A platform to engage Milton’s students and alumni through conversation.
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En uavhengig Vålerenga-fanzine på podcast. Stang ut!! er norges lengstlevende fanzine, og har kommentert og irritert i supportermiljøet siden 1997. Av fans - for fans.
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fotballprogrammet på Radio Nova sin blogg
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StanGirlSam Podcast is here to bring you all things music related, from new releases to tour announcements and just all around news and gossip in the music and stan world!
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Hey hey yall this is the stranger gonna be about EVERYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF!!! IT'S GONNA BE EMOTIONAL, SERIOUS, funny .... I guess lol
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Sting, Stang, Stung is a podcast for students, by students. We touch on events at Choctaw High School to pop culture moments. From time to time we will have a guest from Choctaw/Nicoma Park Schools that includes Sports, Fine arts and Academics.
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Aftenposten-redaktørene Harald Stanghelle og Trine Eilertsen utfordrer de største aktuelle profilene innen politikk og samfunn.
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Harald Stanghelle og mange spennende gjester samtaler og forteller interessante historier. I spalten «Stang inn – Stang ut» byr Harald på en subjektiv oppsummering og poengtert kommentar fra uken vi har bak oss. «Stanghelle på fredag» sendes hver fredag ettermiddag kl. 12:30 på P1+. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Love, relationship, and sex advice from Patti Stanger, Bravo’s The Millionaire Matchmaker
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Family Law Talk® with Stange Law Firm, PC on BlogTalkRadio. Stange Law Firm, PC is a multi-state family law firm with offices in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Indiana, and Iowa in places such as St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Lincoln, Chicago, Indianapolis, Des Moines and beyond. Our phone number is 855-805-0595 and you can find us online at https://www.stangelawfirm.com. (Please note: The choice of a lawyer is an import ...
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A weekly podcast by Internet Strangers
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PhotoStank /staNGk/ - when a visual reeks of coolness PhotoStank is a podcast about the inspiration, drive and secret sauce behind awe-inspiring visuals. Each week, we sit down with a top creative in the photo-video industry and explore the stories, techniques, victories and missteps behind their work. What makes it stank?
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Vi pratar fort och högt och avbryter ofta varandra. Passar det inte? Amen stäng av då. Matilda Berggren och Sofia Wigand
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How do we inject more health, humor and fun into our daily lives, even when things get messy? That’s the question driving award-winning journalist and podcaster Shelby Stanger as she interviews health, science and wellness experts as well as entrepreneurs, authors, artists and comedians. From breath work and diet, to brain training, physical outdoor challenges, and increasing our humor muscles, Shelby tests out her guest’s prescriptions, offering how a little Vitamin Joy is more of the medic ...
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Dr. Maegan Stanga, DC is a functional medicine practitioner on the forefront of helping patients battle their complex health cases. In this podcast, she'll discuss what truly is at the root of chronic illness, whether it be autoimmunity, allergic responses, cancer or mystery illnesses. Each week we'll focus on the most critical health issues of our time and you'll learn the secrets of a Lyme-literate doctor whose successfully helping patients identify their root causes and regain their healt ...
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«Fy Fabian» er en podcast med den tidligere ordføreren, Fabian Stang, som programleder. I podcasten inviteres innflytelsesrike og kjente gjester med håp om at Fabian og lytterne skal lære noe av dem. Noen forstår han seg ikke på i det hele tatt og et par han har lyst til å lære en ting eller to. Podcasten gir den perfekte blandingen mellom lun bestefarhumor og informativ underholdning. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Winner of the Adirondack Center for Writing’s People’s Choice Award 2016 A sister grows inside the body of another and wants to return; a woman accidentally walks through walls where her newfound intimacy offends. By turns surreal, mournful, and droll, this collection of short stories investigates our conflicting urge for intimacy and transcendence. Enter this cabinet of wonders to find your mind and spirit expand. While the concerns and struggles are familiar — loneliness, troubled marriage ...
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In this episode of Stang Stories Podcast, Ladia Khaing '25 sits down with Maggie Jackson, a distinguished non-fiction author and Milton alumna from the class of 1978. Maggie shares her transformative experiences at Milton and how they laid the foundation for her illustrious career as a journalist and author. Delve into Maggie's journey from her ear…
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63. Gutten i røyken - Ronnie Bergheim om sikkerhet, del 2.
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Med pyroforbud på cupfinalene, bortviste Start-fans, og trusler om tomme tribuner måtte vi snakke med sikkerhetsansvarlig Ronnie Bergheim igjen. Han viste seg å være mye mer fornøyd enn vi frykta!Jon Hernæs
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62. Penga og Enga - med Andreas Aalbu
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Vår kommersielle leder håper på masse folk og enda mere penger å drive klubb for i 2025. Likevel synes han det var helt naturlig å plukke søppel etter supporterne dagen etter bortekampen mot hans gamle arbeidsgiver Stabæk. Vi får også en hilsen fra en gammel bekjent direkte på lufta med ønske om 16. mai- kamp.…
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Divorce and separation cases can be complex, often involving difficult decisions around child custody, visitation, and support. Even when parents are willing to work together, these emotionally charged situations arise as both parties seek time with their children in a new family structure. Navigating these issues requires careful consideration. Th…
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61. Engas framtid – møt en ny supportergenerasjon
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Vi har snakka mye om at det har kommet til, litt under radaren for oss gamle, en ny generasjon supportere. Endelig har vi fått to av dem – Eira (18) og Frida (16) – i studio for å få høre litt om hvem de er og hvordan de ble stående syngende supportere på Blokka før de fylte 18. Og forresten: SCHEISS Red Bull!…
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Direkte fra Klanens boikott-vake på Øst snakker Jon og Lars med Sebastian Hytten og Amalie Bakke om hockey, tog, fotball og psykisk helse. Bli med oss på puben, medpasienter!Jon Hernæs
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Jon, Lars og Sebastian Hytten fordøyer inntrykkene fra opprykkskvelden – kampen, banestorminga, festen og følelsene. Vi spiller opprykksbingo, drikker øl og gir dere reisetips til München, London og Torino i forbindelse med damenes CL. Også ler vi litt av Fugla, da, og Dag-Eilev Fagermo.Jon Hernæs
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In this captivating episode, Oliver Sin sits down with Mr. Rod Skinner '72, a distinguished alumnus of Milton Academy's class of 1972 and the Dean of College Counseling from 1999 to 2023. Mr. Skinner shares his unique experiences as a student during the Vietnam War era, shedding light on the anti-war protests that marked his high school years. The …
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Hearsay is an important legal concept that lawyers learn in law school. Under Federal Rule of Evidence 801, hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Even many lawyers are often confused by what this means when reading it. Thus, it is no surprise that the concept can seem murky for individuals going through …
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58. Medlemsmøte for åpen mic, med Svein Graff og Christian Arentz
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Etter medlemsmøtet i VFE fikk vi med oss daglig leder, Svein Graff, i studio for å snakke om hvordan han har jobba med å få det togkrasjet vi var vitne til i fjor over på vinnersporet i år. Graff og Klanens Christian Arentz forteller om samarbeidet dem i mellom, og så sporer vi av med baseballprat og premiere på hockey-vignetten! Alt dette mens vi …
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57. Skog er hjemvendt, damene er på vei mot CL – og hockeyserien starter
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Lars forteller om USA-ferien sin, og om det er noe supporterliv over there? Jon har vært i internasjonale medier, damene har stø kurs mot CL, og vi ringer Amalie Bakke for å få høre om hvorfor Klanen boikotter bortekampen mot Storhamar ishockey.Jon Hernæs
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56. Klisterhjerner - den store stickersepisoden
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Fire stickers-entusiaster, Line Moseng, Are H. Bruun, Erland Engelund og jeg, Jon, setter oss rundt bordet og prater historie, design, plassering, programmer, samling og alt du har og ikke har lurt på om stickers.Jon Hernæs
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Jason Yu '25 interviews Louis Demetroulakos '15, the Strategic Alliances Director at Playroll, a company dedicated to facilitating global expansion for businesses. Louis, who served as Head Monitor during his senior year, shares his journey through Milton, NYU, Shanghai, and various other cities worldwide, highligh…
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55. Derby debrief
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Godfølelsen fra derbyseieren sitter fremdeles i når Maestro nr 2, Svante og Anders “Nittentretten” møtes i studio hos Jon for en debrief.Jon Hernæs
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Many people are familiar with the concept of parental alienation, but fewer are aware of the term "realistic estrangement." Parental alienation occurs when one parent intentionally seeks to undermine the other parent's relationship with their children, often through a prolonged effort to demean or defame them. While this process can take time to fu…
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54. Oppgangstider på Oslo øst!
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Jon og Lars skravler om fotball, og er enige om at det går jævlig bra! Du får vite i hvilken kamp vi kan feire opprykket, vi svarer på mange lytterspørsmål, slipper ikke helt taket i Moss, og har premiere på Hockeyhjørnet.Jon Hernæs
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53. Blir vi kvitt VAR nå? Med Ole Kristian Sandvik.
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Skal vi fortsette med aksjoner, eller er det en smartere vei mot VAR-fri fotball? Det, og litt hockey, supporteroppførsel, Moss avis, og de siste kampene på vei mot opprykket som må komme.Jon Hernæs
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Co-parenting applications are becoming more popular in divorce or family law cases where there are children. In cases where these cases are not resolved peacefully, or where there are ongoing disagreements, more courts are ordering parties to use a co-parenting application for communications, calendaring, and paying expenses involving the children.…
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52. Halvveis til opprykk!
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Etter fjorårets nedrykk hadde vi en terapeutisk prat med Agnes Viljugrein og Christian "Sjanten" Plaum. Nå møtes vi igjen, etter halvspilt OBOS-liga, for å snakke om hvordan vi synes det har gått så langt. Vi er også innom billettangst, borteturer og historisk god stemning. Og så må vi jo snakke litt om VAR.…
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It is no secret that a divorce is an expensive process, with short-term and long-term effects on the finances of both parties. A divorce requires families to deal with emotional, legal, and financial challenges. When you are concerned about your financial stability after a divorce, it can make the divorce process even harder. This podcast is based …
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51. Rijks-kringkastingen!
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Vi møter publikumsyndlingen Mees Rijks på Cafè Amsterdam for å prate om livet i Oslo, stemninga i troppen og det uunngåelige: Testing av bitterballen på direkten.Jon Hernæs
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50. Vi feirer 50 i flytsonen!
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Lars og Jon feirer 50 eps i sitt eget selskap. Vi svarer på masse lytterspørsmål, og koser oss med et Vålerenga i god flyt fram mot sommeren.Jon Hernæs
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49. Med gul vest på indre bane - fotolivet med Eivind Hauger.
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Eivind Hauger har tatt bilder av Vålerenga i en årrekke. Hvor har han fått de beste bildene, og hvor har de best bevertning i presselosjen? Vi ringer også Christian Thuesen i Moss for å høre om veien tilbake for klubben hans hjerte, bortefeltet på Melløs, og hvordan spise Moss sin nasjonalrett, pølse i vaffel.…
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Depositions are expected in divorce or family law matters. All sorts of witnesses may be deposed. During a divorce or family law deposition, one attorney asks the witnesses under oath to discover relevant information. Information is relevant if reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. During the deposition, the other a…
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu interviews Claire Cheney ‘02, founder of Curio Spice. Claire shares her passion for spices with audience members and reveals how Milton influenced her journey to finding happiness and success in her professional life.Teddy Ellis
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu '24 speaks with Teddy Ellis '22 on his Milton journey, Stang Stories inspiration, and Princeton experiences.Teddy Ellis
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu '24 engages with Daniel Kim '09, former Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) officer and current Technical Team Lead at Deloitte. Daniel shares his incredible journey from the halls of Milton to the high-stakes world of military bomb disposal and now to leading technical teams at Deloitte. He discusses th…
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu '24 converses with Eskor Johnson '07, an accomplished English teacher and author of the compelling novel PAY AS YOU GO. Eskor reflects on his experiences at Milton and how they ignited his passion for literature and teaching. He shares his journey from student to educator, discussing the inspiration be…
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu '24 interviews Maximos Nikitas '13, a current judicial law clerk for the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Maximos reflects on his formative years at Milton, where the rigorous academic environment and supportive community laid the groundwork for his legal aspirations. He delves into the co…
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu '24 sits down with Kurt Collins '97, the visionary Founder of #! Shebang is a true jack of all trades in the world of innovation. Kurt delves into his remarkable journey from an aspiring entrepreneur to a pioneer of groundbreaking solutions for some of today's most challenging problems. He reveals the …
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu ’24 interviews Samantha Barkowski, the dynamic Senior Vice President of Strategy & Growth at Fenway Sports Group (FSG). Samantha shares insights from her impressive journey from a fan ambassador at Fenway Park to a key figure in FSG’s major sports and entertainment deals. Samantha reveals her work's co…
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48. Tagger`n klikker og Enga svarer
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Et nederlag på 16. mai får Kristian Tolonen til å rable og skrive i Aperopet igjen, etter 20 år. Nok er nok! Enga svarer ham – og 300 tilreisende supportere – på best tenkelige måte med en 5-1 seier. Lars er på tur og knuser glass, shopper og spotter kjendiser, og avisene melder om at trafikken på E16 dirigeres av "noen" med ropert og røde og blå f…
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In this episode of Stang Stories, Diane Asiedu ’24 interviews Dr. Alixe Callen ’88, the 13th Head of School at Milton Academy. Dr. Callen shares insights from her extensive career in education, her journey to becoming a leader at Milton, and her vision for the future of thought leadership at Milton Academy. This conversation delves into her educati…
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47. Fengende fotballdisco og ultras på karaoke i Bergen
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Hermann Torgrimsønn har som "Vålerenga avd Bergen" fått oss til å synge og danse til sine uhøytidlige, men fengende Vålerengalåter. Hva holder ham igjen på andre siden av fjellet? Blir det fest når vi kommer på besøk, og hvordan er det å gå på byen i Vålerengadrakt i Bergen?Jon Hernæs
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The state of Missouri recently followed many other states by making equal parenting time a rebuttable presumption in divorce and child custody cases. The rebuttable presumption was enacted as part of Senate Bill 35, which went into effect in Missouri on August 28, 2023. Under the new law’s terms, there is a rebuttable presumption when determining c…
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46. Ølbryggeren fra Brasil som elsker Vålerenga
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Hvordan endte brasilianske Joao Alberto Kolling fra Brasil opp som Vålerengasupporter i Oslo? Hva er likt og ulikt i norsk og brasiliansk supporterkultur? Og hvordan hadde hans Vålerenga-øl smakt?Jon Hernæs
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45. Fra himmel til helvete - og tilbake igjen
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Kontrastene vi opplever fra kamp til kamp er helt enorme for tida. Vi tar en runde med synsing om damelaget, fadesen i Mjøndalen og den etterlengta hjemmeseieren i cupen. I tillegg tar vi oss tid til mange lytterspørsmål denne gangen. Takk folkens!Jon Hernæs
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A difficult separation is never easy. When you file your divorce petition and serve your spouse the papers, but they ignore or avoid the petition, it can make the situation even more frustrating. When you face a stressful divorce process like this, you may be able to obtain a default divorce. This podcast is based on a blog article titled: What Is …
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44. Osloderbyet: Norges nr 1 er tilbake!
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Osloderbyet ble en fantastisk demonstrasjon av supporterkulturen i Vålerenga. Fire tifoer, corteo og et enormt trøkk gjennom hele dagen. Kevin Harbosen og Øystein Rosenlund, to av de mange som bidro ekstra for at vi skulle få denne festen er i studio. Vi snakker om forberedelsene og gjennomføringa av showet, samt om svensker som har oppført seg apa…
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43. Vålerenga pasientreiser - 20 år med bortekamper!
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I snart 20 år har Jostein Ellingsen arrangert turer til fjern og nær for Vålerengasupportere. Nå prøver han å gi ansvaret videre til Sebastian Hytten, men tør Seb ta jobben etter denne praten med den gamle turgeneralen?Jon Hernæs
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Mediation is a popular alternative dispute resolution method in divorce or family law matters. Many opt to participate in mediation seeking a settlement outside of court. Many picture being alone in a room with the mediator and the other party. In that room, they envision a scenario where both parties and the mediators talk, devise solutions, and r…
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42. Bannerknabbing på bondelandet
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Nå ruller det skikkelig på her! 1100 pasienter drar til Raufoss, vi forener supporternorge i hat etter et banner ble tatt i Raufoss, cupen blir fin og vi svarer på masse spørsmål. Ja, og hockey, da! Går vi til finalen?Jon Hernæs
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41. Sikkerhet, samarbeid og seriestart
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Hvorfor blir noen utestengt? Blir pyro lovlig? Og er det lov med kokosnøtter på tribunen? Sikkerhetssjef Ronnie Bergheim og supporterkoordinator (SLO) Birk Slipersæter jobber på hver sin måte for å gjøre kamper – borte og hjemme – til en så kul, men samtidig trygg, opplevelse som mulig. De har hektiske dager med seriestart, cupkamp på Jordal, og ik…
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Most divorces are resolved through out-of-court methods, such as collaborative divorce and divorce mediation. These options are preferred due to their privacy, cost-effectiveness, and their emphasis on collaboration over contentious arguments. Unfortunately, some divorces need to be handled through court. This may be to protect a spouse’s rights or…
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40. Påskekinderegg fra Stang Ut!
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Tomt påskeegg, kladder under skia og trangt på hytta? Fortvil ikke, her kan du fylle den stille uka med deilig pod-innhold: Vi snakker om nærstående seriestart i Obos-ligaen, Schou som blir side-kick, sluttspillet i hockey, om vi har karakter i fotballaget, samt – selvsagt – høytidskorrekt om oppstandelse.…
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Many wonder when they should hire a lawyer in the months and weeks before a divorce or family law matter. “Should I do it now? Can I wait until later?” Questions like these are typical. As a divorce or family law matter looms, many are in a quasi-state of denial. They often wrongly think that the situation can be averted. When Is The Best Time To H…
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In this episode Dr. Stanga interviews her patient who has recently complete immune therapy treatment. She shares her journey going through treatment and how this approach transformed her health.Dr. Maegan Stanga, DC
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39. Årsmøte spesial - demokratiet funker!
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Blir 2024 året medlemsstyret virkelig får fotfeste i norske fotballklubber? Nyvalgt "styremedlem med sportskompetanse", Julian Madsen, og podcastvert og vålerengasupporter, Snorre Felldal, tar styrets oppfordring om å dra i samme retning. Vi oppsummerer årsmøtet i VFE.Jon Hernæs
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Finding legal counsel that you can rely on is a crucial step when you decide to get a divorce. A divorce is a complicated and emotionally straining process, and a diligent and dedicated divorce lawyer can guide you through proceedings more efficiently and with more certainty. However, it’s important to find the right attorney for you and your situa…
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38. Seriestart for damelaget!
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16. mars ruller endelig fotballen igjen, og livet kan vende tilbake. Line Moseng, Kevin "Toastmann" Harbosen og Tale Hammerø Ellingvåg følger Vålerenga fotball - både damer og herrer, hjemme og borte, og gir deg alt du trenger å vite før Toppserien sparkes i gang.Jon Hernæs
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