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Jean Chambre e Duda Reis Gonçalves

Jean Chambre & Duda Reis comandam entrevistas exclusivas com as estrelas que estão moldando a cultura pop, desde músicos e atores até influenciadores e criadores de conteúdo.
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Un podcast di Dario Saltari che prova a snodare le trame fra sport e politica internazionale. Questo podcast è realizzato grazie al sostegno degli abbonati. Abbonati a Ultimo Uomo.
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Trama University

Trama Universirty

Trama University es un espacio en el que se integran el liderazgo y la excelencia, con la inspiración, el desarrollo y el aprendizaje de líderes venezolanos reconocidos por sus logros e impacto.
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Champ and The Tramp

Frankie Edgar and Roger Mathews

UFC Hall of Famer Frankie Edgar and MTV Personality Roger Mathews come together in their man cave every week touching on real life issues, current events, MMA discussion, Reality TV, fatherhood, dating, guests and so much more.
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Tramlines is the only farming podcast that delivers advice to growers on how to improve environmental performance and maximise farm profitability. By tuning into Tramlines, you will benefit from listening to episodes that feature experts and experienced farmers, who share valuable information on best practices, new techniques, and the latest research in agriculture. Join the experts fortnightly as they address common problems and solutions and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Wi ...
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Sonny G

TrampTalk is an Interview based Podcast .Tramp is a long walk, typically a tiring one. As Professionals, Creatives, Artists, etc. We can ALL attest to this long tiring walk in life. Support this podcast:
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The Trampled Bet Football Betting Podcast

Trampled Bet

The football betting podcast that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Andy & Gordo use all their guile and cunning to select a banker, value and outsider bet from the upcoming weekend fixtures around the globe. They then put their skills to the test and their money on the line in a charity treble. Find us on the Sport Social website:
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Antoine Trammell

My podcast is about me trying to both grow as a person and creator. May seem random at times but it will all work out in the end. Support this podcast:
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Trampské války


Podcast Trampské války se věnuje emočně vypjaté situaci související s aktuálním děním v CHKO Kokořínsko. Konkrétní bitva o trampské kempy má ale širší přesah – odráží stav české společnosti, náš vztah k přírodě, právu i majetku. Celé rozhovory
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Tramps, Ghosts & Ballerinas

Tramps, Ghosts & Ballerinas

Welcome to Tramps, Ghosts and Ballerinas; a book club hosted by us - Ellen, Mariah, and Fee. Join us every Monday as we reminisce about the books we read as children. We discuss our thoughts and opinions as we re-read them as adults, asking those burning questions we've held inside since we were children.
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Tramandis Talk

Travis Straw

Travis and Amanda talk about pop culture, current events, life hacks, and everything in between. Tune in for some awesome, unfiltered, unrehearsed talk between two married Straws.
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Trama Podcast

Trama Urbana

O Trama Urbana é um podcast formado por duas grandes amigas que gostam de se encontrar, comer e conversar sobre a cidade, as pessoas que vivem nela, seus edifícios e as experiências que os espaços podem nos trazer. Esperamos que se sinta parte desta conversa, pois acreditamos que bons papos podem mudar as pessoas, as cidades e o mundo.
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Wham Bam Tram


Hong Kong's urban transit show, as heard on RTHK AM621, with hard talk on sustainable transport, future mobility, zero carbon and urban planning for safe, liveable streets. Wham Bam Tram returns to RTHK's airwaves in October 2021 - but to keep our regular fans happy we're running the show as an indie podcast from July to September! Hosted by Transit Jam founder James Ockenden and recorded in Hong Kong.
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Pop Culture & Life w/Tramaine

Tramaine Jones

This show talks about Life, Pop Culture, Race & Intersectionality, Sports, Tramaine’s views & perspective, and will feature conversation about current events. If you have anything you want to talk about, please let me know! I hope you enjoy. Introduction Cover art photo provided by Tobias van Schneider on Unsplash:
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Remain with Tramaine

Maine St

A series that will give you a fresh look at traditional values, Bible based beliefs with a voice for the people of today that fall between millennials and the older generation. Helping you remain positive, timely and true to Jesus!
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E aí, Trampa Aonde?

Augusto Azevedo e Nilson Sampaio

Podcast focado em falar sobre carreiras profissionais de uma forma mais intimista, para quem quer expandir seus horizontes e conhecer possíveis rumos. Criado e produzido por: Augusto Azevedo (@augustocomsilva) e Nilson Sampaio (@nilssampaio) Contatos, emails, propostas:
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Planet Rock - The Tramp Way


Planet Rock - The Tramp Way er 2 timer med masser af rock – og masser af anekdoter fra livet på landevejen. Værten har en fortid bands som Mabel, Freak Of Nature og White Lion... navnet er naturligvis Mike Tramp - og han iler med masser af musik fra 70'erne, 80'erne, 90'erne - og såmænd også noget af det nyere. Spænd hjelmen - og gør dig klar!
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Es Una Trampa

Es Una Trampa

Bienvenidos al podcast de, donde hablaremos de series, películas, videojuegos, música y todo lo que está pasando en las cosas chéveres del mundo mundial. Nuevo Podcast todos los jueves!
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Es una Trampa


De la trilogía original a las precuelas, de las secuelas a los spin-offs, de las series a los videojuegos, de los cómics a... ¿el Especial de Navidad? Fio Sargenti y Luciano Banchero te invitan a escuchar la audioguía definitiva del universo Star Wars.
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Mi cabeza me hace trampas

Podium Podcast

Carlos Mañas cuenta en primera persona cómo es sufrir trastorno bipolar. Sin prejuicios ni medios irracionales. Molo Cebrián es el encargado de seguir esta historia en la que resulta fundamental dar a conocer la enfermedad para eliminar miedos, clichés, tabúes y superar el estigma social
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Träning Utan Trams

Jonathan Fogelberg

Jonathan Fogelberg är en entreprenör och professionell coach som har hjälpt tusentals svenskar att nå sina mål med hjälp av kost och träning. Här delar han med sig av insikter, sanningar och lärdomar för att du ska lyckas bättre i jakten på en mer vältränad kropp. Denna podcast är helt ofiltrerad och bygger på erfarenheter och kunskap från alla de klienter som anlitat Jonathan för sina träningsmål, både glada motionärer men även erfarenheter från de professionella atleter han hjälpt i förber ...
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10 Ten Trample Podcast

Mikey G, Fredo and Scott

Coming to you from beautiful Orlando, Florida. 10 Ten Trample is a podcast that celebrates the drunken pub conversations we all have with our best bros. follow the adventures of our heroes, Mike, Fredo, and Scott, each week as they navigate the often stormy seas of nerd and pop culture. Tune in for movie and TV show reviews, beer of the week, nerd news, Skynet watch, Magic the gathering and other gaming talk, as well as, our best attempts to man up and talk sports (mainly NBA go Knicks!). So ...
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Cama, Mesa e Trampo

Dani Rodrigues e Rashid

Nós estamos juntos faz 14 anos, sendo quase 10 deles casados! Além disso, trabalhamos juntos... Rashid é artista, e eu, Dani, a empresária dele. Juntos, fundamos a produtora e loja de merchan Foco na Missão. Eu sou responsável pelas burocracias e do dia a dia com a equipe, o Rashid faz arte, muita arte... Ele tem 7 discos na rua, vários clipes e singles, lançou um livro e vive aparecendo com ideias mirabolantes... Meu papel é fazer tudo isso andar! Dividimos a vida, o trabalho e o gosto por ...
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Bảo Trâm's Podcast

Kiều Oanh

Bảo Trâm's Podcast là kênh âm thanh của - chuyên chia sẻ kiến thức, kinh nghiệm chăm sóc Mẹ và Bé. Mình là Oanh, chủ nhân của Bảo Trâm's Podcast. Mình có gia đình nhỏ với 2 cô con gái đáng yêu và 1 tên chồng đáng ghét. Cái tên Bảo Trâm's Podcast và Bảo Trâm Blog là sự kết hợp của 2 cô công chúa nhà mình (1 bé tên Bảo Anh – nickname Mèo, 1 bé tên Trâm Anh – nickname Gấu). Mình học xây dựng nhưng làm nhiều việc không liên quan đến chuyên ngành. Hiện tại, vì tính chất cô ...
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Trampled Bat Podcast

Trampled Bat

Do you often laugh about things you shouldn't? Scottish comedians Gary Black, Chris Conroy, and John Walker bring you The Trampled Bat Podcast. Full of news, banter, sketches, opinions, and inappropriate laughter about practically everything. Visit or email
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Trampoline Hall

Trampoline Hall

Trampoline Hall is a barroom lecture series that has been delighting audiences every month in Toronto for fifteen years, where it has sold out every show. Praised by The New Yorker for “celebrating eccentricity and do-it-yourself inventiveness,” it asks lecturers to take a vulnerable, theatrical risk and speak on a subject they’re not professionally expert in. Subjects range from absurd and arcane obsessions to heartbreakingly personal stories. Quick-witted host Misha Glouberman conducts a Q ...
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La Trampa de la Mosca

Ràdio Manlleu

Un programa que pretén fer ombra als vídeos de gatets, a les telenovel·les de TV3 i als vídeos de llatinoamericans explicant coses. En un món que se’n va a la merda, les mosques “colloneres” estan preparades per fer conya, riure i buscar la part còmica i estúpida de tot el que ens envolta. Escolteu-nos i passeu una hora de p*** mare. No s’accepten devolucions. Components: Albert Vilella, Oscar Loro, Gerard Mus, Ivan Martínez, Víctor Lalana, Laura Centellas, Enric Sitjà, Marc Prat, Sergi Mart ...
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show series
Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 256 Our prodigal son has returned from The Land of the Rising sun with stories and tales abound! Emerging from the ocean first, is the trip to Tokyo DisneySea. Gather round for a firsthand account of adventures from the seven seas and all the ports where Rain dropped anchor and ate long bread. Join Kirk & Rai…
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Our prodigal son has returned from The Land of the Rising sun with stories and tales abound! Emerging from the ocean first, is the trip to Tokyo DisneySea. Gather round for a firsthand account of adventures from the seven seas and all the ports where Rain dropped anchor and ate long bread. Join Kirk & Rain as they Sea the world on a volcanic new ep…
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Today we are joined by Agrii’s Adam Simper, national grass, roots and environmental seeds manager and Simon Hobbs, national cover crop, environmental and wildflower seeds technical manager. In this episode our focus is SFI. Is it much more than simply taking the payment? How can SFI also benefit the farm business in terms of both productivity and f…
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Happy St. Trammin's Day! What is this episode about? Who knows, but it's a bonus, so we hope you enjoy! Listen to full episodes every Windsday and topic-only uploads on Big Thunder Thursdays! Instagram Trammin' - Christian Rainwater - Music Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeo…
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Robert Perry is one of the most prolific, sucessful, and iconic sailboat designers of the modern age. He is known for designing the Valiant 40, Tayana 37, Tashiba 36, Baba 35, and many many more. His knowledge of sailboats is extensive to the point of making him a national treasure. We talk about older crusing boats ideal for beginning cruisiers, i…
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On this episode of @ChampandtheTramp, the guys talk about everything from online trolls to insane real-life crime stories. Frankie and Roger address social media criticism, debating whether people really understand the full story before reacting. They also dive into shocking headlines, including a disturbing local murder case, a bizarre hermit who …
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Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 255 SXSW had a lot of surprises to be sure. But we're here to welcome them. Disney has a lot cooking right now so we thought we'd make sense of it all. Who better to speculate and analyze with than friend of the show Freddy? We're going coast to coast this week, ending on what the heck is going on at Disneyla…
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SXSW had a lot of surprises to be sure. But we're here to welcome them. Disney has a lot cooking right now so we thought we'd make sense of it all. Who better to speculate and analyze with than friend of the show Freddy? We're going coast to coast this week, ending on what the heck is going on at Disneyland. Join Kirk & Freddy as they figure it all…
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Juan Luis Martínez ha trabajado en restaurantes de diversos países, destacando entre ellos Diverxo en España y Central en Perú, este último junto a Virgilio Martínez, uno de sus mentores. En 2018, Juan Luis abrió su propio restaurante: Mérito. Un local en el que el chef venezolano ha conseguido fusionar los sabores de su país natal con aquel de aco…
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Andy and Gordo are joined by Dave Greenfield to give their betting picks for this weeks Cheltenham Festival. More episodes throughout the week will be exclusive to Check out our website Subscribe to Trampled Bet Patreon Follow Trampled Bet on Twitter Trampled Be…
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L'ultimo album di Bad Bunny, "Debí tirar más fotos", è stato uno dei più grandi successi musicali di questo 2025, ma è importante anche per i suoi significati politici. I suoi testi, infatti, ci parlano di temi che sono rimasti sotto la cenere per decenni e che, con il ritorno di Donald Trump alla Casa Bianca, sono tornati ad essere rilevanti. Dall…
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Fraser Flight was born and raised in Zimbabwe, where he up on a tobacco farm. He started sailing as a young boy on a lake alongside giraffes and rhinos. He progressed to competetive internationl dinghy racing as a child and offshore racing as an adult. He earned a Master of Yachts license, has logged over 80,000 miles on sailing and motor yachts, a…
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On this episode of @ChampandtheTramp, Chris Liguori stops by to chat about his journey through the fight game, from early MMA wars to the evolution of the sport today. The guys dive into wild gym stories, the brutal reality of training through injuries, and how fighter pay and UFC politics have changed over the years. Frankie also discusses RFK Jr.…
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Andy and Gordo are joined by Joey Slenzak to give their betting picks for this weekend all across the UK, Europe and further. It's the football betting podcast that doesn't take its self too seriously. This weeks picks come from: Nordsjaelland v Vejle (Danish Superliga) Inter Milan v Monza (Italian Serie A) Greuther Furth v Magdeburg (German 2. Bun…
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Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 254 KaCHOW! Some of us like Cars, but some of us like cars. The automobiles. The vehicles. This appreciated translates into nerding out over seats, materials, and mechanics of Disneyland's Ride Vehicles. So we invited a Car Guy, the TramFam's very own John H. to break down all the ways we get around our favor…
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KaCHOW! Some of us like Cars, but some of us like cars. The automobiles. The vehicles. This appreciated translates into nerding out over seats, materials, and mechanics of Disneyland's Ride Vehicles. So we invited a Car Guy, the TramFam's very own John H. to break down all the ways we get around our favorite attractions. Fasten your seatbelt and jo…
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Wilson Prada es docente, comunicador, fotógrafo y gestor cultural. Wilson ha sido invitado a foros, coloquios y talleres en Colombia, Chile, Brasil, Ecuador, Cuba, España y Estados Unidos. Su obra ha sido expuesta en más de 30 muestras y salones y está representada en colecciones de Perú, Cuba, China, España y Venezuela. Como artista ha sido galard…
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Brian Hathaway has been sailing around the world, mostly solo, on his Hunter 44. He recently sailed from St Helena to Recife, Brazil. We talk about Recife, Brazil, St Helena, sailing downwind with twin headsails, customs, anchoring, singlehanding, pirates, self defense, crime, diving on a shipwreck in St Helena, and much more. Shownotes are here Su…
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On this episode of @ChampandtheTramp, the guys talk about staying competitive after retirement, intense training habits, and the wild world of youth wrestling. Frankie shares his struggles with past injuries, refusing to slow down, and still going hard in training despite his body’s wear and tear. The guys dive into a huge controversy in high schoo…
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Andy and Gordo are joined by Joey Slenzak for the 250th episode to give their betting picks for this weekend all across the UK, Europe and further. It's the football betting podcast that doesn't take its self too seriously. This weeks picks come from: AaB Alborg v Copenhagen (Danish Superliga) Almere City v Ajax (Dutch Eredivisie) Kasimpasa v Galat…
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Topic from Trammin' Preview: Food & Wine Foodie Guide 2025 It's here! Albeit a little early. The most flavorful time of the year: California Adventure's Food & Wine Festival 2025! So let's dive right in and preview this foodie guide. Some things returned, some things are new, and some things are a mix between the two. Follow along with us, because …
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It's here! Albeit a little early. The most flavorful time of the year: California Adventure's Food & Wine Festival 2025! So let's dive right in and preview this foodie guide. Some things returned, some things are new, and some things are a mix between the two. Follow along with us, because there are some surprises to be sure. Join Kirk & Rain as th…
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Today we are talking with Annabel Hamilton from Bee Edge farm in the Scottish borders and Greig Baird head of agronomy teams in Scotland for Agrii. In this episode we are checking in with Bee Edge farm which is also an Agrii iFarm, to see how the season is faring so far, what can be learnt from the previous harvest year and what are the top tips as…
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Today we are talking with Tom Land, national fertiliser manager at Agrii and Peter Scott technical director at Origin Soil Nutrition. The focus for this episode is crop nutrition with a particular focus on phosphate and potash usage, how to optimise the ROI and ensure that the crop can fully utilise nitrogen efficiently as well as other important n…
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Enrique es emprendedor por naturaleza, caficultor, docente y emprendedor social. Actualmente forma parte del Proyecto Geisha Venezuela y trabaja en el desarrollo del Proyecto Petare Blue. Un proyecto de inteligencia artificial para la caficultura que ya cuenta con siembras geolocalizadas y datos en diferentes partes del mundo. Con éste proyecto se …
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Mike Smith is a South African living in Australia and is building a wooden Suhali replica (the boat Robin Knox-Johnston sailed in the 1968 Golden Globe Race), in order to compete in the 2026 GGR. We talk about his sailing history, growing up and sailing on the coast of South Africa, his boat-building history, creating the CNC plan for the boat, bui…
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On this episode of @ChampandtheTramp, Joe and Richie from Nu Forma Wellness stop by and chat about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), peptides, and the future of hormone optimization. They break down the benefits of TRT, how peptides aid in recovery and longevity, and the misconceptions surrounding hormone therapy. Frankie shares his personal …
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Andy and Gordo are joined by Joey Slenzak to give their betting picks for this weekend all across the UK, Europe and further. It's the football betting podcast that doesn't take its self too seriously. This weeks picks come from: Bournemouth v Wolverhampton Wanderers (English Premier League) Alanyaspor v Adana Demirspor (Turkish Super Lig) Auckland…
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Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 253 DCA is quite young, so it's also relatively new. Its layout is unique and very differentiated from Disneyland's. So there were some more modern design decisions made in the early 2000s. Let's have a little study session and discuss why it may be that way and how it affects our movement around the park. Ar…
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DCA is quite young, so it's also relatively new. Its layout is unique and very differentiated from Disneyland's. So there were some more modern design decisions made in the early 2000s. Let's have a little study session and discuss why it may be that way and how it affects our movement around the park. Are there some roads less traveled in there? A…
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Rafael Cadenas es poeta, ensayista y profesor universitario. Entre sus áreas de experiencia e interés están la poesía, el ensayo y la docencia. Ha publicado en total 13 libros de poesía, 8 libros de ensayos, 6 libros de antologías. Han sido publicadas traducciones de sus poemas en sueco, polaco, portugués, idiomas árabes, inglés, francés, alemán, i…
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Daniel Turner is entered in the Mini Globe Race, sailing Immortal Game, his mini 5.80, which he built. He started racing small boats in Australia when he was six years old. He moved from Holdfast trainers to the 125 and Pacer classes, and raced on his father’s Farr 30 and grandfather’s Adams 12. Daniel spent four years in the Australian Army as a C…
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On this episode of @ChampandtheTramp, the guys talk with longtime friend Jesse Holt, diving into everything from wild conspiracy theories to the Super Bowl halftime show controversy. They break down the JFK assassination, government secrets, and why some people believe the moon landing was faked. The guys debate the latest vaccine news, political p…
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Andy and Gordo are joined by Jerome Els to give their betting picks for this weekend all across the UK, Europe and further. It's the football betting podcast that doesn't take its self too seriously. This weeks picks come from: Liverpool v Wolves (English Premier League) Toulouse v Paris Saint-Germain (French Ligue 1) Eintracht Frankfurt v Holstein…
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Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 252 We really do put Walt's Original Magic Kingdom on a pedestal. I just did it right there. You're here because you love Disneyland (or us), but Disneyland gives you this special feeling. In turn, you give Disneyland special treatment. There's a twinkle in your eye when you think of it. Your eyes widen at ce…
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We really do put Walt's Original Magic Kingdom on a pedestal. I just did it right there. You're here because you love Disneyland (or us), but Disneyland gives you this special feeling. In turn, you give Disneyland special treatment. There's a twinkle in your eye when you think of it. Your eyes widen at certain sites, ears perk up at certain sounds,…
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On this episode of @ChampandtheTramp, the guys talk about everything from wrestling controversies and insane NIL deals to getting kicked out of youth sports events. Frankie opens up about his son’s wrestling matches, coaching challenges, and a heated confrontation with a referee. They also discuss insane NIL rumors, including a high school wrestler…
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Rafael Cadenas es poeta, ensayista y profesor universitario. Entre sus áreas de experiencia e interés están la poesía, el ensayo y la docencia. Ha publicado en total 13 libros de poesía, 8 libros de ensayos, 6 libros de antologías. Han sido publicadas traducciones de sus poemas en sueco, polaco, portugués, idiomas árabes, inglés, francés, alemán, i…
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Bill and JoAnne Harris are the Ocean Cruising Club Port Officers for the Bay Islands of Honduras (Roatan, Guanaja, Utila, Cayos Cochinos, and the Swan Islands. They sail SV Ultra, a trimaran, often spending hurricane season in Rio Dulce, Guatemala, and the rest of the year in the Bay Islands. We talk about Rio Dulce, crossing the bar on the way in,…
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Gordo is joined by Jerome Els & Joey Slenzak to give their betting picks for this weekend all across the UK, Europe and further. It's the football betting podcast that doesn't take its self too seriously. This weeks picks come from: Napoli v Udinese (Italian Serie A) Empoli v AC Milan (Italian Serie A) Magdeburg v Nurnberg (German 2. Bundesliga) Ho…
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Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 251 Another week, another club. This time, it's all about DVC. Disney Vacation Club. Disney's very own timeshare! You've heard us talk a lot about timeshares and their pitfalls, but it's not all downside. Many people enjoy their DVC membership. How many? At least 2, and they're here on the show with us today.…
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Another week, another club. This time, it's all about DVC. Disney Vacation Club. Disney's very own timeshare! You've heard us talk a lot about timeshares and their pitfalls, but it's not all downside. Many people enjoy their DVC membership. How many? At least 2, and they're here on the show with us today. Tiffany, Tiff, Tiffyluna, our very own memb…
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Today we are talking with Ben Lowe, national forage product manager with Agrii and Tim Richmond, UK and Ireland product manager for Limagrain Field Seeds. Focusing in on the forage maize crop, is that time in the season where making the right variety choices is critical. So let’s ask the experts for some key advice and find out what’s new when it c…
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Today, we are talking with James Wrinch from East Suffolk Produce, Graham Tomalin from VCS Potatoes, and Don Pendergrast, Technical Manager for Non-Combinable Trials with Agrii. In this episode, we're going to focus in on the potato crop and The Potato Partnership, which looks to find solutions to the most pressing weed, pest, and disease threats f…
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Captain Mark Sinclair was born in Manchester, UK, and emigrated to Australia in 1960. He served 20 years in the Royal Australian Navy up to the rank of Commander. During his extensive sea time he served in a tanker, icebreaker, minesweeper, destroyers and numerous hydrographic ships and aircraft. He navigated 4 ships and commanded 3 ships. He has s…
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On this episode of @ChampandTheTramp, the guys talk about everything from brutal MMA injuries to wild travel experiences. Frankie and Roger dive deep into the reality of surgeries, recoveries, and the toll combat sports take on the body. Roger shares his journey of heading to the Dominican Republic with Jesse for hair transplants and what really ha…
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Andy & Gordo are joined by Jerome Els to give their betting picks for this weekend all across the UK, Europe and further. It's the football betting podcast that doesn't take its self too seriously. This weeks picks come from: Bayer Leverkusen v Hoffenheim (German Bundesliga) Espanyol v Real Madrid (Spanish La Liga) Atletico Madrid v Mallorca (Spani…
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Big Thunder Topic from Trammin' Episode 250 Two hundred and fifty episodes... wow. We think that's worth celebrating, so we booked a reservation at Club 33! We finally made it, and boy was it special. The vibes, they say, were Trammaculate. The food was also divine, and we can't wait to share our review with you. So ring the doorbell, reach for the…
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Two hundred and fifty episodes... wow. We think that's worth celebrating, so we booked a reservation at Club 33! We finally made it, and boy was it special. The vibes, they say, were Trammaculate. The food was also divine, and we can't wait to share our review with you. So ring the doorbell, reach for the door, and unlock the many mysteries of Club…
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