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Sole Brothers

Flexx Luthor & MorgansSneakerRoom

Just like step siblings there is not much we have in common but there is one thing in our life that brings us together.. Sneakers. Come listen as we talk sneakers and much more!
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Temple Solel Paradise Valley AZ

Temple Solel- Reform Congregation in Paradise Valley AZ

We are offering the best from Temple Solel in Paradise Valley Arizona as our clergy team of Rabbi John Linder, Rabbi Debbie Stiel, and Cantorial Soloist Todd Herzog share their weekly insights from our Shabbat services and beyond. Temple Solel is a vibrant and engaged Reform community grounded in relationships and deeds, and elevated by Shabbat and Torah. We welcome all who seek a connection to Jewish life regardless of religious background, race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, abi ...
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Solénoïde est une émission conçue dans l'esprit d'un voyage musical. Diffusée sur 30 radios dans le monde, l'émission programme chaque semaine des musiques à vocation cinématographique, illustrative ou expérimentale. Sans frontières ni oeillères, Solénoïde peut ainsi vagabonder du cyber-jazz au post-rock, en passant l'ambient, le dub ou l'electro-ethnique. Défricher, s’étonner et partager constituent la philosophie du projet !
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Bibliotekspodden Solen

Stockholms stadsbibliotek

Är du nyfiken på skönlitteratur och annan kultur och vill ha tips av bibliotekarier med koll? Lyssna på Bibliotekspodden Solen! Vi pratar om litteratur kring olika teman och ger också tips på annat inom kulturvärlden som vi gillar. Bibliotekspodden Solen görs av Elias Hillström, Alice Thorburn och Patrik Schylström, bibliotekarier på Stadsbiblioteket i Stockholm.
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Sole Material

Sole Material

Listen to our take on sneaker culture along with untold stories from behind the scenes of the footwear industry. Growing up in the DMV during the 80’s & 90’s has strongly influenced our lifestyle so pay attention to the details when you’re tuned in. Whether home or away, donning the same uniform or not, your hosts TMart Da Street Shark & The OG EOH are ready to trash-talk, motivate and shock the podcast world in the same fashion as the Fab5 DC duo Juwan Howard & Chris Webber! The Podcast You ...
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Start è il podcast del Sole 24 Ore che ogni mattina ti racconta tre notizie che possono esserti utili nella tua giornata. Su tutte le piattaforme gratuite e sul sito Autori: Alberto Magnani, Alessia Tripodi, Andrea Finotto, Angela Manganaro, Antonio Larizza, Barbara Bisazza, Chiara Beghelli, Enrico Marro, Francesca Barbieri, Francesco Prisco, Franco Sarcina, Gabriele Meoni, Luca Salvioli, Marcello Frisone, Marco lo Conte, Marco Peruzzi, Massimo Donaddio, Nicoletta Cottone, R ...
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Inspired Soles

Carolyn Coffin

Inspired Soles is a podcast that fuels your passion for running and helps you achieve peak performance with every stride. Host Carolyn Coffin talks with industry experts, coaches, Olympians and everyday runners to educate and inspire you to take your running to the next level.
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Sous le soleil de Platon

France Inter

Une émission quotidienne de philosophie pratique, existentielle et intime. Chaque matin, le philosophe reçoit une personnalité pour lui poser une question de philosophie, formulée en un énoncé proche d’un sujet de bac philo. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Solely Singleton

Solely Singleton

Solely Singleton is creating shows about Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer, and other gaming topics. Shows in this feed include The Poorhammer Podcast and the Solely Singleton Podcast.
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Welcome to The Spiritual Shitshow with Suzanne Sole, where she gets into the utter shitshow the healing and spiritual awakening journey can be. Host, Suzanne Sole, is a comedian and spiritual seeker who has been walking the spiritual path for over 25 years. She has kicked addiction, saved herself from a life of abuse, and continues growing in her spiritual and healing journey. She wants to spread the word that you can too, babe. Plus, she’s hilar. Get yourself enlightened through Suzanne’s i ...
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Fuel for the Sole

Fuel for the Sole

Fuel for the Sole is a podcast hosted by Believe in the Run and sports dietitian, Meghann Featherstun. Together they answer your questions about nutrition, hydration and the effects it has on performance. They’ll discuss the latest tech gadgets, nutrition products on the market and bring in the occasional specialist. Share your questions! Email us at to be featured on the show. Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medica ...
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Un podcast en el qual parlo de periodisme i comunicació en el sentit més ampli. A cada capítol tracto un tema en profunditat sobre com funciona el quart poder amb veus de professionals. Tots consumim periodisme a través de la televisió, la ràdio, els diaris, les webs o les xarxes socials encara que no siguem periodistes, i a tots ens interessa saber què hi ha darrere d'aquesta professió.
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The Sole Chronicles

The Sole Chronicles

Two sports industry veterans share their Life + Times navigating the sneaker industry, Hollywood and corporate America. Hosted by Nekeda Newell-Hall and Muhammida El Muhajir who have extensive experience working with top sport, entertainment and sneaker companies including Nike, Jordan Brand, Pony, Diesel, KSwiss, NBA, William Morris Agency, ICM, and Gatorade.
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🌻SoleCoach Speaks🌻

SoleCoach Speaks

As a spiritual seeker, The SoleCoach has always been fascinated by the mysteries and wonders of the universe. With a passion for exploring the spiritual realm, The SoleCoach started a podcast to share their insights and experiences with others who are on a similar journey. Through their podcast, SoleCoach Speaks, The SoleCoach offers a space for listeners to connect with their higher selves and explore the depths of their spirituality. Each episode features insightful discussions on a range ...
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Podcast with sessions by artists from our record label. Mixes of different genres within electronic music. Melodic House & Techno, Progressive House, Indie Dance, Tech House, Techno… …artists from all over the world performing exclusive electronic music sets to the delight of our listeners. More info:
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The Solecast


A platform for revolutionary theory, food autonomy, anarchism, permaculture, radical musicians and more. Interviews with authors, organizers, artists, growers and freedom fighters. Hosted by Sole.
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Tomasz Solecki

Tomasz Solecki

Welcome to my world of podcasts and Audio Experience. My name is Tomasz and I am entrepreneur, coach, mentor, CEO, public speaker, vlogger, and author. On this podcast you’ll find a mix of my #wsamosedno show episodes, interviews from the #talenthunter series, keynote speeches on business, as well as my current thoughts and tips recorded by me on the spur of the moment.
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Radio Sole

Miriam Gorlato

Welcome to the Radio Sole podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Namroud Gorguis on Unsplash:
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Sole Podcast

SOLE Corp.

Welcome to Solepod. You are listening to 3 of the smartest people we know, talking about nothing and everything. It's sure to bring a smile, and hopefully, a few laughs to your day. • contact: email: instagram: @solepodcast
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Soleil Symphony


The word 'smphony' is used to create a harmonious combination of elements. These are the same elements that intertwine in the patterns of our lives with the stories we tell. I'm Taisoleil, and we have a lot to talk about.
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Sole Talk

Shate' L. Edwards

Join us on Sole Talk for interviews with #WorkingDancers who share how they've created careers they love. Hear how they got started, their biggest projects, challenges, and businesses they've started.
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soletmeaskyouthis's podcast

So Let Me Ask You This

So Let Me Ask You This… is a conversational podcast on everyday life. Working without scripts, outlines or social constraints, the hosts seek to go beyond polite conversation and offer listeners a refreshingly honest view of the world around them. No topic is off limits and discussions tend to be of a frank and intimate nature.
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Sole Darol

Sole Darol

My podcast will be about that religion is abusive and how it affects little kid's life and kids return against religion just because of abuse and how when they get older they will become atheist
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Solent LEP Podcast

Solent LEP

A podcast series from Solent Local Enterprise Partnership looking at the big issues affecting businesses in the the region, hosted by James Ford and Kate Cloud. Solent Local Enterprise Partnership is the interface and lead for economic and skills development in the Solent region. We provide free support to small and medium sized business, bring industry into regional schools and colleges in order to increase the work readiness of our young people, and bring private and public stakeholders to ...
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S.O.L.E Fever

S.O.L.E Fever

S.O.L.E Fever is podcast about much more than sneakers. Join your host, K Mak, and co-host Kurante Best as they dive into the world of sneakers and entrepreneurship with their guests
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show series
In questa puntata di Start, un ritorno sulla scena politica tanto atteso, un tema di cui in questi giorni non possiamo non parlare e, infine, una minaccia per l’agricoltura italiana. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vita quotidiana o, semplicemente, dirmi la tua opinione sulle notizie che hai ascolt…
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​Some people think they're fucking up if they're still struggling after meditating regularly, saying 200 affirmations a day, and going for a colonic once a week. Others think therapy and meds mean you’ve given up on real healing. But let’s get one thing straight: taking care of your mental health is not a spiritual failure—it’s a f*cking power move…
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As we continue to celebrate women’s history month, we are joined by Katherine Johnsen aka KJ aka Beachy aka The carry on queen. Kj is the co founder of common ace & partner at counter culture world. Kj chimes in on women in sneakers & her perspective on sneaker culture. Follow KJ ⬇️⬇️⬇️ S…
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You’re listening to Burnt Toast! We are Virginia Sole-Smith and Corinne Fay, and it’s time for your March Indulgence Gospel! Subscribe now Indulgence Gospel episodes are usually only for paid subscribers but we’re releasing this one for free! If you like it, you can get even more Virginia by becoming a paid Burnt Toast subscriber — and then you’ll …
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This week on the podcast we get a quick update from Meghann on her injury, discuss a new product we love, and answer several listener questions, including: Why you may be struggling to increase ferritin levels Tactics for racing in the heat Gluten free pre-run options How many carbs to take before runs and workouts A whole lot more! Want to be feat…
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Today we're talking about the Air Jordan 1 85 Low Royal and why Nike buried the release of that shoe, despite it having the same attention to detail as the Bred 85 High they just released. We're also talking about the AJ12 Flu Game and why that shoe is so important to sneaker and NBA history. And then we'll talk about Kevin Durant, who seemingly wi…
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En aquest capítol entra a la Sala de Solé la Mònica Hernàndez, periodista vilafranquina que des de fa poques setmanes s’ha convertit en la nova subdirectora del programa líder de la ràdio a Catalunya, el Món a Rac1. Hernàndez explica com a vegades hem de sortir de la nostra zona de confort per poder tornar a vibrar treient una notícia abans que els…
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Got feedback about this episode? Send Carolyn a text Today’s format is a little bit different — and hopefully a whole lot of fun. I recently put out the call for your burning questions, and you did not disappoint! Welcome to our very first Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, where I’ll be answering questions directly from you, the amazing listeners. And…
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In questa puntata di Start, come fare per riscattare i buchi contributivi; cosa cambia con la nuova riforma dell’Irpef equal è l’impatto del passaggio dal Reddito di cittadinanza all’Assegno di inclusione; infine, una grave crisi che sta colpendo gli Stati Uniti. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vit…
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In questa puntata di Start, aspettando le prossime mosse nella guerra dei dazi lanciata dal presidente Trump, fotografiamo le province italiane in cui l’export pesa di più: guidano Arezzo, Lodi e Siracusa. Tra le province con iflussi maggiori oltreconfine, quelle più esposte verso gli Usa sono Firenze, Modena e Belluno. Tra le altre notizie di oggi…
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Solénoïde (17.03.2025) - Imaginez l'immensité des forêts suédoises, le silence suspendu entre les arbres enneigés, la lumière rasante du Nord, l'écho des rivières qui serpentent entre fjords et vallées. C'est dans cet espace à la fois vaste et intime que s'inscrit la musique d’Henrik Meierkord, un compositeur qui sculpte le son comme le vent modèle…
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Itinerario fra natura e gusto nelle isole di Brava e Fogo dell’arcipelago di Capo Verde, affacciato sull’Oceano Atlantico. Nella versione Weekend di Start parliamo anche dei progetti per rilanciare la produzione e la cultura della seta italiana e delle nuove Spa che aprono per la primavera. Con due appuntamenti da non perdere per la prossima settim…
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In questa puntata di Start, un decreto che cambia le carte in tavola per gli automobilisti; poi, una fotografia degli impianti sciistici italiani (con il problema della mancanza di neve); infine, il primo Indice di Felicità dell’Istituto Piepoli per Udico. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vita quoti…
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In questa puntata di Start, parliamo di alcuni possibili aumenti delle retribuzioni nel settore pubblico, di un grandetraguardo raggiunto da Venezia e, infine, di una città, Milano, sempre più cara. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vita quotidiana o, semplicemente, dirmi la tua opinione sulle notizi…
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POORHAMMER MERCH! PATREON: TWITCH: This week on the Poorhammer Podcast, Brad and Eric are joined by Bricky to discuss the newest Balance Changes that brought New Detachments and a warning to Chaos Daemons. TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro …
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In questa puntata di Start, novità sul testo d’ingresso a Medicina, il nuovo San Siro e un passo avanti fondamentale nell’esplorazione spaziale. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vita quotidiana o, semplicemente, dirmi la tua opinione sulle notizie che hai ascoltato oggi, puoi mandare un’email a ange…
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You’re listening to Burnt Toast! We are Virginia Sole-Smith and Corinne Fay, and it’s time for your March Indulgence Gospel! Indulgence Gospel episodes are usually only for paid subscribers but we’re releasing this one for free! If you like it, you can get even more Virginia by becoming a paid Burnt Toast subscriber — and then you’ll get even more …
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We discuss our initial thoughts on the AE2, which unfairly was given an unveiling that would not do the shoe justice. Is there a sophomore curse for signature basketball sneaker models? Does the signature sneaker strategy need to change? We discuss it all!Sole Savy
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In questa puntata di Start, buone notizie per chi ha un Iseefino a 25mila euro; alcune novità interessanti inerenti i programmi scolastici; infine, i rincari dell’Rc auto. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vita quotidiana o, semplicemente, dirmi la tua opinione sulle notizie che hai ascoltato oggi, p…
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The Golden Rule—“Treat others as you would want to be treated.” So simple, so wise, so… wildly inconvenient when dealing with people who seem hell-bent on testing your patience. But if enlightenment had a Fast Pass, this would be it. In this episode, I dive into why practicing the Golden Rule can feel so damn hard, share my own struggles with it, a…
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Got feedback about this episode? Send Carolyn a text Today, we’re breaking down the topic of competition amongst athletes – and exploring the differences between healthy and unhealthy rivalries. My guest is Brandy Adolphe, a fierce competitor and good friend, who recently won the 1500m national indoor title in the 45-49 age group with a blazing tim…
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POORHAMMER MERCH! PATREON: TWITCH: This week on the Poorhammer Podcast, Brad, Jenny and Eric present the most prestigious show that there is: The Jimmy Space Awards. In this episode, find out the best models and games in Warhammer…
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In questa puntata di Start, il nuovo Tutor 3.0, le conseguenze del turismo mordi e fuggi e i rincari del caffè. Se vuoi raccontarmi le difficoltà e le sfide che, come giovane, incontri nella tua vita quotidiana o, semplicemente, dirmi la tua opinione sulle notizie che hai ascoltato oggi, puoi mandare un’email a…
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Il mercato del lavoro ha cambiato volto negli ultimi dieci anni: alcuni settori – come la moda e l’arredo – hanno persomigliaia di addetti mentre altri – come la ristorazione e l’alimentare - ne hanno guadagnati altrettanti. Sale la bolletta energetica: la spesa per gas è luce questo inverno ha toccato gli 800 euro in quattro mesi per la famiglia t…
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Solénoïde (10.03.2025) - Le printemps 2025 marque une nouvelle escale musicale pour Solénoïde ! Cette mission 235 vous invite à découvrir quatre albums audacieux, entre expérimentations envoûtantes et retours mythiques.Au programme : la finesse ambient de Benjamin Fulwood, l’incantation rock de Fleur de Feu, la puissance brute de Painkiller et l’ex…
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Dalle Dolomiti alla Sicilia, guida a luoghi per piacevoli soggiorni dove ritrovare il silenzio. Nella versione Weekend di Start parliamo anche di storia e innovazioni del riso italiano e dei legami fra politica e industria del lusso fra Stati Uniti e Francia. Con due appuntamenti da non perdere per la prossima settimana…
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In questa puntata di Start parliamo dei dati dell’Enpam che raccontano le disparità di retribuzione e di carriera tra uomini e donne nella medicina, dell’Italia che batte la Francia nelle presenze turistiche e di terre rare in Italia.
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Morgan makes his return this week & let’s everyone know where he’s been. The Sole Brothers take a minute to mention their latest pick ups, on the radar kicks and just catching the people up. Share your thoughts or Send us questions!…
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You’re listening to Burnt Toast! I’m Virginia Sole-Smith, and today my guest is Amy Palanjian. Amy is my work wife and best friend of over 20 years. She’s also the creator of Yummy Toddler Food and author of the nationally bestselling cookbook Dinnertime SOS: 100 Sanity-Saving Meals Parents and Kids of All Ages Will Actually Want to Eat. yummytoddl…
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You’re listening to Burnt Toast! I’m Virginia Sole-Smith, and today my guest is Amy Palanjian. Amy is my work wife and best friend of over 20 years. She’s also the creator of Yummy Toddler Food and author of the nationally bestselling cookbook Dinnertime SOS: 100 Sanity-Saving Meals Parents and Kids of All Ages Will Actually Want to Eat. Amy joined…
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In questa puntata di Start parliamo dell’Eta, l’autorizzazione che dal 2 aprile servirà anche ai cittadini europei per entrare nel Regno Unito, della situazione dell’amianto in Italia e di un caso di frode che ha riguardato il prosciutto San Daniele.
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In questa puntata di Start parliamo dei dazi Usa su Canada, Messico e Cina e dei loro effetti sui mercati internazionali, del piano di riarmo dell’Ue annunciato da Ursula Von Der Leyen e della condanna per stalking di una casalinga rumorosa.
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What happens when a groovy New Thought minister and a comedian with a questionable attention span sit down to talk about anxiety, meditation, breath work, and spiritual practice? This episode, that’s what. Rev. Darrell Jones is a spiritual director and teacher who provides loving, nurturing and transformative one on one coaching and group learning …
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Got feedback about this episode? Send Carolyn a text The Canadian Masters Athletics Indoor Championships were held in Winnipeg March 1-2, 2025. In a rare solo episode, host Carolyn Coffin recaps her 1500 and 3000-meter races, including why she’s more proud of her silver medal than her gold one! 1500: 5:39.81, 🥈45-49 3000: 12:02.13, 🥇45-49 Connect w…
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In questa puntata di Start parliamo della procedura per ottenere il bonus straordinario per le bollette elettriche voluto dal Governo, della norma che esclude i titoli di Stato dal calcolo dell’Isee e della proposta della Cina di abbassare l’età del matrimonio per combattere il calo delle nascite.
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POORHAMMER MERCH! PATREON: TWITCH: Coming from last week’s monumental episode, this week on Poorhammer, Brad and Eric want to lay down for a bit and have a nice chat about the upcoming Emperor’s Children launch and what it means f…
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Solénoïde (03.03.2025) - Cette semaine, Solénoïde pose ses valises sur un territoire où l’expérimentation musicale est reine : la France. Pour cette 57e étape de la Grande Boucle Radiovisuelle, nous explorons un paysage sonore en perpétuelle mutation, où les genres se croisent et se réinventent. Electroacoustique, musique cinématographique ou abstr…
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In questa puntata di Start parliamo del più grande modello di intelligenza artificiale mai sviluppato per la biologia, di truffe online abbinate al furto di dati e dell’ultima missione sulla Luna a caccia di ghiaccio
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This week.. the ladies bring the heat! The conversation was started last week & it was finished this week. We hope to spark change or conversations that lead to change. Please listen & Enjoy! Follow Key2ursole ⬇️⬇️ QCKikicutie⬇️⬇️ …
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