Thierry Sagardoytho explore avec vous les archives judiciaires du Béarn, de la Bigorre et du Pays Basque. D’affaires célèbres en affaires oubliées... Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Author of "Mastering Jira 7" book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist #JiraPodcast #AtlassianPodcast
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Welcome to the sagarwaves 🌊 podcast. Just talking out loud to myself here
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Just a song
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कहानियां कल्पनाओं की।
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En podcast fra 15/16-kullet på Sagavoll Folkehøgskole.
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In this podcast i will tell you all my unexpected and funny experiences of my life till date.
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Happy Ramdaan to everyone ....
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Bapaknya Sagara adalah podcast tentang curhatan seorang bapak tentang anak, istri dan lingkungannya. Hidup berkeluarga adalah sebuah proses panjang dengan segala kisahnya. Semoga podcast ini bisa jadi tempat berbagi untuk para bapak-bapak maupun seluruh keluarga.
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About Legendary Telugu Actress Mahanati Savi3
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Welcome to the Sagar Sapkota podcast, where amazing things happen.
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ok so i am doing podcast and stuff for my outrage on everything i hate or i dislike and i think my outrage is very common for others too.....basically i am going for the truth nothing else
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Experiment a lot ✨
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The Sagar Fafadia Podcast is about life experiences, key take-aways of life, journey, learnings, and much more.
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My name is Sagar Shah Thakur. Digital Marketer, Trainer and Business Consultant with having more than 9 years experience. This podcast is all about Digital Marketing trends, tips, tricks and facts.
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Hey!!! We would like to introduce to you SAGARE STUDIOS Y'ALL!!!!!! Hope you enjoy hit the subscribe button and hit the like button if you enjoyed it and laughed! Go subscribe to our channel for some goofy videos besides the interviews!! Go and subscribe to Life Is Gaming if you want more goofy content!!!: Follow us on Instagram! @noah_besera @_.edawg @nwgclutchy Thank you guys so far for the support and everything to get us here. God bless all of you ...
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Atlassian Updates - Child Comments, Inline Issue Creation, Issue Scrolling, Confluence Side By Side and Managed Teams
We are resume our #AtlassianUpdates weekly series again. Let us go through some of the recent updates from the @atlassian ecosystem #TeaWithRavi #ChildComments #InlineIssueCreation #IssueScrolling #ConfluenceSideBySide #ManagedTeamsGroups #ITSM…
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durée : 00:12:53 - Les affaires classées par Thierry Sagardoytho - En mars 1975, le quartier tranquille du Tonkin à Billère est secoué par un crime particulièrement violent. Gabrielle, une grand-mère de 80 ans, est retrouvée poignardée chez elle. Pourtant, ses économies sont intactes. Quel est le mobile du tueur ?…
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"Tais-toi ou je te tue " : "l'araignée", le violeur en série qui escaladait les balcons de Biarritz
durée : 00:12:20 - Les affaires classées par Thierry Sagardoytho - Biarritz, été 1985 : plusieurs plaintes sont déposées par des jeunes femmes victimes de viol dans leurs appartements de la cité balnéaire. Le mode opératoire est toujours le même, "l'araignée" escalade les balcons des immeubles et entre par les fenêtres ouvertes.…
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durée : 00:13:12 - Les affaires classées par Thierry Sagardoytho - En 2000, un chauffeur de bus découvre des documents abandonnés à la gare de Canfranc, retraçant une partie méconnue de l'Histoire : le transit d'or nazi durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Une découverte qui déclenchera une enquête historique pour le moins inattendue.…
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durée : 00:28:12 - L’affaire Bernard Wittingham, une sanglante mésalliance - Le 18 mars 1894, la paisible station balnéaire de Royan est secouée par un drame : Suzanne Audon, jeune épouse d'un notable britannique, est retrouvée morte dans la demeure familiale. Son mari, Benett Wittingham, est rapidement soupçonné. Retour sur une affaire qui a marqu…
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durée : 00:11:48 - Les affaires classées par Thierry Sagardoytho - Le 26 mars 1980, une explosion ravage le parking de l'hôpital Saint-Léon de Bayonne. La cible ? Le véhicule de l'épouse du sous-préfet. Un attentat qui aurait pu être dévastateur pour l'autorité étatique au Pays basque.ici
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Viol et meurtre d’Audrey Texier : ce crime atroce qui a bouleversé l’île de Ré en pleine canicule
durée : 00:30:21 - L’affaire Frédéric Ramette, un été meurtrier - En plein été 2003, alors que la canicule étouffait Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Audrey Texier, 16 ans, aidait ses parents au marché. Lors de son retour, le drame se déclenche : son corps mutilé est retrouvé sur un chemin de terre. Violée et assassinée, l’enquête démarre dans une atmosphère de…
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durée : 00:11:51 - Les affaires classées par Thierry Sagardoytho - En juin 1884, Joseph Larras, un ouvrier espagnol de 58 ans, est sauvagement assassiné dans une auberge de Lanne-en-Barétous. L’homme, connu pour porter sur lui une petite fortune, était la cible d’une ténancière sans scrupules et de ses complices. Voici l’histoire d’un crime sordide…
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"Narratives of Influence: The Trifecta of Storytelling, Belief Systems, and Science"In this dynamic episode, we unravel the threads connecting the power of storytelling, belief systems, and the realm of science. Join us as we explore the profound impact narratives have on shaping our perspectives, influencing belief systems, and intersecting with s…
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Life Unplugged: A Fresh Perspective on Our Latest EpisodeIn this episode, we're hitting pause and taking a deep dive into the essence of existence with our theme, "Paraphrasing Life." Join the conversation as we unpack the various facets of life—its twists, turns, and unexpected gems. We'll be sharing personal reflections, engaging stories, and tho…
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In today's world, self-awareness is like a compass guiding us through the complexities of life. Knowing ourselves intimately enables better decision-making, healthier relationships, and personal growth. It's the key to understanding our motivations, managing stress, and adapting to change. In a fast-paced and interconnected society, self-awareness …
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"Cracking the Code of Today's Relationships"Hey there! 🎙️ In this episode, we're digging deep into why relationships nowadays sometimes feel like solving a puzzle. We'll chat about how our crazy busy lives, changing expectations, and personal growth journeys are throwing in unexpected twists. Join us for some real talk on the conditions that sneak …
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Real life scenario vs Reel life
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Time to go through the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem #BitbucketCloud #TeaWithRavi #AtlassianUpdates
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Atlassian Updates - Codegeist 2023, AI AMA, Increased SLA Goals, Atlassian Analytics & Google Sheets
Let us go through the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem #TeaWithRavi #AtlassianUpdates #AIAMA #Codegeist2023 #IncreasedSLAGoals #AtlassianAnalyticsGoogleSheets
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Let us go through the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem #JSMAIVirtualAgent #QuickSearch #InteralExternalCustomers #TeaWithRavi #AtlassianUpdates
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Atlassian Updates - More fields Confluence Automation, Assets in Confluence EAP, Work Management Updates
Let us go through the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem #TeaWithRavi #AtlassianUpdates #ConfluenceAutomation #ConfluenceAssets #WorkManagement
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Let us go through the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem #TeaWithRavi #AtlassianUpdates #Compass #Github #eazyBI #SparxsysWebinar
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Let us go through the update from the @atlassian ecosystem. #TeaWithRavi #Assets #ImportCustomers #ConfluencePublicLinks
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Time to go through the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem - #EnhancedJiraBoard #CustomDomainsJSM #BitbucketComments #TeaWithRavi
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Let us go through this week's updates from the @atlassian ecosystem. #CommandPalette #DarkThemeDC #TeaWithRavi
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Let us go through the updates from the @Atlassian ecosystem from last week. #JWMPremium #SparxsysTraining #TeaWithRavi
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Atlassian Updates - Organization detail fields, SLA emails, Google Calendar, Sub Tasks Story Points
Let us go through some of the updates from the @atlassian ecosystem from last week #OrganizationFields #SLAEmails #GoogleCalendar #SubTasksEstimation
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Atlassian Updates - Smart Links, Object Schema Templates, Jira Align Improvements, Create Issues from Confluence
Time to go through updates from the @atlassian ecosystem from last week. #SmartLinks #AssetsTemplates #JiraAlign #ConfluenceAutomation #TeaWithRavi
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Let us go through important updates from the @atlassian ecosystem from last week.#AtlassianUpdates #TeaWithRavi
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I know you are excited about these weekly updates from the @Atlassian ecosystem.
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If you want to become an Atlassian Consultant then you will have to talk to people and ask them questions.#AtlassianCareer
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Time to go through the recent updates from the @Atlassian ecosystem related to Smart queries, Insight and email batching. #AtlassianUpdates #TeaWithRavi
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You need to have some technical background and skills to start your career in Atlassian ecosystem.#CareerAdvice #TechnicalBackgroundReach out to us for training: Video:
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Have you looked at GitLab and GitHub issues? You can migrate to one of those from Jira.#JiraCloud Video:
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Are you worried about your Jira Admin skills after moving to Jira Cloud. Do you think Jira Administators' job would not be relevant in future?/#CareerAdvice #JiraAdminReach out to us for training: Video:
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एक मुलाकात को किस्मत और संयोग पर छोड़ देने के अलावा उससे कल मिलने की खुशी में आज खुश होने का एक सजीव चित्रण किया गया है।
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Time to go through some updates from @Atlassian like new JSM Customer roles and Atlassian laying off 500 employees. #AtlassianUpdates #TeaWithRavi
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Some important things happened in the last week - ScriptRunner announced HAPI that will make writing scripts easier. Also Twitter's Jira was down. Anyone knows why? #AtlassianUpdates #TeaWithRavi
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Become Jira Master, join my channel: Time to go through some exciting updates from the Atlassian ecosystem like James Cameron in Team23, ScriptRunnerHQ and more. #AtlassianUpdates #TeaWithRavi…
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You can earn really good money from #Jira. I have built my career around @Atlassian tools and you can do that too. If you have a skill then learn to earn money from it.
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Let us go through some updates in the #Atlassian ecosystem last week like new features in #JSM, interesting ycombinator thread on Jira and upcoming series called #JiraUseCases
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Lot of exciting things happened in the last few weeks. Let us go through it in this video and podcast #AtlassianUpdates #TeaWithRavi
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To really become a pro in ScriptRunner for Jira you need to learn Jira Java API and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. #ScriptRunner #JavaAPI
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Before moving to Jira teams and new Jira users may have lot of questions for you. Let me answer some of those common questions. #Jira #NewbieQuestions
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Become my channel member: You might be releasing after every week and you might be wondering why not use only Sprints instead of Releases in your Jira Software projects. #JiraBestPractices #Sprints #Releases Reach out to us for training:
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I follow a time table or a schedule or routine. I don't let motivation come in my way to do my work. #justtalk #CareerAdvice
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Are you in the top 10% high performing people in your organisation? #justtalk #CareerAdvice
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You are making a mistake if you don't work on your presales skills. It is one of the most important thing that Atlassian Consultant do and will get you paid more as well. #JustTalk #CareerAdvice
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Let me share some key skills that you need to work on to become a world class Atlassian Consultant. #JustTalk #CareerAdvice
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Are you attending lot of events and conferences? What is the value that you get from doing that? #justtalk #CareerAdvice
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Automating everything in Jira is not going to solve your problems. Jira is just a tool. #JustTalk
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I am not going to sell my courses on Udemy. My courses would always be free and available on YouTube for everyone :) #ChannelUpdate #RaviSagar #FreeAtlassianCourses #LearnJira Video version:
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Today I had the pleasure to talk to Asha Goyal, she is an experienced Jira Administrator with several years of experience. It was great to know that she also loves using ScriptRunner like me and enjoys working on Jira. We also discussed career opportunities in Atlassian domain and work life balance. Asha Goyal:…
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Let me share with you today how I have been managing my files, how I take backups and how I sync my files across various computers. #OwnYourFiles Video version: Text version:
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