Kaipaatko rohkaisua? Pysähdy kolmeksi minuutiksi rohkaisevan Sanan äärelle ja lähde päivään turvallisin mielin. Podcastia juontavat pelastetut Juha ja Kirsi. He vetävät ohjelmaa vuoroviikoin. Kiireiselle ihmiselle kiireetöntä rohkaisua nopsasti.
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Hubungan terpenting yang dapat Anda miliki adalah hubungan dengan Yesus Kristus. Itulah alasan kami rindu melihat orang-orang dari segala bangsa mengenal Yesus dan mengalami hubungan pribadi dengan-Nya. Kami ingin menolong setiap orang bertumbuh dalam iman mereka, menjadi semakin serupa dengan Kristus, dan membagikan kebenaran firman Allah pada sesamanya. santapanrohani.org
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Keeping Afghanistan in the spotlight through the stories of its people. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Chcete to někam dotáhnout? Chcete, aby vás měli všichni rádi? Tak s tím vám bohužel nepomůžeme. Zato máme spoustu rad, jak žít s neúspěchem. K ničemu vám to stejně nebude, ale je to zdarma, tak co byste chtěli... Vaše pravidelná dávka negativity v diktatuře pozitivního myšlení! Sledujte nás na Instagramu @namaz_si_rohlik!
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Jutusaade kirjandusest, kultuurist, maailmast.
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Hi, This is Rohit and I am a Stock Trading Coach. I am a CFA Charterholder (USA), a Dale Carnegie Certified Trainer and a Stock Trader.
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welcome to motivational Guidance by Rohan Homkar and this audio podcast is basically giving you an idea about how to achieve your success how to achieve your dreams and to make a plan which will help you together all the resources and get the definite action plan towards your goal.
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About life, ideas travel anf fun!!
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Getting Ready - Hochzeitsfotografie / Fotografie Podcast mit Marc Schelwat & Torben Röhricht
Der Hochzeitsfotografie / Fotografie Podcast - Von Hochzeitsfotografen für Hochzeitsfotografen und solche Fotografen die in das Business Hochzeitsfotograf einsteigen möchten...
Getting Ready ist ein Fotografie Podcast von Hochzeitsfotografen für Hochzeitsfotografen. Es geht um mehr als nur um Fotografie. Es geht um Marketing, Weiterbildung, Vertrieb und ganz allgemein um das Hochzeitsfotografie Business. Interviews mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus der Kreativbranche sowie erfolgreichen Unternehmern runden den Podcast ab. Genieß die Zeit mit uns und lebe deinen Traum, werde Hochzeitsfotograf! Der Podcast erscheint im Übrigen jeden Mittwoch.
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Kisah Rohani Anak Kristen
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English Essay
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Bodyslam.net Pro Wrestling and MMA Podcasts, Interviews, News! | WWE, AEW, ROH, TNA, UFC, and More!
This is where you can find all of the exclusive Bodyslam.net pro wrestling and mma interviews and podcasts in audio form! Including full coverage of WWE, AEW, TNA, ROH, NJPW, Independent Wrestling, UFC, and much more! #WWE #AEW #TNA #WWERaw #SmackDown #WWENXT #AEWDynamite #AEWRampage #AEWCollision #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WrestleMania #AEWRevolution
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Welcome to rohail chaudhary, where amazing things happen.
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Ngobrolin seputar agama Islam yang sekiranya bermanfaat
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New year new work
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Welcome to the Rohit podcast, where amazing things happen.
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I basically talk.
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Podcast plný příběhů ze světa Warhammeru i povídání o miniaturách a hobby s hosty. Pusť si nás při barvení, ve vlaku, tramvaji, autě nebo jen tak. Přejeme příjemný poslech!
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In "Rohrer bei Budgen" analysieren Innenpolitik-Journalistin Anneliese Rohrer und ORF-Moderator Patrick Budgen die innenpolitischen Entwicklungen der letzten Wochen. Dieser Podcast begleitet die Sendung "Radio Wien in der Nacht", Radio Wien, jeden zweiten Donnerstag, 23.30 Uhr.
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A little deed goes a long way...
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Hi guys I am an Indian and here I would tell my views about basically everything from cricket to movies to current affairs etc
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Welcome to the Juraj Roháč podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Shayx Abdulloh Buxoriy Rohimahulloh
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Our vision is to provide sustainable and quality medical care and facilitate easy health care access to Rohingya and other world's marginalised communities.
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You are welcome
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Welcome to SR, where amazing things happen.
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Learn about sales, marketing, business and management. Visit www.rohitmahajan.org for more information.
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Welcome To My Podcast, Where I Will Do Top 5 List, Movie Reviews And Trailer Reaction
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Welcome to the Wellness Talk With Rohit podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Tom Barrett on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wistomsin
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An exploration of topics in World History, developed for online teaching in 2019–2020.
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Here I discuss things that interest me and sometimes try to make sense of them through the discssions.
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Poetry. Words. Urdu. Hindi. And some memories that define us.
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Motivation , Writing , Relationship's & Friends
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Welcome to our podcast, where we delve into the evolving world of leather fashion and repair, exploring the latest trends shaping the industry. In this podcasts, we’ll take you through the new fashion trends in the leather market, highlighting innovative designs, sustainable practices, and the rising demand for customized leather products. From bold colors and unique textures to timeless classics being reinvented, the leather market is undergoing an exciting transformation, blending traditio ...
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Du kannst mit Rohkost deinen Alterungsprozess aufhalten und den Rest des Lebens das tun, was du liebst. ♥️ Wir gehen zusammen auf Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Rohkost. Ich erzähle dir, wie ich es geschafft habe, gesund zu werden und fit zu sein. Du wirst Rezepte bekommen und von erfahrenen Menschen lernen, die schon länger roh und köstlich unterwegs sind.
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Three friends discussing the great works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
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Welcome to Rohan Thakar, where amazing things happen.
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Learning English and about a peaceful life in deep. All the lessons and Topics are in mostly Rohingya language.
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Hello, I'm Rohit Dhiman, and my primary objective is to provide my audience with useful knowledge that will help them make well-informed choices when it comes to credit cards. make informed choices when it comes to credit cards.
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Sharing stories of human beings
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Another Name for Every Thing with Richard Rohr is a conversational podcast series on the deep connections between action and contemplation. Richard is joined by two students of the Christian contemplative path, Brie Stoner and Paul Swanson, who seek to integrate the wisdom amidst diapers, disruptions, and the shifting state of our world.Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher whose work is grounded in Christian mysticism. He is a Franciscan priest and founder of the Center f ...
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Kesempurnaan Ar Rohman Ar Rohim oleh Ustad Ahmad Mudzoffar Jufri
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Welcome to the Rohit Gupta Guru podcast, where amazing things you can learn, share experiences , to lead the better life. Yes I am another kid on motivational market, but have more to say which others have missed
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Funny and interesting stories 😍🙏
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Stories that educate, entertain and bring healing to individuals, communities and the living world. More info: www.brianrohr.com
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Mein Weg durch die OneFunnelAwayChallenge und andere Wege mich aus der Matrix zu bekamen.
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Reflexões, ensaios, conversas sobre as relações entre linguagem, discurso e identidades sob a visada dos Estudos Dialógicos e no campo da Linguística Aplicada.
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Radio personality Rohini Ramnathan is on Film Companion Local, bringing together the most fun, relaxed conversations with artists across the board. It’s Bol Baby Bol - Rohini ke Saath.
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Dr Jonathan L. Lee is a social and cultural historian and a leading authority on the history of Afghanistan. He lived in Afghanistan and travelled widely across the country for many years. He is the author of The Journals of Edward Stirling in Persia and Afghanistan, 1828-1829, The Ancient Supremacy: Bukhara, Afghanistan and the Battle for Balkh, 1…
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Derick Dmillz Miller Jr. is ready for the Sound of Victory February 21st against Vernon Webber !
TONIGHT we are joined by @dmillzboxing Derick DMillz Miller ! We will talk about his journey in #boxing thus far which has led him to an 18-0 record and of course his fight February 21st at the @motorcitycasino against Vernon Webber ! We will also talk some of the latest news of Canelo's new deal, get in to fight week superstitions and will see if …
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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#TNAWrestling #TNAiMPACT Tonight's iMPACT featured:TNA World Title Match: Jake Something vs Joe Hendry Heather & Ash By Elegance vs King Bees (Dani Bee & Jodie King) Leon Slater Segment Mustafa Ali Segment Sami Callihan vs Frankie Kazarian -Sami was attacked as he was coming out Josh Alexander Interview JDC & Leon Slater Segment Xia Brookside vs Co…
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ROH FROM THE JERICHO CRUISE | ROH TV (2/13/25) Full Show Recap & Review | MARK OF HONOR!
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1:00:39Harley Cameron vs Billie Starkz! The Outrunners vs GYV! Ricochet vs Serpentico! Komander vs Nick Wayne! Mason Madden vs Jay Lethal! Konosuke Takeshita vs Dynamite Kid Tommy Billington! Hang with The Heel Marks, Brady & Danielle, as they recap & react to ROH TV from the Jericho Cruise!#ROH #RingofHonor #WatchROH #AEWROH #AEW #JerichoCruise #Wrestlin…
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Jeesus sanoo: "Suurempaa rakkautta ei kukaan voi osoittaa, kuin että antaa henkensä ystäviensä puolesta." Joh. 15: 13 Seurassasi on Kirsi JokelaSuomen Kansanlähetys
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Maya World chats with http://BodySlam.Net’s Lyric (@LyricWrestling on Twitter/X) & Dani (@danidontmiss) to talk about her upcoming Mania Week dream match with TJPW’s Miu Watanabe, Black History Month, and her goals for 2025.#MayaWorld #TJPW #BlackHistoryMonth #Wrestling #ProWrestling #IndependentWrestling #IndieWrestling 📺 FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE: 🔗 Twi…
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Kuinka suuri onkaan sinun hyvyytesi! Se on ehtymätön aarre niille, jotka sinua pelkäävät. Kaikkien nähden sinä annat apusi niille, jotka turvautuvat sinuun. Sinä suljet heidät armosi suojiin, otat heidät turvaan majaasi. Sinne eivät ulotu ihmisten juonet, eivät syyttävät puheet. Rohkaiskaa mielenne, olkaa lujat, kaikki te, jotka panette toivonne He…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Game Changer Weekly: Danny Demanto Interview | 2/11/25
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3:27:39On tonights episode John and B are joined by ICW Owner Danny Demanto. We will discuss the start of his time in GCW, how he began ICW, and many more stories. Go to slamchats.com or send a superchat to donate & show your support to the team.#GCW #IndependentWrestling #IndieWrestling #ProWrestling #CelebrateProWrestling #icw 📺 FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE:🔗 Twi…
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The Tuesday Night Besties are back with another Bodyslam.net WWE NXT Post-Show. Ricky Starks makes his WWE NXT debut, Cora Jade vs. Bayley, Lexis King vs TNA's JDC for the NXT Heritage Cup, and much much more! #WWE #WWENXT #NXT #TNA #ThisIsTNA #TNAWrestling #Wrestling #ProWrestling 📺 FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE:🔗 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/BodyslamNet🔗Yo…
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Perustus on jo laskettu, ja se on Jeesus Kristus. Muuta perustusta ei kukaan voi laskea. 1. Kor. 3: 11 Seurassasi on Kirsi JokelaSuomen Kansanlähetys
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Už víte, čím chcete být? Jestli hledáte kariérního poradce, najdete ho v nás. Poradíme vám, jak si položit ty správné otázky, jak pomoc svou prací lidstvu i sobě – a taky nabízíme pár konkrétních povolání: Líbilo by se vám testovat tobogány? Očichávat podpaží? Dojit hady? Být nočním doplňovačem zboží v Tescu? A není vaším dětským snem dělat v kraví…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Elimination Chamber Qualifiers, AJ Styles & CM Punk Appear | WWE RAW Full Review & Results - 2/10/25
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1:17:45The RAW DAWGS are back! It's time for another Bodyslam.net WWE Monday Night RAW Post Show with Nick Perkins, Cory Hays, and JPJ!- Rey Mysterio vs Logan Paul in a #WWEChamber qualifying match- AJ Styles returns- Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky vs Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez- Bayley vs Lyra Valkyria in a #WWEChamber qualifying match - CM Punk appears- And…
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Minä opetan sinua», sanoo Herra, Minä osoitan sinulle oikean tien. Minä neuvon sinua, katseeni seuraa askeleitasi. Älkää olko kuin järjettömät eläimet, kuin muulit ja hevoset, joita täytyy hillitä suitsilla ja kuolaimilla, muuten ne eivät suostu ohjattaviksi. Jumalaton saa osakseen paljon tuskaa, mutta Herran armo ympäröi sen, joka häneen turvaa. P…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Rukoilkoot kaikki palvelijasi sinua hädän hetkellä. Vaikka suuret vedet tulvisivat, ne eivät heihin ulotu. Sinä olet minulle turvapaikka, sinä varjelet minut vaarasta. Riemuhuudot kajahtavat ympärilläni, kun sinä autat ja pelastat. Ps. 32:6-7 Seurassasi on Kirsi JokelaSuomen Kansanlähetys
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UFC 312 Full Event Results & Review | Talktagon - Episode 3 | 02/9/25 | #UFC312 #UFC #MMA
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1:30:38Welcome to Bodyslam.net's Talktagon - Episode 3, where we are discussing all things UFC 312! Come hang out with Brady and Max, as they break down all the results and review all the action from UFC 312: Du Plessis vs. Strickland, from the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, Australia. #MMA #UFC #UFC312 #UltimateFightingChampionship #Bodyslam #Talktagon📺 FOL…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Dr Jonathan L. Lee is a social and cultural historian and a leading authority on the history of Afghanistan. He lived in Afghanistan and travelled widely across the country for many years. He is the author of The Journals of Edward Stirling in Persia and Afghanistan, 1828-1829, The Ancient Supremacy: Bukhara, Afghanistan and the Battle for Balkh, 1…
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Tonight we have the return of our guy Mega Ran we will talk to him about his latest song being the new theme for WWE's The New Day and what happened at the Raw on netflix premiere , we also will talk being at the Grammy's and his latest project Buddy's Magic Tree House!Plus you know we have to chime in on the Royal Rumble ! What's Next for Jey Uso …
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Datila and Burt are back with another episode of Bodyslam.net's TNA iMPACT Wrestling Post Show. The gang breaks down all the action and runs down all the results and segments from this week's episode of iMPACT!Tonight's iMPACT featured:Joe Hendry Concert Masha Slamovich Interview Tyson Dupont vs Ace Austin Tessa Blanchard PromoSteph De Lander & War…
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Getting Ready - Fotografie Podcast für Hochzeitsfotografen Folge 184 - Mindset Getting Ready Podcast - Folge 183 - Technik Talk: Zoom vs. Festbrennweite 🎙🎙 Willkommen zu einer neuen Episode von GETTING READY! In dieser Folge sprechen wir über ein Thema, das über Technik und Strategien hinausgeht – und doch alles beeinflusst: 🧠 Mindset – Dein Schlüs…
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Jimmy Jacobs on AEW Departure, Role Within The Company, Tony Khan, Future In Wrestling and MORE
Bodyslam.net's Mark O'Brien is back with another WrestleMobs interview. This time he speaks to Jimmy Jacobs, who is a former five-time ROH World Tag Team Champion, and has worked with WWE, Impact Wrestling and AEW as a writer and producer. Jimmy opens up about his time with AEW, his role within the company, his departure from All Elite Wrestling, T…
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Former UFC Star Chris Lights Out Lytle talks his MMA career, BKFC, Commentary, Knucklemania & more!
Tonight we are joined by #ufc vet and one of the voices of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Chris Lights Out Lytle!We will talk about his ride through combat sports, his current job as commentator for #bkfc, what he looks for in fighters in the tryouts and his thoughts on Super Fight Sunday for Claressa Shields and his thoughts on this weekend's …
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Mari bersaat teduh untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari kita mulai m…
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Game Changer Weekly: GCW vs BZW Enter The Zone & GCW Up All Night Full Show Results & Review 2/4/25
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1:39:20On this week's episode of Bodyslam.net's Game Changer Weekly, John and B review GCW's France and Indianapolis shows, discuss stories heading to Collective, and look ahead to our upcoming deathmatch heavy interview schedule. Go to slamchats.com or send a superchat to donate & show your support to the team.#GCW #IndependentWrestling #IndieWrestling #…
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Vaquer vs Jayne, Oba/Trick vs A-Town Down, Vengeance Day Summit | WWE NXT (2/4/25) Results & Review
Come hang with the Tuesday Night Besties - DC & Amanda Savage, for Bodyslam.net's WWE NXT Post-Show! On tonight's episode of WWE NXT on the CW Network there will be a Vengeance Day Summit with Giulia, Roxanne Perez, and Bayley, and we will see Stacks vs. Ridge Holland, Jacy Jayne vs. Stephanie Vaquer, Karmen Petrovic vs. Kelani Jordan, Oba Femi & T…
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"The Trainers Talk Show: Inspiring Stories of Success"📺 Welcome to "The Trainers Talk Show," your gateway to the fascinating world of trainers, coaches, and consultants. Join us on this captivating journey as we uncover the stories behind the success of these remarkable individuals.💡 Why Watch "The Trainers Talk Show"?1. Unveiling Untold Stories: B…
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Mari renungkan Kolose 1:12-14 untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari k…
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Rumble Winners Appear, Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches | WWE RAW 2/3/25 Show Review & Results
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1:39:52RAW Dawgs | WWE RAW Post-Show | Bodyslam.net🚨 LIVE RIGHT AFTER WWE RAW ON NETFLIX! 🚨The RAW Dawgs are back and barking louder than ever! 🐶🔥 Join Nick Perkins, Cory Hays, and the newest member of the Bodyslam.net family, JPJ (from Love Wrestling's Between 2 Beards & Fightful Overbooked), as they break down everything that went down on tonight’s WWE …
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Talktagon Episode 2 - UFC Saudi Review #UFCSaudiArabia #MMA #UFC
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1:39:20It's time for another episode of Bodyslam.net's TALKTAGON! UFC Saudi Arabia is the the books and we have a preview! Come hang out with Brady and Max as the guys will be breaking down all the action and results from UFC Saudi Arabia: Adesanya Vs. Imavov! You can check out the full results from here:https://t.co/vb5C33MKhB#UFCSaudiArabia #UFC #MMA #T…
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Danielle Perkins talks facing Claressa Shields, being a Wrestling fan and picks for Super Bowl 59
We got to chat with Danielle Perkins ahead of her upcoming fight against Claressa Shields February 2nd for DAZN Boxing! Danielle talks about her trouble in finding opponents, and using her size to her advantage. We also talk about her pro wrestling fandom and being a fan of the Ultimate Warrior and Razor Ramon. She also gave her prediction for next…
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Toby Harnden is an award-winning journalist and author of 'Dead Men Risen' and 'First Casualty'. In this second part of the interview, we continue the story of the fall of Mazar-i-Sharif on 9th November 2001. In the days that followed, over 400 captured Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters revolted at Qala-i-Jangi, where they were being held, killing Mike…
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Ryan Nemeth on TNA Resurgence, Partnering with his brother Nic, AEW Departure & MORE! | WrestleMobs
Bodyslam.net's Mark O'Brien is back with an all new installment of his Wrestlemobs Interview series with special guest Ryan Nemeth!Nemeth talks TNA Wrestling's Resurgence, teaming up with his brother Nic Nemeth, his All Elite Wrestling departure, and much more!#TNA #TNAWrestling #ThisIsTNA #AEW #Wrestling #ProWrestling #independentwrestling -------…
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Tonight's iMPACT featured:Nic Nemeth Promo/SegmentArianna Grace Interview Cora Jade Segment Cora Jade vs Hyan Wes Lee Interview Elegance Brand Segment Brian Myers vs Leon Slater Steph De Lander & Mance Warner Segment Leon Slater Segment Sami Callihan & Mance Warner Segment Eric Young Segment Mustafa Ali vs Laredo Kid Mustaf Ali Promo/Segment The No…
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WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Preview w/the Podders of Destiny! | Knockouts & 3 Counts | #WWE #RoyalRumble
LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE ! Men’s Royal Rumble Women’s Royal Rumble WWE ChampionshipTag Team Championship Who ya got ? Tonight we are joined by @whoisantp and @brasshole81 of @podsofdestiny to break it down! get great clips of your content using OPUS CLIP ! CHECK OUT OUR CODE https://www.opus.pro/?via=Ko3C#wwe #royalrumble #wrestling #prowrestling #…
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Hang with the Heel Marks, Brady & Danielle, as they break down this week's Ring of Honor! #WatchROH #ROH #RingofHonor #HonorClub #AEW #AEWROH #Wrestling #ProWrestling
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Sinä, Jumala, olet ainoa turvani. Miksi olet hylännyt minut? Miksi minun täytyy kulkea surusta synkkänä kärsiä vihollisen sortoa? Lähetä valosi ja totuutesi! Ne johdattakoot minua, ne viekööt minut pyhälle vuorellesi, sinun asuntoihisi. Minä tahdon tulla sinun alttarisi eteen, sinun eteesi, Jumala, minun iloni! Siellä saan ylistää sinua lyyraa soit…
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Minä huudan sinua avuksi, Jumala, ja sinä vastaat minulle. Kuuntele minua, kuule, mitä puhun sinulle. Osoita minulle ihmeellistä hyvyyttäsi! Sinä pelastat väkevällä kädelläsi kaikki ne, jotka etsivät sinusta turvaa vihamiesten uhatessa. Varjele minua niin kuin silmäterääsi, peitä minut siipiesi suojaan. Psalmi 17: 6-8 Seurassasi on Kirsi Jokela…
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Mari renungkan Efesus 1:18-21 untuk menutup hari dalam doa dan firman Tuhan. Inilah momen yang diberikan Allah bagi Anda untuk menenangkan diri dan menikmati waktu bersama-Nya. Mari masuk ke dalam hadirat Bapa kita yang penuh kedamaian, dan lepaskanlah apa pun yang sudah terjadi hari ini. Dengan pertolongan Allah yang saat ini menyertai Anda mari k…
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