A podcast about stories - the contemporary, personal narrative kind - and the people that craft and tell them. Why you ask? Well, we want to feature these tellers and their stories. Also, to help you - our listeners - craft and tell better, more engaging, more relatable and more memorable stories (that matter!) truestoriesthtmatter.com Sean Wellington is a teacher, podcaster and story coach. He lives in Chapel Hill, NC
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Caitlin of Storyspeak Enterprises talks with people in all walks of life who have chosen to think and live counter culturally in an upbeat, no holds barred style interview. From health and wellness, addiction, and entrepreneurship to faith, spirituality, and personal development, this podcast spurs laughs, knowledge, and conversations that matter. No edits. No political correctness. No restraints. Only truth. Learn more at www.storyspeak.net . *I am looking for guests! Visit https://storyspe ...
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Welcome to Inspirational Journeys, stories that matter ! Listen as I speak with K-12 authors about their writing process, how they found illustrators if needed, and speak with K-12 editors, agents, and publishers as they share tips for up and coming K-12 authors. Listen as I share editing tips and strategies, and platform building advice I learn throughout my author and editing journey, champion authors whose work I've edited, and give authors with disabilities a platform to share their writ ...
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GIANT is a weekly podcast bringing you football stories that matter, told by the people who were there. It’s as much about people as it is penalties, life as it is legends, and emotion as it is extra-time. This is an audio documentary series that takes you deep into the stories you might know, you think you know, or you definitely should know. 'Imagine This American Life, if all the stories somehow related to football.' - The Guardian. Season One of GIANT is a multi-award winning Spotify Ori ...
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I encourage you to visit my YouTube channel, until I get the Podcast feed up and running due to technical issues. The link for my YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/user/annsmusic1
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I reached out to todays special guest after reading thefirst book of her King of Realms series as part of the Hidden Gems ARC readerprogram. I fell in love with her dynamic characters and the fantasy world somuch that I invited Brit Asher to share the story behind this series. Join us aswe talk all things fantasy for middle grade readers and their …
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In today’s episode, my special guest describes the tool he createdto teach children and adults to love one another as God loves us. Be journal tohave your journal handy as you listen to this interesting conversation, becausehe shares a unique approach to outlining your book for plotters and plantsersalike.Paul Zolman is the internationalbestselling…
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My special guest Shelly Mack and I talk about the intricaciesof worldbuilding in today’s episode. Sometimes worldbuilding can be difficult, yetit’s also fun to write, once you find fellow writers and editors to support youand give you feedback to help you find the joy of writing fantasy. Join ourconversation and bring along your journal to capture …
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Heidi Gray McGill is back with a brand new novel. This isn’ther true debut, because she’s self-published several books in her authorcareer. However, A Deeper Love is her first traditionally published book withCelebrate Lit Publishing. Join us as we talk about her writing journey thusfar, and her experience as a hybrid author.Heidiinfuses God’s love…
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In thisepisode, my special guest and I talk about his children’s picture book seriesand how his marketing team helped him self-publish his books. Join us as wetalk about how his children’s book series entertains kids and inspires parentsto dig deeper for answers to their children’s burning questionsEmanuel Rose was born and raised on theWest Coast …
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Don’t let your limitations or disability keep you from doingthe work God has called you to do. That’s what my special guest and I talk aboutin today’s episode. Beca Wierwille discuss how she has learned to write inspite of her disability. She also shares her writing process and tips forwriters as an editor and as an editor. In spite of technical is…
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Nathaniel A. Turner is a breath offresh air. As one of the most entertaining and captivating Renaissance peopleof our day, he's sought after by organizations and individuals worldwide toshare the tools, techniques, and strategies to live life in the present withjoy on purpose. The Humanitarian Propulsion Engineer, College & CareerReadiness Strategi…
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I’ve got another book launch to celebrate with another debutauthor for you. If you love clean, young adult, sweet romantic suspense with aparanormal flare, I have just the book for you. In today’s episode Louise Davisand I talk about her writing process, and publishing her first book.Louise Davis is a powerful,up-and-coming, young adult author who …
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If you love young adult thrillers with a hint of sweetromance and some speculative fiction elements thrown in, I have just theconversation for you. Today, Angelique Burrell and I discuss her debut YAthriller. We talk about her writing process, her submission and queryingprocess and she shares a few tips she’s learned along the way. With an Englisht…
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I love to celebrate new book launches and champion theCelebrate Lit Publishing authors who’s work I’ve edited. Today’s episode is noexception! Join my special guest and me as we talk about her writing journeyand celebrate her brand new novella.MargueriteMartin Gray is the author of the Revolutionary Faith series, Gardens in Timeseries, and Room for…
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In today’sepisode, my special guest and I talk about his writing and publishing journey.College media instructor Karl W.Beckstrand is the best-selling author/illustrator of twenty-sevenmulticultural/multilingual books (65 e-books—reviews by Publisher’s Weekly,Kirkus, The Horn Book, and School Library Journal). Raised in San Jose, California,he has …
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Today’s episode is a special one for two reasons. My specialguest is not only a children’s book author, she’s a teen author with a birthdaycoming up in two weeks.Shanti Hershenson’s first two novellaswere published when she was in the sixth grade, although her writing journeystarted long before then. Ever since she could hold a pencil, marker, orcr…
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My specialguest and I have a fun and exciting conversation about our love of writingchildren’s books. Even though today’s episode is audio only for the most part,I get so excited to show off a new toy I made, that I forget that I don’t havemy camera on, and turn it on for a brief second.so if you’re listening onYouTube, please disregard my split se…
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The only wayto move forward in God’s calling for your life is by faith. That’s what Austinmoore and I talk about in this week’s episode, as we celebrate his debut novel.Austin Moore is a lead pastor who lives with his wife andfour children in Southeast Georgia. He has spent most of his life in full-timechurch ministry while writing worship music. H…
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What types ofbooks do you write? Does your author platform align with your writing? That’swhat I’ll be talking about in this weeks episode. I also share some changescoming to the podcast and my YouTube channel and give you some encouragementand prayers to help you move forward with streamlining your platform and becomingan expert in the gifts God h…
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What would you do if you crossed paths with a service doghandler? In today’s episode, Joan Patterson and I discuss the different betweena service dog and a guide dog. We discuss her latest book and her writing. Sitback and enjoy our inspiring and informative conversation.Career educator, author, and speaker Joan Patterson receiveda Bachelor of Scie…
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Here’s a sneakpeek at the fourth annual WWJ writing conference which was streamed live on YouTubeon Saturday August 19, 2023. My presentation is entitled Connect your Craftwith your Writing. If you enjoy this presentation, click the play list link belowto see the rest of the conference.https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsc18KIWy0rvL_3AU23UVJcNiYT4…
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Seeking firstthe kingdom of God is important if we want to align with God and follow Hisplan for our lives., I encourage you to surround yourself with ateam of prayer warriors. The passages of scripture I reference throughout today’sepisode include: John 15:4–5; Matthew 6:33; and Matthew 6:5–12. I read theseverses from the King James Version of the…
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In this returnepisode from my short hiatus, I share my takeaways and some exciting updates thatI received while attending the write His answer virtual writing conference. Stickaround to the end, because I encourage you, dear listeners and viewers, toattend a conference either by paying for it yourself, or applying for Cecil Murphy scholarships when…
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Today, I jumponto the podcast and my YouTube channel to explain my reasoning for taking ahiatus, and say a little prayer for the listeners and viewers. Visitwww.everyday-excellence.com and use promo code Inspirational Journeys to get10% off any product on the site. Subscribe tothe 540 Writers Community for free, if you need some writing accountabil…
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Today, I wantto share a crochet project God gave me and told me to make. The scripture thiscrocheted tree was bast on and inspired by is John 15:5. Take look at the image and ask God to peel backthe layers of His divine imagery for you. What does he show you? Create ablogpost, social media post or create a YouTube video describing what God hasshown…
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Don’t let your limitations or disability keep you from doingthe work God has called you to do. In spite of health issues that prevent herfrom looking at digital screens for long periods of time, my special guest,Christina M. Eder continues to follow her calling to write. She also makescrochet and pray scarves, table runners and blankets . Join us a…
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Has there ever been a time in your life when you say to God,“I’ve had enough?” I know I have, and my returning guest, Paul Granger talksabout a time when he’s felt this way as well. Join us as we discuss how God becomesenough for us and gives us rest to continue on a much deeper and more profoundjourney than we could ever imagine.Paul's job is "amb…
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This week, Iwant to check in with you to share what’s happening in my writing life, andgive you reflections on making your book a memorable reader experience . I giveyou two metaphors when you think about the books we love to read and the storiesGod has given us to share. I also share a couple of questions from theUptimate-self-editing-checklist-fo…
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Have you everthought about taking your art to the next level? This week my special guest,Donna Edman, explains how she used her photography to help women over 50 share theiradvice to their 20-year-old selves and share their stories.Donna is an award-winning portrait photographer with apassion to honor people and encourage them to share their legacy…
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I’d like to introduce you to yet another member of the 540writers community. My special guest Althea Damgaard and I celebrate the launchof her debut novel entitled Champions of Light. If you watch the YouTube video,you’ll see Althea decked out in her 540 writers community t-shirt. Come alongand celebrate with us in the comfort of your living room, …
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Have you ever planned to have a conversation with someone,only to have God change the direction of your conversation from start tofinish? This is exactly what happened with my special guest Cherrilynn Bisbanoand me in today’s episode. I invite you to join our conversation and let theHoly Spirit speak inspiration into your life and your writing as w…
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In today’ssolo episode, I talk about the importance of finishing what you start, because Godhas a purpose and a plan for our lives. We all have a message to share and whenwe complete the task God has set before us, He can use our writing for Hisglory.The passages Iused to illustrate my points are: 2 Corinthians 8:10–11; Ephesians 2:10; 3:20–21;and …
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Benecia Ponder is a Story Coach and Book Publishing Mentorto Inspirational Authors—faith-driven creators who share their God-given giftsandlife experiences through powerful stories that inspire andimpact lives. Benecia is the award-winning author of six books of her own andhas helped hundredsof entrepreneurs make a bigger difference and profit byge…
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The Holy Spirit speaks to us through powerful whispers. That’swhat my special guest Christa Speath and I discuss, along with her writingprocess in today’s episode. Be sure to have your journal ready, because thereare some golden nuggets you’ll want to walk away from this conversation with.Christa Joy Spaeth is the founder of Christa Joy Ministries.…
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Do you connect with the Holy Spirit as you write? Do youfind joy in your writing? These are some of the topics my special guest and Idiscuss in today’s episode Kyllie currently resides in Redding California with herhusband and two children. A New Zealand speaker and author passionate to seethe Kingdom of God fully expressed here on earth. After yea…
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A Kingdom connection is always orchestrated by the HolySpirit, especially when the connection is between two like-minded fictionauthors. This is what happened when Wendy Jo Cerna appeared as my first guestin my brand new Kingdom Connections interview series. Come join us as God showsus how he can provide the inspiration needed to write life changin…
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When writing inthe fantasy genre or any of its subgenres such as contemporary fantasy, UrbanFantasy, and Magical Realism, I’ve found that the best to make sure yourcharacters drive your story in a way that satisfies the reader is to createsome rules. These rules include rules for ghosts, angels and other spiritualsupernatural characters; rules for …
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In honor of memorial day, I’m re-airing an episode from back in October of last year. This week, my special guest shares the story of surviving the loss of his brother, who was killed in action while they both served in Afghanistan and overcoming grief, survivors guilt and PTSD, in order to share his compelling story with the world. He also started…
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Do youlove stories about faith, courage, and grit? Do you love stories where the protagonistlearns to trust in God to give her the faith and courage to face life’schallenges in order to complete the tasks He sets before her? If so, you’vecome to the right place. Today, my special guest and I talk about her women’sfiction with Faith, Courage, Grit, …
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In this episode,I explain how my tech assistant, Jack and I recorded my poem entitled Open Air,set to music with some outdoorsy stuff in the background. You can watch medance to this accidental music track here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWfqRfKNm4c&t=13sYou can alsoread the poem and listen to the before and after versions of the recordinghere…
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In today’sepisode, Riley Cross joins me to talk about her writing processand her debut novel entitled Disconnected. As Riley and I talked about herwriting process, we coined a new term for writers who plot a little and pants alittle. NaNoWriMo calls us plantsers, but we coined the term plotser todescribe us. Come join in the fun filled conversation…
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In thisepisode, I share my reflections of my 3 day coffee fast, and how the Loreshowed up in a bog way. I also have a song recommendation. The song is entitledJob Suite by Michael Card. You can listen to it on YouTube here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7XVS1VIzHcVisitwww.everyday-excellence.com and use promo code Inspirational Journeys to get10%…
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I am taking abig leap of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit. I want to ask you to bath my new middlegrade magical realism book entitled Shadows On the Wall: Spirit Writer Societybook 1 in prayer, because I believe with all my heart, that God can use entertainmentand the genres that children love to draw middle school kids closer to Him. Ipray that he…
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What storywill you tell your audience? Let me tell you a story. That’s the topic of today’sepisode. The Holy Spirit led me to share my story of how I became an author andthe reason for my podcast title. This episode was inspired by a TEDX talkentitled The Danger of a Single Story, which you can watch here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4a7oQ5vwP4…
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In thisepisode I explain why my process for the second book in my Spirit WriterSociety series is vastly different from the first. I also encourage you totrust your process, no matter where you are in your writing journey.Visitwww.everyday-excellence.com and use promo code Inspirational Journeys to get10% off any product on the site.Support thispodc…
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God is leadingme to take a step back from podcasting. I’m not giving up on the podcast, my episodeswill be less frequent. In this episode I explain why Visitwww.everyday-excellence.com and use promo code Inspirational Journeys to get10% off any product on the site.Support thispodcast with a monthly donation by visiting:https://anchor.fm/inspiration…
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Today is a dayto celebrate my milestones as I walk with God as a writer. First of all, I wantto say happy 4th anniversary of Inspirational Journeys: Stories that Matter! Mysecond milestone is that I finished editing my Middle Grade novel and uploadedthe manuscript to Google Docx and shared it with a few select beta readers. Ihave a couple more peop…
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In today’sepisode, I give a few updates on my writing life and share some encouragementwith you to help you move forward in your calling to advance the Kingdom of Godand change the world with your words as you follow God’s calling to write.Visitwww.everyday-excellence.com and use promo code Inspirational Journeys to get10% off any product on the si…
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In today’s episode, Lynda Lambert and I talk about herconnect between her art, painting in particular, and her writing. Here’s Lynda’sbio in her own words.My mission statement:Seeking euphoria through art and writing, Ireveal what is forgotten, lost, or invisible.My books:Concerti: Psalms for thePilgrimage, Kota Press, (2002)Concerti: Psalms for th…
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Today marks the launch of Mark Snoad’s debut middle gradenovel entitled Maggie and the Mountain of Light. Join us as we celebrate thisbook launch and learn a little about how God called Mark to write.Mark Snoad is an author and teacherliving in Aotearoa New Zealand. As a professional make-believer, he strives tofind the magic and joy in everyday li…
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In the secondepisode of my benefits of journaling for writers series, I discuss thefollowing benefits of keeping a writing journal for non fiction: listing blogpost,article or nonfiction book ideas; taking notes during your online research,copying URLs of sources; taking notes during expert interviews.Visitwww.everyday-excellence.com and use promo …
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In today’s episode, God has anointed my conversation with Beth Jones about her latest book and the two new books He has given her for the near future.. Pray with us and have your Bible and a method for taking notes handy, because this conversation has some golden nuggets about prophecy and writing the vision and making it play, as the Lord states i…
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To start mymini series on journaling benefits for writers, I’m going to talk about thebenefits of keeping a fiction writing journal. A journal is a place to dumpunwanted thoughts and feelings, to writeyour prayers and responses from the Holy Spirit, capture new ideas, developyour new ideas, brainstorm plot points for stories, flesh out your charact…
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