Um podcast de true crime e comédia, apresentado por Paula Neves e Maria João. Em cada episódio a Paula e a João contam uma à outra uma história de crime real, descobrindo todo o leque de facetas do ser humano que vão do "tinha mesmo ar de maluco" ao "parecia tão boa pessoa". Falem conosco através do email:
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A lighthearted Taoism podcast hosted by a journalist and Tao philosopher.
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TAOKOというバンドで大阪で活動しています^_^ ライブは定期的にやっていてアコースティック編成でカバーやオリジナルをやっています♪ Twitterで先に配信しているラジオや動画もあるので是非フォローお願いします^o^
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The Drunken Taoist is a bi-monthly podcast by writer/martial artist/college professor/whatever-label-you-feel-like-adding Daniele Bolelli. One of the monthly episodes features discussions and interviews with one or more guests. The other includes the infamous Bolelli rants and verbal Tai Chi with co-host Rich Evirs. Topics covered by the show include the common thread is whatever makes life intense, passionate and worth living. Anything that meets this requirement is fair game-regardless of ...
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The Tao of Christ is a podcast which explores the mystical roots of Christianity, which Jesus called the Kingdom of God, which church historian Evelyn Underhill called the Unitive Life, which Richard Rohr calls the Universal Christ, and which I refer to as Christian nonduality, unitive awareness, or union with God. This is the Tao of Christ.
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This is the Tao of Pizza where we feature top logistics leaders, and entrepreneurs and share their inspiring stories with a holistic twist.
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Two guys talking about their opinions on life, current events, and their experiences growing up in and around a rural ranching college town. Located out in the middle of the Wild Horse Desert where everything stings, sticks or bites you.
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Talk It Out with Peeps!
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George Kao shares a unique message for business: Create without resistance. Connect without guile. Succeed without stress. Find his best articles here: . Topics include Authentic Marketing, Joyful Productivity, and Healthy Money. New episode every Monday.
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Revealing the knowledge of Tao in and via Arts and Culture.
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A beginner's guide to taoism and living a more natural life.
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The infinite calm between good and evil.
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Greetings All! Guiding Light podcast the Ty Tao Effect Main Purpose Is To Send Out Divine Love & Light; Healing by Uplifting, Enlightening & Empowering The Collective To Help Re-Internalize Their Power, By Maintaining Focus On Awakening The God Within Each Individual & Guiding Them To See, Feel and Accept Their Unlimited Power, Potential, & Healing Capabilities.
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The Tao of Chao Podcast focuses on contemporary issues, regulations and class action cases impacting pension and defined contribution retirement plan fiduciaries. Philip Chao and his guests will discuss relevant issues that a plan fiduciary should pay attention to and how such challenges are relevant in operating their retirement plans while serving in the sole interest of participants and beneficiaries.
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NOUVEAU ! LANCEMENT POUR L'ANNÉE DU SERPENT DE BOIS EN FÉVRIER 2025 Prévisions énergétiques annuelles, mensuelles et hebdomadaires basées sur les arts traditionnels chinois de l'astrologie Bazi, du Yi King et du Feng Shui. Des éclairages inédits sur la sagesse intemporelle du Taoïsme, du Confucianisme et du Zen. Une écoute essentielle pour harmoniser ta vie avec le pouls de l'univers, transformer ton karma et atteindre ton plein potentiel. Présenté par Nick Hudis, qui s'intéresse depuis 40 a ...
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Welcome to the Hari Taopikurohman podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash:
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To know the Law of Nature and perfect your life.
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The Tao of Self-Confidence is a podcast created for you, the woman embarking on her inner journey toward self-confidence, no matter what stage you're at. Whether you're seeking inspirational stories and advice during your daily commute, workout, or "me" time, Wall Street Journal bestselling author Sheena Yap Chan delivers the goods. Each episode features an amazing woman who shares her journey: her life before the discovery, the "AHA" moment, life after her discovery, and the advice she offe ...
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October Sky mid point book review
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In this podcast, we discuss mystical works of literature, primarily Taoist text, and how they relate to alcohol recovery. Taoist Philosophy can be an excellent tool for embracing the idea of a “Higher Power.” Nature offers all of the examples necessary for a concept of a source of all life, much different but yet very similar in many ways to more traditional religious thinking. Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching;,1988,1996,2004/se ...
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A counseling system that allows a person to discover their own inner divinity.
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Não tão íntimo, não tão profundo e não tão frequente.
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Welcome to Tao Town, where amazing things happen.
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This is a podcast dedicated to exploring the profound, yet elusive True Tao (真道). Acknowledging that the essence of Tao is beyond traditional discourse and expression, this series seeks to demystify Taoist principles and adapt them for contemporary listeners. Each episode offers a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, providing practical guidance for navigating the complexities of today’s world. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the path, join us in discovering how the ...
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A weekly podcast covering all the latest news & developments in the Bittensor ecosystem, part of the blocmates Media Network.
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Tao Move to społeczność praktyków i sympatyków Tao, Tai Chi, Qi Gong i innych sztuk Dalekiego Wschodu. Tu organizujemy tematyczne wydarzenia, wymieniamy się informacjami i poglądami.
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Ser Tão Ciências - seu podcast de divulgação científica no sertão nordestino.
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Find it true Love
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sharing a vision, tricking you into listening to me thinking, but doing my best to make it entertaining and worth your while, story telling, spiritual entertainer at best (aw credit)
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Movement, rabbit holes and wonderlands, no bullshit, mad ones and disrupters, rediscovering what we really are
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Living An Inspired Life
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The Irish Taoiseach is a series of 15 podcasts about each of the 15 men who have served as Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of the Republic of Ireland since 1922. Political broadcaster Iain Dale interviews Irish historians, academics and journalists about each Taoiseach in sequence, starting off with W T Cosgrave and Eamon de Valera and concluding with Leo Varadkar and Micheal Martin. This podcast series follows Iain Dale’s hugely successful PRESIDENTS & PRIME MINISTERS podcast on British prime mi ...
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A joint venture between Tao of Poker and Welcome to the Dan Michalski, Dr. Pauly, and Benjo Show...
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The Tao of Graham, where I read, explain myself to myself and everyone else. Where I try to make sense of things.
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Community, Conservation, and Connection.
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Paranormal and supernatural stories and legends of Taos, New Mexico. For more information, visit #paranormal #supernatural #ghosts #history Support this podcast:
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The 2500-year-old ideas of Taoism can be found worldwide in many religions, cultures, and ideologies. Join me, Patrick Stewart, as I journey through this ever-changing world and try to find a more peaceful path forward.
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Pre and post-game interviews with Tao Ba To players! PLUS! Warm up games with players joining upcoming seasons! Join Tao Ba To! Fill out this link:
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As Human Beings we should share experiences and wisdom in order become better version of ourselves. Always use a 360 degree point of view.
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"If you meet the Buddha in the lane, feed him the ball." -Phil Jackson Basketball nerds Matt and Noah talk about the world's most beautiful game.
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Taoalogues — dialogues about Taoism. A series of short conversations with 15th-generation Taoist Master Gu Shining of the Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy. We are situated in the Wudang Mountains in Central China. In our woodland shelter, the House of Pooh, we talk about all manner of questions concerning Taoism and about life from a Taoist perspective. Full transcripts are available at
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nơi lưu trữ tất cả những cái tạp nham của Nguyễn Tiến Đạt (sutucon)
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Whether you’re intrigued by the stories behind New Zealand’s archaeology, the wonder of our collections, or the history and culture of our places, the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga podcast series offer you a new way to experience heritage in the digital age.
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A podcast about the intersection of technology, society, and internet culture – with a dash of philosophy and art for good measure. Hosts: Laura Hilliger & Doug Belshaw (We Are Open Co-op)
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Una aproximación a la antigua filosofía china. Escuela Tao y Esencia. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Marcelo 2023 Para mensajes: Para aporte económico voluntario, solicitar cuenta. Para aportes voluntarios: Por la plataforma de Mercado Pago Alias: Por el Banco Provincia de Buenos Aires CBU: 0140021203402150730304 Alias: EscuelaTao
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Bio Lorraine K. Lee is the bestselling author of Unforgettable Presence and a keynote speaker. Cultural Background Lorraine is of Chinese descent.. Favorite Self Confidence Quote You gain confidence by trying new and scary things. Definition of Self Confidence Self-confidence is someone willing to try new and scary things. It's also knowing that yo…
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On this episode, Tod reviews George Thompson’s new movie “The Subtle Art of Losing Yourself.” The two also examine George’s ideas about play and Chung Tzu’s thoughts on the true meaning of having good fortune. GoFundMe: Care for Dr. Carl Totton in His Final DaysTod Perry
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Do you ever feel like you’re bothering people, when you post your content? One of my students wrote: “Consistency of communication is my goal. To hold myself more accountable to this and get over the problem I have with feeling that I am bothering people by sending them content via email or other means, even if they have signed up for my list!!” Ma…
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Ep 44: As Adolescentes Assassinas da Shanda Sharer
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1:08:48A Paula conta à João a história da Melinda Loveless e das suas amigas teenagers, que juntas fizeram uma emboscada e mataram uma amiga de 12 anos.
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This is a great story demonstrating how the solution to dissatisfaction can be found in open-mindedness. Is the tree really useless? Can I see this differently? 30 Tools to Stay Sober All Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in every meeting:,1988,1996,2004/section:…
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This is the eleventh saying in the Gospel of Thomas. Listen to what Jesus said: "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were …
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Season 2, Episode 1: Echoes of the Political Past & Current Misconceptions
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1:04:43In this Solo podcast post of TAO for A-Holes. We break down several key topics surrounding U.S. history, politics, and legal misconceptions. From the truth about missing files on the White House website and birthright citizenship, to a closer look at controversial figures like Margaret Sanger and historical ties to the Democratic Party, we set the …
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Master Your Money Mindset: Smart Retirement Strategies Revealed w/ Anne Lester | Tao of Chao 27
Why is saving money so hard? Why is retirement planning so complicated? Gen Z and Millennials are anxious about their future, including their financial planning. Behavioral finance expert Anne Lester, author of "Your Best Financial Life: Safe, Smart Steps to the Future You Want" and former head of retirement solutions at JP Morgan Asset Management,…
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The danger of not healing you’re going to repeat what you don’t repair, leads you to repeat old patterns and or attract people who mirror the wound you haven’t healed yet.
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From Strategy to Execution: Building a Strong B2B Brand in Industrial Markets With Danielle Neely
Danielle Neely is the Co-founder of KNC Marketing, where she creates custom marketing plans to help businesses increase sales. As a seasoned digital marketer, she has worked in the food service, manufacturing, automotive, finance, and nonprofit spaces. Danielle specializes in content creation, social media marketing, and digital advertising. In thi…
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Nous sommes désormais au mois du lièvre (5 mars - 3 avril) selon le calendrier chinois. Ce mois-ci, tu pourrais tu sentir distrait ou coincé dans la boue. Dans ce podcast, Nick explique pourquoi tu resents cela et comment te remettre sur la bonne voie. Les deux éclipses de ce mois apportent de nouveaux défis... et opportunités. Écoute et découvre c…
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Episode 269 - The Roots of Violence
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1:05:10Episode 269 - The Roots of Violence
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A João conta à Paula a verdadeira história que inspirou o filme "To Die For - Disposta a Tudo" com a Nicole Kidman, e os desenvolvimentos mais recentes do caso.
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Cette semaine nous apporte la nouvelle lune et l’énergie difficile de Shan Sha : les trois meurtres. Mais qu’est-ce que l’énergie négative ? Comment cela t'affecte-t-il ? Comment y faire face. Écoute et découvrez. Pour plus d'informations sur l'astrologie Bazi, le Yi King et le Feng Shui, n'hésitez pas à visiter mon site internet : www.taostrologie…
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Is the tree really useless? Can I see this differently? 30 Tools to Stay Sober All Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in every meeting:,1988,1996,2004/section:80 You can download a free PDF of the most current version of Powerless But Not Helpless, a Recovery Inte…
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This is the tenth saying in the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes." Another translation puts it slightly different: “I have thrown fire upon the world, and look, I am watching till it blazes.” What does this saying in the Gospel of Thomas mean? Spiritual awakening is fire. The …
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This is the ninth saying in the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus said, "Look, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them. Some fell on the road, and the birds came and gathered them. Others fell on rock, and they didn't take root in the soil and didn't produce heads of grain. Others fell on thorns, and they choked the seeds and worms at…
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See actual examples here (without having to opt in) -- George Kao Email Newsletters This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit georgekao.substack.comGeorge Kao
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Nous sommes au mileu dy mois du Tigre, au début du printemps. Comment s'aligner sur le Qi de ce mois et entrer en résonance avec la nouvelle force vitale de l'élément du Bois. Ecoute et découvre ! Pour plus d'informations sur l'astrologie Bazi, le Yi King et le Feng Shui, n'hésitez pas à visiter mon site internet :…
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Bio Hiromi Okuyama is a Toronto-based multi-hyphenate artist with a dynamic career spanning acting, martial arts, and content creation. Cultural Background Hiromi is of Chinese and Japanese descent. Favorite Self Confidence Quote Never underestimate anyone especially yourself. Definition of Self Confidence Self-confidence is knowing who you truly a…
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Ep 42: A Rapariga na Caixa
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1:09:49A Paula conta à João a história difícil da Coleen Stan, que foi raptada em jovem e mantida em cativeiro dentro de uma caixa por um casal, durante sete anos.
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We began our study of The Way of Chuang Tzu by Thomas Merton. We discussed excerpts from a Study of Chuang Tzu. 30 Tools to Stay Sober All Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in every meeting:,1988,1996,2004/section:80 You can download a free PDF of the most curren…
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The eighth saying in the Gospel of Thomas is a big fish story. Jesus said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish. Among them the wise fisherman discovered a fine large fish. He threw all the little fish back into the sea, and easily chose the large fish. Anyone here with two …
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Ep 41: Yara Gambirasio, e o infalível ADN
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1:03:22Hoje a João conta à Paula a história do assassinato da adolescente Yara, no norte de Itália, e de como a investigação das provas do crime é capaz de ser a mais cara de sempre na Europa, numa história que revela muitos segredos de famíia.
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Tod Talks with William Martin, author of “Daily Tao: 365 Meditations on the Tao Te Ching.” We discuss his transformation from pastor to Taoist, the liberation Taoism offers from societal conditioning, and how it counters today’s constant wave of mediated information. William also reflects on learning from Alan Watts at the Esalen Institute, explore…
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The Sage lives, and all things go as Tao goes. All things move as the wind blows. — Jonathan Star, Tao Te Ching, The Definitive Edition, Verse 81 30 Tools to Stay Sober All Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in every meeting:,1988,1996,2004/section:80 You can down…
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Today we look at the seventh saying in the Gospel of Thomas, which is the Parable of the Lion and the Man. Jesus said, “Blessed is a lion that a man eats, because that lion will become human. Cursed is a man that a lion eats, because that lion will become human.”Marshall Davis
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Episode 268 - Jimi Hendrix, Taoism and Luigi Mangione
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1:04:24Episode 268 - Jimi Hendrix, Taoism and Luigi MangioneDaniele Bolelli
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L'hexagramme Yi King de l'année du Serpent du Bois nous offre une perspective différente sur cette année. Même si nous sommes dans une année de Feu, et une période de Feu avec toute sa splendeur, le Yi King nous prévient des turbulences à venir et nous conseille d'être patients, de maintenir nos valeurs les plus élevées et de travailler sur notre c…
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In this episode I look at the sixth saying in the Gospel of Thomas. It reads: “His disciples asked him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?" Jesus said, "Don't lie, and don't do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing …
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And even though the next country is so close that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking, they are content to die of old age without ever having gone to see it. — Stephen Mitchell, Tao Te Ching, Verse 80 BWSOjc0wRpI3LLHFSvja 30 Tools to Stay Sober Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in …
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Bio Tam Luc is the founder of the Women Who BossUp book series. Cultural Background Tam is of African American descent. Favorite Self Confidence Quote Confidence comes from consistency. Consistency is not without failure. Definition of Self Confidence Self confidence is just being able to do it and stop waiting for permission. Her Life Before the D…
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“How do I grow my capacity to have and receive a large audience, and not be afraid of becoming more visible or well-known as my audience grows over time? Could you, George, share how your mind/heart have adapted at each stage of your audience growth?” –a YouTube viewer wrote to me. I thought this was a very thoughtful question, and wonder why more …
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Ep 40: Lori Vallow, a mommy doomsday
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1:19:42O nosso podcast faz hoje um ano! E hoje a Paula conta à João a louca história da Lori e do Chad, um casal mórmon que em vez de se divorciar para viver a sua paixão, destroem tudo e todos à sua volta.
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Today we look at the fifth saying in the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest." That is a translation of the Coptic text. The Greek version, which dated earlier, adds another line. Jesus said, “Know what …
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Ep 39: Ruby Franke, a momfluencer do youtube
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1:16:02Neste primeiro episódio da nossa nova temporada, a João conta à Paula a história recente da vlogger Ruby Franke que levou as suas teorias de disciplina e parentalidade longe demais, maltratando os seus próprios filhos.
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This episode looks at the fourth saying in the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus says, “A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and the person will live. For many of the first will be last and become a single one.” Anyone who is familiar with the New Testament gospels will hear similarities to the …
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Bio Selena Rezvani is a recognized author, speaker, and consultant on leadership. Cultural Background Selena is of Pakistani and Ukrainian descent Favorite Self Confidence Quote I'm either going to win or I'm going to learn. Definition of Self Confidence Self confidence is someone who has a healthy respect for their strengths. Her Life Before the D…
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Tod and George reflect on Derek Lin’s insights about the unnecessary baggage we carry through life. They also discuss Thomas Merton’s translation of Chuang-Tzu’s “Kingly Man,” and George shares practical tips on how we can all let go of our excess baggage. GoFundMe: Care for Dr. Carl Totton in His Final Days…
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The video I mentioned: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit georgekao.substack.comGeorge Kao
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One with true virtue always seeks a way to give. One who lacks true virtue always seeks a way to get. To the giver comes the fullness of life to the taker just an empty hand. — Dr. Wayne Dyer, Change Your Thoughts— Change Your Life, Verse 79 30 Tools to Stay Sober All Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use i…
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I have taken several trips to the Eastern Mediterranean countries to visit Biblical sites – Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt. One year I took a trip to Greece that followed the journeys of the apostle Paul. One of my favorite sites was not a biblical one. It was Delphi on Mt. Parnassus. It was said that the maxim "Know thyself" was inscribed upon the …
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Episode 267 - James Pieratt (Wild Hunt Conditioning)
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1:08:30Episode 267 - James Pieratt (Wild Hunt Conditioning)
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PIMCO Strategist on Global Financial Markets, Interest Rates & Fed Policy w/ Anthony Crescenzi | Tao of Chao 26
What's ahead for the global economy and financial markets in 2025? Let's look back at past financial policy decisions and data for indicators. Anthony Crescenzi, Executive Vice President and Market Strategist at PIMCO, shares his expert analysis of what's ahead in 2025. In this wide-ranging conversation recorded at the 2024 Spark Forum (on the eve …
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