Wisdom from a talented Psychic Cowgirl ®; Reverend Shannon Laackmann B.Msc, C.Ht, brings practical cowgirl wisdom to help you increase your awareness, intuition and understanding of yourself on your personal journey. Connecting with the Psychic Cowgirl will automatically raise your vibration, ignite spiritual growth and increase your intuition.
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How do you shift your energy from feeling overwhelmed or stressed to confidence and clarity? Staying grounded and aware is necessary at this time. Guided Imagery is A secret Garden for Stress Relief. Powerful and Magical To learn more about the Psychic Cowgirl www.psychiccowgirl.comShannon Laackmann
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Do you follow the nudges from the Universe? Have you ever had a nudge that you could not quit thinking about until you did something about it? That happened to me last week, and the Universe delivered an opportunity, and I am glad I took it. It was worth it. 😊 Guided Imagery to connect you to a Wise Guide.💜 I recommend making a list of 3-5 question…
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Guest Nancy Dewald from Lead Up Training and Consulting shares her program, which provides clarity for business owners, builders, leaders, and teams. You are more productive when you know your working geniuses and your self-awareness increases. An example of people who have the Inventor genius often say, I have an idea; what about if we do ..... Te…
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I have a cat who is done with cold weather and wanted to help with the podcast. It was supposed to be about Chakras, but Donatello is cute and pushy. The Deep Chakra Cleanse and Balance did happen with some background cat antics. 🐈⬛😻😽Shannon Laackmann
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Negative energy can feel sticky and overwhelming, affecting the way we talk to ourselves and move through life. This episode explores how mindfulness practices—like laughter for well-being, meditation, breathwork, and guided imagery—can help shift your state, clear your emotional clutter, and cultivate a more positive, empowered mindset.…
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Discover how clarity in your intentions builds self-confidence. Being confident helps you stay aligned with your goals. Guided Meditation to Boost your inner strength by aligning you with the energies of Confidence to continue the positive direction for this year.Shannon Laackmann
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Do you have energy tangles and cords that need to be disconnected for you to invoke more positivity? Guided Imagery to Disconnect all your cords and reconnect to the positive energies.Shannon Laackmann
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How do you take yourself in a positive direction in this new year or anytime? How do you release habits or beliefs that are no longer in alignment with who you wish to be? By releasing overthinking and being less hard on yourself. You deserve better 🥰 Guided Meditation to move you in a positive direction…
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As 2024 wraps up, what a roller coaster of ups and downs this last year was. What can we expect in 2025? Guided Meditation to Cleanse and Balance Your Chakra Energies with the Intention to Release Anxiety and Worry and Invoke Calm and ClarityShannon Laackmann
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How do you nourish your soul? What replenishes you? How do you fuel your body when life feels challenging? How do you shift your energy when it feels heavy? Guided Meditation to Cleanse and Balance your Chakra system to nurture and self-care with intention.Shannon Laackmann
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Apologizing is a messy energy. When we have wronged another person, knowing how to fix it is hard. How do we apologize? How do we make amends? Do we even want to? Is the lesson on letting go? Guided Imagery to Cleanse and Balance our Chakras with the intention of Clarity and Understanding of our experiences.…
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Unexpected Blessings have such a unique energy. We get to be surprised, delighted and mystified all at the same time. Every experience has a blessing in it. Even the ones that are uncomfortable or have negative emotions with them. Look for the lesson and thank it and let it go. Guided Imagery to cleanse and balance our chakra energies with the inte…
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Self-awareness is an energy we are all experiencing right now. Untangling what is true for ourselves and others to create authenticity and soul alignment. As you communicate and align with what is true for you you will feel energized and vital on a soul level. Guided Imagery to Clear and Balance all of our Chakras with the intention to invoke Clari…
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Have you lost your Sparkle? Do you feel a little stuck? Are you overthinking everything? How can you shift your energies and perspective to reconnect to your sparkle and joy? Guided Meditation to Clear and Balance all Chakras with the intention to release Overthinking.Shannon Laackmann
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How do you see or feel the possibilities available to you in this life? How do you feel or see your potential? Shifting our energies to figure out and pursue goals and dreams brings so much positive energy into our lives. Guided Imagery with the intention of clearing our chakras to connect to our possibilities and potential…
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How are you doing? Are you feeling the heavy energies of the world? Are you struggling to not let life get you down? We are in a time of heavy energies, and awareness is more important than ever. How do you shift your energies? How do you know if what you are feeling is your energy to deal with or if you are picking up others' energies? There is a …
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Healthy Connections and Obligations to others will uplift, challenge, and change you. Unhealthy Connections and Obligations will feel transactional, cause you to overthink and create self-doubt. Guided Meditation to Disconnect Cords and Reconnect Positive Energy Cords.Shannon Laackmann
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Overthinking and Obligation energies may block our intuition and create an overwhelmed feeling. How can we shift out of these energies to have a perspective that has clarity, gratitude and confidence? Shifting our perspective and releasing some stress is invaluable so we can navigate this journey Guided Imagery Meditation is a Stress Relief for Hea…
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There is a lot of intense energy right now, and if you are feeling overwhelmed and overthinking everything, you are not alone. Being able to energetically protect yourself and keep a clear connection for guidance is required. I will share tips and tools for doing just that. Guided Imagery to Clear and Balance all your chakras with the intention to …
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How do you connect to the Universe and your life? Do you feel connected? The Crown Chakra has the energy of connection to the Divine Universe. A balanced Crown Chakra will enhance intuition, improve sleep and boost your energy Guided Imagery to cleanse and align all your ChakrasShannon Laackmann
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Our third eye or brow chakra has the energies of Inspiration, Insight, Command, and Spirit. When this chakra is balanced, it helps you manage stress and anxiety more effectively. You can connect within and calm your mind, resulting in greater peace and relaxation. Guided Imagery to cleanse and balance all the chakras with intention and awareness…
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Your throat chakra, when balanced, will give you strong personal authority and faith. The energies of expression, responsibility, and communication are in your throat chakra, as indicated by the colour blue. A balanced throat chakra will give you clarity with decision making. Guided Imagery to clear and balance all the chakras.…
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What is authentic power, and how does it relate to our Heart Chakra? This Chakra is about compassion, love and wisdom. Feeling joy and being able to forgive are possible with a balanced Heart Chakra Guided Imagery to Cleanse and Balance all the ChakrasShannon Laackmann
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The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energies of our personal power in relation to the outer world Our self esteem and feeling valued can be enhanced with a balanced 3rd Chakra Taking responsibility and creating change are also the energies of this Chakra Guided Imagery to Cleanse and Balance all the Chakras…
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A balanced Sacral Chakra gives us creativity, empowerment, emotional boundaries and so much more. As we become aware of the energies we can do things to enhance our chakra. Guided Meditation to Clear and Balance all the ChakrasShannon Laackmann
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Grounding ourselves to navigate and understand what is happening is a root chakra energy. How do you feel when the root chakra is out of alignment? Tools to balance and align the root chakra Guided Imagery to Cleanse and balance all the ChakrasShannon Laackmann
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One definition of Grace is courteous goodwill. Channelling the energies of grace in challenging situations is a way to get through it. I will share my story of grace in grief. Guided Imagery Journey for GriefShannon Laackmann
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This is a very chaotic week in my world. I hope yours is way less so. Some people's demons run deep, and their intentions are toxic. I have a wicked sore throat, and yes, there is a lot I would like to say, but I am choosing to stay disengaged and let them do what they do. I am playing the Chakra cleanse and balance to support all of us. Hugs! Shan…
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It is an interesting week. The energies are crunchy. If you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and a little rage, you are not alone. I will share some tools and tips to handle these energies when they bubble up and you are feeling all the feelings Guided imagery for a Chakra Cleanse and Balance to reset us.…
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When was the last time you consciously connected to a wise guide for support and help? What about receiving guidance in the form of signs and messages? What are you noticing? How do you get answers? Guided Imagery to connect you to a Wise GuideShannon Laackmann
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Using Oracles Cards to connect to your intuition is very effective Lets talk about how to do that Guided Imagery for Chakra and Cleanse with the intention of boosting our IntuitionShannon Laackmann
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Receive may mean to get or to accept. How open are you to receiving? This comes up in many client readings in terms of trusting the guidance they receive for themselves and their inner connection to wisdom. I do a lot of validating and anchoring to support their ability to receive, accept and trust their messages. Guided Chakra cleanse and balance …
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When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Stepping out of your comfort zone means learning new things, meeting new people, seeing new places, and trying new experiences. I did just that this last weekend; parts of it were challenging and parts of it was Fantastic. I will share my tools to handle the challenging parts and share th…
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Handling changes and shifting our perspectives, plans, or thoughts can be challenging, but lots of soul growth. Signs are amazing; they guide us, support us and soothe us. Notice what you notice. Guided Imagery to Cleanse and Balance all your Chakras with the intention of Clarity and ConfidenceShannon Laackmann
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Take a break from your worries and stresses. Listen to this Guided Imagery to connect you to Pure Positive Energy. The benefits will amaze you. Once you experience this energy, you can return to it as often as you like for a reset and reminder. In a chaotic and hectic world, taking this self-care break will help you focus and invoke hope. Hugs!…
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Do you have questions about a situation or a person in your life that you have not asked? This can show up as unfinished business and lead to regret. Some answers are none of our business, but some questions can fester in our energy and create problems when we do not know the answers. If your intention is peace of mind perhaps it is time to reach o…
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How did the eclipse energy affect you? It was an energetically intense day but enlightening Guided Imagery to cleanse and balance our chakras with the intention to invoke clarity and self awarenessShannon Laackmann
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Let's chat about Soul Care for protection and boundaries In navigating challenging circumstances I am also going to share a soul-nourishing mediumship experience Guided Imagery for a Chakra Cleanse and BalanceShannon Laackmann
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Creating Connections is not always easy, is it? There is an energy right now of soul nudges to connect with like-minded or simply interesting people. Are you putting yourself out there to find them? Guided Imagery Chakra cleansing and balancing with the intention to create community and connectionsShannon Laackmann
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Do you spring-clean your Energy Systems? Let go of people, situations, and things that are weighing your energy down or shift your perceptions by understanding yourself and why they feel like a weight. Love fully, deeply, without hesitation. Cherish your friendships. Fill your life with people, experiences, and places that give you delight. Guided …
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How do you build up your inner strength? Do you do it Mindfully? What are your go-to tools for empowering yourself? What are your empowerment tools when you know you are entering a potentially dicey situation? Chakra balancing Guided Imagery for empowerment and strengthShannon Laackmann
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As an empath, you feel so much. Untangling what is your energy and what is someone else's is the challenge of your lifetime. Dealing with phony people is excruciating at times. Completely energy-draining and can cause empaths to feel guilty for judging or knowing. But, when you know, you know. You can use some tools to assist you in that part of yo…
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Do find it challenging to stay grounded when you are peopling? Do you want connection but find it more nourishing to retreat than to spend time in meaningless conversations and relationships? Is it time to do something out of your comfort zone to shift your perspective? Guided Imagery to cleanse and balance your Chakras…
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Happy Valentine's Day. My gift to all of you is the Pure Positive Energy Guided Imagery to boost you. Take a break from your worries and stresses. Listen to this Guided Imagery to connect you to Pure Positive Energy. The benefits will amaze you. Once you experience this energy, you can return to it as often as you like for a reset and reminder. In …
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Soul nudges are gentle energies that try to get your attention. Perhaps to look at a situation or a relationship differently, perhaps to let go and move on. Soul Nudges also guide us to opportunities, possibilities and magic. Are you paying attention? Guided Imagery to support you on recognizing soul nudges and messages…
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How do you handle the energy that comes at you that feels like it has a negative intention? I will share some of my tools and tips for dealing with this to shift your energy. Guided Imagery to cleanse and balance your chakrasShannon Laackmann
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As an Empath, we feel what others are feeling, and we want to help. This can turn into overwhelm and escalate into challenges of discernment: what is my energy and stuff, and what is someone else's? Awareness and Boundaries are essential to navigate this situation. We also may need to break the spell of obligation. Guided Meditation to connect you …
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Boundaries are limits we set for ourselves when we are aware of what we need to feel secure and healthy. Getting clarity on ourselves and our priorities aids us in setting healthy boundaries. Empaths, Psychics, and Intuitive people need to cultivate awareness and tools to keep their boundaries in place. We need to protect our energy and nourish our…
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Intention is defined as a thing intended, an aim, or a plan. When you have clarity your intentions help you manifest your goals. Intentions can have positive energies or negative energies depending on if they come from our soul or our wounded ego. We will explore this energy and I will give you tools to untangle. Guided Imagery for Self Assurance…
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Was 2023 a surprising year? yes. Was I prepared for it all? No With the circumstances I was dealing with I did not do my usual gathering of information to feel out the energies of the new year. As we say see ya to 2023 with all the challenges, and all the blessings lets take an energetic look at 2024. I will share what I am feeling and what some ot…
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