Discussions on Geography and geospatial technologies
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VeryPink Knits, the companion podcast to the VeryPink Knits YouTube channel, focused on answering your knitting questions. With Staci Perry and Polly Baker.
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Podcast für Führungskräfte, OE/PE Professionals, Unternehmer*innen und alle, die sich fragen: Was müssen wir können, um in einer #vuca / #bani Welt nicht nur zu überleben, sondern auch erfolgreich und gesund zu sein? Backgroundinfo, Impressum, Kontakt: www.veraenderungsstabil.de
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Crescimento pessoal, animando a viver uma vida plena em Deus.
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On the Very Special Episodes podcast, we tell one incredible story each week. Stranger-than-fiction tales about normal people in extraordinary situations. Stories that make you say, “this should be a movie.” Follow Dana Schwartz, Zaron Burnett, and Jason English down a different rabbit hole every Wednesday.
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Análise e o contexto dos principais fatos do dia a dia.
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Interviews with creative women entrepreneurs who share their stories on a veranda.
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Au gré de ses souvenirs et de son érudition, Michka Assayas nous fait visiter les contrées magiques du rock, le plus souvent méconnues du grand public… sans oublier les standards ! Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Leiderschap, Veranderkunde en Organisatieontwikkeling -- met Christian van den Berg
christian van den berg
Dé podcast over Leiderschap, Veranderkunde en Organisatieontwikkeling. Waarin u wordt bijgepraat door experts over actuele ontwikkelingen én klassieke denkwijzen en methodes op het gebied van Leiderschap, Veranderkunde en Organisatieontwikkeling.
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Pant vera blár! er íslenska borðspilapodcastið. Stjórnendur þáttarins eru Davíð Baldursson, Kristleifur Guðjónsson, Styrmir Hafliðason og Þorvaldur Guðjónsson ræða spil og spilatengd málefni ásamt því að segja öðru hverju brandara sem falla misvel í kramið hjá öðrum meðstjórnendum.
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Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.
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Oud-topsporter Vera Koedooder is Olympiër, meervoudig Nederlands, Europees -en Wereldkampioene baanwielrennen, won 8 E.K. medailles op weg/tijdrit/baan en behoorde 16 jaar lang tot de (inter)nationale top van het wegwielrennen en baanwielrennen. Haar koersstijl was altijd vanuit het hart; fair en met oneindige aanvalslust en koerage! Vera gaat met haar gasten in gesprek over hun passies, moed, doorzettingsvermogen en drijfveren. Bijzondere gasten waarbij koerage ook de rode draad is in hun l ...
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De bronstijd was een sleutelperiode in onze geschiedenis. De introductie van het nieuwe metaal brons (een combinatie van koper en tin) leidde tot ingrijpende maatschappelijke, economische en religieuze vernieuwingen. Handel, migratie en intensieve netwerken legden een belangrijk fundament voor het huidige Europa. In deze nieuwe podcastserie van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, horend bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling die van 18 oktober 2024 t/m 16 maart 2025 te zien is, gaat conservator Luc A ...
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Hoe werkt fundamentele maatschappelijke verandering? En hoe krijgen we te midden van een klimaatcrisis, biodiversiteitscris en groeiende ongelijkheid het roer radicaal om? In deze podcast voelt Wouter Mulders (samen met wisselende co-hosts) experts aan de tand over transitiewetenschap en -praktijk. Want door transities naar duurzaamheid en rechtvaardigheid te begrijpen, kunnen we ze versnellen. Althans, dat hopen we. Als jij ook aan de slag wilt met transities, of er gewoon meer over wilt we ...
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Mutlucan’la Sende Bir El Ver Podcast Programımıza Hoşgeldiniz Keyifli Bir Zaman Geçirmeniz Dileklerimizle
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Werk kan zinvoller. Met meer verantwoordelijkheid, minder bureaucratie. Daar wordt iedereen beter van. Jij ook. Daarom delen we kennis en ervaring over zelforganisatie, Agile en simpel organiseren. Want moeilijk doen is eenvoudig zat. Maar niets is zo moeilijk als eenvoud. Hoe organiseer jij de toekomst van werk? Hoe zorg jij dat je medewerkers blijven? Hoe maak jij van veranderen de gewoonste zaak van de wereld? Wil jij in onze podcast? Wil jij een onderwerp aandragen? Wil je een reactie ge ...
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La vera storia della Chiesa
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Vinirnir og grínistarnir Tinna, Ingó og Tryggvi ræða um allt á milli himins og jarðar á misalvarlegum nótum.
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O noso é o social! Descubre o noso souto radiofónico deseñado para entreter, acompañar e sobre todo falar de temas que normalmente quedan agochados pero que afectan a moitas persoas en todo o mundo.
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Wir tragen Verantwortung - für unsere Erfolge und unser gesamtes Leben. "𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗘𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗴𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗡𝗿. 𝟭" (98.2 Radio) Bernd Kiesewetter spricht mit interessanten Menschen über Erfolg und Verantwortung. Seine Interviewpartner sind inspirierend und haben etwas zu sagen - Prominente, Unternehmer, Führungskräfte, Künstler, Sportler und andere Persönlichkeiten. Der erfahrene Vielfach-Unternehmer arbeitet heute als Mentor anderer Selbstständiger und schafft mit seiner "Mission Verantwortung" seit viel ...
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Die neue Podcast-Serie der SZ: „The Great Firewall: Wie China das Internet verändert“. Ein Podcast über die Zensur und Propaganda im chinesischen Internet - was längst auch uns betrifft. Ab dem 26. Juli gibt es jeden Dienstag eine neue Folge. Außerdem finden Sie auf dem Kanal weiterhin alle Folgen von „Suisse Secrets“ - der Podcast zur Recherche. Sie möchten mehr über unsere Werbepartner erfahren? Hier finden Sie alle Infos & Rabatte: https://linktr.ee/the_great_firewall
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Samtal om livsfrågor, psykologi och andlighet.
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Vera Helleman is schrijver, spreker, innovatief denker, oprichter van het Emotie Expertise Centrum en founder van de EmotieCoach methode en ontwikkelde zij een nieuwe visie over autisme. In deze podcast gaat zij in gesprek met mensen als jij en ik en schijnt zij haar licht op een levensissue. Oprechte casussen, uit hart hart gegrepen. Uniek in Nederland dat je een kijkje krijgt in de therapeutische keuken en écht mag meeluisteren met een intiem gesprek. https://linktr.ee/verahelleman
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Join Emily and Jason Morrow as they dive into the hilariously contrasting worlds of a crunchy mom and her not-as-crunchy husband. Each episode, the duo explores a variety of life's quirks and conundrums, from parenting and personal wellness to bizarre daily occurrences and everything in-between. Get ready to laugh, learn, and maybe even be inspired as these two navigate their discussions with humor and heart.
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The podcast for people who love everything ’Allo ’Allo! – hosted by Kim Hartman (Helga), Guy Siner (Lieutenant Gruber) and Richard Gibson (Herr Flick). Each podcast looks at an episode of the series, and will include the chance for listeners to message the show, and after the initial pods, there will be guest chats with other actors from ’Allo ’Allo!, and other people associated with the series.
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Dé podcast over verhalen, meningen en de wetenschap achter opvoeden
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Hi, I'm Kurtis Conner! Every week, I talk about stuff that I think is funny. Enjoy! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/veryreallygood/support
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Welcome to the place beyond the bullsh*t. A high vibration conversation about psychedelic healing, consciousness expansion, revolutionary politics, sex, and art. Hosted by documentary filmmakers Sean Dunne and Cass Greener. www.veryape.tv
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Waar die goeie nuus van Jesus Christus weekliks vertel word, mense geestelik groei en verdiep, en waar lewens radikaal verander! www.veranderdelewens.co.za
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Welcome to the VeryfirstPopcastIntro podcast, where amazing things happen.
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"Leben heißt Veränderung" ist der Podcast der Deutschen PsychotherapeutenVereinigung. Er wendet sich an approbierte Psychotherapeut*innen und solche die es werden wollen. In den einzelnen Folgen erzählen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, welche Antworten sie auf aktuelle Fragen gefunden haben und sie teilen ihre Erfahrungen. Es geht um den Berufseinstieg, die vielfältigen Arbeitsfelder und die Veränderungen durch die Digitalisierung. Wir von der DPtV wollen mit diesem Podcast den Erfahrungsaustausch ...
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Amerika hat gewählt, Donald Trump wird zum zweiten Mal US-Präsident. Es ist auch eine Entscheidung, die auf Europa und unser Leben in Deutschland konkrete Auswirkungen haben wird. US-Korrespondentin Stefanie Bolzen ordnet jede Woche im Gespräch mit den WELT-Redakteuren Antonia Beckermann und Wim Orth die aktuellen Nachrichten aus den USA ein – mal aus Washington, mal aus Florida oder den Flyover-States. "This is America" ist der US-Podcast, in dem wir nicht nur über, sondern auch mit Amerika ...
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Sleep in? Not at ’morning person’? But still want the honest, uncorrupted, unique analysis of the news right from ”America’s Hometown” Charlottesville, VA! (and the home of ’America V2 Staunton VA)
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In diesem Podcast geht es um Ansichten und Einsichten rund um das Thema Erfolg und Verantwortung. Du möchtest von Menschen lernen, die in ihrem Leben erfolgreich geworden sind? Hier gibt es faszinierende Geschichten von interessanten Persönlichkeiten, bekannten Experten, herausragenden Unternehmern, Politikern und (Lebens-) Künstlern. Und eines haben sie alle gemeinsam: Sie haben Verantwortung übernommen für ihr Leben, für ihre Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, für ihr Umfeld und für andere Mensch ...
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UPSC & Beyond is a new initiative from Veranda IAS. It is a series of podcasts from UPSC trainers, UPSC Experts, UPSC Toppers, Bureaucrats, etc., join us to talk about UPSC Preparation for beginners. They also share useful strategies to clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam and also share how to tackle failure and distractions in a casual way of discussion.
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Um espaço para quem gosta de debater sobre filmes e livros. Castionar é preciso.
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Es un programa de radio especializado en el Radioarte, el Arte Sonoro y las nuevas músicas. Sirve de conexión para que el oyente pueda disfrutar de la materia artística de la radio que es el sonido, y además conocer las diversas propuestas internacionales que en el arte contemporáneo presentan los radioastas y artistas sonoros en las diversas tipologías que conforman este género artístico, como son: la escultura sonora, la instalación sonora, el paisaje sonoro, la poesía sonora, la acción so ...
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A Podcast of Geography and geospatial technologies
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The Hall of Very Good Podcast is focused on you, the fan. Each week, Shawn Anderson and Lou Olsen sit down and talk to people in and around the game of baseball that help make America's Pastime great.
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A Podcast About Comic Books, that some would say, rates VF (Very Fine)
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Ich sitze da und werde Still. Sehnsucht nach Veränderung macht sich breit. Wünsche mir das ich anders denke und handle, nämlich so das es zu mir passt. Das ich mich selbst liebe genau so wie ich bin. Schluss mit den hohen Ansprüchen. Schluss mit der Perfektion. In diesem Podcast vereine ich die Lehre Buddhas mit dem Schamanismus, weil die Vereinigung mein Leben grundsätzlich verändert hat. Frische Sicht aufs Leben gespart mit heilsamen Handlungen. Weniger Angst und mehr Mut, um die zu werden ...
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Wir sind deine nachhaltige Reiseplattform. Die anfallenden CO2-Emmissionen all unserer Services werden selbstverständlich ausgeglichen. In unserem Audio-Reiseführer sprechen wir mit Locals, Tourguides und Reisegurus, um dir die verschiedenen Reiseziele näher vorzustellen. Weitere Infos findest du auf verygood.travel. Du wünschst dir eine persönlich Beratung? Kein Problem! Wir vereinbaren einen kostenlosen Videocall, und finden gemeinsam das passende Reiseziel für dich! Egal ob Erlebnisreise, ...
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Three regular guys discussing movies, sometimes joined by friends or family. Hosted by Billy Bone, Josh Lindsay and Daniel Sanders, Very Unreasonable Things mainly discusses Horror along with Sci-Fi, Action and B-Movies thrown in. All the crappy artwork is done by Billy Bone. Intro Music: Switch Me On by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com/ Outro Music: SQZ by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com/ Website: veryunreasonablethings.com & veryunreasonablethings2020.podbean.com T ...
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Espacio de silencio | Ars Sonorus
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Відтворити пізніше
El arte del silencio es un arte tan importante y tan poco conocido, y esto consiste sencillamente en el arte de callar. Al respecto, Cohen (2002, p. 83) menciona que “el arte de callar, así como el modo de entender y apostar por el buen uso del silencio, se debe comprender desde los parámetros de la comunicación y del aprendizaje”. Esto quiere deci…
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Mutlucan'la Sende Bir El Ver Podcast Programına Hoşgeldiniz Her Hafta Farklı Bir Konu Farklı Bir Konuk Farklı Bakış Açıları Ve Sizler İçin Hazırladığımız Söyleşilerimizle Bilginin Eğlencenin Kaosun Tartışmanın Doruklarına Kadar Çıkmaya Hazırmısınız O Zaman ; Mutlucan'la Sende Bir El Ver Programı Çok Yakında Tüm Dijital Podcast Platformlarında ve Mu…
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It's my 130th podcast anniversary! Join me on memory lane of past podcast episodes, what I learned from podcasting so far and what's next for The Veranda Entrepreneur Podcast. Be sure to subscribe and review The Veranda Entreprenuer Podcast. Also, follow on social at The Veranda Entrepreneur Podcast (Instagram) and .…
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Michael Call because he found us / First Things First (headlines) Misrepresentation in a case involving CNN? Surely NO! Ike vs "The Big Guy" (Farewell Addresses Email: Dear Joe, time for the Sen. Kennedy drop!jtinthemorningradio
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First Things First (headlines) / Dr. Clarke call on Senate Hearings "Hearings" vs "Listening's" w/ Dr. Clarke Mac McDonald's Sports "Notebook" "Justice for Just Us"jtinthemorningradio
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First Things First (headlines) / Reisinger back for more on farms Finish with Reisinger / "Stripping (then Refinishing)" the USA Reset: Biden's Farewell vs Ike's Is Newsom fundraising on wildfire contributions?jtinthemorningradio
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"You need panic, sometimes" / "First Things First" (headlines) "Justice? Preferential Treatment?" Clip on Trans Bill / Activist clip explains much. Grocery Costs w Brian Reisinger ("Land Rich, Cash Poor")jtinthemorningradio
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"First Things First" (headlines) reset; French analogy "Robespierre-in-Hollywood" (Newsom '28) "Protecting Women's Sports" w/ HAFA's Sara Sursprung More with Sara Sursprungjtinthemorningradio
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"First Things First" (headlines) w/ Matt call re; Sen. Kaine Rep's Crockett and Mace in verbal brawl / Luke Strickland Song Mac McDonald's Sports "Notebook" "Caring Beyond Cancer" Cervical Cancer awareness monthjtinthemorningradio
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Cuomo On Hearings / "First Things First" (headlines) Hegseth Hearings and the Gas Lit American's "When you count on Politicians..." w/ Andy Call in "Politics as a Career" w/ Dr Clarke calljtinthemorningradio
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"First Things First" (headlines) w/ "While the Firefighters Work" Playing to the "Less Miserable's" Newsom '28 Begins Email; King Louis had something to do with the French Revolution, too.jtinthemorningradio
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'Bolsonaro diz que Trump não vai gostar de não vê-lo na posse. Sinceramente, ele nem vai perceber'
Vera Magalhães analisa situação de Jair Bolsonaro, que novamente teve um pedido de autorização para viajar aos EUA e acompanhar posse de Donald Trump negado: a postura do STF indica que "não deverá haver refresco em nenhuma etapa daqui para frente". "As entrevistas todas do Bolsonaro são no sentido de 'ah, o Trump não vai gostar de não me ver lá.' …
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Vera Magalhães fala sobre carta assinada por intelectuais latino-americanos em que expressam suas preocupações com relação a declarações de Donald Trump sobre querer retomar o canal do Panamá. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesCBN
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Baseball Hall of Fame guru Jay Jaffe joins the boys for the seventh time to break down his 2025 (and 2026!) ballot, explain his issues with the Era Committee, introduce the world to the Hall of Broken Pitchers, crack the code of “what’s the deal with A-Rod” and share that one player that he’d really, really like to see in Cooperstown. This week’s p…
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Vera Magalhães segue acompanhando a crise enfrentada pelo governo Lula envolvendo a desinformação sobre o Pix e discute embates internos. Além disso, a comentarista fala sobre a rapidez da oposição, que "está super esperta para pegar qualquer vacilo", "enquanto o governo não parece estar navegando com tanta tranquilidade nas mídias digitais." Learn…
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Grinding gears and burning fears...NOW we can start 2025Part 2 is on Patreon where you can access our discord community, weekly film club meetings, bonus podcasts, documentaries, Boys Club and our music show Church of Chill.https://www.patreon.com/churchofchill Church of Chill hoodies, shirts, and stickers available on Etsy. https://www.churchofchi…
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Dark Harvest
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Відтворити пізніше
On this episode of the podcast Billy and Daniel are covering Dark Harvest. The 2023 film about an annual tradition the Halloween Run. The purpose of the Run? To stop Sawtooth Jack from reaching the church before midnight. Join Billy and Daniel as they discuss Dark Harvest. https://veryunreasonablethings.com/ Twitter: @VUTpodcast Facebook: https://w…
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durée : 00:55:09 - Very Good Trip - par : Michka Assayas - Ce soir, un programme de nouveautés qui pulse et qui groove mais avec douceur. - réalisé par : Stéphane RonxinMichka Assayas
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US-Politik 2025 Wenige Tage vor dem Machtwechsel in Washington hat Noch-Präsident Joe Biden sich bereits von den Amerikanern verabschiedet. Im Senat laufen derweil die Kabinettsanhörungen von Trumps Kandidaten weiter - und das teils weit unter der Gürtellinie. Warum es beim Verteidigungsminister mehr um seine Liebschaften als internationale Konflik…
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Vera Magalhães analisa um vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais do Banco Central que busca desmentir fake news envolvendo o Pix. Para a comentarista, o material utiliza um tom inadequado ao se dirigir à população. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesCBN
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We present a special bonus episode, sent to us by Christopher Beswick, of a full-length interview he conducted with Gordon Kaye in 1991, when he had returned to work following his life-threatening accident.HelgaGruberFlick
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Tony Blair werd in 2001 met een grote meerderheid herverkozen tot premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Maar in plaats van tevreden te zijn over de, door de kiezer ervaren, successen zocht hij naar een methode om meer van zijn ambities waar te maken. Hij introduceerde met de hulp van Michael Barber een methode om beleidsmakers en uitvoerders te help…
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'Indignação do governo com onda avassaladora de fake news sobre pix é justificada, mas falta mea culpa'
Depois de uma avalanche de fake news, o governo recuou e decidiu revogar a medida da Receita Federal que previa o monitoramento das transações financeiras, incluindo o Pix. Vera Magalhães avalia que falta um "mea culpa" do governo em relação a essa crise, por conta das falhas na comunicação: "Você está dando uma avenida para a oposição surfar e usa…
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durée : 00:54:43 - Very Good Trip - par : Michka Assayas - Ce soir, Michka Assayas nous fait revivre un monde englouti et bien plus chaleureux que le nôtre avec Peter, Paul and Mary. - réalisé par : Stéphane RonxinMichka Assayas
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Was passiert, wenn junge Menschen nicht nur studieren, sondern gleichzeitig Unternehmen beraten? In dieser Podcastfolge sprechen Lisa Schmied und Jakob Lohrum, beide Anfang 20 und Vorstände einer studentischen Unternehmensberatung, über ihre faszinierende Arbeit, die Brücken zwischen Theorie und Praxis schlägt. Ihre Kundenbasis umfasst zu 80 % mitt…
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Parenting is no joke, and in this episode, Jason and I dive into the trenches of what works (and what really doesn’t) with our 7- and 5-year-old. We’re sharing some of our favorite hacks and strategies, including our go-to acronym SMILE—Singing, Movement, Imagination, Loving, and Engaging. It’s how we’ve kept the peace (mostly) and the fun (usually…
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Was wir vom Silicon Valley lernen können In dieser packenden Folge tauchen wir mit Prof. Jörg Knoblauch in die Welt des modernen Talentmanagements ein. Den Namen Knoblauch verbinden wie mit dem legendären Tempus Zeitmanagementsystem und der ABC Personal Strategie. Der renommierte Experte enthüllt, wie Deutschlands Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch mangeln…
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Scene Set / Why JT doesn't watch Facebook during show / "First Things First" (news) Facebook 'Tar Pit' over North Carolina Flood Post LA Fires First Hand w/ Brian Bielanski (RacingWire.info)jtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / $1400 2021 vs Now / "First Things First" (news) Email: "What good does bringing up Newsom's Insurance Cap accomplish?" Mac McDonald's Sports "Notebook" Alzheimer's Association News w/ Sherri Owenjtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / Joe Works at the SHILL Mill?!? / "First Things First" (news) FEMA backs off NC Flood Victim Trailer Removal Dr Clarke call in on Carrie Underwood & You Don't Know 'Jack S**th' 'Pro-Bono' Caller on COVID apology tour (Mark Zuckerberg)jtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Things First" (news) / Lunchpail Fdn You Don't Know Jack S**th (Jan 6 Report Released) Joel in Florida Call then Bob in Moscow Call on Jack S**th Finish up with Bob on "Longgame"jtinthemorningradio
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Sidônio Palmeira assume o ministério da Comunicação com um desafio: desmentir as fake news envolvendo o Pix. Vera Magalhães analisa a crise e avalia que, embora haja uma conduta criminosa de quem espalha mentiras para alarmar a população e criar desgaste, o governo "deu sopa para o azar" ao não divulgar de maneira mais eficaz as mudanças. "A Receit…
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Episode 300: If We Only Had A Brain
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Відтворити пізніше
David and Tamler celebrate their 300th episode with a deep dive into the movie that inspired the podcast’s title. Why is "The Wizard of Oz" the most influential American movie of all time? How does it dig deep into our collective psyches? What makes the effects so timeless and effective? And what’s the actual moral of the story? Plus we crawl up ou…
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durée : 00:54:24 - Very Good Trip - par : Michka Assayas - Ce soir dans Very Good Trip, des voix rares, de celles qu’on n’entend que rarement à la radio, et qui ont parfois des choses brûlantes à nous confier. - réalisé par : Stéphane RonxinMichka Assayas
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A Meta disse à AGU que o fim do programa de checagem de fatos nas redes sociais da companhia vai ocorrer inicialmente apenas nos Estados Unidos. 'A Advocacia Geral da União continua muito preocupada com a disposição da empresa de mudar toda a sua política em relação ao que pode ou não ser postado'. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.…
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Termina nesta segunda-feira (13) o prazo para que a empresa Meta, controladora do Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp, responda a uma notificação extrajudicial da Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU) sobre o encerramento do programa de checagem de fatos nas redes sociais. Vera Magalhães discute o alinhamento entre governo federal e STF nesta questão e analisa…
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Scene Set / "First Thing First" (news) / Ilya Shapiro pt 2 on Book Emails and Texts Tevi Troy ("Power of Money") on Zuckerberg "apology tour" Troy part 2 / 'L.A. 2.0' warningsjtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Thing First" (news) / Disclaimer on calls Mac McDonald's Sports "Notebook" CES wrap up w/ Joanne Buter / Dallas PD told to ignore law Ilya Shapiro on TikTok hearing at SCOTUSjtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / First Things First (news) / Bonner Cohen pt 2 (CFACT) Dr. Clarke Call on insurance bailing, power company. LA Fires cause 'Left-on-Left" fights, Trump has Bannon vs Musk 'Pro Bono' caller on insurance and firesjtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Things First" (news) Nick Freitas on Climate Change & Wildfires / Bob call from Moscow Gov. Newsom on 'LA 2.0' and their "Marshall Plan" to make it. Dr. Bonner Cohen (CFACT) on Policy & the Wildfiresjtinthemorningradio
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durée : 00:55:06 - Very Good Trip - par : Michka Assayas - Ce soir pour commencer, Very Good Trip nous emmène faire un tour à New York, avec une voix qui réchauffe. - réalisé par : Stéphane RonxinMichka Assayas
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Em meio a uma onda de fake news relacionadas ao pix, o presidente Lula se reúne com o novo ministro da Secretaria de Comunicação Social, Sidônio Palmeira. Ele só toma posse de forma oficial nesta terça-feira (14), mas já vem trabalhando desde a semana passada, montando a nova equipe. Vera Magalhães analisa a situação. Learn more about your ad choic…
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In dieser Folge von "Veränderungsstabil" spreche ich mit Dirk Belling über das, was Unternehmen heute wirklich brauchen, um sich in einer Welt voller Unsicherheiten zu behaupten. Dirk bringt seine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung aus der Fahrradindustrie und der Markenkommunikation mit und erklärt, warum viele Unternehmen beim Thema Agilität scheitern. Wi…
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Justice of Preferential Treatment? / "First Things First" (news) Reset budget priorities fail in LA and Richmond (fire & water?) Email; "You don't sound very conservative, Joe" w/ Matt call in Texts and emails roundupjtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Things First" (news) / Dr Clarke call on N.O. CES report on 'Pet Mood Detector' and Dr Clarke opinion (Vet) Mac McDonald's Sports "Notebook" 'Pro-Bono Caller': What became of 'Journalism'?jtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Things First" (news) What ever happened to New Orleans terrorist? w/ Lou in Vegas call It WAS only last week, wasn't it? What happened to 'radicalization'? On that subject; NYC Commish Bratton to aid N.O.jtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Things First" (News) / Holland Cooke CES rept. Budget 'choices' fail in LA (fire) and Richmond VA (water) So, where did the money go? Brace yourself for it... Celebrity Telethon (like after Sandy)jtinthemorningradio
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Scene Set / "First Things First" / Matt call re: Realtor Drag Show Is a 'Superstorm-Sandy-style' telethon coming? w/ Matt call in Gov Newsom blows off citizen "On the phone w/ the President" w/ Andy call in TikTok at SCOTUS w. Newsbuster's Dan Schneiderjtinthemorningradio
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Scene set / 'First Things First' / Holland Cooke at CES / Dr Clarke on radicalization of the homeless Fetterman to Mar-a-Lago? w/ Dr. Clarke call in Mac McDonald's Sports 'Notebook' "Bob from Farmville" call in (AKA: frm. Rep. Bob Good)jtinthemorningradio
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