One of the longest running podcasts. We talk about hard rock and metal. Hosted and produced by Mark Strigl. Guests have included members of Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Exodus, System Of A Down, Motorhead, Kiss, Megadeth, Korn and many more. Established in 2005 by Mark Strigl and John "Ostronomy" Ostrosky. Please visit for more info. Bonus content by Mark Strigl is available on Patreon.
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Metal-Membärs! ...und solche, die es noch werden wollen: Aus einer Laune geboren wurde aus Spaß dann letztlich doch Ernst: Man will uns auf die Ohren haben! Darum wollen wir euch nicht vorenthalten: Newcomer bands mit Potential bei uns im Vorstellungsgespräch New Releases, die ihr euch unbedingt reinziehen solltet Konzertberichte - Wir gehen dahin, wo`s ordentlich kracht Festival-Revue - Gibt`s was Schöneres wie tagelang Metal? Wir sind offen für euch! Schreibt uns für Support! MfG Der Hausm ...
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Heavy metal fans located in San Diego, California. We discuss local metal shows, news, reviews, and keep you up to Metal Swap Meet news. Join hosts Brian, Israel, and Nocturnal Overlord as they discuss what's going on in heavy metal.
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Getting a look at our 2nd day of operation
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Peter Comerford and Mike Bolton are The Metal Guys! They have worked in the metal sector for over 10 years, a huge global industry that produces more than a billion tonnes of material annually and affects all other industries and walks of life. They now run a successful recruitment and marketing company servicing the metal and engineering sectors, making them ideally placed to provide impartial, independent insight into the industry, sitting outside the hierarchy of the various stages of the ...
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Japanese Metal Head Show - Jpn & Eng Bilingual Show / Beer / Music / Guitar Talk / ビール / メタル / 英会話
Chiaki Hinohara
I am a Japanese Metal Head. Drinks, food, pets, guitars, tech, art. お酒飲みながら楽しみまショウ!メタルを聞きながら色々な雑談。中森明菜とYngwieを聞ける番組はここしか無いです。ホスト 日野原千明
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Talking Metal episode 959 - Is anyone hearing this? More content from Mark Strigl is found on SiriusXM and YouTube. Follow Strigl on X. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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☠ Brutalität, Harmonie, technischer Anspruch und lyrische Finesse vereint, um das hässliche Spiegelbild der Menschheit zu enthüllen... 👉 Burn Down Eden Any Questions? Oh ja, wenn Pether 🎤 und Tom 🎸 schon mal bei uns im METAL-Talk zu Gast sind, hätten wir dann doch ein paar Frage an die TECHNICAL BLACKENED DEATHMETALLER aus Dresden! Anlass des Talks…
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2 Brüder 🧑👦 2 Instrumente 🎷🎻 1 Genre 👇 🤘METALLLLLL🤘 Vom Orchester in den Moshpit Die Berufsmusiker Raphy und Adry wagen den Versuch mit ihren eher NICHT-METAL-TAUGLICH-ZU-SCHEINENDEN INSTRUMENTEN - Saxophon und Cello - eine Metalband zu gründen. Heraus kam DEKADENZA im Jahr 2022 und beeindruckt seither mit EPIC GROOVE METAL direkt aus der Hauptstad…
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Brian, Eric, Israel, and Juan talk about their top metal albums of 2024. What are your top albums of 2024? Let us know in the comments. Help us out by subscribing!Eric's top metal albums of 2024 (in order of release date)Ihsahn - IhsahnStygian Crown - Funeral for a KingNecrophobic - In The Twilight GreyAttic - Return of the WitchfinderMorgul Blade …
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DORO`s Shorts Hosen runter, BLACK MOON EMPIRE ! Schnelle Fragen - kurze Antworten Schön, dass ihr vorbei schaut! Zeit ist Geld und vor allem knapp und ich hab davon immer gefühlt viel zu wenig.... Darum bekommt ihr hier per Kurzinterview einen schnellen, aber informativen und vor allem UNTERHALTSAMEN Eindruck von den Bands, die EUCH interessieren. …
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Finally German Powermetal ⚔ Zu Gast bei den Dummschwätzern im METALTalk: TURBOKILL ‼ ✊ A Fistful Teutonic Metal New Release "Champion" out 27.09.2024 Lead-Gitarrist Daniel…
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Brian and Israel chat with Sami Hinkka from the Finnish folk metal band Ensiferum! He talks making a concept album, recording an album during the pandemic, and future tour plans.Metal Swap Talk
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SPILLFLOWER🌹 - Beautiful Bloody Chaos Progressive Metalcore aus Darmstadt/Mainz FEMALE FRONTED - Zum Zweiten 😈 Sängerin Ivonne und Gitarrist John stellen ihre Band bei uns vor. Wir schwätzen über: 👉 Ihre ersten Titel "Neverland" und "Invading My Mind" 🎶 👉 Anstehenden Release der ersten EP 📀 👉 Bandgeschichte 👉 Den Bassi…
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Brian and Eric chat with Kam Lee, legendary death metal vocalist from Massacre, as well as Bone Gnawer, The Skeletal, and an original member of Mantas (pre-Death). Kam chats with us about his upcoming album Necrolution, out on November 8, 2024 on Agonia Records. He also talks about what it was like jamming with Chuck Schuldiner in the early days, i…
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⚠ALLERDINGS! And i just can`t get enough 🤘 Call Me Messiah Episode 1 - Wie alles begann Slamming Deathcore aus dem bayerischen Ingolstadt On TOUR with RUINS of PERCEPTION - "Ballads ov Blood EU Tour 2024" Sie kamen als Lückenfüller zum Noize Attack IN am 09.03.24 Und Sie gingen als der Abräumer des Abends vom Platz!😈 Die …
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For Mark Strigl content, follows his socials and YouTube page and SUBSCRIBE to SiriusXM. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Brian, Juan, and half of Israel chat with Troy and Steve from the death metal band Cave Bastard. We have known these guys for a long time, and it was hilarious to catch up with them. Cave Bastard are celebrating 10 years of death metal! Troy chats about his past being in Cattle Decapitation, Dead Ghosts, as well as playing in death metal band Paras…
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Beyond the last Coast Melodic Metalcore aus Göppingen Und das BESONDERE: FEMALE FRONTED 😈 💃 6-köpfige Band, bei der die Frauen Tina und Janina das Sagen bzw. Singen haben Tiefgründige Texte über die Zerrissenheit des Menschlichen Egos sowie sozialkritische Themen vereint mit starken Vocals und melodischem Metalcore 😎 Wer sie noch nicht kennt, der s…
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S03E14 | Addressing the Skills Gap in the Metal Industry
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1:35:13Podcast Show Notes: The Metal Guys Talk Business - Special Episode Hosts: Peter Comerford, Michael Bolton, and special feature host Nadine Bloxsome (CEO, ALFED) Episode Title: Addressing the Skills Gap in the Metal Industry Release Date: 1st October 2024 Episode Summary: In this special episode of The Metal Guys Talk Business, hosts Peter Comerford…
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Mit Sweet Little 16, da hat man noch Träume....😎 Selbst gebrannte CDs an den Mann bringen... Mit einer Armee von Skirmischern gegen gigantischen Hirschkäfer um die Weltherrschaft zocken... Hymnen gegen den Krieg komponieren... 💡 In Memoriam dieser Träume haben Skyrmisher ihr ersten Album "VIOLENT ONSLAUGHT" am 23.02.2024 rausgehauen https://skyrmis…
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CAMPA - Fresh Thrash aus Berlin ☠🔥🤘 Was bitte ist das für ein Debüt?? Campa aus Berlin liefern mit Ihrer ersten EP TO THE GRAVE⚰ ein Thrash-Sahnestück der Extraklasse! Die 5 Jungs konnten Stephan und Doro mit Ihrer Mischung aus Thrash und Deathmetal-Gesang voll überzeugen 🤘 Sänger Joao (Buda)🎤 und die Gitarristen Ma…
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DAS BESTE vom Feste kommt zum Schluss! 🤘🤘 Doro`s absolutes Lieblings-Festival ‼ 👉 Klar, Dinkelsbühl liegt ja im Herzen Bayerns ABER: Kann sie auch den Ossi-Kollegen davon überzeugen, dass es die Reise wert ist ❓ Fritze und Doro werfen einen kritischen Blick auf das SUMMER BREEZE ❓ Bildet euch selbst eine Meinung und kommt nächstes Jahre aufs BREEZE…
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The Metal Guys Talk Business - Bonus Episode Hosts: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Episode Title: Active vs. Passive Candidates in Recruitment Release Date: 3rd September 2024 In this bonus episode, Pete and Mike dive into the nuances of recruitment, specifically focusing on the differences between active and passive candidates. They discuss the ch…
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Brian and Juan chat with Rene from Pythoness Fox Creations, and organizer of the Rebel Noise Market at Black Plague Brewing. She organizes a punk, metal, emo market at Black Plague Brewing. Rene talks about the event that also includes the bands Acidia and Tina Fake. Big thanks to @blackplaguebrewing Full Metal Burgers, and Rene. https://www.python…
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S03E12 | The Sertec Story with Grant Adams | Metal Bashing to Multi Million Pound Success Story
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1:16:25The Sertec story with Grant Adams Host: Pete Comerford and Michael Bolton Guest: Grant Adams, Chief Executive Officer of Sertec Episode Title: Metal Bashing to Multi-Million Success Release Date: 27th August 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, Pete and Mike sit down with Grant Adams, the Chief Executive Officer of Sertec, to delve into the fasci…
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Arnold Barba is the artist behind all the Metal Swap Meet art. Arnold has been a friend for a long time, and is also a very talented chef. Please help us out by subscribing to this channel.We are trying to feature people local to San Diego, as well as international metal people like King Fowley of Deceased, Vinny Appice, and Derek Riggs. Follow us …
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ARRIVING HOME - METALCORE aus Düsseldorf 😎🤘 Ein bisschen hat's gedauert, nun sind ARRIVING HOME endlich in unserem Podcast angekommen.😉 Sänger André 🎤 und Drummer Dominik 🥁 geben sich die Ehre und stellen ihre Band vor Wir schwätzen über: 👉 Ihren Werdegang 👉New RELEASE "Hunters & Collectors" 👉 Sich räkelnde Frauen im Vi…
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DORO goes WACKEEEEEEENNNNN!!!!!! 🤘 Ich wollte von euch wissen, wie oft ihr schon auf WACKEN wart, ob ihr auch kleinere Festivals besucht und natürlich: Was sind eure TOP ACTS diese Jahr? Hier ist unser Video mit Eindrücken aus WACKEN 2024 🙏 THANKS to Mr. Video-Maker 😍 😁 Viel Spaß beim Anschauen Eure METAL-Doro 🤘🔥😘…
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Hosts: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Guest: Liam Conway Episode Title: The 2024 Energy Market with Liam Conway Release Date: August 20th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, Pete and Mike sit down with Liam Conway from Greenfields Energy Group to discuss the state of the energy market as of 2024. Liam shares his expert perspective on how the ma…
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Our man Israel took a family trip to Europe including Scotland, England, and Wacken Open Air 2024! He talks about his experience being a Wacken Metal Battle juror, his favorite bands, and how he had to say sober for 12 hours. Have you been to Wacken Open Air? Let us know in the comments what your experience was like. What were your favorite bands?W…
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😱 Tod, Waffen und Gewalt??? 👉 Objektiv betrachtet - Kein Lifestyle ‼ 2/3 x 666 = Sebastian und Chris von der Blackmetal-Band Panzerkrieg666 stellen uns Ihre neue EP #3 "WESTERWEITERUNG" vor. Wieder stellen wir fest: - Böser Titel - Nette Jungs - Böses Thema - Clever betrachtet - Böse Vermutung - "WIR SIND KEINE NAZIS!" - Böse Musik - Eventuell, bil…
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Hosts: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Guests: Dan Fedyszyn and Joe Johnson Episode Title: Sharpening your business development with Joe and Dan of KR Saws Release Date: August 13th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, hosts Pete and Mike are joined by Dan and Joe from KR Saws to discuss the cutting-edge innovations in automated saws and the stra…
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WACKEEEEEEEEEENNNNN !!!!! 🤘2 von 3 Dummschwätzern auf Wacken 🤘 Stephan 🐟 und Doro 👩🎤 nehmen das Festival auseinander! # Anreise mit Option zum Outback-Camping für € 66,6 # Camping-Komfort # Lineup 🎸 # Bier 🍺 # Diverser Wacken-Schnick-Schnack # Abreise mit Option zum Ankommen Teilt uns eure Meinung zu Wacken mit! ❓ Was habt ihr erlebt? ❓ Wie waren …
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Brian, Israel, and Juan chat with Joe Bursey about his monthly Metal Monday at The Tower Bar. He discusses the next one on Monday, August 12, 2024 with Shadowland, Ancient Rage and Kauterized. $10 at The Tower Bar. If you are into metal, and live in the San Diego area, Metal Monday is where you should be!Help this channel, and subscribe!https://sha…
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🍔🌽PUBLIC GRAVE - Lola, bell doch mal! 🐶 Unser gesunder FASTFOOD-Podcast vom 11.06.2024 Wir steigen mit Korny und Hamby - ja, gute Ernährung ist wichtig - hinab ins 🧟♀️Zombie-Grab der Groovyy-Death-Metal-Band "PUBLIC GRAVE" Trotz fieser Thematik haben wir uns ordentlich einen abgelacht! Am besten ihr lacht mit uns! 🤣 UNSERE NEUE RUBRIK! --> "HOW TO…
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S03E09 | Women with Metal the Kirsty Davies-Chinnock Story
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1:38:35Host: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Guest: Kirsty Davies-Chinnock, Managing Director at Professional Polishing Episode Title: Women with Metal the Kirsty Davies-Chinnock Story Release Date: August 6th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, Kirsty Davies-Chinnock, Managing Director at Professional Polishing, joins Pete and Mike to delve into her c…
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Brian and Juan discuss their top metal releases of 2024 so far. We are a bit late for the first half, so this will have to do. Help us throw a party at Iron Maiden in San Diego and subscribe to this channel!Spotify playlist's top 10 metal albums of 2024 so far1. Travel…
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S03E08 | Discrimination in the workplace with Liz Burley
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1:17:02Hosts: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Guest: Liz Burley Episode Title: Discrimination in the workplace with Liz Burley Release Date: July 30th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, we delve into the complexities of post-furlough work environments, exploring the challenges employees face when returning to work and the importance of flexibility. We…
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FOREST METAL FEST 2024 30. + 31.08.2024 Kaufbeuren (Südbayern) 🤘Unser Festival-Tipp für die Sommerzeit!🤘 2 Tage für kleines Geld und wetterunabhängiger Indoor-Location: 🤘 Metalcore 🔥 Deathmetal 🎸 Melodic Deathmetal 😈 Hardcore 🖤 Blackmetal 👉 Check out the LINE UP! 👉 Support by BUYING YOUR TICKET EARLY! 👉 ALL YOU CAN DRINK 🍺 👉 SPECIAL SURPRISE ACT 😱 …
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Host: Pete Comerford Guest: Kyle Greenwood, CEO of BM Steel Episode Title: The Marubeni-Itochu takeover of BM Steel Release Date: July 23rd, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, Kyle Greenwood, CEO of BM Steels, joins Pete (One-half of The Metal Guys) to discuss various topics crucial for modern businesses. From the integration of acquisitions an…
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Hosts: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Guest: Tom Mallens Episode Title: Sales Techniques for Industrial Sales Professionals Part 2 Release Date: July 16th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, we are rejoined by Tom Mallens for part 2 of his Sales Training Podcast As a seasoned expert in sales strategy, Tom joins us to discuss how businesses can …
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Brian and Israel chat with King Fowley, singer, guitar player, drummer, and leader of the legendary death metal band Deceased. King talks about their upcoming album "Children of the Morgue" out on August 30, 2024 on Hell's Headbangers. He also talks about the status of his other band October 31, his love of metal music, and possible tour plans.…
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DELIRIUM`s DAWN - A fresh mixture! Unser Live Podcast vom 26.06.2024 Mal im Ernst, die Jungs sind wirklich nett...aber METALLER durch und durch! Auf Ihren Konzerten gibt`s ordentlich auf die 12! Überzeugt euch davon in unserem Interview und auf ihren Gigs Im Interview mit der Melodic Metalcore – Band Delirium`s Dawn hat Doro Younas, Ary und Manu Wi…
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S03E05 | Sales Techniques for Industrial Sales Professionals Part 1
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1:02:11Hosts: Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton Guest: Tom Mallens Episode Title: Sales Techniques for Industrial Sales Professionals Part 1 Release Date: July 9th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this episode, we dive deep into Tom Mallens' career journey, exploring how he transitioned from journalism to becoming a sought-after sales trainer. Tom shares his insigh…
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We chat with Joey Vera from Armored Saint and Fates warning about the LA metal scene, playing in so many bands for so long, and their tour with Queensryche. Unfortunately, this interview was recorded March 12, 2024, and we are only able to get it uploaded recently. Sorry about that. If you like more content like this, please subscribe. Let us know …
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Host: Peter Comerford and Michael Bolton Guest: Nick Robbins and Mark McGregor Episode Title: Matsource Release Date: July 2nd, 2024 Episode Summary: TBA Key Topics Covered: TBA: TBA TBA TBA: TBA TBA Learn more about Matsource: Website Link Connect with Mark McGregor on LinkedIn and Nick Robbins on LinkedIn SEASON THREE of The Metal Guys Talk Busin…
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Brian and Nocturnal Overlord (Vince) chat with legendary heavy metal drummer Vinny Appice. He talks about being asked to join Ozzy Osbourne, his experience with Black Sabbath and Ronnie James Dio, as well as being inspired by his brother Carmine Appice from the bands Vanilla Fudge, Cactus, and Rod Stewart. Big thanks to @SocieteBrewing for hosting …
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🛀 BuilT To Fall - There`s Whiskey in The Zuaba ! Unser PodcasT vom 05.05.2024 TIM? KannsT du dazu was sagen? TIM? Ich glaube, darüber weißT du mehr.... TIIIIMMMMM? Again T & T A TribuTe To Trivium Talk miT der Modern Melodic MeTal Band BuilT To Fall BassistT Nico und GiTarrisT Tim sTehen uns Rede und AnTworT: Wir Talken über: - Ihr KonzepT-Album "B…
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Brian and Juan talk to black metal band Mythraeum about their new album "Oblivion Aeternam" out now on M-Theory Audio. They have also won the Wacken Metal Battle USA, and played Wacken Open Air in 2022. Big thanks to Mythraeum for coming by and chatting with us. Check out the Mythraeum links below:…
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S03E03 | Industrial Marketing in 2024
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1:16:58Episode Summary: In this episode, Mike and Pete are joined by Joe Stallion for a deep dive into the intricacies of marketing and sales within the industrial sector. The discussion highlights the unique challenges faced by businesses in this sector, strategies for managing customer expectations, and the importance of building a strong online presenc…
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💡In Dying Lights☠ – Der letzte macht das Licht aus! Unser Live Podcast vom 24.03.2024 👉 Intelligenz – Eloquenz – Konsequenz Das alles im Interview mit der Melodic Deathmetal-/Metalcore – Band In Dying Lights Bassist Alexander und Gitarrist Dr. Stein stehen uns Rede und Antwort: Wir sprechen über: -Ihren musikalischen Werdegang 👉 New Single „In Madn…
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S03E02 | Gail Thomas of TW Metals
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1:08:07Host: Peter Comerford and Michael Bolton Guest: Gail Thomas, VP & Managing Director at TW Metals Episode Title: Navigating Aerospace Supply Chain Challenges Release Date: June 18th, 2024 Episode Summary: In this insightful episode, we delve into the intricate world of aerospace supply chain management with Gail Thomas, a seasoned expert with over 4…
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We chat with the legendary Iron Maiden artist Derek Riggs. We meet him at Societe Brewing in San Diego. For context, watch our previous interview with Derek in 2019. Leave a comment with your favorite Derek Riggs album cover artwork. subscribe to stay informed on upcoming interviews. We will also be…
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👿M N H G 👿 – Der Bibeltalk oder Warum Black Metal auch groooovyyy sein kann Unser Live Podcast vom 28.04.2024 Black Metal goes Rock `n`Roll Mit ihrer neuen Band MNHG wollen die 3 Ex-Mitglieder von Thyrgrim neuen Groove in die Black Metal Scene bringen. Wir von den Dummschwätzern finden ihr 2. Album überaus gelungen und haben die Vertreter der dunkl…
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S03E01 | The Metal Guys are back!
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1:05:02Hosts: Peter Comerford and Michael Bolton Episode Title: The Metal Guys are Back! Release Date: June 11th, 2024 Welcome back to "The Metal Guys Talk Business" for the much-anticipated Season 3! In this episode, hosts Pete Comerford and Mike Bolton kick off the new season with exciting updates, reflections on the past year, and plans for the upcomin…
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