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Carles Caño

¿Quieres que tus presentaciones, clases y formaciones sean inolvidables? PRESENTÁSTICO es tu guía práctica para dominar la comunicación efectiva, el storytelling y el uso del humor en entornos profesionales y académicos. Descubre técnicas probadas y estrategias creativas para cautivar a cualquier audiencia. Cada episodio te brinda herramientas concretas para transformar tus ideas en historias memorables y tus presentaciones en experiencias que impactan.
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Fearless Presentations

Doug Staneart

Want to eliminate public speaking fear and become a more poised and confident presenter and speaker? Fearless Presentations is the answer. This podcast is based on our famous two-day presentation skills class offered in cities all over the world. Each week, we offer free public speaking tips that help you develop the skill to present with poise when you deliver presentations. This is the fastest, easiest way to eliminate public speaking fear.
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Homar con H presenta : Conspiranoia

Abdul alhazred sanchez ruiz

Este Podcast cambió de rumbo; La tierra hueca y la magia de sangre es real, los nazis no son basados, los iluminati son los empresarios y que viva Shub-Niggurath. Las conspiraciones son reales menos las que tu crees. Soy de Mexicali.
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THE Presentations Japan Series is powered by with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The show is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of presentations, who want to be the best in their business field.
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Unforgettable Presentations

Darren LaCroix, Mark Brown

Attention experienced corporate presenters, public speakers, professional speakers and pastors. Do you want to deliver a good, a great or an unforgettable presentation? Get insights from behind the scenes on some of the most unforgettable presentations ever delivered. √ What's the story behind the presentation? √ Where did the idea come from? √ How did they prepare it? √ How did they execute it? Join World Champions of Public Speaking, Mark Brown & Darren LaCroix. They have been world-class ...
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Los integrantes de "El Chat" decidieron grabar sus conversaciones, y el resultado fue este. No hay tema que nos limite, puesto que somos unos presentao's... Analizamos de todo, sin saber de NADA. Visítenos en para conocer nuestra historia. También puedes continuar la conversación en nuestro facebook: Presentaos - El Podcast
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Presentación Breve

Noel Franco

En el presente podcast hago una breve descripción de un servidor con el objeto de sentar las bases en conocernos por éste medio digital y así continuar con el contenido que al paso del tiempo compartiremos.
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Magic Presentation

Magic Presentation

Magic Presentation merupakan agensi yang berfokus pada pengembangan presentasi agar pesan yang disampaikan sangkil dan mangkus. Melalui podcast ini, Magic Presentation berusaha menggali pengalaman berbagai narasumber dalam melakukan presentasi sebagai bentuk pembelajaran sesama dalam melakukan public speaking. Semoga podcast ini bermanfaat ya :)
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Presentación Universo Teatral

Sergio Cardoso

Presentación de espacio cultural reservado a la crítica de teatro y espectáculos, actores actrices, promoción de escuelas de artes escénicas, teatros y ejercicios y consejos para estudiantes. El espacio de los artistas y el mundo cultural!
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show series
a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780) Preludio e Fuga in fa minore - Präludium - Fuge “Klavierübung” (Choralbearbeitungen 1-6) Praeambulum - Choral I - Choral II 1. Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr 2. Wer nur den lieben Gott Lässt walten 3. Jesu, meine Freude 4. Christ lag in Todesbanden 5. Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein 6…
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Un mazo vinculado a la Orden de los Nueve Ángulos (ONA), con un enfoque en la magia, la transformación personal y la Dialéctica Sinistra. Analizaremos su simbolismo, su relación con la evolución espiritual y su impacto en el ocultismo moderno. Un viaje entre lo causal y lo acausal.
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¡Pinta su ropa con la naturaleza! Malú Colorín es una tintorera natural quien por razones del destino dejó su vida en la gran ciudad y se desarrolla actualmente como tintorera natural, o sea, una persona que tiñe cualquier tipo de tela con tintes naturales, desde su taller en la campiña irlandesa. Todos los tintes que usa son creados por ella misma…
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Episode #218 - Data visualization is an essential skill in today's data-driven world. It transforms raw data into visual formats like charts, graphs, and maps, making complex information understandable and engaging. In this podcast episode, Troy, Sandy and Nolan talk with Ann K. Emery of Depict Data Studio about the nuances of data visualization to…
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Primacy refers to the beginning of something, as it enters our brain. This new entity has a powerful impact on our memory and our concentration. To muscle itself into our existing brain thought stream, takes a lot of mental energy. If successful, the new direction grabs us more powerfully than continuing with the same existing thought pattern. Rece…
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This is lesson number 12 of our 12-lesson series on how to win group sales presentations. One of the myths that we tackled in one of the earlier episodes was that the PowerPoint slideshow itself is the shortlist presentation. That one mistake can cause teams to lose the high-level sales presentation more than any other mistake. What we started with…
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Robert Crumb's Fritz the Cat is p much synonymous with underground comix and the 60s counterculture. Ralph Bakshi's interpretation is extremely Ralph Bakshi, and Crumb hated it. But Crumb hates everything cuz he's a CRUMugeon. We look at an adult cartoon that is extremely good at being a Ralph Bakshi joint. It beats Fire and Ice, that's for sure!…
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En este episodio, contamos con Álvaro Simón, especialista en comunicación y autenticidad, con quien debatimos sobre los límites de la asertividad en la comunicación. Exploramos situaciones donde ser asertivo puede resultar contraproducente, como en contextos emocionales o cuando existen diferencias de estatus. Compartimos experiencias personales qu…
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Your headshot is a critical component in your marketing material. So how do you look your best, and BE your best on camera? Darren and Mark get answers from Las Vegas-based celebrity photographer Jerry Metellus as they talk about the how and why of an unforgettable profile photo. SNIPPETS: • Amplify what already is • Don’t be trapped in an image of…
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Este fin de semana se estrenaron 4 films en cine, asi que tenemos un buen de que hablar. Empezamos con "In The Lost Lands' una especie de Westen Post-apocaliptico donde una bruja cruza el desierto en busca de una bestgia mitica. Hablaremos Tambien de como un juez retirado se halla peleando por su vida y su sanidad contra el bully psicopata que es e…
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This is lesson number 11 of our 12-lesson series on how to win group sales presentations. So far, we've covered a lot of the foundational concepts of group selling skills and ways to get buying committees to buy from your team after you get shortlisted. Just as a 30,000-foot recap, we started by covering many of the myths about shortlist presentati…
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Bruce Springsteen’s song Glory Days lyric, “Boring stories of Glory days yeah, they’ll pass you by” pops into my head sometimes, when I hear a speaker reminiscing about their glorious past. I was sitting there at a chamber function when the speaker began to talk at length about his start in sales and his experiences. It was fascinating for him no d…
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Robert Crumb's Fritz the Cat is p much synonymous with underground comix and the 60s counterculture. Ralph Bakshi's interpretation is extremely Ralph Bakshi, and Crumb hated it. But Crumb hates everything cuz he's a CRUMugeon. We look at an adult cartoon that is extremely good at being a Ralph Bakshi joint. It beats Fire and Ice, that's for sure!…
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Es un grimorio de la Orden de los Nueve Ángulos que profundiza en el satanismo tradicional, la magia oscura y la trascendencia a través del caos. Hablaremos sobre la Vía Séptuple, rituales, dioses oscuros y la filosofía que desafía la moralidad convencional en busca del Homo Galacticus.
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En este episodio de la Guerra Fría que convirtió al Triángulo Dorado en el epicentro del opio. En este podcast exploramos cómo la lucha anticomunista de EE.UU. terminó financiando redes criminales con repercusiones globales que aún persisten. ¿que cosas no?
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La Guerra del Opio de 1967, un conflicto en el Triángulo Dorado (Laos, Tailandia, Myanmar) donde el narcotráfico y los intereses políticos y militares se entrelazaron. Se explorará el enfrentamiento entre el Kuomintang, el general Ouane Rattikone y la CIA, revelando cómo el opio financió guerras y consolidó poder durante la Guerra Fría.…
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El podcast explorará la Métrica de Alcubierre, una solución matemática propuesta por Miguel Alcubierre en 1994 que sugiere la posibilidad de viajar más rápido que la luz deformando el espacio-tiempo, sin violar las leyes de la física. Aunque teóricamente viable, enfrenta desafíos como la necesidad de energía negativa y riesgos como explosiones de r…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Gabriel Pierné (1863 - 1937) Trois Pièces 1. Prélude 2. Cantilène 3. Scherzando Louis Vierne (1870 - 1937) Sinfonia per Organo, n. 4 1. Prélude 2. Allegro 3. Menuet 4. Romance 5. Final John Rose, organoAmeria Radio - Sc. di Musica
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In the prayer outline Jesus gave the disciples, He told us to pray, “your will be done on earth as in heaven.” When God speaks to us through the Bible, we can know what His will is. How do we learn what is His will in matters apart from those covered in the Bible? In Learning God’s Will, we look into the Bible to learn how.…
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This is episode 10 of our 12-episode series on how to win group sales presentations. So far in the first 9 episodes, we've covered a lot of the foundational concepts of group selling skills. And we've spent a lot of time on how valuable case studies or success stories are in winning a committee over to hiring your team. In the last episode, I showe…
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A media interview is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your expertise and serve a broader audience. How can you get the opportunity, and what should you do to maximize that opportunity? In today’s episode, Mark and Darren talk with speaker, author and coach Pilar Ortiz, former TV reporter, news anchor, producer and director. Pilar gives sage advi…
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Episode #217 - In the latest episode of The Presentation Podcast, our three seasoned presentation designers: Troy Chollar from TLC Creative Services, Sandy Johnson from Presentation Wiz, and Nolan Haims from Nolan Haims Creative discuss PowerPoint templates from the perspective of evaluating client provided files - and the state of the template pro…
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For many people it may seem we are getting into oxymoron territory here. “Public speaking…enjoyable? You must be kidding mate”. Many are called upon to speak and reluctantly they give their talk without talent, enthusiasm or particular motivation. A duty, an unavoidable pain, like going back to the dentist for that root canal. As we rise in our car…
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We look at The Boondocks,the Adult Swim TV series adaptation of Aaron MacGruder's comic strip of the same name. In today's media environment, it may surprise you that a comic and TV show with such an unapologetic Black viewpoint (and so much George W Bush era satire) was able to get past all the old media gatekeepers. We discuss the comic strip tha…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Jakob Praetorius (1586 - 1651) Vater unser im Himmelreich (7 Verse) Johann Nikolaus Hanff (1663 - 1711) Preludi corali per organo - Helft mir Gott’s Güte preisen - Wär’ Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit - Ein’ feste Burg ist unser Gott Georg Böhm (1661 - 1733) Partita: Freu dich sehr o meine Seele Johann Sebast…
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Your voice is your instrument, so how do you keep it in top shape? Today, Darren and Mark sit down with Millian Quinteros, a voiceover artist, audio producer, podcast consultant, and voice care/maintenance coach. Using his own story of struggling with vocal issues, Millian explains some common voice-care mistakes, and offers practical advice to hel…
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Hoy más que nunca escuchamos críticas hacia la generación de cristal. Pero ¿qué hace que una generación sea de cristal y quién es la que la compone realmente? No nos dejemos llevar nada más por lo que los demás dicen. Mi gran invitado, Nicolás Chapa, y yo platicaremos sobre las generaciones; los pesares y cargas con las que muchas de ellas tienen q…
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Vamonos recio con otra reseña ALVentón! Esta vez hablaremos de "The Monkey" el nuevo filme de Oz Perkins, que mas bien parece dirigido por James Gun, y basado segun los abogados, en el cuento de Stephen King. Lleguenle sin miedo!
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Experts, pseudo experts, amateurs, believers, sceptics, supporters, enemies make up that sea of faces in front of us when we get up to speak. We can get some basic data from the organisers about who is in the room. What industries, companies, gender, age configurations are arrayed in those venue seats. What we can’t tell are the information assimil…
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We look at The Boondocks,the Adult Swim TV series adaptation of Aaron MacGruder's comic strip of the same name. In today's media environment, it may surprise you that a comic and TV show with such an unapologetic Black viewpoint (and so much George W Bush era satire) was able to get past all the old media gatekeepers. We discuss the comic strip tha…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) Sinfonia dalla Cantata BWV 29 (trascrizione di Marcel Dupré) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1755 - 1791) Variazioni su “Ah, vous dirai-je Maman”, K265 (trascrizione di Thomas Ospital) Thomas Ospital (1990) Improvvisazione Preludio e Fuga in stile romantico su temi dati dal pubb…
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When it comes to self-control, we often think about defeating bad habits, like blurting out things best kept to ourselves, or controlling our temper. But there is another area of self-control that many of us miss altogether. Failing in this area leads to more than a messy garage or hurting the feelings of others. Consider this issue in our latest, …
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Dicen que más vale tarde que nunca.... Y como no hicimos el especial de año nuevo, pues no les dijimos tampoco nuestro conteo de los filmes que vimos en 2024.. Pero varios de ustedes lo pidieron... y la verdad si teniamos mucho que decir... asi que Ahi les va!! Lleguenle sin miedo!
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Mark says, “One man’s mundane is another man’s magnificent.” We sometimes fail to see the magnificence in our stories because we’re too close to them. Today Darren and Mark explain why we may be too close, and suggest ways to broaden our perspective SNIPPETS: • Start with a big block of clay • We can be so close that we can’t identify the magnifice…
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Descubre cómo el dibujo puede transformar tus presentaciones y talleres. Exploramos técnicas simples para visualizar ideas complejas, herramientas digitales que potencian la enseñanza y trucos para cautivar a tu audiencia - ¡sin necesidad de ser un artista! Desde pizarras digitales hasta IA, aprende a crear experiencias de aprendizaje más dinámicas…
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In the latest episode of The Presentation Podcast, Troy, Sandy, Nolan, and Lori delve into the evolving role of animation in presentation design - particularly within PowerPoint. They explore how storytelling animation is becoming a significant trend in many aspects of graphic design and discuss how animation can be effectively incorporated into pr…
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In our High Impact Presentations (HIP) course, we do a number of presentations over two days of training. What I love about teaching this programme is that you see the results immediately. If we are teaching leadership or sales, it is very hard to see immediate results and those programmes are multi-week efforts. Day One we have the first presentat…
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It's finally here... after 279 episodes, we're finally doing Over the Hedge, probably the biggest comic strip adaptation of all time until Garfield the Movie. It's based on the comic strip of the same name, but, since the original strip is the biggest nothingburger on the comics page, they had to give it a major glow-up... into a star-studded extra…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886) Prélude et fugue sul nome B.A.C.H. Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856) Fugue in fa maggiore n 5 sul nome Bach, op. 60 Alexandre Boëly (1785 - 1858) Fantasia in si bemolle maggiore Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 - 1847) Variazioni sul corale "Notre Père” (dalla 6e Sonata en re minore o…
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Preparen sus libretas porque hablaremos de: "Heart Eyes", un filme que pretende juntar el genero de Slashers con la comedia romantica y de paso traer a un nuevo personaje al fan del gore y la sangre. De ahi pasaremos a hablar de "Love Hurts", que si bien no es de horror, si promete mucha accion con una que otra carcajada. Aventamos de paso un Manga…
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What can be the motivation to go ‘all in’ as you prepare to deliver your next presentation? Mark and Darren look at the motivation for preparation and explain the value of a presentation walkthrough…with a live audience. SNIPPETS: • When hour ego is at stake, you put in more work • Put your rehearsal on the calendar, preferably 2 weeks out • Work w…
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This is episode eight and nine of our 12-episode series on how to win group sales presentations. So far, we've covered a lot of the foundational concepts of group selling skills. And we've spent a lot of time on how valuable case studies or success stories are in winning a committee over to hiring your team. Today's episode will be split into to pa…
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Sometimes the organisers of the presentation event ask us if they can distribute our slides before the speech. They are thinking that this will help the audience to follow what we are saying. Especially in Japan, audience members are probably better at reading than hearing the content. So having the slides at hand to refer to during the talk makes …
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It's finally here... after 279 episodes, we're finally doing Over the Hedge, probably the biggest comic strip adaptation of all time until Garfield the Movie. It's based on the comic strip of the same name, but, since the original strip is the biggest nothingburger on the comics page, they had to give it a major glow-up... into a star-studded extra…
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