Sorgenfri gir deg kultur på en søndag. Vi er gjengen som ønsker å gi deg en oppfriskende og avslappet kulturtime med god søndagsstemning.
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Matt Sorger's podcast is fresh, inspiring & empowering. Each week you will learn biblical principles that will transform your life and equip you to live saturated with God's glory, overflowing His presence everywhere you go. Matt has ministered in over 35 nations seeing God’s tangible glory save, heal and set people free. Matt mentors people in how to live in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
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Jeg er begyndt, at indtale mine blog indlæg - lad os se hvordan det går !
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Sorghum Smart Talk features useful information and provides credible resources relating to the sorghum industry to benefit sorghum growers and industry stakeholders.
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Sorgenschall ist eine Video-/Podcast-Reihe von Jakob Joiko, Felix Denzer, auch bekannt als Musiker unter dem Namen "Fewjar", und Niklas Hübner, ebenso Musiker mit dem Pseudonym "Tommy Blackout". Hier stellen wir euch Alben vor, über die wir unbedingt mal sprechen wollen und das im Detail. Dabei werden wir begleitet von jeweils ein bis zwei Musikergästen, damit ein freudiger Musikdialog entsteht. Jeden Podcast findet ihr auch als Video auf unserem gleichnamigen Youtube-Channel. Alle zwei Woch ...
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Adrett, echt und unfassbar facettenreich - Willkommen beim SorglosTalk, dem Corporate Podcast von und über Sorglosmakler. Hier lernst du nicht nur Sorglosmakler, sondern vor allem das Team dahinter ganz nah, persönlich und außerhalb des berüchtigten „Makler-Anzuges“ kennen. In der Immobilienbranche arbeiten nur gesichtslose Anzugträger? Immobilienmakler verdienen viel zu viel Geld? Was ist dran an solchen Vorurteilen und welche Persönlichkeiten arbeiten eigentlich bei uns? Das alles erfährst ...
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Ciclo di catechesi condotto da Don Francesco Voltaggio.
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Sorgpodden - en plats för samtal om det allra svåraste i livet.
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Hjerte Smerte er en podcast om sorg og ondt i livet. Vi ønsker at skabe et rum, hvor der er plads til at mærke sorgen, hvor man kan spejle sig i andres historier eller blot blive klogere på, hvordan man bliver en bedre støtte for én, man holder af.
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Døden kan ramme pludseligt og voldsomt. Eller den kan være ventet. Nogle gange efterlader den mennesker alene, andre gange føder den nye fællesskaber. Vi kommer alle til at opleve sorg og tab i løbet af livet. Men oplevelsen er ikke den samme. I denne podcastserie fortæller en række personer, hvordan de mødte, oplevede og fandt en vej i sorgen. Hvordan de fandt en vej til at leve med deres døde på en måde, hvor smerten over tabet ikke overskygger det liv, de skal leve. Podcasten er producere ...
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Nell'ultimo anno abbiamo prodotto un numero di dati superiore a quello generato nell'intera storia dell'umanità. "Codice sorgente" indaga e si interroga su come vengono utilizzati, quanto valgono e di chi sono questi dati. Parla di sistemi di intelligenza artificiale che grazie a questa enorme quantità di informazioni imparano e diventano sempre più capaci di avvicinarsi alle capacità dell'uomo. Ma ci sono altre direzioni verso cui la tecnologia sta disegnando il nostro futuro. Come vengono ...
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My heart is to share my story, my process, and how I've seen God move powerfully in my life. Let's open our hearts and see where the Holy Spirit leads us. I look forward to sharing my journey with you and helping you step into the fullness of God's vision for your life. Remember, your greatest struggles can become your greatest anointing. Dream big…
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Nora, Vanida og Nikoline sitter i studio og bruker søndagen på å diskutere gjenbruk! Det blir konkurranse, lek og scamme-snakk. Dette må du få med deg - løp og kjøp gjenbruksvarer etter å ha blitt superinspirert av oss <3 I studio: Nora Barstad Buset, Vanida Lauvland, Nikoline Bruvik På teknikk: Dorthea Høstaker Nordheim…
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Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the gifts God has placed in you! You might feel uncertain or think your gift is too small, but remember, God can use the simplest things to bring profound impact. Every time you share your gift, it pulls you out of your comfort zone and into a place where the Holy Spirit can work through you. Let the Holy S…
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Goood søndag, det er august og Sorgenfri er endelig tilbake i studio på Chateau Neuf! I dagens episode snakker vi om hvordan det er å bo i kollektiv, og drøfter fordeler og ulemper med å bo med venner og ukjente. Vi har fått inn flere historer fra dere lyttere på Instagram, og snakker om syke ting som kan skje i en grotte med flere unge mennesker s…
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Our God is a God of abundance, not just enough, but more than enough! He fills our lives until we overflow with His blessings and presence. Embrace this season of overflow, where His joy, peace, and love pour out through you to touch those around you. Let's celebrate the abundant life He gives and share it generously with others!…
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Traveling can be exhausting, but a smile and a kind word can turn any situation around. At an airport, a simple "Happy New Year" brought joy and a surprise upgrade my way! It's amazing how choosing to walk in the spirit and spread positivity can open doors and bring unexpected blessings. Remember, kindness is powerful and can transform any moment.…
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Walking with God means your life becomes a living message of His love and grace. Even if you're in the middle of your story and can't see the good ending yet, trust that God has already decided it will be good. Your life will shine as a testament to His goodness, speaking hope and faith to everyone around you. Let's embrace this journey, knowing th…
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Just arrived at this spiritual house and immediately felt the overwhelming presence of God! The purity of worship here is truly incredible—it's like stepping into an open Heaven. The anointing flows powerfully from the leaders, creating a space where breakthroughs are inevitable. I am so grateful to be part of this experience and excited for the mi…
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Dig the well of God's presence, glory, and power in your life! Let's seek God's glory, which is everything that makes Him who He is—His attributes, love, mercy, and compassion. When we pursue His presence, we step into the overflow of His anointing and power. Let's know what we carry and give it away to impact lives and bring hope and healing to th…
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Every breakthrough God gives you becomes a walking breakthrough! Don't despise your struggles or weaknesses because God is working in you to make the devil regret ever messing with your life. As you experience healing and freedom, others will be set free through your testimony. Embrace your journey with joy because God's strength is made perfect in…
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Det er endelig festivalsommer, og Vanida fra Sorgenfri har vært på den legendariske festivalen Roskilde sammen med noen andre fra Radio Nova!☀️ Det har vært fest, konserter, drag, camping, telt, fyll, masse regn, lite søvn og utrolig god stemning. Bli med på en oppsummering/ debrif av festivalen. Og finn ut om du bør dra! Festivalen varte over syv …
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Get ready for something fresh and new this year! I believe God is about to sweep across our campus and lives with a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to empower us for everything He has called us to do. Who's hungry for God's fire and glory? Let's embrace the truth that we are called to be the revival, shifting atmospheres and bringing heaven to earth.…
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Let's be vessels of God's anointing, ready to overflow with His power as we pray for others. Even in moments of exhaustion, God's touch can revive us and empower us to be agents of His love and healing. As we step out in faith and say 'yes' to His divine assignments, we become part of the solution, bringing light into dark places and hope to the ho…
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Let's ignite the fire of God's glory within us and become carriers of His power! Just like the lightning that struck and transformed lives, we too can release His power to heal, deliver, and set captives free. Remember, breakthrough isn't just for us; it's for those around us. As we fast, pray, and help others, we accelerate our own breakthrough an…
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En varm og mørk maikveld samlet Sorgenfris medlemmer seg i et enda mørkere studio på Chateau Neuf. Det var tid for den tradisjonelle nattaton spesial-sendingen. Det ble mye fjas, dype samtaler, tilbakeblikk til noen karakterer vi har møtt denne våren og en tur på Shrek Rave(?). Her er noen utdrag fra natten i studio, lyttring gjøres på eget ansvar!…
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Let's create a space for the glory of God to saturate every aspect of our lives! How many of us desire our homes, marriages, and children to be filled with His presence? Let's remember the power in the name of Jesus and the breakthrough He has already secured for us. As we yield to His Spirit, may we become vessels of His light and power, bringing …
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Er kjærligheten virkelig blind? I denne spesialepisoden fra Sorgenfri samler Nikoline og Emily seks single mennesker som er på jakt etter å møte kjærligheten i sitt liv. Det er bare en hake: de møtes ikke ansikt til ansikt. Uten distraksjoner fra omverdenen snakker de single med potensielle kjærlighetsinteresser, på hver sin side av en skillevegg. …
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We created a sacred space for the Holy Spirit to saturate and overflow, embracing the power of Pentecost. As we open ourselves up to His presence, let's remember that being filled with the Holy Spirit isn't just about a moment, it's about being saturated in His love, wisdom, and power. Let's allow God to overflow every part of our being, transformi…
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Det er snart sommerferie og skolefri, og vi i Sorgenfri gir dere våre beste tips om hvor man skal, hva man skal gjøre og hva man trenger! Når kom solkrem? Vi snakker om festivalsommer og forskjellen på barnesommer og voksensommer. Vi ønsker dere alle en nydelig sommer, og håper alle får skolefri! I studio: Nora Barstad Buset, Sabrina Pettersen og V…
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God's promises are bigger than our losses! He's not just restoring what the locust has eaten, but He's promising to make it even greater than before. Every moment you feel you've lost, every regret, every setback - God is saying He will restore it all. And not just restore, but make it seven times greater! Get ready for supernatural restoration and…
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Transform your atmosphere with the presence of God! Whether it's in your home, at work, or even in an airport, you carry the power to shift the atmosphere around you. Let's release the joy, peace, and love of God wherever we go, ushering people into His presence and experiencing divine encounters. Get ready for an overflow of blessings as you open …
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Dio dei vivi, non dei mortiTrascrizione (non corretta dall'autore)
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Self care, self love og wellness. Korleis tar du vare på deg sjøl i det stressande, hektiske, overveldande livet vi lever i dag? I denne rause, omsorgsfulle og unike Sorgenfri sendingen har vi snakket om kva egenomsorg er, self care hacks og tips for et bedre liv og korleis mestre stress og forventingar.🛀 kyss og klem 💖💋 I studio: Ragnhild Hilde Ei…
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Every obstacle designed by the enemy to bring you down, God is transforming into a stepping stone for your elevation! Your place of pain is becoming your place of power, and your struggles are turning into opportunities for breakthrough. Let's declare it: no more drama, no more limits to God's abundant provision in our lives. Get ready to overflow …
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I dagens episode av sorgenfri snakker vi om verdens flotteste sted: Biblioteket! <3 Full av studenter, barnehager, kultur og ikke minst bøker, er dette et samlingsted for alle mennesker. Men kan man bruke biblioteket som et sjekkested? Hvordan ber man noen som bråker om å vennligst holde kjeft? Dette svarer vi på i dagens episode, så sett deg godt …
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Forrige uke var det Novaswap, og Radiotjenesten tok over Sorgenfri-sendingen! De snakker om kjendiser og stiller de viktige spørsmålene: Hva er kriteriene for å bli kjendis? Trenger vi egentlig kjendiser? Hvilke kjendiser har de møtt og hvem vil de møte? Hvem er verdens største kjendis? Og hvem er den eldste kjendisen? I studio: Julie Fornasari, Kn…
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Believe that this weekend is ordained by God for breakthrough after breakthrough! We're not just here to complain about problems; we're anointed to become the solution. God's kingdom within us holds unlimited righteousness, peace, and joy. Let's shake off discouragement and step into supernatural joy as we witness God's transformative power at work…
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La Terra Santa della Giordania - Ospiti: Don Gianpaolo Cesareo, Don Giovanni de Checchi, Don Daniele Tedesco, Don Marco Pasinato
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La Terra Santa della Giordania - Ospiti: Don Gianpaolo Cesareo, Don Giovanni de Checchi, Don Daniele Tedesco, Don Marco PasinatoTrascrizione (non corretta dall'autore)
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Overflowing with gratitude for God's unexpected encounters! While at the airport, something incredible happened. As I approached the ticket counter, the woman behind it was moved to tears by God's presence in me. She showered me with love and kindness, exclaiming how much she appreciated me. It was a powerful reminder that God's love knows no bound…
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Har du lyst til å dra på backpacking? Eller vil du la deg underholde av andres turerfaringer, både gleder og sorger? I denne episoden får du høre mer om backpackerkulturen, forventninger og skuffelser, og litt om utveksling vs. backpacking. Vi byr på både personlige flauser og gleder, og kanskje et tips eller to. I studio: Sabrina Schäffer Petterse…
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Overflowing with gratitude and joy! Today, I'm reminded of God's incredible power to transform lives in an instant. I witnessed a miraculous encounter where volts of electricity surged through a dear friend's body, leading her to believe she had died and gone to heaven. But in that moment of divine encounter, she was not only saved but also healed …
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Let's talk about the power of transformation! Sometimes life feels like a threshing floor—hard, challenging, even painful. But guess what? God turns those places of struggle into places of strength and breakthrough! No matter what storms or trials you're facing, remember, they're just preparing you for your greatest breakthrough. Your pain becomes …
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L'autorità di Cristo e l'icona di DioTrascrizione (non corretta dall'autore)
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Skjedde faktisk månedlandingen? Flyttet Hitler egentlig til Argentina? Eller er fugler egentlig bare droner som overvåker oss? Noen av disse og flere konspirasjonsteorier tar vi for oss i denne episoden av Sorgenfri. Vi sjekker også hvor lett vi lar oss overbevise av disse konspirasjonsteoriene eller ikke. I studio: Dennis Li, Emily Solem-Young og …
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Let's talk about the power of one word from God! It can transform your life, leading you to the destiny He has planned for you. Let's declare a shift: every obstacle that's tried to hold you back is being removed, paving the way for God's divine alignment. Remember, closed doors aren't always setbacks; sometimes, they're divine redirections to the …
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I dagens episode skraper vi på overflaten av kanskje verdens beste valg: Å gå på folkehøgskole. Et år hvor man ikke trenger å trenke på karaktrer, prestasjoner og foreldre. Hvor man går fra ungdom til voksen, og skaper minner for livet. Vurderer du å søke på folkehøgskole? Har du gått på folkehøgskole og vil mimre tilbake til den gode stemningen? T…
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Grateful for the powerful revelation from Psalm 23:6 – only goodness, mercy, and love will follow us all the days of our lives! This is not just a wish, but a prophetic prayer for a season of overtaking blessings. God's goodness, mercy, and love won't just follow; they'll chase us down and tackle us in this season of abundant blessings. Overflowing…
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Island er en lavaøy med unik natur, godt bevart språk og en vanskelig datingarena. Nikoline og Emily kom nettopp hjem fra Island og deler historier og erfaringer om vulkanutbruddet 16. mars. Vi tar også en nærmere titt på vårt originalspråk, nemlig norrønt, for å se om vi fremdeles kan forstå våre forfedre. Hør nøye etter for i denne episoden nevne…
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Overflowing with joy after this powerful reminder! God's new wine and oil in our lives aren't just for personal breakthroughs; He wants us to become walking breakthroughs. Let's embrace the anointing to overflow, not just surviving but thriving. It's time to let the glory of God flow from our lives and shock people with His love everywhere we go.…
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Feeling incredibly encouraged by this powerful word! God is completing every good work in us and anointing us to finish our assignments. Dead ends are turning into new beginnings, and what seemed like the end is just the beginning of something new. Embracing the promise that God is turning every ceiling into a floor. The hard places, the threshing …
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Pasqua: stagione di fruttiTrascrizione (non corretta dall'autore)
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På selveste Palmesøndag prøver guttehjørnet å svare disse spørsmålene. Finnes det noen aktivteter som kun er for kvinner? Trenger man å slette bilder av exen på insta? Kan man dra på kino alene? Kan egentlig menn regne? er mannemote en ting? I studio: Dennis Li, Sindre Ihle Clasen og Ingar Jakob Feiring Teknikk: Ingar Jakob Feiring…
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Embracing the divine shift in this season! As we step into the Hebrew year 5778, a combination of numbers symbolizing Grace, Completion, and New Beginnings, we are positioned for supernatural encounters and divine interventions. Let's not just be anointed for personal blessings but vessels of God's grace to bring healing, freedom, and revival to ot…
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Trening kan være så mangt! Det er i alle fall konklusjonen i studio, når gjengen møtes for å diskutere hva som bør regnes som trening, egne erfaringer og et og annet annet... I studio: Ingrid Holmberg Lurås, Dennis Li, Ingeborg Undheim, Britt Bjørklid Teknikk: Ingeborg UndheimRadio Nova
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Authenticity is key! Don't fake it, embrace authenticity, and quality in your life. Your character is being tested, and amidst trials, rejoice! When you carry Christ's presence, not everyone will understand you, but it's not about pleasing everyone—it's about living for God's pleasure. As good stewards of God's blessings, invest in others and watch…
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Hva faen betyr sorgenfri?!🤷🏼♀️ Det finnes bøker, gater, villaer og tidligere gårder oppkalt Sorgenfri. Til og med DITT favoritt radioprogram med samme navn! Men hva betyr det egentlig? Denne sendingen leter vi etter definisjonen bak sorgenfri-navnet. Er det en tilstand man kan nå? Et sted å finne? En holdning å ha? Det får du vite i denne søndagen…
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Terra Santa e Bibbia: archeologia, geografia e storia della salvezza - Ospiti: Dott. Marco Zappella, Don Fabrizio Ficco, Don Giacomo Perego, Don Germano Lori
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Terra Santa e Bibbia: archeologia, geografia e storia della salvezza - Ospiti: Dott. Marco Zappella, Don Fabrizio Ficco, Don Giacomo Perego, Don Germano LoriTrascrizione (non corretta dall'autore)
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Discovering the power of managing your soul! Sometimes prayers for retribution shift to prayers for blessings—even when it feels challenging. Why? Because praying blessings on others sets us up for our own inheritance of blessings. Keeping our tongues from negativity and practicing self-restraint over our speech leads to enjoying life and good days…
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Sorgenfri har dratt tilbake til ei anna livsepoke, nemleg barndommen. Meir spesifikt barndommen på det tidlege 2000-talet. Overlevde du også verdas undergang ved årstusenskifte? Kor mykje har teknologien og moten endra seg på dei 20 åra som har gått? Og saknar du overheaden i skulen like mykje som enkelte i redaksjonen? Om ja, er dette noko av det …
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Step into the season of investment and stewardship! It's time to take the talents, dreams, and visions gifted by God and invest them boldly. Remember, a good steward multiplies, and when you invest what you've received into others, it multiplies infinitely. This is the year to be an aggressive investor, to embrace your unique gifts without fear or …
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