This is a to z explained with pronuncian and rules.i am in mumbai teaching iB , You can contact me on 8108388808
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The Language Tutor Spanish podcast series allows the listener to practice Spanish on-the-go! The episodes practice information learned on the Spanish lessons of The Language Tutor on YouTube found at
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My reading & speaking practice.
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We are practicing preterite and imperfect in Spanish (past tense). Our students read stories and answer some questions. We laugh, learn, drink some wine and become proficient / fluent in second language😉
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Solamente en español
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Podcasts para aprender español. Episodios que van presentando situaciones sobre la vida cotidiana, costumbres, tópicos, etc. Todos ellos con explicaciones de palabras y expresiones complicadas y transcripción en inglés y castellano de cada episodio.
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Danny reads in Spanish the conclusion of the story "Un Stradivarius."
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Improve your comprehension skills. Danny tells the story of "El Stradivarius" in Spanish.
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Here are a few resources you can use to immerse yourself in Spanish audio.
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When you try to speak a foreign language, do you freeze up? Can't think what to say? This is common! Learn how to re-wire the brain and overcome the brain freeze.
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Danny is joined by two veteran Spanish teachers to discuss overcoming obstacles in learning Spanish, prioritizing learning and more.
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Danny interviews Ruth Darby from the YouTube channel Spanglish Fantástico about her approach to learning Spanish. The Language Tutor Podcast YouTube channel: Ruth Darby's YouTube channel: Ruth Darby's website: https://spangli…
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Listen to jokes using both English and Spanish to improve your vocabulary and knowledge of Spanish. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: Spanglish Fantástico YouTube channel: Purchase R…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Listen and try to comprehend the short story "La Paella Loca" by Olly Richards. Spanish lessons can be found on The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: You can purchase your own copy of this book at this link:…
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Valeria y Santiago comentan expresiones idiomáticas con la palabra cabeza y dan ejemplos de uso Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en septiembre de 2019.Spanish Tutor DC
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PES Avanzado 070 – El radio, la radio y otras diferencias entre el español de España y el de México
Valeria y Santiago juegan a comparar España y Mexico en la pronunciación, en los pronombres, en la cultura y en alguna otra cosa. Como dicen en Francia: Vive la difference! Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en agosto de 2016.Spanish Tutor DC
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This podcast contains adult language. Listener discretion is advised. Un programa sobre palabras malsonantes pero a veces… necesarias. Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en septiembre de 2016.Spanish Tutor DC
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Valeria y Santiago dan la receta de dos platos típicos de España y de México: La tortilla de patata y el guacamole respectivamente. ¡Que aproveche! Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en diciembre de 2016.Spanish Tutor DC
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La Navidad y sus sonidos, sus tradiciones, sus comidas. ¡Ojo, que Valeria y Santiago cantan un par de villancicos! ¡Feliz Navidad! Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en diciembre de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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Valeria y Santiago comentan un artículo del NYT para animarnos a todos a aprender una segunda lengua, o una tercera… Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en enero de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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Día de elecciones. Anita duda sobre si ir a votar o no. José trata de convencerla de que vaya. ¿Lo conseguirá? Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en octubre de 2016.Spanish Tutor DC
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Reflexiones, examen, sexo… Valeria y Santiago muestran como se pronuncian, entre otras, palabras con la letra equis [x], y explican cómo se escribe y se pronuncia la risa en español (ja, ja, ja). Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en marzo de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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Valeria y Santiago nos cuentas las diferencias entre “expresión idiomática” y “modismo” y hablan de unos cuantos. Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en abril de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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“Sin pelos en la lengua” y otras expresiones idiomáticas con la palabra “pelo”. Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en mayo de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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“Como anillo al dedo” y otras expresiones idiomáticas con la palabra “dedo”. Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en mayo de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices names of countries and nationalities in Spanish as learned on Episode 87 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish,…
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This episode practices names of countries and nationalities in Spanish as learned on Episode 86 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish, …
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“Con la lengua afuera” y otras expresiones coloquiales con la palabra “lengua”. Nota: Este programa ya fue emitido en mayo de 2017.Spanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices names of countries and nationalities in Spanish as learned on Episode 85 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish,…
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This episode practices names of countries and nationalities in Spanish as learned on Episode 84 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish,…
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Valeria y Santiago hablan de algunos refranes y de un par de modismos con un poco de ayuda de don Quijote y de Sancho Panza. Este programa ya se emitió en junio de 2017 www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices names of countries and nationalities in Spanish as learned on Episode 83 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish,…
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A pedir de boca" y otras expresiones coloquiales con la palabra boca. Nota: Este programa ya se emitió en julio de 2017 www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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Es importante reírse con los errores que se cometen al hablar otra lengua. Valeria y Santiago cuentan algunos de los más divertidos que han oído en clase. Nota: este podcast contiene algunas referencias sexuales. Este programa ya se emitió en septiembre de 2017 www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices all tenses together in Spanish as learned on Episode 77 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish, just record it a…
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The Language Tutor Spanish - Lesson 76 - Using Direct Object and Indirect Object Pronouns Together
This episode practices using indirect object pronouns and direct object pronouns together in Spanish as learned on Episode 76 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about you…
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Un programa útil para padres con niños, ¡viva el imperativo! Valeria y Santiago dan órdenes en el español de España y en el de América. Nota: este programa ya se emitió en marzo de 2018. www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices words and phrases for first responders in Spanish as learned on Episode 75 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanis…
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Valeria y Santiago hablan de mascotas, de animales de compañía como perros o gatos. Nota: este programa ya se emitió en septiembre de 2018. www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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PES Upper Beginner 057 – Un pequeño truco para usar “ser” con “dónde” (en vez de “estar”: ¿dónde es la reunión?)
¿Dónde es la manifestación? A veces hay que usar el verbo ser con “dónde” y no el verbo estar. Santiago y Valeria cuentan un pequeño truco que funciona bien. Al final, un test. www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices relative pronouns in Spanish as learned on Episode 73 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish, just record it and…
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How do you say , what does it meaan , can you repeat . i beg your pardon , i dont understand , i have a doubt very good , very bad , ok ok
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“¿Me pones una cerveza?” y otras expresiones útiles en bares y tiendas. Nota: el programa ya se emitió en octubre de 2018. www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices the word "ya" in Spanish as learned on Episode 72 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish, just record it and ema…
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Alegrías y anécdotas de aprender una segunda lengua, y también alguna recomendación. Nota: el programa ya se emitió en octubre de 2018. www.spanishtutordc.comSpanish Tutor DC
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This episode practices prepositional pronouns in Spanish as learned on Episode 71 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish, just record i…
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in this we teach genders and body parts
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This episode practices Qué and Cuál in Spanish as learned on Episode 70 of The Language Tutor YouTube channel found at: If you'd like to leave me a voice message about how the podcast or YouTube channel is helping you, or tell me about your journey in learning Spanish, just record it and emai…
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