Welcome to Uncanny Valley—an insider look at the people, power, and influence of Silicon Valley. Join hosts Lauren Goode, Michael Calore, and Zoë Schiffer as they break down new stories or phenomena bubbling up in Silicon Valley. Whether it’s a pivotal decision made inside a tech company, a quirky, new habit of a CEO, or the overwhelming expansion of generative AI, we’ll explain why these matter and how they affect you.
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A mystery drama about the limits of experimental science, confronting your own past, present & future, & trying to remember the level select cheat from Sonic 2.
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I discuss my games and hobbies primarily focused on the mobile game Marvel Strike Force.
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Tin tức về Khoa học Công nghệ và Tài nguyên Môi trường. Với các chuyên mục chính như: Kết nối Xanh; Kết nối công nghệ; Tài nguyên và Môi trường; Sống chung với biến đổi khí hậu, ... Hãy search "VOV" trên ứng dụng để nghe nhiều kênh khác của VOV.
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News, culture, stories and more from California’s Central Valley
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François-Régis Gaudry sort les crocs et passe au grill toute l’actualité de la gastronomie. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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"Våldet" är en fängslande true crime-podcast som erbjuder djupgående granskningar av både kända och tidigare okända kriminalfall i Sverige. Podcasten är ett samarbete mellan Andreas Axén Folkow och Tobias von Braun, två erfarna poddskapare, där den senare ligger bakom succén Kalla Fall som tagit upp Mordet på Wisby Hotell och Sven Sjögrens försvinnande. I "Våldet" bjuder von Braun och Folkow lyssnarna på en djupgående genomgång av varje rättsfall, baserad på noggrant undersökt information fr ...
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A Pentecostal church experience.
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The Weekly Messages of Valley Church in Vacaville, California
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The Weekly Sermon Podcast of Valley Church in Winnemucca, Nevada
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The official podcast of Shepherd of the Desert Church, Scottsdale, Arizona. Faith, life, and wisdom in the Valley of the Sun.
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Toutes les interviews de VA+ en écoute audio, les mains libres.
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The Valleyfolk is a joyful team on a quest to conquer the entertainment world! Join them every week as they discuss current events, tell personal stories, and inevitably fall into a state of joyous chaos. Support more crazy at our Patreon: http://www.TheValleyfolk.com THE MOVIE MOVIE GAME is available for PRE-ORDER: bitly.com/moviemoviegame
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New podcast about Castro Valley, California
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Sermons from Sunday worship at Valley Baptist Church in Lutherville, MD
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Du lundi au vendredi dès 7h40, les invités des Matins dans un entretien d'actualité pour commencer la journée. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Members of OA SGVIE share their experience strength and hope.
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The newest sermons from Central Valley Presbyterian on SermonAudio.
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”Valley’s Bits, Bytes, and Banter” is a captivating podcast offering listeners a fascinating peek behind the curtain of a broadband provider.
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Committed to Christ-Centered teaching through the Bible, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Learn more about our community at www.calvaryspokanevalley.org
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Un exhaustiu repàs d'actualitat, estrenes comentades pels seus protagonistes, festivals, premis i últimes novetats.
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The newest sermons from Valley Fourth Church on SermonAudio.
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Ed Farmer, a disabled combat veteran and VA disability appeals attorney breaks down the VA system, helping you get a good result with your VA claim.
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Whether you're a longtime Arizona resident or a newcomer, chances are there's something you've always wondered about the Valley. From The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com comes Valley 101, a weekly podcast where our journalists find answers to your questions about metro Phoenix and beyond. From silly to serious, you tell us what to investigate. You can submit questions at valley101.azcentral.com or reach us on social media @azcentral. Amanda Luberto is the producer of this show.
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Weekly sermons from Grace Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA
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Self help and motivation for anyone wanting to improve their mindset and situation through learning knowledge and learning how to take action.
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De stem van de werkende, sparende en ondernemende Vlaming.
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A replay of shows that have been aired on Sid Valley Radio
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Green Valley Baptist Church in Hoover, AL. Learn more about Green Valley at gvbc.org.
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Sermons from Chenal Valley Church
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Loving God...Loving the Church...Loving Our Community and the World
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Valley Bible Church Podcast
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The official podcast for Valley Community Baptist Church. avon.valleycommunity.cc
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Dark Valley is an investigation into the Connecticut River Valley Killer (CRVK) and the 8 women who were brutally murdered. CRVK prowled the borderland of Vermont and New Hampshire in the 1980s. These cases remain unsolved to this day. Produced and hosted by Jennifer Amell. Narratively driven, Dark Valley centralizes the story of Jane Boroksi, considered to be the lone survivor of the Valley Killer as she and Jennifer investigate the cold cases of Catherine Millican, Elizabeth Betsy Critchle ...
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Looking for Shared Offices Space for Rent or Lease in Valdosta, Georgia? Check out the various sizes office space available in Valdosta to choose from. One payment covers everything.
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A podcast about language, with host John McWhorter.
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Listen to teaching from Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado with lead pastor Josh Lindstrom and other teachers. We seek to Love Well • Change Lives • Through Christ This simple statement reminds us of why we exist. It tells us how to live and what we are striving for. Check us out at Woodmenvalley.org
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The newest sermons from Merrimack Valley Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Buffalo Valley Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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Weekly Message at Thornapple Valley Church
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Weekly teaching from Chattanooga Valley Baptist Church in Flintstone, Georgia, with Pastor Brian Carroll. Music by Rev. C. Foster Payne
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This is a podcast that goes over new research and basic information about growing orchard crops in the Central Valley of California
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Welcome to the weekly audio Podcast from Valley Church in Caldwell, Idaho
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Nutrition for preparation and optimal performance in the backcountry.
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The newest sermons from Lehigh Valley Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Hunt Valley Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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durée : 00:40:14 - France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) - par : Guillaume Erner, Isabelle de Gaulmyn - Le Sieg Heil d’Elon Musk, homme le plus riche du monde et membre de l’administration Trump a largement choqué, il est la manifestation immanquable de la dérive des sociétés occidentales. Johann Chapoutot est notre invité pour tente…
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durée : 00:54:39 - On va déguster - par : François-Régis Gaudry - Ras el Hanout du Maghreb, 5 épices de Chine, Garam Masala d’Inde… On vous raconte et on cuisine quelques-uns des grands mélanges d’épices qui parfument les répertoires culinaires du monde entier.François-Régis Gaudry
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Join Ed Farmer, VA-accredited attorney and US Army combat veteran, as he delves into the difference between causation and correlation in veterans' conditions, offering insights into linking conditions for VA claims. Through practical examples, Ed explains why having two conditions like PTSD and sleep apnea doesn't automatically mean one causes the …
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1 Timothy 4:11-16
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A banda de fer apostes dels Oscars amb els nostres col·laboradors, parlem de l'amor amb pel·lícules d'estrena. Entrevistem a Mario Casas, protagonista d' El secret de l'orfebre. I conversem amb Helena Taberna, directora de Nosaltres, que ens visita acompanyada de María Vázquez. Escuchar audio
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Vous connaissez certainement le journal Le Monde, vous avez déjà dû le citer dans une de vos copies à l’école. Pourtant cette « référence » de la presse n’a plus sa réputation d’antan. Entre déformation d’information, idéologie et méthodes douteuses, le titre a perdu ses lettres de noblesse. Victor Eyraud et Amaury Brelet, tous deux journalistes po…
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VOV1 - Chỉ đầu tư xây dựng các dự án nhiệt điện than đã có trong quy hoạch điện VII điều chỉnh và đang đầu tư xây dựng đến năm 2030; Định hướng thực hiện chuyển đổi nhiên liệu sang sinh khối và amoniac với các nhà máy đã vận hành được 20 năm khi giá thành phù hợp
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Burgemeester van Malle en kersvers Vlaams Parlementslid Sanne Van Looy schuift deze week aan in Studio Vlaanderen. Ze vertelt Joost met Kempense trots over haar liefde voor de streek, haar fascinatie voor de klassieke oudheid en haar ervaringen in de Vlaamse politieke arena.N-VA
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durée : 00:08:37 - La Question du jour - par : Marguerite Catton - C'est un fait peu connu mais alarmant, en France le taux de mortalité infantile ne fait qu'augmenter depuis 2020, atteignant le chiffre de 4,1 pour 1000 naissances selon les derniers chiffres disponibles. Comment expliquer ce chiffre en hausse ? - réalisation : Félicie Faugère - inv…
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durée : 00:02:26 - L'Humeur du matin par Guillaume Erner - par : Guillaume Erner - La polémique autour de Jean-Michel Apathie témoigne des conflits mémoriels toujours aussi forts sur la question algérienne. - réalisation : Félicie FaugèreGuillaume ERNER
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The Devil wants to destroy the people of God. That has been his plan from the first Hebrew baby thrown in the Nile by Pharaoh. Even today, he has his sights set on the church. Christians today face unimaginable persecution in totalitarian regimes. Christians in many western nations face a different kind of attack through false teaching, modern here…
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Zeal for Your House
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1:01:55Sunday Morning Message by Pastor Jonah Coyne
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Happy Classics 9 Mar 2025
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2:00:00The Best in Classical MusicDenese
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Huggys Show 9 Mar 2025
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1:00:00Live from huggy's BasementHuggy Hughes
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By The Fireside 9 Mar 2025
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1:00:00Music from the 30sJooly
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Old Time Radio 9 Mar 2025
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1:00:00Old Time Radio Hour with Humour and Adventure form the 40s and 50sJooly
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Timeless old Tracks 9 Mar 2025
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1:00:00Timeless old music from vinyl prepared for todayJooly
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Steve Walker
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durée : 00:03:43 - La Chronique vin de Jérôme Gagnez - par : Jérôme Gagnez - Le vignoble de Combrillac s’élève sur une colline dominant la vallée de la Dordogne, à l’entrée de la ville de Bergerac, en plein cœur du Périgord Pourpre.Jérôme Gagnez
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durée : 00:06:41 - La cucina allegra d'Alessandra Pierini - Quand on parle d’épices, ce n’est pas spontanément la cuisine italienne qui nous vient à l’esprit. Et pourtant... elle a connu, elle aussi, son âge d’or !France Inter
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durée : 00:07:33 - Le coup de coeur de François-Régis Gaudry - par : François-Régis Gaudry - Une création inédite de la cheffe pâtissière Jessica Préalpato et de l'humoriste Claudia Tagbo.François-Régis Gaudry
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Luke 1:26-56
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1:11:57David Conine
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What would be possible if you didn’t need to anticipate danger?
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1:32:24Fear keeps us on edge, always preparing for the worst. We brace for impact, expecting struggle and hardship. But what if Jesus' resurrection means we don’t need to live in constant fear? What if we could trust that God is truly in control? This week, we’ll explore how Jesus' victory over death allows us to step forward with courage and peace. Encou…
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Kirby Neely
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Adrian (The ModFather) 9 Mar 2025
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2:00:00A mix of 60's and Northern Soul and Regge that made MOD a success.Adrian
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In this episode we talk about the 1st thing we all need to do in order to be successful in anything we do.Aaron
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Gavin's Saturdays Mornings 8 Mar 2025
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2:00:00Gavin's Saturdays MorningsGavin Stuart
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durée : 00:18:58 - France Culture va plus loin le samedi - par : Nicolas Herbeaux, Pauline Chanu - Cette semaine, Nicolas Herbeaux se rend à la Galerie des Filles du Calvaire pour rencontrer l'artiste peintre Karine Rougier. Elle nous présente sa nouvelle exposition : Le Jardin des Souffles. - réalisation : Jean-Christophe Francis - invités : Karin…
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durée : 00:39:59 - France Culture va plus loin le samedi - par : Nicolas Herbeaux, Pauline Chanu - Vivons-nous où nous naissons ? Qu'est-ce qui nous rattache à ce qu'on appelle son chez-soi ? Et est-ce forcément notre lieu d'origine ? Voici quelques-unes des questions existentielles que l'on va se poser ce matin. - réalisation : Jean-Christophe Fra…
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In this episode we talk about discipline and what does it look like and how can we get more of it to improve our situation.Aaron
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Frankies SoulTime 7 Mar 2025
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2:00:00Frankie Raes Soul TimeFreankie Raes
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Episode 290: 4 NEW PROMO CODES! 1600 Power Cores & More, Age of Annihilus, Store Updates | Marvel Strike Force
4 Free Promos Twitch Drops NEW Strike Spot Easy Weekly Event 7th Anniversary Events New Costumes Captain Britain Event Howard the Duck Release 4-piece StarJammer value in Crucible this week Lilandra Unlocked RED star web event New Awakened abilities in store 7th anniversary orb OML diamonds February Meta-Event Gift Crucible on Weekend see more ther…
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In this episode of Castro Valley Compass, we’re bringing you another exciting Chamber Chat! 🎉 Join us as Janella Anguiano and Kit Thompson from the Castro Valley/Eden Area Chamber of Commerce share how the Chamber supports local businesses, upcoming events, and ways you can get involved. 💼🏡 🔎 Also in this episode: 🛹 Skate Park Upgrades – Local park…
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John Borrett 7 Mar 2025
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1:00:00Fridays with John BorrettJohn Borrett
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Gavin Stuart 7 Mar 2025
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2:00:00Gavins Afternoon ShowGavin Stuart
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durée : 00:22:39 - France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) - par : Guillaume Erner, Marie-Lys de Saint Salvy - Quels mots choisir pour donner une vision du féminisme en 2025 ? Quelles femmes incarnent ce combat ? Quels sont les nouveaux défis, face à la montée d’une pensée réactionnaire ? On y répond avec Rokhaya Diallo, qui publie un …
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durée : 00:15:47 - France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) - par : Guillaume Erner, Marie-Lys de Saint Salvy - Face à l’accélération de la dégradation des relations transatlantiques et l’alignement de Donald Trump sur le Kremlin, l'Europe prend conscience de l'immense chantier du réarmement européen. Comment le financer ? Sommes-nous p…
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durée : 00:08:28 - La Question du jour - par : Marguerite Catton - Bien que son fonctionnement repose sur le partage du savoir et l’honnêteté intellectuelle de ses contributeurs, la célèbre encyclopédie en ligne est visée par une série d'accusations. - réalisation : Félicie Faugère - invités : Lionel Barbe Maître de conférences en sciences de l'inf…
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durée : 00:02:53 - L'Humeur du matin par Guillaume Erner - par : Guillaume Erner - Coupes budgétaires drastiques, mots interdits dans les projets scientifiques, anti-intellectualisme ambiant. L'Amérique renoue avec ses vieux démons qu'elle n'a plus connus depuis le maccarthisme. Cette guerre à l'intelligence porte un nom : la connerie. - réalisatio…
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The Country Bunker 6 Mar 2025
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2:00:00The Country BunkerGavin
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Silicon Valley is obsessed with solutionism. So, it shouldn't come as a surprise that when it comes to a declining birth rate some of the valley’s elite have a clear answer: more babies at all costs. Today on the show, we talk about the pronatalism movement and how ideas around increasing birth rates are trending among some of the valley’s biggest …
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durée : 00:38:38 - France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) - par : Guillaume Erner, Marie-Lys de Saint Salvy - Du scandale de Bétharram à l’affaire Le Scouarnec en passant par le procès des viols de Mazan, l’actualité abonde de faits de violences sexuelles. Qu’il soit religieux, éducatif ou familial, comment le système profite-t-il à c…
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durée : 00:08:20 - La Question du jour - par : Marguerite Catton - Les dirigeants européens s'apprêtent à discuter de la possibilité d'utiliser les avoirs russes pour financer la défense de l'Ukraine. Une option qui se heurte au principe d'immunité des États. Néanmoins, une solution alternative est possible. - réalisation : Félicie Faugère - invité…
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durée : 00:02:13 - L'Humeur du matin par Guillaume Erner - par : Guillaume Erner - Le tragique est de retour, mais avec une différence fondamentale entre 1930 et 2025. Les années 1930 étaient marquées par des idéologies totalitaires comme le communisme et le nazisme, qui promettaient la libération et le paradis sur terre, aujourd'hui, la croyance e…
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Luka here!
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1:06:00Barry is back with more NBA talk, NBA trivia, and our thoughts on the state of the NBA.valleyvoicesunleashed
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Severance, birthdays, and why "WE HAVE TO GO BACK!"
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1:11:51While Elliott parades nude through the streets of storm-stricken Sarasota and while Joe moans another Monday in Montana, Steve sticks to the sweet stuff: birthdays, Severance, and THE DHARMA INITIATIVE?! That's right, check out the new documentary about LOST here: http://gettinglostdoc.com ! Also Owen's there. Music/SFX: If you like our sounds, sig…
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Smooth Jazz with Anthony 5 Mar 2025
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2:00:00Anthony brings you the best in smooth Jazz Every WednesdayAnthony
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Tim Stevens 5 Mar 2025
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2:00:00All about the 80s with Tim StevensTim
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