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We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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Sabbath School From Home

Cameron and Lachlan Rogers

Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to .
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Hope Sabbath School

Pastor Derek Morris

An in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God. Each week, a group of young adults participate in a lively discussion of the Bible lesson. There are Hope Sabbath School members in more than 130 countries around the world.
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Sabbath School Study Hour

Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
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This podcast is for the weekly Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath school lessons and other bible studies A new podcast will be added every sabbath (Saturday) and occasionally when other bible studies happen. I hope you enjoy the topic and that the lord blesses you with what is discussed.
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Allah menyatakannya sedikit demi sedikit kepada para pemimpin, sebagaimana kesanggupan orang-orang menerimanya. Dari abad ke abad, pekerja-pekerja yang setia susul-menyusul menuntun orang-orang lebih jauh ke dalam jalan reformasi.Adventist World Radio
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आदम र हव्वाले पाप गरेका छन्, र परमेश्वरले तिनीहरूलाई आफ्नो बगैंचा घर छोड्नुपर्छ भनी बताउनुभएको छ। अबदेखि तिनीहरूको परिश्रम र कष्ट हुनेछ।Adventist World Radio
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This week we will look at some biblical principles that motivated the Waldenses and later Reformers, such as Huss and Jerome, to stay faithful to the Lord no matter what—even at the threat of death from the same power that killed Polycarp: Rome, but now the papal phase. Study this week’s lesson which is based on The Great Controversy, chapters 4–6.…
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Why is it so hard to accept an incarnational nature of scripture? Christians take that name because of their belief in Jesus as God incarnate - the whole point is that He had to become human in order for us to better understand who God is (and what we mean to Him). It seems reasonable to encounter the Bible in the same way: inspiration but through …
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You know the bible verse that says no prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation, (2 Peter 1:19-21)? Well, it's the subject of one of Friday's discussion questions in the SDA Sabbath School Quarterly this week, and it's also the subject of *our* study today. We'll find out what the deal is with private interpretation, and we'll also learn h…
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Menghadapi api, pedang, penganiayaan mengerikan, yang menghiburkan kaum Waldensia, memberikan keberanian kepada Huss, Jerome, Tyndale, Latimer, para martir pada Abad Pertengahan, adalah iman teguh pada janji Firman Allah & keluar sebagai pemenang.Adventist World Radio
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जब परमेश्वरले पृथ्वी सृष्टि गर्नुभयो, उहाँले यसलाई सिद्ध बनाउनुभयो। बाइबलले बताउँछ कि उहाँले “आफूले बनाउनुभएका सबै कुरा देख्नुभयो र साँच्चै त्यो धेरै राम्रो थियो”Adventist World Radio
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Kebenaran Firman Allah & sukacita keselamatan dalam Kristus memenuhi hati para Reformator sehingga mereka harus membagikannya. Para tokoh Reformasi bersukacita di dalam Firman Allah. Mereka senang melakukan kehendak Allah dan mengasihi hukum Allah.Adventist World Radio
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लुसिफर, यो सिद्ध परीले किन घमण्ड र ईर्ष्यालाई जरा गाड्न दिनुपर्छ भन्ने कुनै तार्किक व्याख्या छैन।Adventist World Radio
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स खण्डले स्वर्गमा अवस्थित स्वतन्त्रता र दुष्टको उत्पत्तिको बारेमा के प्रकट गर्छ? लुसिफरले विद्रोह गर्दा, परमेश्वरले कस्तो प्रतिक्रिया दिन सक्नुहुन्थ्यो?Adventist World Radio
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Pada setiap zaman ada saksi-saksi Allah, orang-orang yang memelihara iman pada Kristus sebagai satu-satunya pengantara antara Allah dan manusia, yang berpegang pada Kitab Suci sebagai satu-satunya pedoman hidup, yang menguduskan hari Sabat yang benar.Adventist World Radio
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Tak terhitung orang Kristen jadi martir di periode 1260 tahun karena menuruti Firman Tuhan. Dalam kematian, mereka menang. Dalam Kristus menang "melalui darah Anak Domba". Kemenangan Kristus atas iblis di kayu salib adalah kemenangan mereka.Adventist World Radio
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Polikarpus, pemimpin gereja mula-mula, jadi martir di Smirna dibakar di tiang pancang sebab menolak mengkhianati Tuhan. Berabad-abad pria & wanita bersedia martir daripada melepas iman pada Kristus. Kisah mereka menghidupkan keberanian & komitmen kita.Adventist World Radio
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Kebohongan Kitab Suci adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak kebohongan para ilmuwan modern yang berusaha menipu kita. Paulus memperingatkan, "Ujilah segala sesuatu dan peganglah yang baik". Kata Kristus “kepada semua orang: berjaga-jagalah"Adventist World Radio
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Seluruh Kitab Suci harus diterima sebagai Firman Allah. Jika tidak, pintu akan terbuka lebar untuk penipuan. Kitab Suci dengan jelas menyatakan kasih Allah yang tak terbatas dalam terang pertentangan besar, juga menyingkapkan tipu daya Iblis.Adventist World Radio
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How does the Word of God set us free from Satan’s deceptions? In this lesson we will dig into how to discern God's truth from Satan's lies. This study will discuss practical steps in separating the "sheep" from the "wolves". When facing the darkness of persecution and false doctrines, what light will guide us?…
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Yesus Sumber & Penulis kebenaran. Juruselamat dunia melawan serangan Satan, dengan "Ada tertulis”. Strategi Iblis sama, merusak kepercayaan pada Firman Allah, menentang kehendak Allah, memutarbalikkan & mengutip secara salah Kitab Suci bagi keuntungannya.Adventist World Radio
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Di masa tersulit dalam hidup, Allah senantiasa menyertai umat-Nya yang menemukan Yesus, "jalan, kebenaran dan hidup", melalui kuasa Roh Kudus, berdiri teguh, menghadapi tekanan yang luar biasa, tetap setia pada kebenaran Firman Allah.Adventist World Radio
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Yet even in life’s most difficult times, God was continually with His people. They found Jesus, “the way, the truth and the life” and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they stood firm, even in the face of overwhelming pressure to yield their conscientious convictions. They stayed loyal to God’s revealed will in Scripture and unflinchingly stoo…
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"Love or selfishness" forms an interesting axis. It might seem strange not to contrast love with hate, but the book of 1 John spends a lot of time on the relationship between love and a focus on what is best for others. It is quite a stimulating perspective on love and its role in the revelation of God. We realise that love can have many "opposites…
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Salah satu penyataan kasih Allah terbesar ditunjukkan saat dua wabah penyakit menghancurkan melanda tahun 160 M & 265 M. Pelayanan umat Kristen yang tidak mementingkan diri sendiri, berkorban, peduli, penuh kasih, berdampak sangat besar bagi pendudukAdventist World Radio
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Saat Kristus menjamah kita dengan anugerah kesembuhan-Nya, kita rindu menjamah orang lain dengan jamahan Kristus sehingga mereka dipulihkan. Yesus rindu kita sehat secara fisik, waspada secara mental, stabil secara emosional, dan utuh secara spiritual.Adventist World Radio
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रोमीहरू भागे र यहूदीहरूले पछि लागेपछि, यरूशलेमका क्रिस्चियनहरू जोर्डन नदी पारी पेरियाको पेलामा भागे।Adventist World Radio
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Gereja bertumbuh pesat walau mengalami pemenjaraan, penyiksaan, penganiayaan. Umat percaya setia, berkomitmen penuh pada Kristus, dipenuhi Roh Kudus, penuh kuasa memberitakan Firman Allah. Kehidupan mereka diubahkan, puluhan ribu orang bertobat.Adventist World Radio
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Akan ada saatnya umat Allah mengalami kesulitan, penganiayaan, pemenjaraan, dan kematian, demi Kristus. Tetapi di saat-saat yang paling menantang dengan serangan Iblis yang paling ganas sekalipun, Allah menopang dan memelihara gereja-Nya.Adventist World Radio
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परमेश्वरले शैतान सृष्टि गर्नुभएन। उहाँले लुसिफर नामक चम्किलो चमकको प्राणी सिर्जना गर्नुभयो।Adventist World Radio
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This lesson will explore the love of God revealed in scripture through Jesus. What can we learn about God's love from the hardships of the apostles? This lesson will also look at practical ways we can reflect God's love to those around us.
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Yesus duduk di Bukit Zaitun menghadap Kota Yerusalem, hati-Nya hancur. Hati Allah hancur, mata-Nya dipenuhi air mata. Selama berabad-abad Allah mengulurkan tangan bagi umat-Nya. Pemberontakan kepada kasih setia Allah, umat kehilangan perlindungan Ilahi.Adventist World Radio
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भगवान अविश्वसनीय प्रेम को एक भगवान हुनुहुन्छ। उहाँको स्वभाव नै प्रेम होAdventist World Radio
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As you might know, the full title of the first edition of Ellen White's book, "The Great Controversy" was "The Great Controversy, Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels." By this longer title, we can see that the angels have taken either one side or the other. These two sides operate by two completely different sets of principles. …
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Perintah Yesus dalam Matius 24 menguraikan peristiwa akhir zaman dalam konteks kejatuhan Yerusalem. Iblis menjalankan strategi ganda untuk menipu dan menghancurkan umat Allah. Di saat-saat yang paling menantang sekalipun, Allah tetap memelihara umat-Nya.Adventist World Radio
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We will study Satan’s twofold strategy both to deceive and destroy God’s people. What the evil one fails to accomplish through persecution, he hopes to achieve through compromise. God is never caught by surprise, and even in the most challenging times He preserves His people. Study this week’s lesson, based on The Great Controversy, chapters 1–2…
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