with Jaehaerys II, his early life and his marriage to his sister Shaera. The episode also includes his father's attempts to forge…
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Dunsen, Raff the Sweetling, Queen Cersei, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn… Valar Morghulis. A look at Arya’s kill list that she calls a prayer. The origin of the list, those she’s killed, those killed by someone else, theories on who might be added… and of course those still alive. Bonus Eps & More -⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Könnte es sein, dass die Ricktatur heute zu einer echten Demokratie wird? In diesen letzten Folgen von Staffel 3 geht’s richtig zur Sache: Rick und der Governor treffen endlich aufeinander – und Überraschung, sie werden keine besten Freunde. Währenddessen bekommt das Gefängnis neue Mitbewohner, Glenn macht Nägel mit Köpfen, und Daryl muss sich mit …
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Join Liz as she continues her journey through Westerosi history! The episode starts with a welcome to new listeners. Liz shares updates to the Targaryen Kings poll. Do you agree with what your fellow listeners think? Do you disagree? Let your opinion be known by answering the poll yourself! Head to https://www.thewesterosiprimer.com/king-poll and j…
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Each of the younger Starks received a direwolf, and each of them have skinchanger talent… But talent is not skill. We look at each Stark’s experience with skinchanging thus far while theorizing about their future. What happens when the Starks are reunited and begin to discuss their abilities? Included are wolf dreams, the connection the Starks feel…
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Rick und seine Gruppe kämpfen an mehreren Fronten: Während Daryl sich entscheidet, mit Merle eigene Wege zu gehen, wird das Gefängnis von einem brutalen Angriff des Governors erschüttert. Für welchen toxischen Boy wird sich Andrea als nächstes entscheiden? Und wieso sieht Rick auf einmal überall Loris gruseligen Geist? Außerdem sehen wir in dieser …
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Join Liz as she explores the reigns of Targaryen brothers Aerys I and Maekar I. The episode picks up with the Great Spring Sickness, which drastically altered the line of succession. Aerys I is the bookish brother only interested in the great mysteries. He stands in contrast to his brother Maekar I, known for his martial prowess and swift judgment.…
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Our deep dive on the Free Folk includes a look at their origins and culture, a recounting of the history of Kings Beyond the Wall, getting to know their people including Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Craster and more, and a … Continue reading →gwynhyfvar
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Our deep dive on the Free Folk includes a look at their origins and culture, a recounting of the history of Kings Beyond the Wall, getting to know their people including Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Craster and more, and a discussion of their role in ASOIAF. Support us! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Was passiert, wenn man seinen Zombiekindern die Haare kämmt? Richtig: Kopfhautausfall. In diesen Folgen begegnen sich unsere Gefängnistruppe und der Governor endlich! Rick dreht am Rad, das Baby braucht einen Namen und neue Gesichter betreten das Spielfeld! Das heisst: jede Menge Action! Nächste Woche besprechen wir 4 Folgen! Instagram: @aliciajoe …
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A production of the "Mercy" chapter by GRRM from The Winds of Winter (published on his website and read at conventions). Voice acting, sound effects, music... enjoy! Narrator: Lady Gwyn – Radio Westeros Arya/Mercy: girlnettles Waterman: Daniele Bolelli – History on Fire podcast Daena: Loren Scipioni Izembaro: Matteo Barbagallo Brusco: Ken Krouner M…
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If you're interested in getting occasional news, behind the scenes content, and interesting fandom content, sign up to the newsletter! Head to: https://www.thewesterosiprimer.com/newsletter What if one strategic marriage could end a war and change the course of Westeros? Join Liz on the Westerosi Primer as she explores the reign of Daeron II Targar…
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Heute wird es blutig! Die Truppe nimmt ein Gefängnis ein, während Andrea mit ihrer neuen Freundin Michonne auf einen Governor trifft... Warum ist Lori auf einmal sympathisch? Und was tut man, wenn die Geburt bevorsteht, aber kein Arzt in der Nähe ist? Nächste Woche besprechen wir 4 Folgen! Instagram: @aliciajoe und @cashisclay_attitude Learn more a…
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Podcast Summary What if the scandals and indulgences of a king could unravel an entire kingdom? Join Liz as she scrutinizes the reign of Aegon IV, infamously dubbed Aegon the Unworthy. His rule was a whirlwind of chaos in Westeros. From a small council filled with sycophants to reckless personal escapades, Aegon's pursuit of pleasure over responsib…
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The very night Daenerys Targaryen was born one of the worst storms in living memory struck. This earned her the nickname Stormborn, a moniker that has spread far and wide alongside news of her deeds, one she has carried before her like a standard. We delve into the story behind the legend, and the details just before her birth - her mother Queen Rh…
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Staffelfinale und eine brennende Scheune! Und nicht nur das. Es wird diskutiert, ob man jemanden für ein Verbrechen bestrafen darf, welches noch gar nicht begangen wurde. Einige Charaktere, darunter auch ein Liebling von Alicia, müssen heute ihr Leben lassen. Denn während eine riesige Herde die Farm überrennt, können sich nicht alle in Sicherheit b…
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If you enjoy this episode, be sure to sign up the the podcast newsletter! Head over to https://thewesterosiprimer.substack.com This podcast episode delves into the reigns of Targaryen kings Baelor and Viserys II. King Baelor becomes known for his religious zeal. He made decisions that were more divine than diplomatic. His reign included releasing D…
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House Lothston ruled Harrenhal during what is arguably the darkest portion of its 300 year history… Given what Arya and others experienced there, that’s really saying something, and when Brienne carries a Lothston shield, she is repeatedly greeted with grim reactions. Join us for a look at a House accused of blood magic, child abduction, treason, c…
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Heute erfahren wir, was oder WER sich noch in der Scheune verborgen hat. Während Shane den hitzköpfigen Weg wählt, versucht Rick Ruhe zu bewahren. Hershel fängt wieder an zu trinken, Lori baut einen Unfall und ein junger Mann bleibt mit seinem Bein in einem spitzen Zaun hängen... Nächste Woche besprechen wir 4 Folgen! Instagram: @aliciajoe und @cas…
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Join Liz on an exciting journey through the history of Westeros, kicking off with a warm welcome to the new year, 2025. She shares some updates about the future of the podcast. This includes plans for a hiatus after this season, with the return to cover reactions to the highly anticipated series "A Night of the Seven Kingdoms." Please subscribe to …
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Warum bewahrt man eine Herde Zombies in der eigenen Scheune auf? Und was macht man, wenn der Schwangerschaftstest in einer Apocalypse positiv ist? Während Sophia immer noch verschwunden ist, könnte auf der Farm grade ein neues Kind entstehen... Aber wer ist der Vater? Nächste Woche besprechen wir wieder 3 Folgen! Instagram: @aliciajoe und @cashiscl…
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Warum bewegen sich Zombies in Herden fort? Und kann ein Tierarzt auch Menschen operieren? Nach einem Crash auf der Autobahn geht ein Kind verloren und ein anderes wird durch ein Reh getroffen. Alicia hält Shane für eine wandelnde Red Flag, trotzdem bietet seine Aktion Stoff für viele Diskussionen... Nächste Woche besprechen wir wieder 3 Folgen! Ins…
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In our first in depth look at Bran Stark, we cover Bran's arc in A Game of Thrones, from the discovery of a pack of abandoned wolf pups in the summer snow, to the arrival of terrible news from King's Landing many months later. Along the way, Bran's life changes utterly and we trace the source and course of those changes, and much, much more. Suppor…
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Daenerys is told more than once that “to touch the light, you must pass beneath the shadow”. What is the shadow? We break down what the phrase means for Dany, and as a worldbuilding element associated with Asshai-by-the-Shadow. Let’s shed some light on the Shadowlands. We’ve got masks, magic, Mirri Maz Duur, Marwyn, and more.Rize: https://rize.io/?…
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Staffelfinale! Was hat die Gruppe in ihrem Blut? Und warum will Dr. Jenner unbedingt sterben? In dieser Folge werden die ersten Gruppenmitglieder zu Zombies. Und andere stellen sich die Frage, ob ein Leben in dieser Welt überhaupt noch lebenswert ist. Nächste Woche besprechen wir 3 Folgen! Diese Telefonnummern könnt ihr jederzeit anonym anrufen, we…
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This podcast episode explores the end of Aegon III's regency and the rest of his reign in Westeros. Also in this episode: Unwin Peake's possible involvement in the Secret Siege Torrhen Manderly becomes Hand of the King and new additions to the Small Council Trials are held for conspirators involved in poisoning Queen Daenaera and Gaemon Palehair. A…
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Scotland’s late medieval period was a Game of Thrones-like environment with powerful families fighting and scheming for power. A particularly notorious event - The Black Dinner - inspired GRRM to write the Red Wedding. We’ll examine all the gory details, politics, battles and intrigues plus other parallels beyond Stark, Frey and Lannister to charac…
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Wie entflieht man aus einer Handschelle, wenn man nur eine stumpfe Säge hat? Und was passiert, wenn ein totgeglaubter Vater wieder auftaucht? Folge 3 und 4 von The Walking Dead und Alicia hat bereits Lieblingscharaktere und starke Abneigungen gegen andere Protagonisten. Und was hat es mit der Glückszahl vier auf sich? Instagram: @aliciajoe und @cas…
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In this podcast episode, we continue discussing the regency of King Aegon III amidst political upheaval. Aegon's brother Viserys returns, bringing both comfort and new challenges to the Red Keep. Thaddeus Rowan becomes Hand of the King struggling with complex political dynamics. We explore the influence of House Rogare who draw parallels to the Med…
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A look at this most ancient of cities, the legend of Azor Ahai, and the origin of dragons. With special guest LmL. (originally published April 1, 2016). Bonus Eps & More - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Shirts & Stickers - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠historyofwesteros.threadless.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.historyofwesteros.com⁠⁠…
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