YUTORAH: Machshava/Tefillah
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Embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of our daily Tefillah as we comprehensively unravel its layers, delving into the profound structure, themes, and meanings behind the words woven into our Davening. Using the classical commentaries on Tehillim and Tefillah, we are endeavoring to bridge the gap between the form and essence of prayer. Together, let's uncover the timeless wisdom encapsulated in each heartfelt utterance.
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Shiurim on Tefillah
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2020: Learn about tefillah over the 49 days of Sefirat Haomer with 49 women from around the world.
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #609: Modim (Part 5) - Jan 30, 2025 -Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Explanation of ובא לציון where we ask ה׳ for the גאולה, but it's in particular through our efforts now in the גלות to bring קדושה and adhere to תורה ועבודה and through that effort, ultimately we will impact the rest of the world.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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לְהַשְׁמִיד לַהֲרֹג וּלְאַבֵּד אֶת-כָּל-הַיְּהוּדִים: The Torah Response to Times of Suffering - Then and Now; Mordechai ha'Tzaddik & Moshe Rabbeinu's Combined Prayers to Save the Nation
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לְהַשְׁמִיד לַהֲרֹג וּלְאַבֵּד אֶת-כָּל-הַיְּהוּדִים: The Torah Response to Times of Suffering - Then and Now; Mordechai ha'Tzaddik & Moshe Rabbeinu's Combined Prayers to Save the Nation - Jan 30, 2025 -Horowitz, Mrs. Michal
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Walk Like Avraham, Yehuda, and Eliyahu - Jan 27, 2025 - CBYomi Tefillah Series Shiur 4👉https://chat.whatsapp.com/IxnPGaOIE1rCO0JSHGUPmiSchrier, Rabbi Elliot
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Walk Like Moshe - Jan 20, 2025 - CBYomi Tefillah Series Shiur 3👉https://chat.whatsapp.com/IxnPGaOIE1rCO0JSHGUPmiSchrier, Rabbi Elliot
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Three Short Parshas Bo- Rosh Chodesh Shevat- Shovavim- Eretz Yisroel Chizuk Ideas 5785 With The Rachmastrivka Rebbe
Three Short Parshas Bo- Rosh Chodesh Shevat- Shovavim- Eretz Yisroel Chizuk Ideas 5785 With The Rachmastrivka Rebbe - Jan 29, 2025 - Lilui nishmas R' Avraham Abba ben R' Moshe Chaim, Esther Tehila bas Rav Gavriel Pinchas and for bsoros tovos, yeshuos and nechamos for our brothers, sisters, soldiers and captives and refuah shelama for Zlata bas Gitt…
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Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #133- Practical Advice To Stay Focused - Jan 29, 2025 -Malitzky, Rabbi Sariel
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An Uncomfortable Truth: If the World is Imploding, Who is to Blame? Looking Inward to Effect Change & Salvation
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An Uncomfortable Truth: If the World is Imploding, Who is to Blame? Looking Inward to Effect Change & Salvation - Jan 28, 2025 -Horowitz, Mrs. Michal
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Living in a Chaotic and Upside Down World But Keeping an Eye on Geulah - Redemption - Jan 28, 2025 -Schachter, Rabbi Shay
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Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #132- You Are Where Your Mind Is - Jan 28, 2025 -Malitzky, Rabbi Sariel
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Tefilla at the Corner of Brisk and Breslov: Exploring the Sugyos, Seeking a More Authentic Avoda
Tefilla at the Corner of Brisk and Breslov: Exploring the Sugyos, Seeking a More Authentic Avoda - Jan 21, 2025 -Cohen, Rabbi Tanchum
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Tefillah Outlined #81: ובא לציון - Jan 26, 2025 - Explanation of ובא לציון where we ask ה׳ for the גאולה, but it's in particular through our efforts now in the גלות to bring קדושה and adhere to תורה ועבודה and through that effort, ultimately we will impact the rest of the world.Rothman, Rabbi Moshe
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Vaera 5785 - Learning to Pray with Pharaoh - Jan 23, 2025 - Learn the fundamentals of Tefilla in the classroom of life with Pharaoh. Learn how close every Jew is to Tefilla. Don't be broken by either the disappointments of personal life or those of that mark The Jewish People's Journey through life. The events of our Geulah are destined to be paral…
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #608: Modim (Part 4) - Jan 22, 2025 -Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Va'era: What does Moshe have to do with Shabbat? What did Bnei Yisrael do on Shabbat in Mitzrayim, and what does it teach us about what we should do?
Va'era: What does Moshe have to do with Shabbat? What did Bnei Yisrael do on Shabbat in Mitzrayim, and what does it teach us about what we should do? - Jan 22, 2025 -Schreiber, Rabbi Dani
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Va'era: Why did Moshe have to leave the city to pray? The halachic and philosophic difference between תפילה and בקשה
Va'era: Why did Moshe have to leave the city to pray? The halachic and philosophic difference between תפילה and בקשה - Jan 21, 2025 -Schreiber, Rabbi Dani
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #607: Modim (Part 3) - Jan 21, 2025 -Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Baal HaTanya on Tefillah (19) - Jan 20, 2025 - Chassidus Mevueres: Avodas HaTefillah pg 19Bloom, Rabbi Oshi
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Shearim BeTefillah (3) - Jan 20, 2025 - Page 1-2Bloom, Rabbi Oshi
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Five Short Parshas Va'era- Shovavim- Eretz Yisroel Chizuk Ideas 5785 - Jan 20, 2025 - Lilui nishmas R' Avraham Abba ben R' Moshe Chaim, Esther Tehila bas Rav Gavriel Pinchas and for bsoros tovos, yeshuos and nechamos for our brothers, sisters, soldiers and captives and refuah shelama for Zlata bas Gittel, Shifra bas Sarah, Mordechai Yaakov Yuda ben…
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Explanation of למנצח מזמור לדוד, where we reflect on the experience and overarching lessons of שמונה עשרה and daven (as well as express our confidence) for Hashem to answer our תפילות.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Tefillah Outlined #80: למנצח מזמור לדוד - Jan 18, 2025 - Explanation of למנצח מזמור לדוד, where we reflect on the experience and overarching lessons of שמונה עשרה and daven (as well as express our confidence) for Hashem to answer our תפילות.Rothman, Rabbi Moshe
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Shemoneh Esrei 47: Mechayeh Meisim - Jan 17, 2025 -Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 46: Mechalkel Chaim Bchessed - Jan 17, 2025 -Friedman, Edan
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Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #131- We Are A Mirror - Jan 17, 2025 -Malitzky, Rabbi Sariel
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #606: Modim (Part 2) - Jan 16, 2025 -Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #605: Modim (Part 1) - Jan 15, 2025 -Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Shemot: What kind of Tefilla is צעקה? (and the best כלי יקר ever) - Jan 15, 2025 -Schreiber, Rabbi Dani
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Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #130- How We Speak To Hashem And When We Bow To Hashem
Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #130- How We Speak To Hashem And When We Bow To Hashem - Jan 15, 2025 -Malitzky, Rabbi Sariel
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Shemot: Saying Veshamru on Friday night - What's the connection between Shabbat and Geulah? - Jan 14, 2025 -Schreiber, Rabbi Dani
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #604: V'sechezena eineinu (Part 5 of 5) - Jan 14, 2025 -Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Introduction to the origins and significance of reciting אשרי, למנצח and ובא לציון in our davening, seeing this section as a conclusion of the תפילה process or establishing a new miniature תפילה experience which can carry impact the person throughout the rest of his day.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Reflections on קריאת התורה, presenting an overview of הוצאת ספר תורה, קריאת התורה, and הכנסת ספר תורה as well as covering themes including תשובה, גאולה and the ultimate manifestation of תורה in history and humanity.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of הכנסת ספר תורה (part 2) where we describe the returning of the Torah to the ארון, the effects of Torah on our lives and the ultimate request for the Torah to change us to effectuate Teshuva.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of הכנסת ספר תורה where we exalt Hashem due to our close relationship with Him and describe the effects Torah should have on us and the process of its integration in our lives.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of הגבהה, its importance and subsequent supplicationsRabbi Moshe Rothman
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Description of ברכות התורה said during קריאת התורה, bringing the ציבור together in appreciation of the gift of תורה and its effects on our lives.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of הוצאת ספר תורה (part 2), where we together declare ה׳'s greatness and exalt Hashem with our submission before and recognition our closeness towards Hashem in גדלו, and we ask Hashem for protection physically and spiritually (אב הרחמים) to ultimately enable a גילוי שכינה (ותגלה. This all starts with the Torah (ברוך שנתן).…
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Explanation of the process of הוצאת ספר תורה, recognizing the ultimate path of Torah impacting and changing the entire world in ויהי בנסוע as well as our close connection to Torah as we submit ourselves before the Torah and ask for it to be part of our lives in בריך שמיה.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Introduction to קריאת התורה as a means to reenact מעמד הר סיני and enable a unique facet of קבלת עול מלכות שמים בציבור, ultimately allowing us to merit גאולה.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Reviewing the progression of תחנון said everyday as well as on Monday and Thursday in addition to noting some of תחנון's themes particularly submission before Hashem and Teshuva.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of ק-ל ארך אפים, a transition between תחנון and קריאת התורה, where we ask for a positive relationship with Hashem, protection in exile with attainment of גאולה, culminating in an admission before Hashem of our sins and ask for atonement.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of ה׳ אלוקי ישראל, where we present several requests before Hashem to protect us and have mercy on us despite the fact that we are suffering in the גלות.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of the third section of the והוא רחום prayer, אין כמוך, where we mainly take responsibility for our sins and use our experiences in exile in the תשובה process, enabling us to attain salvation and גאולה.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of the second part of the והוא רחום prayer, that of אנא מלך where we ask Hashem for protection and be aware of us during our גלות and not be forsaken.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of the first of three parts of תחנון שני וחמישי, והוא רחום until אנא מלך חנון ורחום אתה, where we ask Hashem for רחמנות for the גאולה and תשובהRabbi Moshe Rothman
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Introduction and explanation to תחנון ב״ה, where were increase our תחינות and specifically recite the section of והוא רחום to introspect and seek ה׳.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of ואנחנו לא נדע, where we conclude תחנון with a realization of our ultimate dependence on הקב״ה, which becomes both a source of hope and merit for our salvation and atonement.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of שומר ישראל, where we ask ה׳ to protect us as a nation (internally and among the international community) in the merit that we embody ה׳'s Torah in this world.Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Explanation of the section of נפילת אפים in תחנון, were we model after the תחינות of דוד המלך, beseeching before ה׳ to end our צרות as well as the confidence that ה׳ will answer our בקשותRabbi Moshe Rothman
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