The newest sermons from Pottstown Bible Church on SermonAudio.
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Es geht um alltägliche Dinge die mir passieren. Ich hoffe meine Stimme lässt dich entspannen.. Neuer Instagram Account:
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Join Mike Schubert, a grown man reading the Harry Potter series for the first time, as he sits down with HP fanatics to poke fun at plot holes, make painfully incorrect predictions, and bask in the sassiness of the characters. Schubes and his guests cover a portion of the Harry Potter franchise each week, taking you on a journey through your childhood, this time with the rose-tinted glasses off. Follow Potterless on Twitter (@PottterlessPod) and Instagram (@PotterlessPodcast), and learn more ...
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This is an alternate universe story, where Petunia married a scientist. Harry enters the wizarding world armed with Enlightenment ideals and the experimental spirit.
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It’s the English class you didn't know you missed and the meaningful conversations you didn't know you craved. Join Vanessa Zoltan and Matt Potts as they bring thought, reflection and laughter to Harry Potter; not just as novels, but as instructive and inspirational texts that will teach us about our own lives. Relive the magic of Harry Potter chapter by chapter as Matt and Vanessa explore themes such as commitment, revenge and forgiveness. This podcast creates time in your week to think abo ...
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weekly radio show at zenFM
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MuggleCast is your weekly ride into the Wizarding World. Our Harry Potter podcast, hosted by four life-long friends, brings its listeners entertaining and thought-provoking discussions about the universe. With each new episode we discuss everything Harry Potter: the latest news, the Potter books, Fantastic Beasts, the theme parks, the video games, the fandom, and more! The show is currently hosting a Chapter by Chapter re-read of the original seven Harry Potter books!
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Harry Pottcast er en podcast om den famøse Harry Potter-serie. I hvert afsnit dykker Nanna og Amalie ned i to nye kapitler, og giver dig nye detaljer, perspektiver og viden om HP-universet. Udkommer med en ny episode hver måned.
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Pottcast - der erste Schweizer Podcast mit tiefem Niveau. Honeypott (Kollekte): Twint: 079 558 45 19 Iban: CH29 8080 8003 9862 8898 1 Im Pottcast essen sich Luuk und Knack quer durchs Millieu und rauchen sich durch sämtliche Gras-Sorten, damit ihr es nicht tun müsst. Dafür dürft ihr euch ihre wirren Thesen zu Gesellschaft, Musik und allem anderen anhören. Jeden Sonntag eine neue Folge 🥦
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Join Tori and Shay as they dive back into the Harry Potter series one chapter at a time. Includes in-depth chapter analysis, theory discussions and more.
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Ihr mögt Pokémon und wolltet schon immer mal andere Meinungen zu einem bestimmten Pokémon hören? Ihr seid jahrelange Fans des Franchises und könnt einfach nicht genug davon bekommen? Dann ist „Podrott - Pokémon Pottcast“ genau das Richtige für euch.
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Im PottCAS halten wir Euch jede Woche über die aktuellen Nachrichten in Castrop-Rauxel auf dem Laufenden. Jeden Freitag bekommt ihr bei uns News über Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und das Stadtgeschehen. Und zwischendurch immer mal wieder Spezial-Folgen mit interessanten Gästen aus Castrop-Rauxel. Jetzt RN+ günstig testen: Habt Ihr Anregungen für Themen, Lob oder Kritik für unser Team? Dann schreibt uns eine Mail an [email protected]. Im ...
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Der Musik-Podcast aus dem Ruhrpott / Stefan, Nils & Dennis sinnieren über Metal, HC und anderen Kram der letzten Jahrzehnte!
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Grauzone Pott beleuchtet die bisher unbeachtete Geschichte von migrantischem Widerstand und rechtsextremer Gewalt im Ruhrgebiet der 1980er und 1990er Jahre.
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In the hallowed halls of Potterversity, hosts Katy McDaniel (Marietta College) and Emily Strand (Mt. Carmel College and Signum University) explore the Harry Potter series and wider Wizarding World from a critical academic perspective with scholars from a variety of fields, finding new ways to read and opening new doors. Made in association with
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory! This podcast features Harry Potter Theories, Fantastic Beasts Theories, Explanations, Top Lists, News, Character Backstories, Fan Fictions & More!
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Fortnightly magazine show, full of showbiz gossip, sports chat, nostalgia, special guests and fun. Email the show [email protected]
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Der eine is Blau-Weiß, der andere Schwarz-Gelb - doch in einem sind sich beide einig: Rot-Weis nur auffe Pommes. Alle beide kommen vom Pott wech, datt is da, wo man dat Herz auffe Zunge trägt. Auf Kohle geboren, mitm Pilsken inne Hand - dat sind die Pottrivalen: Ungleich und doch ähnlicher als ihnen lieb ist. 2 Blagen der Pottkultur mitm Kissen unterm Arm über Land und Leute, den neusten Klatsch und Tratsch und allet, watte Omma übern Straßenfunk so inne Welt verbreiten tut. Also: Hol dir wa ...
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Wir sind Kirche, damit Menschen Jesus kennenlernen und ihm leidenschaftlich nachfolgen. Das ist der Herzschlag unserer Kirche. Unser Podcast nimmt dich mit in unsere Sonntagsgottesdienste und soll dich für deinen Alltag ermutigen und ausrüsten, ein erfülltes Leben zu führen. Sei herzlich eingeladen uns auch persönlich kennen zu lernen. Alle weiteren Infos findest du unter
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Charlie Potter discusses hunting, fishing, wildlife and conservation issues in the Great Outdoors Podcast from WGN Radio 720 in Chicago
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Travel Writer, Essayist, Adventurer, Teacher
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The Potter's Touch, a weekly program, with Bishop T.D. Jakes, tackles today's topics and confronts the hidden issues and invisible scars that go untreated. This broadcast carries healing and restoration into homes of hurting people, unearthing taboo topics and offering practical and spiritual solutions to life's toughest questions. 857311 To support this ministry financially, visit:
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Discovering your unique voice in pottery can be very difficult if you do it alone. That is why The Shaping Your Pottery podcast was made to help potters like yourself to help you find your voice, standout from the crowd, and help you enjoy making pottery
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A Harry Potter book/movie compare and contrast podcast led by Ellen, Karlee, and Keighty! We cover a chapter a week and the corresponding film scenes (if they exist!). Listen on your favorite podcasting platform!
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Im Schalke POTTcast sprechen unsere Redakteure über alles, was Blau und Weiß bewegt. Mit spannender Vor- und Nachberichterstattung zu Spieltagen und Breaking News zum FC Schalke 04. Alle zwei Wochen plaudert unser Experte René Preuß zudem im S04-Talk mit spannenden Gästen aus der großen Schalker Fan-Welt. Mit RZ+ erfährst du als Erster, was bei Schalke los ist. Jetzt für nur 3€ in den ersten 3 Monaten testen: Impressum: https://w ...
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MUNDO POTTER é o seu podcast para ler e reler toda a saga de Harry Potter. Semanalmente comentamos, capítulo a capítulo, desde 'A Pedra Filosofal' até 'As Relíquias da Morte'. Disponível as sextas-feiras em todas as plataformas de áudio. Apresentado por Itamar Santos e Paulo Rodrigues. Apoie o nosso projeto: Mande sua coruja para: [email protected] Entre para o grupo no Telegram procure por @mundopotter
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この番組は自転車が大好きなサイクリストが集い、美味しいものと美しい景色、そして楽しい思い出を皆様と共有していく『とくしまさいくるくらぶ』より自転車とタロット占いのエピソードトークを軸にリスナーの皆さまに笑顔をお届けしたいと願ってやまない音声コンテンツです☆ TCC / Tokushima Cycle Club NPO法人 とくしまさいくるくらぶ ご意見・ご感想はこちら [email protected] ユーチューブ TCC/LINE公式オープンチャット インスタグラム スポーツやろうよ! #TCC #tokushimacycleclub #とくしまさいくるくらぶ #特定非営利活動法人 #NPOとくしまさいくるくらぶ #徳島 #四国 ...
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We believe that writing is a journey, not a destination. That's why we are dedicated to providing a supportive community. Content creators can share their work, get feedback, and grow. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, Potter's Quill offers a unique space. You can connect with fellow writers, readers, editors, artists, photographers, and industry professionals.
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A Harry Potter Podcast
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Velkommen til Pottemageriet - podcasten for dig, der elsker duften af vådt ler og lyden af en snurrende drejeskive! Kom med på en rejse ind i keramikkens verden hvor vi sammen med nogle af Danmarks dygtigste keramikere nørder tips, tricks og teknikker - og lover at dele erfaringer om både begynderfejl og guldkorn. Her kommer ikke til at være perfekte krukker og fejlfrie kopper - men vi lover masser af gode historier og inspiration!
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Each week we read from some of the top Harry Potter fan fiction stories. We also write and narrate our own original stories.
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A pottery podcast by artist /owner Al Wayman of Creek Road Pottery in Laceyville, Pennsylvania, next to the cold Tuscarora Creek. Pull up a chair around the wheel as we discuss topics concerning the art and craft of pottery, good books, storytelling, marketing, and creating work that matters for folks who care.
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Von der Hafenstraße kommen wir, der Pottcast von Fans für Fans! Wir sprechen hier über Heim - und Auswärtsspiele, Fanaktionen, Radio Hafenstrasse und unsere Eindrücke vom geilsten Verein der Welt in Rot und Weiss! Nicht immer extrem seriös, jedoch ehrlich und nicht auf den Mund gefallen, halt Ruhrpott Art! Wir sind auch auf anderen Portalen aktiv! Nur der RWE!
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Author and parenting expert Jamie Glowacki expands on her book Oh Crap! Potty Training in a new podcast miniseries that takes you step by step through the often arduous but rewarding journey of teaching your kid how to take care of their business on their own.
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Sim, esse é um podcast sobre Harry Potter feito pra você deixar de ser trouxa! Nele vamos comentar cada um dos capítulos de cada um dos livros.
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Two real weird sisters break down the Harry Potter series chapter by chapter and delve into special topics related to the Harry Potter universe. Character studies are released every Monday. Special topics episodes are released periodically. Book club episodes for Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows as well as special topics shows recorded from September 2016 through December 2019 can be listened to on the feed ...
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Alohomora! is the second-longest-running continuously released Harry Potter podcast and the original Harry Potter book club. Join us as we re-read the entire series, spin wild theories, and share content influenced by our love of Harry Potter. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them: A Harry Potter Fanfiction Podcast
Sequoia Simone and Kim Harris
Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them is a Harry Potter fanfiction podcast. Fanfiction fanatics, Sequoia Simone and Kim, read and react to some of the craziest, funniest, and most outlandish fanfiction on the internet. This podcast is created for any level of Harry Potter fan, and we strive to keep it accessible to those with no fanfiction background. We’ll even leave you with more links to stories we’ve enjoyed, so you too can appreciate this exciting part of fandom culture. New episode eve ...
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Josh Potter sits down weekly to give you all the important AND unimportant events of the world, of sports, and anything else he can think of. Want to contribute to the show? Send submissions to [email protected]
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Sermons and Devotionals
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Tales from Godric’s Hollow - Discussing Harry Potter Books, Movies, and News
Joe Slionski, Lauren Aragon, and "Atari" Alex Carrejo
Tales from Godric’s Hollow is a Harry Potter podcast hosted by Marissa Dorado (A Ravenclaw who has read the books hundreds of times since childhood) and Joe Slionski (A Hufflepuff who has read the books only a handful of times since getting into it as an adult). TFGH originally started out as a book club style podcast introducing a Muggle to the Harry Potter series for the first time. After bringing original host "The Muggle" Josh Brown through his re-read of the series, The Platinum Duo, wi ...
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How does it feel to read Harry Potter after 2020? The words on the page don’t change. But times change. We, the readers, change. And that changes the story. Join podcast hosts Lorrie Kim and JC on a re-read of the series, chapter by chapter. As we delve into the story, we’ll remember what the books meant to us when they were first published and analyze what we see differently now. Find more episodes, transcripts, and more at
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Sonntagspredigt aus dem Standort Bochum. Du bist neu hier? Du möchtest mehr über uns erfahren? Dann connecte dich mit uns: ____________________ Du hast dich für Jesus entschieden, möchtest Teil unserer Kirche werden oder für dich beten lassen? Dann meld dich doch gerne. Wir freuen uns dich kennen zu lernen: https://kirche…
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Die Angriffe häufen sich und die Hinweise auf Neonazi-Täter werden unübersehbar, doch die Behörden bleiben ignorant und die Gesellschaft schaut weg. In der dritten Folge beleuchten wir den Fall des Schulleiters Wilhelm Funcke und seiner Partnerin Marie-Cécile Duclercq, die für die Integration migrantischer Kinder an Gymnasien kämpften. Die 80er ers…
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#35: Schmissigkeit kennt keine Grenzen
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1:16:22Tach 2025 / noch son Recap 24 und der übliche Wahnsinn... Das Jahr der Schlange beginnt mit unserem nachgeschobenem Recap '24 plus jeder Menge anderem Quatsch. Wir driften wieder gnadenlos ab. Viel Spaß mit der neuen Folge! Unsere Playlist findet ihr unter: Link zu --> Apple Music Link zu --> Spotify Und schreibt uns mal eine Rezension bei Apple Po…
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Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes from The Potters TouchTo support this ministry financially, visit: T.D. Jakes
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One thing that’s always dawned on me is how shocking it must be for the parents of muggleborns to receive news of the magical world. And as if coming to terms with the existence of an entire magical world isn’t difficult enough already, they’re then expected to entrust the safety of their children to a bunch of complete strangers in a world that th…
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Ich kling hier vielleicht wie ein Guru, der dir einen Kurs andrehen will, denn nur für 4200€ erzähle Ich dir heute wie du dein Leben endlich in den Griff bekommst und du mal richtig hustlest & optimierst! Du muscht die Basics machen!Wie weit kann Ich das mit den Folgenbeschreibungen noch treiben? Das erfahrt ihr in der nächsten Folge von "Wie Ich d…
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DH, 13 Revisit: Pass The Eye
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1:34:55On Episode 439 we discuss... → These books are political → Idea of a plan → Bodacious man bun → Just following orders → Depressing AF → What about poisonous ducks? What the pod will be known for → Where Umbridge got Moody's eye → Bailey Ragusin (MagicWandBlonde) Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Seventh Horcrux Audiobook (Part 2) | A Dark & Twisted Harry Potter Fanfiction
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5:06:41This is the second half of the 2 part Seventh Horcrux series. I am almost done with the next death eater menace so that should be up this weekend.
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Eine Woche, in der sich die Nachrichten überschlagen Hier findet ihr die Themen, über die wir im Podcast gesprochen haben: Kapitalverbrechen in Pöppinghausen Video vom Tatort am Tag nach der Gewalttat Reporter schildert Stand der Dinge nach Todesfall (RN+) Mann (57) in Castrop-Rauxel umgebracht Festnahme und Obduktion Aber Verdächtiger flüchtig Pol…
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Ep. 197 - Capítulo dezoitos - A vida e as mentiras de Alvo Dumbledore MANDE SUA CORUJA PARA: [email protected] Coruja: Redes: @mpottercast @ithasant e @rodriguesph PIX: [email protected] Edição: Itamar Santos Roteiro: Paulo Rodrigues Apresentado por Itamar Santos e Paulo Rodrigues
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429. Top 5 Friendships Outside of the Trio
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1:58:07Joe, Lauren, and Alex discuss the breaking news of Jon Lithgow finalizing a deal to play Dumbledore in the upcoming Harry Potter TV Series, and share their Top 5 Friendships Outside of the Trio! 00:00 Open/Breaking News 18:10 Giveaway 19:05 Top 5 Friendships Outside of the Trio 1:16:50 MugglePoll 1:22:46 Potterwatch! 1:26:10 News You Can Use 1:38:4…
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Ep. 245 - Dumbledoes
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1:15:09Hosted by Ellen and Max, we embark on a magical journey through the pages and frames of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as we explore the second half of Chapter Twenty-Six: The Cave and the corresponding film scenes. While we love Harry Potter, we do not condone or agree with its creator’s ignorant opinions. We stand with the trans community…
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Seventh Horcrux Audiobook (Part 1) | A Dark & Twisted Harry Potter Fanfiction
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4:36:05Sorry for jumping around, spotify doesn't have playlists I can easily organize like youtube does. This one is a lot longer than usual since it will only be 2 parts, the second half should be up tomorrow. Settle in for a dark and hilarious bedtime story as we dive into The Seventh Horcrux by EmeraldAshes, a wildly popular Harry Potter fanfiction whe…
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*moods* by Lara Potthoff @ TOPzen Radio 13.02.2025
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1:00:00Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 13. febuary 2025 the healing song - Cephas Azariah & Elle Limebear Sins - Clowdy Wildroot - Tepon Take you on a ride - Polished Chrome Stardust - The Amb…
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In this week's episode of Oh Crap Potty Training, I’m diving into something I see over and over with parents—how consistency can make or break your potty training journey (and your parenting in general). We chat about how anything done repeatedly becomes a habit, whether it’s good or bad. So if your kid is peeing on the floor every day, guess what?…
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This week, Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of Separation in Chapter 29 of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! They discuss the relationship dynamics on display in this chapter, Hagrid’s advice, and the end of Harry’s time at Hogwarts! Throughout the episode we consider the question: what causes us to feel separate from others? Thank you to…
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Born in Berlin, Karoline Menge moved to Italy with her partner in 2021. Studied literature and writing, started making pottery in 2015 when she was still at Uni, did small jobs to be able to continue making pottery. Karoline opened her own studio in 2018 and started working full time as a potter. Now Karoline works in her studio in a small village …
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Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. Today I’m coming at you with a bunch of updates on the Harry Potter franchise as a whole- including some casting news on the upcoming HBO show, as well as some recent updates to Hogwarts Legacy. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at https…
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Neste episódio aprenda a pular de um veículo em movimento, descubra o esquema de segurança que deixou Hogwarts mais segura do que nunca e entenda como o Malfoy conseguiu arrumar uma namorada. Esse foi o oitavo capítulo de Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe. # Ilustrador da capa: Per Jorgensen # E-mail: [email protected] # Apoie: li…
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The Prince of Slytherin Chronicles: The Death Eater Menace - Chapter 53
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1:11:31Summary:After surviving the Chamber of Secrets and discovering the truth about Gilderoy Lockhart, Harry Potter returns for his Third Year and his continued pursuit of the Prince's Throne. But Hogwarts and Wizarding Britain are thrown into chaos by the escape of not just Sirius Black, but most of Voldemort's Inner Circle from Azkaban Prison. Meanwhi…
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I dagens afsnit får vi besøg af Sofie Højgaard Jørgensen, der sammen med sin søster Sara, driver det kreative værksted og butik Søstercraft i Odense. Sofie har stor erfaring med at guide helt nye keramikere i gang og deler gavmildt ud af sine bedste tips og tricks til nybegyndere. Vi skal tale om alt det basale du skal vide, når du starter med kera…
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Keine Punkte in Köln - Die dämlichste Niederlage der Saison?
Der „Schalke-POTTcast“ – Episode 162
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1:33:36Mit unserem Schalke-Abo erfährst du als Erster, was bei Schalke los ist. Jetzt für nur 1 Euro für 4 Wochen testen: Alle Berichte über den FC Schalke 04 findet ihr unter: per E-Mail: [email protected] Kontakt per What…
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4.13: Mad-Eye Moody
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1:01:36This fake Moody seizes an opportunity to get on Harry's good side. Knowing the relationship or even just observing the relationship right there between Harry and Draco, to just jump in and go so over the top taking Draco out of the equation -- is absolutely the best thing that he could have done to get Harry and Ron to like him. -JC For full show n…
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228 - Stuck To The Ice w/Gabby Lamb - The Josh Potter Show
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1:07:30This week Josh welcomes the one and only Gabby Lamb to the Roach Den to dissect the Superbowl and take a trip down memory lane with a throwback to MR HANDS ON THE FAMILY PC. The good ol’ days. Today is also bittersweet, as we bid adieu to his Josh’s indomitable producer Alex Q, who’s moving on to play a guy in love with a girl who’s dressing as a b…
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Velkommen til Pottemageriet! I dagens afsnit dykker vi ned i alt det praktiske omkring at etablere dit eget keramikværksted derhjemme. Vores gæst er Iben Vedel, der med sin baggrund fra kunstakademiet i Bruxelles og mange års erfaring som både keramiker og underviser, ved præcis hvad der skal til for at skabe et velfungerende værksted. Iben har bla…
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Velkommen til det allerførste afsnit af Pottemageriet - podcasten for dig, der elsker duften af vådt ler og lyden af en snurrende drejeskive! I dette afsnit vil jeg fortælle om min egen rejse med keramik. For lidt over to år siden rørte jeg ler for første gang, og det blev starten på en kreativ passion jeg slet ikke havde set komme! Jeg vil dele mi…
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Joa… wat gib‘s zu sagen: Is ne Kackfolge! Calvin hat die Seuche, Lennart hatn Montag geschafft un genau so geht die Folge munter los: Illegales Glücksspiel bei die Alten mit Bingo, Kaffee/Kuchen, Renten Wunschdenken und Nostalgie Gaming Kultur. Ihr kennt dat Spiel: Viel Spaß und Glück Auf ⚒️❤️ +++ Alle Links zu unseren Plattformen, sowie zu unseren…
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vol.65 『 徳島東ロータリークラブさま例会講演エピソード 』 三回目の卓話 自転車 タロット占い とくしまさいくるくらぶ TCC サイクリングポッドキャスト 四国 徳島
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1:02:26【ポタラジ】■お便りはこちら[email protected] ■Spotify■Apple Podcast■Amazon music■…
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Folge 53: Hannover 96 (A), A.Bielefeld, Unterhaching, Ausblick Aachen- ZDF, Tacheles, Kokolores
🔴⚪️Liken-Teilen-Abonnieren🔴⚪️ Schaut auch auf den anderen Kanälen vorbei: Am 17.03.23 war es soweit und wir starteten den Rot Weissen Pottcast "Von der Hafenstrasse kommen wir". Folge 53: H96 (A), A.Bielefeld, Unterhaching, Ausblick Wehen Wiesbaden- ZDF, Tacheles, Kokolores Wir sprechen hier über Hei…
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How a journey on the Hippie Trail changed Rick Steves’ life (and influenced Rolf’s travels too)
“Anybody with curiosity and wanderlust can have their own Hippie Trail. They just need to get away from home, embrace the world, and have an adventure.” –Rick Steves In this episode of Deviate, Rolf and Rick talk about Rick’s 1990s book Asia Through the Back Door, and how Rick recently rediscovered the old Asia travel journals he kept as a young ma…
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Clare Unger uses hand stitching as a means of mark making on clay slabs to create ceramic vessels for domestic use. In this way Clare pays homage to her female ancestors for whom sewing and stitching was an important means of creative self-expression in their role as home makers.…
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New Quill Who Dis? (OOTP Chapter 14, Percy and Padfoot)
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1:19:29Help MuggleCast grow! Become a MuggleCast Member and get great benefits! Grab official merch! Pick up overstock merch from years past! On this week's episode, we're taking deep breaths and going through Percy's letter to Ron, as Chapter-by-Chapter tackles Chapter 14 of Order of th…
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Trigger Warning: Possible discussion of rape. It's that heart time of year again and we figured we'd let you all know how much we love you by releasing a Felix Files to the masses! Huge thank you to our patron Amanda for contributing their notes! You can find part 2 of this series and more bonus episodes like this on our Patreon! Original Post Date…
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This podcast analyzes the performance of several large language models (LLMs) — Gemini 2.0 Flash, 03 Mini, DeepSeek R1, Claude 2, and GPT 4.0 — as AI agents across three key tasks: instruction following, tool use, and retrieving information from large datasets (RAG). The tests evaluated each model's speed, cost, accuracy, and token usage. The resul…
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Potterversity Episode 61: Owl Post
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1:05:09Our listeners carry on the conversation about memory and more in Harry Potter in this special episode straight from the owlery. We were excited to hear from several listeners after our two-part episode on memory, so producer Laurie Beckoff joined hosts Katy and Emily to discuss what they had to say. We talk about when fan mail is also intellectual …
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Over the years, I’ve done a lot of ‘power ranking videos’..I’ve ranked the most powerful graduates from each Hogwarts house, the most powerful Death Eaters, the most powerful Aurors, the most powerful Order of the Phoenix members...And so on and so forth. But somehow, I’ve never actually ranked the 10 most powerful wizards of all time. I don’t know…
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Alice and Martha discuss another dynamic duo this week – Hepzibah Smith and Hokey the House Elf! Though he only gets to see them for one pensieve memory, Harry doesn’t withhold his judgment of Hepzibah and Hokey tugs at his heartstrings enough to activate a newfound passion for Hermione’s society, SPEW. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! www…
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Welcome to Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them! Fic: Rec: Please leave a review! We’ll take kind and constructive… but no flames! You can also …
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Alice and Martha discuss another dynamic duo this week - Hepzibah Smith and Hokey the House Elf! Though he only gets to see them for one pensieve memory, Harry doesn't withhold his judgment of Hepzibah and Hokey tugs at his heartstrings enough to activate a newfound passion for Hermione's society, SPEW. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! www…
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The Potter’s House of Camdenton
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Pottcast #236 - Rohling Stones
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1:40:12Die erste Folge im neuen Jahr! Knorizo ist zurück aus Madeira und spürt sofort ein Kratzen im Hals. Lucious verschwindet bald als Auslandskorrespondent für eine Weile nach Berlin. Wer hört den Podcast noch auf Rohlingen?! We back!
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Des Kaisers neue Kleider! Wir sprechen über die Wasser-Starter aus Generation 4! Wie der Schein manchmal trügen kann und warum moderne Spieltechnik nicht immer für ein positives Spielerlebnis sorgt, das hört ihr in dieser Episode!Michi & Tu
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John Applebach
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Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes from The Potters TouchTo support this ministry financially, visit: T.D. Jakes
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On this airing of The Great Outdoors, Charlie Potter discusses how civility and respect for others will go a long way toward advancing conservation in the United States. Plus, take a drive and go back in time 150 years. Recent Posts The Great Outdoors with Charlie Potter The…
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Butterbeer Banter, Round 22 - Wizards of Baking Episodes 5 & 6
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1:10:32Join Joe, Lauren and Alex and they discuss Episodes 5 and 6 of Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking on MAX! Joe - @CustomVinylLush Lauren - @Maev_Cleric Alex - @AtariAlex Show - @TalesFromGH TikTok- @TFGHshow Email - [email protected] Facebook - Instagram - P…
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OOTP Movie Commentary with Special Guest Evanna Lynch
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2:29:40On Episode 438 we discuss... → Harry's loneliness is a recurring theme in the series → Character dynamics, especially between Harry and Dudley, are complex → Underrated characters like Mrs. Fig deserve more recognition → Teenage angst is embodied in Harry's character development → Gryffindor characters are not immune to cowardice → Luna represents …
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Ep. 212 - The Top 10 LEGO Harry Potter Characters w/ Meghan & Aurora Fruehauf (LIVE in Dallas!)
From our 10/9/22 live show in Dallas, it's a new episode of Potterless starring Mike, his sister, and his niece as they rank their favorite characters from the LEGO Harry Potter video game series! Topics include: gaming for work, 212, Guitarist, BTS’ form, Retro Radio, Dragomir Despard, Shifty Wizard, flying, Toy Story, wafting hair, Charlie Weasle…
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