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kitzur shulchan aruch
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The Shuli Network is a network of podcasts featuring organic, in the moment, comedy. Comedian Shuli Egar and friends The Reverend Bob Levy and Mike Morse anchor the flagship Uncle Rico Show, a live, on the spot roast show, dedicated to Stuttering John Melendez. Every Uncle Rico Show the guys are handed a package of Stuttering John clips that they watch and react to in real-time. Never personal, never planned…just funny!
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Join us in daily learning through short engaging shiurim released Monday through Friday. Your Shul, On-The-Go. Monday - Tefillah Tuesday - Hashkafah Wednesday - Jewish History Thursday - Halacha Friday - Parsha
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Dear Yid! Welcome to our Daily Halacha audio podcast from shulchanaruchharav.com. You are joined by thousands of others in our various feeds and audiences to help enrich your knowledge of practical Halacha in all areas of Shulchan Aruch, for men, women, layman and scholar alike! The Halacha includes a highly researched practical topic in Jewish law, clearly summarized and footnoted, expressing the variant opinions in the Poskim. Please encourage others to join, and help spread daily Torah le ...
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Join Rabbi Aryeh Shulman, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ateres Ami, in exploring the meaning of the weekly parshah and upcoming Holidays.
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Learn Kitzur Shulchan Aruch A Few Minutes A Day with Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz and Finish in A Year! - Short daily selections - Learn Hilchos Yom Tov before each Yom Tov - Can be learned with the Piskei of the Alter Rebbe - Learn practical halacha from each section of Shulchan Aruch - New cycle begins this Isrug Chag Get a calendar for Kitzur Shulcan Aruch Yomi at https://irguntorah.org/kitzur Find more local Shiurim and podcasts at: https://irguntorah.org/Shiurim
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Oki Shulungu
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Welcome to my podcast web page and I only do podcasts here for school work and etc.
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Join Rabbi Aryeh Shulman, Rosh Kollel Ateres Ami, as he explores this classic text with his trademark clarity and depth.
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Kitzur Shulchan Aruch learned at a pace of one S'if per day. Practical knowledge on how to go about your daily life as a Jew.
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By the back of the shul, for the back of the shul. Giving a voice to those whose voices are always heard.
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Join Rabbi Aryeh Shulman of Kollel Ateres Ami, as he opens up the words of the Vilna Gaon in his classic work on Mishlei, with his characteristic depth and clarity. The Gra decodes the terse and often enigmatic words of Shlomo Hamelech, providing the perfect key to each parable.
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School counselor, Mrs. Shuler, shares her program updates and spotlights student success.
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Join Rabbi Aryeh Shulman, Rosh Kollel Ateres Ami, in exploring the messages of the Mesillas Yesharim. Learn how the Ramchal encourages us to think and develop in our growth as Ovdei HaShem.
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Intelligent conversations about Jewish topics
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When life and the world are both at a crossroads, learn practical tools to live your best life and make the world a better place. Astrologer and Regenerative Designer, Taylor Shuler, interviews people whose transformational life experiences led them to discover a tool, practice, method or calling that you'll want to try for yourself. Using astrology, the language of the cosmos, permaculture, an ethical, nature-based, regenerative design system and her expertise, Taylor guides us to rememberi ...
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Dan picks an issue, trend, news item or story from around MLB and digs in on it with a guest.
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🌟 Welcome to "Keeping the Shul Lights On" Podcast! 🕍✨ Embark on a transformative journey with us, delving deep into the heart of synagogue operations, the intricacies of building a vibrant Jewish community, and the dedication of synagogue executives and organizational leaders. This podcast, proudly brought to you by Shul Marketing, is your gateway to uncovering the secrets behind successful synagogue management and community engagement. Meet Your Host: Howard Wolpoff 🎙️ I'm Howard Wolpoff, y ...
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Haggadah Series Shiur 7 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Jordana & Steven Becker & family to commemorite the 13th yahrzeit of Jordana's father, Chayim Yitzchak ben Getzel, z"l. And by Jennifer & Yaakov Abdelhak with tremendous hakaras hatov to R…
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Misna Menáchot 5:3
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Kevin Brennan's BREAKDOWN Continues | The Auntie Karen Show
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1:41:50Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesThe Shuli Show
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26 Adar - Hilchos Kneading Matza Dough - 110:6 - 110:12
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25 Adar - Hilchos Matza Water & Kneading Dough - 109:7 -110:5
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24 Adar - Hilchos Matza Wheat & Mayim - 108:4 - 109:6
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Haggadah Series Shiur 6 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Jordana & Steven Becker & family to commemorite the 13th yahrzeit of Jordana's father, Chayim Yitzchak ben Getzel, z"l. And by Jennifer & Yaakov Abdelhak with tremendous hakaras hatov to R…
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23 Adar - Hilchos Chodesh Nissan & Matza Wheat - 107:1 - 108:3
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The laws of Pesach-Summary & Review-Part 5-Bedikas Chametz-1 – Shulchanaruchharav.comshulchanaruchharav.com
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22 Adar - Hilchos Tefilos Shabbos - 76:5 - 76:13
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21 Adar - Hilchos Hadlokas Neiros - 75:10 - 76:4
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Misna Menáchot 5:2
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Parashat Vayakhel 5785 – Rav Rabinowitz Halacha Shiur
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Haggadah Series Shiur 5 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children. By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday …
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https://shulchanaruchharav.com/erev-pesach-falls-on-shabbos-guideline-and-summary-part-1-thursday-friday/ Corresponding Article link: To sponsor an episode: https://donorbox.org/daily-halacha-dedication-donationshulchanaruchharav.com
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Haggadah Series Shiur 4 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children. By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday …
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20 Adar - Hilchos Hadlokas Neiros - 75:4 - 75:9
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Kicur Sulchán Áruch 58:11-59:4 – Illatok áldásának törvényei
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Haggadah Series Shiur 3 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children. By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday …
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19 Adar - Hilchos Sailing on Friday - 74:1 - 75:3
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Misna Menáchot 4:4
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18 Adar - Hilchos Mileches Akum [for a yid on Shabbos] - 73:1 - end of siman
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Haggadah Series Shiur 2 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children. By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday …
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Kicur Sulchán Áruch 58:8-10 – Illatok áldásának törvényei
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Haggadah Series Shiur 1 R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder. This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children. By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday …
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17 Adar - Hilchos Shabbos Prep - 72:20 - Misgeres's additional Part 2 for this siman
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Misna Menáchot 4:2
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*For the full details of these laws, footnotes and sources please refer to our original corresponding article found online on our website, or in our Sefer “The Laws of Pesach.” The references below of chapters refers to our main printed Sefer https://shulchanaruchharav.com/the-laws-of-pesach-summary-review-part-1-thirty-days-before-pesach-2/…
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16 Adar - Hilchos Shabbos Prep - 72:11 - 72:19
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15 Adar - Hilchos Seudas Purim - 142:6 - end of siman
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Special Purim EpisodeB'nai Yeshurun
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14 Adar - Hilchos Megila, Seuda & Matonos - 141:22 - 142:5
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13 Adar - Hilchos Megila - 141:14 - 141:21
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