Welcome to the WV Nest, where amazing things happen! We talk about the Wild Wonderful Birds of West Virginia! For birdwatchers and birders all of over the world to learn about the species we have in the Mountain State!
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Got Grackle, House Sparrow, or Starling problems at your feeders? We can help with a number of tried and tested methods! Listen to to rid your yard of Bully Birds!
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On this episode I'll teach you to recognize some common bird calls and songs by some neat little Mnemonics or "Words For Birds!"
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Seeds, nuts, and berries are common offerings to bring birds to the yard.. but have you ever thought of offering meat scraps? Egg shells? Sand? We discuss some pretty weird food offerings that really bring in the birds.. and why, this week on the WV Nest Podcast!
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WV Nest Podcast "20 At Risk WV Birds & Naturalist Lauren Cole!"
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This week we are joined by Naturalist, Lauren Cole from Chief Logan State Park in Logan County to talk about the birding and wonderful nature programs going on this summer! Also we ID 20 "AT RISK" West Virginia Birds!
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WV Nest Podcast #5 With Special Guest, Naturalist Dave Dendler
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Naturalist, Dave Dendler is on this week to answer questions and share his birding experiences! We'll talk about the 5 most common birds that are tough to tell apart.. I give you my Suet recipe.. which contains BACON GREASE and really brings the birds in.. all this week on the WV Nest Podcast!
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Our guest is Nitro, West Virginia Director of Parks & Recreation, Jim Caudill! He talks about Nitro's Birding Hotspot, Ridenour Lake! The most famous celebrity birdwatchers of all time! Migration Updates & More!
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I'll tell you about 5 great birdcams on Youtube, more awesome bird groups on Facebook, answer questions about Owls and outdoor cat issues, hear what new arrivals were seen in West Virginia this week and where and we start our 5 bird Wish Lists for this Spring/Summer on this episode!
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Join us to discover some great new resources in Birdcasting, Migration information, Questions from last week answered, Weekly Mystery Bird song, and this weeks bird book review of "World of Watchers" by Joseph Kastner!
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The Hummingbirds have arrived in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia! So have the Warblers! I was fooled by a Mockingbird.. and there's a nest of House Finches above my recording studio! Birding events in West Virginia! Questions about Robins and the Mystery Bird of the Week!
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