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Вечерние чтения

О новых устройствах, it-новостях и трендах. Twitter: Telegram:
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Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Eine Reportage aus der Fabrik, Manager und Expertinnen im Gespräch, Hintergründe zur Globalisierung oder zur Finanzierung des Sozialstaats: Trend greift relevante Wirtschaftsthemen auf und vertieft sie in einem Schwerpunkt.
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Dünya Trendleri

Aykut Balcı

Dünya Trendleri ile teknoloji ve iş dünyasının heyecan verici dünyasını keşfediyoruz! Bu yolculukta sektörün önde gelen uzmanlarını, girişimcilerini ve öğrenmeye açık liderlerini tanıyacağız. Sizlerle bilgi dolu sohbetler gerçekleştireceğiz ve birlikte öğrenmekten keyif alacağız. Her bölümde yeni fikirlerin, yenilikçi çözümlerin ve gelecek vizyonlarının peşine düşüyoruz... Aykut Balcı ve konuklarıyla Dünya Trendleri, sizlerle buluşuyor.
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What's Trending

KBR Prime

Hadir setiap hari, mengupas hal-hal yang jadi trending topic atau viral di dunia maya. Kami bahas bersama narasumber terkait supaya informasi makin lengkap. Hadir juga di 10 radio di kota besar se-Indonesia. Kunjungi untuk mendengarkan berbagai podcast menarik produksi KBR.
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Trend Topic

Podbee Media

Türkiye'de gündemi takip etmek zor iş. Trend Topic işte tam da bunun için var. Ozan Gündoğdu Trend Topic'te haftanın en trend haberlerini, Trend Ekonomi'de de ekonomi gündemini ele alıyor. Gündeme dair daha derinlikli bir bakış yakalamaya hazırsanız başlayalım.
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Joe Trendy SPORTS podcast

Joe Trendy

Podcast prevažne o NBA, kde vám v show Buzzer Beater komik Joe Trendy spoločne s novinárom a NBA freakom Tomášom Prokopom prináš novinky z NBA, analýzy, predikcie a názory na túto hru. Počúvajte nás a váš prehľad o NBA bude lepší. Aj život samotný.
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Trend - تريند

Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست

كل ما تحتاج سماعه عن اخر الاخبار الأجتماعية واخر ما شغل مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بمكان واحد
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Trendy v udržitelnosti

Jaroslav Kramer

Byznysový podcast o nové společenské éře, jejímž leitmotivem je ohleduplnost k okolnímu světu. Své pohledy na udržitelnou budoucnost Česka v něm představují nejen zástupci klíčových byznysových oblastí, ale také zásadní aktéři politické scény.
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Trending Topics Tech Talk

Trending Topics

Trending Topics spricht täglich mit den smartesten Köpfen über die wichtigsten Trends bei Startups, AI, Fintech, Crypto, E-Mobility, Sustainability, Tech und Gründertum. Die News, Berichte und Hintergrundberichte gibt es täglich auf und
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Trending Health


Tune in each week for in-depth discussions on the topics we think industry leaders should be considering, along with monthly healthcare news round-ups (Trending News US and Trending News Europe).
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Through the lense of a Trendsetter: A purpose driven INSPIRATIONAL HIP HOP PODCAST that showcases creative perspectives & music dedicated to spreading positivity & inspiration. Uplifting youthful souls through stories of overcoming challenges, practical faith-based advice, and motivational music.
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Michael Covel's Trend Following

Michael Covel

Bestselling author Michael Covel is the host of Trend Following Radio with 15+ million listens. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trading -- all passionately explored and debated. Guests include Nobel Prize winners: Robert Aumann, Angus Deaton, Daniel Kahneman, Oliver Hart, Harry Markowitz & Vernon Smith. More guests: Jack Canfield, Howard Marks, James Altucher, Dan Ariely, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Kathleen Eisenhardt, Marc Fab ...
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Trend Lightly

Solid Listen

Molly McAleer (Mother, May I Sleep with Podcast?) and Tiffany Maddox recap what everybody’s talking about online. From Reuters and Reddit to Twitter and TikTok, they cover it all. Twitter @trendlightlypod / Instagram @trendlightlypod. To submit a story, email Trend Lightly is a part of the Solid Listen Network. Visit at for more.
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Trends mit Teo: Heute wissen, was morgen kommt. Die spannendsten Tech- und Business Trends aus den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz, Social Media und der Creator Economy. Dazu gibt es regelmäßige Interviews mit Top-Experten aus der deutschen Digitalszene. Euer Host ist Dr. Teo Pham, Digitalexperte, LinkedIn TopVoice und Keynote Speaker.
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Hosted by Gerald Celente, Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal. Celente is world renowned as today's #1 Trend Forecaster, with a 40-year track record of identifying, tracking. and forecasting trends. A political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “think for yourself,” observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are — not for the way he wants ...
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Andreas Lipkow

Trendfrequenz: KI im Alltag Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist allgegenwärtig. Sie steckt in unseren Smartphones, unseren Autos und sogar in unseren Häusern. Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich für unser Leben? Wie verändert KI unsere Gesellschaft? In unserem Podcast Trendfrequenz: Sprechen wir mit und durch KI, mit Experten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der KI-Forschung und -Anwendung. Wir erklären, wie KI unser Leben schon heute verändert und welche ...
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Trends This Week


Internationally-known global forecaster Gerald Celente each week breaks down the essential emerging trends in economics, geo-politics, health, aging, pop culture, education and more.
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De Trends Beleggen Podcast

Roularta Media Group, Trends, ING

Danny Reweghs, Directeur Analyse en Strategie van Trends Beleggen, gaat elke woensdag in gesprek met de journalisten van Trends en geeft u achtergrond en duiding over uw beleggingen. Hij geeft wekelijks een inkijk in de recente evoluties op de financieel economische actualiteit en neemt telkens één opmerkelijk aandeel, bedrijf of sector onder de loep. Zo kunt u de juiste keuzes maken voor uw beleggingen. Op het einde van elke aflevering geven de experts van ING hun kijk op de recente evoluti ...
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El programa periodístico de análisis político y actualidad conducido por Fernando Mauri en su 21º temporada, martes, miércoles y jueves Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast:
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Trends Kanaal Z podcasts verzamelt alle podcasts van Trends en Kanaal Z, netjes geordend volgens publicatie. De redacties van Trends en Kanaal Z brengen u verschillende podcasts over wat onze wereld en maatschappij beheerst. Vanuit diverse invalshoeken en met een uitgesproken focus op economie en ondernemingen, op business, personal finance en beleggen. Onafhankelijk, relevant, telkens constructief en toekomstgericht.
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AI Agent Store podcast explores the explosive growth of AI agents - the breakthrough technology reshaping our digital landscape in 2025. As pioneers in the AI agent marketplace (, we bring you use case insights and key implementation strategies. Each episode breaks down a specific AI agent or development platform - from ready-to-use AI Agents to agentic development frameworks - exploring their capabilities, real-world applications, and how to leverage them effectively.
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Trending with Timmerie is a nationally syndicated radio show and international podcast bringing timeless principles of Catholicism to trending thought and experience. Are you looking for relevant ways to bring together trending conversations and timeless principles? Here’s your opportunity to engage the culture head on with truth and Catholic faith. |
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Tech Trends


Stay on the cutting edge of technology with in-depth discussions and the latest news. From emerging trends to industry secrets, Tech Pulse brings you the heartbeat of the tech world.
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Marketing Trends


What happens when marketing’s sharpest minds pull back the curtain? Hosted by Stephanie Postles, Marketing Trends drops listeners into the world of trailblazing CMOs, CEOs, and visionaries who share their journeys and groundbreaking strategies. From navigating the balance between automation and human touch to leading teams through unprecedented transformation, you’re getting an unfiltered look at the lessons and ideas driving the industry forward. Whether you're leading a team or aspiring to ...
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Industry Trends

Modern Machine Shop México

Mediante una experiencia única de narración, el podcast “Industry Trends” presenta un panorama sobre el presente y futuro de la manufactura en México y los sectores que la componen. Con un estilo documental y una producción de audio de alta calidad, el podcast cuenta con los comentarios de los principales líderes de la industria en México, quienes comparten su visión sobre este importante sector.
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Trends in Low Places

Good Buddy Media

Trends In Low Places is a comedic exploration of the hottest and dumbest trends of the day. Your intrepid hosts Mike and Michael – joined by friendly experts – explore social trending topics, current events and the modern era’s insatiable hunger for celebrity deaths. If you’re in desperate need for unqualified analysis of our world’s most pressing issues, these are the guys for you.
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Join the girl otakus of Anime Trending, Gracie, Isabelle, and Agnes, on their weekly roundtable discussions regarding anime! With topics ranging from character analysis, trope discussions, and personal preferences in anime, you are guaranteed to have a fun time listening to the many gossips of anime girl talk. Welcome to the Girltaku!
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Trending Diary

Trending Diary

Everyone has a story to tell! What’s yours? Trending Diary connects you with great ideas, storytelling, experiences, and people to give a deeper understanding of the world around you. Listen to valuable lessons and entertaining stories from great mind that add value to your life. TUNE IN! OUR AIM At Trending Diary the words are emotions, real values. “Think Bigger And Feel Deeper”. Cover different ranges of lifestyle topics, so you will stay up to date with the world. Include a variety of is ...
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A daily podcast of all the news stories that are trending on PocketPod. Download the PocketPod app today to get a fully personalized daily news podcast, made for you each morning with all the stories you care about plus your local weather and a calendar and reminders overview.
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Beluister deze Podcast met Guy Boscart van US Markets en Christian van der Vliet, we hebben het over de situatie van de financiële markten, de ontwikkelingen in de wereld en verder pakken we ook de trends van het moment op waar we het dan hebben over onder andere sport, lifestyle, de mindset en ook spreken we ons uit over de levenservaring ... We proberen zo een leuke Podcast te maken die voor iedereen toegankelijk is. De bedoeling ervan is dat iedereen zich er in kan herkennen ...
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Trending Globally: Politics and Policy

Trending Globally: Politics & Policy

An award-winning podcast from the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, exploring today's biggest global challenges with the world's leading experts. Listen every other week by subscribing wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Caregiver Trending


Sponsored by the caregiving benefit service Homethrive, this podcast features discussions on caregiving topics, interviews with thought leaders, and provides expert advice for caregivers from Homethrive's in-house Care Guides.
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show series
Learn more about BaseRock AI at AI Agent Store: List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: Biggest AI agents video collection: https://aiagents…
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welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for monday, march 24th! join us as we explore today's noteworthy tech developments: the bot company funding round: robotics startup founded by former cruise ceo kyle vogt secures $150 million to innovate household chore automation, following initial investments from industry leaders. bluesky welcomes barack obama…
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In today's episode of Hashtag Trending, host Jim Love presents recent technological advancements and updates in the tech world. OpenAI introduces three new voice models—GPT-4 oh Transcribe, GPT-4 oh Mini Transcribe, and GPT-4 oh Mini TTS—designed to enhance speech functionalities. Anthropic's AI assistant, Claude, now features real-time web search …
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We trappen de week af met belangrijk nieuws rond de toestand van de Europese en de Amerikaanse economie. Wat vertellen de nieuwste PMI-cijfers ons over de Europese groei — of net het gebrek eraan? We kijken ook naar de favoriete inflatiemeter van de FED, de PCI Price Index. Is het leven voor Amerikaanse gezinnen goedkoper of juist duurder geworden?…
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Teror kepala babi yang menimpa media Tempo terus jadi sorotan. Beragam respons mengemuka terkait ancaman kepada pilar keempat demokrasi itu. Pekan lalu, jurnalis Tempo berinisial FCR dikirimi kepala babi oleh orang tak dikenal. Tiga hari setelahnya, kantor Tempo kembali mendapatkan kiriman paket berisi enam ekor bangkai tikus tanpa kepala. Kapolri …
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Sie sind damit gestartet, Smartphones das Lesen beizubringen: Anyline aus Wien gilt als eines der erfolgreichsten Scale-ups der letzten zehn Jahre - immerhin hat das Team um Lukas Kinigadner bisher mehr als 35 Mio. Euro an Kapital eingesammelt. Nun aber kommen die AI-Modelle immer stärker im Alltag an - auch ChatGPT kann via Smartphone “sehen”. Wie…
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My guest today is Moritz Seibert, Founder & CEO at Takahē Capital, a systematic investment manager targeting absolute returns through resilient trading strategies. He is also the former CEO/CIO at Munich Re Investment Partners, and the co-host at Top Traders Unplugged. He is an experienced quant trader across equities, commodities, bonds, FX, digit…
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Israel has approved the establishment of an agency to enable the exit of Gazans who “voluntarily” want to leave the strip. Syria is cracking down on captagon smuggling. A Turkish court jailed the mayor of Istanbul pending trial as authorities arrested more than 300 protestors. This episode features Thomas Helm and Sinan Mahmoud.…
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249. Bölümde MORİ Kurucusu ve eğitmen Enise Burcu Derinboğaz konuğum oldu. Biyomimikriyi, doğadan ilham alarak inovasyon yapmayı ve bunun farklı sektörlerde nasıl uygulanabileceğini konuştuk. Kuşlardan şehir tasarımına, döngüsel ekonomiden sürdürülebilirlik çalışmalarına kadar geniş bir perspektifte doğanın iş dünyasına sunduğu çözümleri ele aldık.…
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نهى نبيل تصير رسمياً من سكان الرياض.. هل تفكر بتغيير جنسيتها؟ زيارة مودل روز للرياض تثير التساؤلات.. السبب اللي قالته مقنع؟ إلهام الفضالة تكتسح الجوائز.. واتهامات بالاحتكار تلاحقها!Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Learn more about 10Web at AI Agent Store: List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: Biggest AI agents video collection:…
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As technology reshapes our digital and physical worlds, we're seeing transformative changes from AI chatbots gaining search capabilities to renewable energy revolutionizing power generation. Meanwhile, nature reminds us of cosmic wonders as Saturn's rings prepare for a rare disappearing act, highlighting how even seemingly permanent features of our…
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welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for sunday, march 23rd! today's episode covers exciting developments in the tech world: jonah peretti and buzzfeed: the founder and ceo discusses leveraging ai for creativity amidst ongoing experimentation and challenges in digital media. charlie javice trial: the former ceo of frank faces allegations of defraudi…
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In deze Walk The Talk - Trends Talk krijg je een extra veel info over beleggen. Je hebt het misschien zelf ook al gemerkt, maar de aandelenmarkten zijn volop in beweging; Zit Wall Street op een kantelpunt? En geeft Donald Trump misschien nog een extra duwtje? Maken de Europese markten een comeback? En is dat dan op lange termijn? Kortom, veel beleg…
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In this week’s episode, David and Ian discuss the appropriate risk-management process when US Markets are below their 200-day moving average. They also highlight what’s happening with International stocks, US sectors, precious metals, the dollar, and crypto.David Zarling, Ian McMillan
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Technology is reshaping our world at breakneck speed, from democratizing weather prediction to transforming how we power our homes. As artificial intelligence drives unprecedented advances in forecasting and enables lean startups to compete with industry giants, traditional powerhouses face disruption across sectors, leading to both innovation and …
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welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for saturday, march 22nd! here's a quick summary of today's top stories: meta settlement in the uk: meta resolves a lawsuit with human rights campaigner tanya o'carroll, agreeing to stop using her personal data for targeted advertising, highlighting important privacy rights under uk and eu laws. google's controve…
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Learn more about Manus at AI Agent Store: List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: Biggest AI agents video collection:…
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Exploring the Future: Agents, MCP, and the Rapid Evolution of AI In this episode of Project Synapse, hosts Marcel Gagne and John Pinard, along with their community, discuss the latest advancements in AI. They delve into the concept of 'agents' and how they can perform tasks autonomously using standardized APIs, highlighting OpenAI's recent developm…
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In deze aflevering van Z 7 op 7: - Londen Heathrow, de drukste luchthaven van Europa, moest zijn deuren sluiten na een brand. Hierdoor daalden luchtvaart- en toerismeaandelen fors.- En de runderprijzen swingen de pan uit door een structureel tekort op de rundvleesmarkt.In het beursgesprek is Philippe Gijsels te gast. Hij spreekt over de invloed die…
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St. Joseph's chastity, obedience, and humility with Norbertine Father Sebastian Walshe. (2:28) St. Joseph was a financial failure. How did he find self value and patience with himself? (24:47) Almsgiving as a Lenten practice (28:31) Why did an abortion business close in one of the highest volume abortion locations in the country? (41:19) Resources …
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Len elektráreň Mochovce by potrebovala každý rok päť až sedem nových absolventov na prácu prevádzkového personálu. Docent Gabriel Farkas pôsobí v Ústave jadrového a fyzikálneho inžinierstva na Fakulte elektrotechniky a informatiky Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave. V podcaste s Veronikou Vaňkovou hovorí o výzvach, ktorým jadrová energet…
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Die Schweizer Pharmaindustrie gilt als Musterschülerin, was Klimaziele angeht. Allerdings: was in der Schweiz anfällt, ist nur ein kleiner Teil der Treibhausgas-Emissionen. Der Ausstoss entlang der Lieferketten - vom Rohstoff bis zur Tablette - ist um ein Vielfaches grösser. Die Ziele des Pariser Klima-Abkommens erreichen - das möchte auch die Schw…
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Highlights: 06:30 - Jiao Jie on the economic transformation of the Global South 10:45 - David Sumual on Alternative Financing: How new funding models are reshaping global financial cooperation 21:50 - Marc Uzan on Financial Reform: Challenges facing the Global South in the Bretton Woods system 34:00 -The future of financial governance in an increas…
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As Earth hits unprecedented temperature highs, technology emerges as both a warning system and a solution, with AI making breakthrough advances in medical diagnostics that could save countless lives. Meanwhile, the record-breaking sale of the Boston Celtics reflects how traditional institutions are being reshaped by modern market forces, showing ho…
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welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for friday, march 21st! in today's episode, we delve into the latest happenings in the tech world: nvidia's global technology conference: highlights from ceo jensen huang's keynote, showcasing new chips and personal supercomputers amid stock concerns over u.s. tariffs and competition from emerging players. apple'…
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Learn more about Synthesia at AI Agent Store: List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: Biggest AI agents video collection: https://aiagentstore.…
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Co mají společného duševní zdraví a udržitelnost? Mnohé. Bez duševního zdraví není možný žádný rozvoj, ani ten neudržitelný, natož udržitelný. Pozitivní zpětná vazba je tu navíc vzájemná. „Existují výzkumy, které ukazují, že pro-environmentální chování zvyšuje životní spokojenost a snižuje stres,“ říká v podcastu Trendy v udržitelnosti psycholožka …
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AI Scaling Skepticism, IBM Layoffs, Deep Fake Protection, and NHL's New App In this episode of Hashtag Trending, host Jim Love discusses a survey revealing that 76% of AI researchers doubt scaling up current AI models can lead to artificial general intelligence. The episode also covers IBM's significant layoffs, Loti AI's expansion of deep fake pro…
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De aandelenmarkten zijn in volle beweging en we zitten als beleggers op het puntje van onze stoel. Is de remonte van de Europese aandelenmarkten ook echt duurzaam? Zal Wall Street buigen, dan wel barsten? In deze Trends Talk-special over beleggen beantwoorden Trends-Kanaal Z-experten Ilse De Witte en Danny Reweghs de belangrijkste beleggersvragen. …
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Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan substansi materi, menyepakati dan menyetujui RUU TNI yang dibahas fokus hanya pada 3 substansi utama. Yaitu yang pertama terkait dengan tugas pokok TNI dalam operasi militer selain perang atau OMSP. Pasal kedua yang dibahas adalah pasal 47 terkait dengan penempatan prajurit TNI pada kementerian dan lembaga. Sebagaimana …
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In deze aflevering van Z 7 op 7: - Hoe destructief is het agressieve en onvoorspelbare handelsbeleid van president Trump voor de Amerikaanse economie? We vragen het aan de hoofdeconoom van Trends, Daan Killemaes - Een handelsoorlog kan de eurozone tot een half procentpunt groei kosten, waarschuwt ECB-voorzitter Lagarde In Tussen Wetstraat en Wall S…
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Palestinians in Gaza have been warned not to move between the north and south of the strip. US President Donald Trump has warned that Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels will be “completely annihilated”. Germany has reopened its embassy to Syria, 13 years after closing its doors. This episode features Nagham Mohanna and Jamie Prentis.…
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Why does everyone love the Netflix “reality” show “Temptation Island”? (0:42) Why actress Emma Watson won’t do drugs or nude scenes. (25:36) Stop the black Mass. (36:49) Self control – Fruits of the Holy Spirit (41:12) Resources mentioned : Overcome Pornography Canopy phone service: To sign petition …
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Washington chce ukrajinskú energetiku a Bratislava brojí proti nižším poplatkom za elektrinu. TREND prináša nový týždenný sumár toho najzaujímavejšieho v ekonomike, politike či na finančných
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„Rozhodnutia o európskom priemysle potrebujú politický rámec, ktorý presahuje volebný cyklus a zohľadňuje rýchlosť dnešného sveta,“ upozorňuje analytik Jan Burian.Veronika Vaňková diskutuje v rozhovore s Janom Burianom aj o tom: • Čo môže priemyslu priniesť európska iniciatíva Clean Industrial Deal? • Kam sa európsky priemysel posunul od Antverpske…
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Lavocado Nocą #125Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek specjalny, wiosenny, w którym robimy przerwę od rozmów o grach. Zamiast tego skupiliśmy się na tym jak szukamy informacji, jak działają nasze social media, pogadaliśmy o prawie autorskim i polskim rynku książki. Poleciliśmy książkę Naomi Alderman "Przyszłość", oraz "The New Yorker. Biografia pism…
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Life can be stressful, and maybe you feel like you're at the end of your rope. Now is the time to lean on help from the Holy Spirit! Timmerie shared some solid wisdom about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, specifically Peace and Patience, and she talked about why these two are basically must-haves if you want to keep your sanity and grow in holiness.…
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Auch die Kryptologen Alexander Kirchmaier und Lukas Leys blicken derzeit natürlich gespannt auf die Daten - und sehen auch: Es gibt derzeit ordentliche Abflüsse aus den Bitcoin-ETFs, der Hype rund um Trumps Krypto-Reserve ist abgeflaut, und bei Memecoins herrscht Flaute. Was sagt das über den Gesamtmarkt aus? Die Themen im Podcast heute: Trump & di…
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ماذا يوجد داخل هلال برج الساعة بمكة؟ مفاجأة لم يتوقعها أحد! نهى نبيل تلعبها صح وتطلق منتجات التجميل الخاصة فيها بفكرة ما تخطر على البال!Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Industrie- und humanoide Roboter könnten laut NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang eine der größten Industrien aller Zeiten werden. Daher möchte NVIDIA zukünftig auf physische KI für Roboter und selbstfahrende Autos setzen. Zusätzlich hat NVIDIA mit Blackwell Ultra, Rubin und Feynman einen Ausblick auf die Chip-Generationen und GPU-Architektur der Zukunft gegeb…
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As technology reshapes our world, today's stories reveal both promise and peril: while Nvidia empowers businesses with advanced AI capabilities, malicious actors exploit the same technology on social media for profit. Meanwhile, Santander's massive branch closures highlight how digital transformation is fundamentally changing human interactions, ra…
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