Tinder відкриті
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show episodes
Aussie dating coach Mark Rosenfeld takes on the challenge to step into his clients' shoes as he goes ONLINE undercover as a woman for 365 consecutive days on dating apps. Follow his hilarious and slightly educational journey alongside sidekick Teal Elisebeth as they make dating fun again and show that there are still great people out there.
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Tinderoni is hosted by Jakeem Gregory. The podcast focuses on the evolution, rejection, embracement, and impact of app based dating. Have we mostly become
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Can you find love using a mathematical formula? Using a not-so-romantic equation introduced to us by stand-up mathematician Matt Parker, our own Ivor Manley is on a mission to find the answer. But the course of true love never did run smooth …
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The Tinderbox Podcast

Mercenary Pen

Brinkmanship is our bread and butter. Welcome to the Tinderbox, a long form audio broadcast focused on stories of civil and political conflict. Check out our latest series ANGEL FIRE, about the LA Riots. Write and comment on our soundcloud.com/tinderboxpodcast page. Email us at tinderboxpodcast [at] gmail.com
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Raksha Muthukumar

Tindergarten is an in-depth look at the diverse stories behind the quest for modern queer love. Join dating app enthusiast Raksha Muthukumar as she interviews folks about all things LGBT and online dating. Every #TindergartenTuesday, you'll hear from a queer person whose story is colored by their race, gender, culture, or disability on topics that matter to them -- things like mental health, art, sex work, and polyamory. All of their stories are unique, but together they paint a picture of t ...
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Tinder Land™ - Il podcast

Claudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast

Vorreste provare Tinder ma avete mille dubbi? Usate le dating app e vi sembra di non capirci granché? Niente paura, non siete soli: dopo anni di chat, appuntamenti e seghe mentali, Claudia Burgio e Diego Castelli non vedono l’ora di condividere le loro esperienze. Tinder Land è lo spazio in cui raccontarsi storie, scambiarsi consigli, combattere pregiudizi e farsi due risate. Perché Tinder può essere un gran bel posto, basta sapersi orientare. Produzione Dopcast.
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Tinder And The City

Tinder And The City

Una sex blogger a metà tra Bridget Jones e Samantha Jones. 💋 Ho creato la principale Pagina Facebook su Tinder in Italia. 😎 Parlo di storie di sessualità e disagio sulle dating App, di serie tv e libri sex positive.
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DTR - The Official Tinder Podcast

Tinder / Gimlet Creative

DTR is a show about everything from opening lines, to profile pics, to dating someone out of your league. Each episode dives deep into the weird, wonderful and hilarious aspects of dating in an Internet-obsessed world. Because even though technology has made it easier to find dates, love is still as unpredictable as ever. For Season 2 of DTR, host Jane Marie (This American Life, Jezebel, The Hairpin, Cosmopolitan) is back and she’s on a mission. Joined by celebrity guests (Jason Mantzoukas, ...
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Comedian and Writer Micah Gordon has been online dating for years, to varied degrees of success. As a fun social experiment, and a cool first date idea, Micah decided to start inviting his Tinder dates to a podcast booth at the Nerdist School, and recording the experience for everyone to hear. Listen to Micah go on first dates on So What Do You Do: The Tinder Date Podcast!
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show series
Send us a text In this episode, Mark and Teal explore humorous Hinge profiles, share personal reflections on daylight savings, and make predictions for the election day. They also discuss the implications of Mia Khalifa's marriage advice, touching on themes of dating, politics, and personal growth. In this conversation, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elis…
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Send us a text In this engaging conversation, Teal Elisabeth shares her exciting news about expecting a baby girl and her journey of writing a book! The discussion transitions into Mark's DIMWIT of the week (the reward for the most ridiculous person he's met online) and the best FIRST date questions both coaches advise for clients. The main topic i…
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Send us a text In this engaging conversation, Mark and Teal explore the challenges of communication in dating, particularly focusing on the impact of emojis (which Mark has been banned from for 30 days) and the nuances of expressing feelings through words. They also discuss a recent cultural protest in India regarding beards, examining the deeper i…
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Send us a text In today's conversation, Mark Rosenfeld reflects on his first 100 days of the Tinder project, sharing three key learnings about online successful online dating he has garnered from being a woman dating online. He also gives an update with regards to how he's doing on Teal's 'emojiless' challenge. The conversation then delves into the…
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Send us a text In this engaging conversation, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth discuss personal updates, including Mark's recent and unexpected experience of being ghosted in online dating. They analyze the dynamics of online conversations, emphasizing the importance of communication styles and texting strategies, and debate the value of emoji's b…
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Send us a text In this engaging conversation, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth discuss various aspects of dating, focusing on the Tinder project, personal updates, and insights into dating dynamics. They share results from the Tinder project, including statistics on matches and conversations. Mark recounts a dating horror story that highlights the…
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Send us a text In this engaging conversation, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth explore the intricacies of online dating, sharing personal experiences and insights from the Tinder project including how to move off to the phone quickly and effectively. They then discuss the main topic of maintaining friendships with exes. Mark in particular shares a…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Tinder Project, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth discuss the strangest texts Mark has sent to men on Tinder, their healthy and toxic celebrity crushes, and the psychology of love. In this conversation, Teal and Mark discuss the TV show Love is Blind and the concept of vulnerability in relationships. They explo…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Riege explore the dynamics of dating, focusing on the initiation of conversations and the complexities of friendships between men and women. They discuss an experiment on how women can initiate conversations on dating apps, the effectiveness of different types of op…
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Send us a text Summary In this episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Riege discuss various aspects of online dating, including personal updates, the quality of experiences, the concept of feedback texts, and the nuances of payment on dates. Teal shares her exciting news about her pregnancy, while both hosts reflect on the imp…
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Send us a text Summary In this episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark and Teal explore the dynamics of online dating, sharing insights from their experiences with various dating apps. They discuss the effectiveness of different platforms, personal growth through dating, and the complexities of trauma in relationships. The conversation emphasizes…
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Send us a text Summary In this episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth explore the dynamics of online dating, focusing on the importance of first date locations, celebrating positive male behaviors termed 'cyber chivalry', and addressing the common struggle of attracting the right partners - especially when you get an…
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Send us a text Summary In this episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elizabeth explore various aspects of online dating, including the dynamics of women messaging first, the importance of unique conversation starters, and the ethics of dating multiple people simultaneously. Teal shares a humorous yet cautionary dating story f…
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Send us a text In this episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth explore the dynamics of online dating, sharing humorous anecdotes and insights from their experiences. They introduce a new segment highlighting the best and worst profiles encountered, leading to a deeper discussion on whether individuals should change th…
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Send us a text Mark reveals the results of the first 30 days of the Tinder project and emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and handling conflict with finesse to attract quality men. He also discusses the balance between trusting intuition and logic when it comes to online dating. The goal is to humanize the online space and meet people …
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Send us a text In this episode, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elizabeth discuss the moral and ethical aspects of Mark's project to date as a woman on Tinder. They explore the trust issues and concerns around catfishing and scamming on dating apps. Mark shares his strategy for gracefully letting men down and emphasizes the importance of positive reference…
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Send us a text Episode Summary In this inaugural episode of The Tinder Project, hosts Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Riege introduce their mission to explore the world of online dating through a unique challenge. Mark, a dating coach, embarks on a year-long journey of dating as a woman, while Teal, a self-love coach, shares her insights on feminine energy…
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Ma basta parlare di noi: al termine della seconda stagione, è il momento di leggere e ascoltare un po’ di storie che arrivano da voi, dal pubblico di Tinder Land™. Come sta andando la vostra ricerca? Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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Non tutte le funzioni dell’app di Tinder sono ugualmente conosciute. Ci sono piccoli segreti e trucchi che vale la pena conoscere per massimizzare l’esperienza, e noi siamo qui apposta per offrirvi la nostra esperienza. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Non tutto è bianco e nero, monolitico e binario, anche su Tinder c’è spazio per gli arcobaleni. Claudia e Diego si fanno aiutare da GENITORE 1 e GENITORE 2 (aka Stefano Guerrera ed Ella Bottom Rouge) a esplorare l’anima non-etero delle dating app. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Su Tinder si trova di tutto, ma non significa che sia il caos. Come bravi zoologi, possiamo trovare specie e sottospecie, gruppi umani e pattern ricorrenti. Preparatevi a prendere appunti! Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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Ma il dating online funziona ovunque allo stesso modo? Spoiler: no. Città diverse, regioni diverse, nazioni diverse: scopriamo i diversi stili nell’utilizzo di Tinder una volta messo il naso fuori dalla propria città. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Tinder serve a conoscere e incontrare, ma non tutti i match durano per sempre. Un’utile guida per interrompere le frequentazioni senza ansie ed evitando i cliché, in attesa delle prossime scoperte. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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Claudia e Diego sono pronti a una nuova stagione di Tinder Land™, piena di segreti, aneddoti, scoperte e bizzarrie sul mondo delle dating app. Stavolta anche con ospiti, contributi e pubblico in sala. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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OG Tinder Topics regular Cameron T. Myers finds love and a budding career in stand up comedy! Jill tells her most embarrassing dating story with a local farmer from last week and let’s say she did get some hugs at the end. Catch all the hijinks on this episode of Tinder Topics! ❤️❤️
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Cosa vuole dire “match” e “orbiting”? C’è un gergo tra i frequentatori delle dating app che vogliamo condividere anche con chi non le frequenta. O non ancora! Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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Non esiste la frase perfetta per trovare l’amore, ma qualche suggerimento per non far scappare il vostro prossimo date, ve lo possiamo dare. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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L’estate ormai è andata, arrivano i primi freddi ma il dating non si ferma, anzi. Anche Tinder ha le sue stagioni, e ogni stagione ha le sue regole, i suoi rischi e le sue opportunità. Copritevi bene e togliete le foto del mare, si riparte! Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Ci sono delle regole non scritte da seguire per catturare l’attenzione? Assolutamente no, non ci sono regole, ma possiamo raccontarvi in base alle nostre esperienze cosa ci è valso un match e cosa (probabilmente!) no. Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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A quick update on David's past two years! I talk about what I've been up to and what I imagine the future of Tinder Tales will look like. Email: Tindertalespod@gmail.com Instagram: @DPicComedy New podcast about bad TV Shows Bottle EpisodesDavid Piccolomini
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Nella prima stagione di Tinder Land™, Claudia e Diego offrono una guida intergalattica al mondo del dating online per divertirsi, vivere esperienze interessanti e magari trovare l’amore... Produzione Dopcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesClaudia Burgio & Diego Castelli - Dopcast
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In episode 3 of this season of the www.tindermentor.com podcast we talk about the new Netflix Show The Tinder Swindler. We also present you the 3 most common Online Dating Scams and how to detect and avoid them. Then it´s story time and Tindermentor Florian shares his most dangerous situation meeting up with a stranger has ever gotten him into and …
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In episode 2 of this season of the tindermentor podcast we talk about how not to get reported on Tinder. We also present you the 3 best profile hacks for your dating profile. Special guest in this episode is the YouTuber and Influencer Heydominik.sponsored by www.blckbkapp.comTinderMentor.com
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In episode 1 of this season of the www.tindermentor.com podcast we talk about the Tinder Year in Review. We also present you the best date ideas for winter and some hacks on how to make them work. Special guest in this episode is the YouTuber and Influencer Heydominik.sponsored by www.blckbkapp.comTinderMentor.com
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The World's Fair came to Philadelphia in 1876 to celebrate the rise of global capitalism. But during the heat of the festivities, a group of men gathered in mourning, foreclosing on the possibility of a globalized labor party. In this podcast, we'll examine the ignoble death of the First International Workingmen's Association in Philadelphia. You'l…
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CLICK THIS FOR THE EPISODE Oh Hey Tinder Tales is on Patreon Now! Consider Donating at https://www.patreon.com/TinderTalesPod Welcome to Tinder Tales! This is my podcast about the best and worst of Online Dating. Listen to my guest Comedian Calvin Cato! Listen as we talk about professors with a Dom side, slowing down your sluttiness in a pandemic, …
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CLICK THIS FOR THE EPISODE Oh Hey Tinder Tales is on Patreon Now! Consider Donating at https://www.patreon.com/TinderTalesPod Welcome to Tinder Tales! This is my podcast about the best and worst of Online Dating. Listen to my guest Comedian Ben Kirschenbaum! Listen as we talk about really awkward dates, which apps work the best for what, and highsc…
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Oh Hey Tinder Tales is on Patreon Now! Consider Donating at https://www.patreon.com/TinderTalesPod Welcome to Tinder Tales! This is my podcast about the best and worst of Online Dating. Listen to my guest Comedian Billy Procida! Listen as we talk about being a man on Onlyfans, more craigslist stories, and a surprising number of Gloryhole experience…
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