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Unhooked is a podcast dedicated to helping people break free from porn addiction and other compulsive behaviors related to the internet, sex, and intimacy. Rooted in Buddhist wisdom, neuroscience, coaching, and mindfulness, the show explores practical strategies for lasting recovery and personal transformation. Each episode features leading experts, scientists, coaches, and individuals in recovery, sharing their insights, experiences, and expertise to guide listeners on their path to healing ...
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What have you tried so far to quit porn? Accountability buddies, talk therapy, internet filters, church or religious programs, or mindfulness techniques to 'get rid of cravings'… Many of these have merit, but they're often missing key elements for long-lasting sobriety. It isn’t enough to just “stop watching porn”. Porn addiction is a symptom of deeper, underlying challenges that I address using evidence-based psychological and behavioral practices. My mission isn't just to help people overc ...
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Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety, depression, mood problems, strain your relationships, and even give you erectile dysfunction. Dr. Trish Leigh will teach you how porn can ruin your brain and what to do to heal it.
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"According to Porsha" is where culture, conversation, and authenticity collide. This dynamic show takes you behind the scenes of Porsha’s multifaceted world, offering thought-provoking discussions on business, tech, advocacy, and community issues. It also brings vibrant storytelling on travel, gym chronicles, and the latest buzzworthy entertainment. From personal growth to Black excellence, ATP delivers powerful conversations with Porsha’s signature flair—unfiltered, unmatched, and undeniabl ...
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The Pornstache Podcast

The Pornstache Podcast

3 regular guys have comedic conversations about some of the strangest news stories from around the world, talk and joke about all things porn and interview a wide variety of people in the porn industry. We also do a Bi-Weekly review show that is either a Parody, a Classic or a movie that is just a little Pornish. Visit https://www.patreon.com/thepornstachepodcast for more great Pornstache Podcast content.
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Porn, Betrayal, Sex and the Experts — PBSE

Steve Moore & Mark Kastleman

Two sex addicts in long-term successful recovery are ALSO world-class Counselors who specialize in porn and sex addiction recovery. Drawing on 40 years of combined personal and professional experience, Mark and Steve get RAW and REAL about HOW to overcome addiction, heal betrayal trauma and save your marriage. If you're struggling with addiction—we get it. Recovery is hard. We've been there. We'll help you take the fight to your addiction like never before. If you're married to an addict—we ...
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Por Amor Al Silencio.

Daniel Lucio

Lecturas. Alighieri,Anderson,Arlt,Aurelio, Bach,Benedetti,Borges,Bradbury,Buber, Bucay, Camus, Collins,Cortés,Dickinson,Didion,Dostoievsky,Dufourmantelle, Duras,Eliot,Epicteto, Estés,Exupery,FosterWallace,Frankl,Freud,Fromm,Gibrán,Hanh,Heine,Higa,Hemingway,Hesse,Hillman,Kafka,Kästner,Krishnamurti,Kübler-Ross,Saramargo, Lao-Tse, Levi,Levin,Lispector,Lovecraft, Lukas, Maté, Márquez,Moore, Nietzsche,Orwell,Palacios,Plath,Platón,Peterson,Pizarnik,Prado,Poe,Proust,Saramargo, Storni,Thoreau,Tolle, ...
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Curiosity Porn

Possibilities, Inc.

This podcast engages listeners with intellectually stimulating and entertaining conversations with recognized thought leaders and important ideas that are shaping our world.
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This podcast is for anyone who wants to overcome pornography for good. It will teach you about your brain and how to completely quit a pornography habit, 100% shame-free. If your ideal life doesn't include a porn habit, then this is the show for you. Visit sarabrewer.com to learn more about overcoming pornography for good.
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The Porn Reboot Podcast

J.K Emezi

Porn Reboot is the #1 addiction recovery resource guiding ambitious men to freedom from compulsive porn and masturbation. Join Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery Coach J.K Emezi every week of your recovery journey. Learn more at www.elevatedrecovery.org.
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3AM Reset : Overcoming Porn

Elisha Kolade

The 3AM Reset Podcast is your guide to permanently overcoming porn addiction. Hosted by Elisha Kolade, who fought this battle for over 13 years, this show fuses Christian wisdom, neuroscience, and coaching to reveal how your brain gets hijacked and how to reclaim control. Each episode delivers practical steps to break free from compulsive behaviors and rewire your mind for success in work, relationships, and life. With over 200 episodes, discover actionable strategies to become your best sel ...
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We are Growthaholics, focados em crescimento. Pedro Waengertner, CEO da ACE Ventures, apresenta o podcast quinzenal sobre empreendedorismo, inovação corporativa e tudo que tange o futuro dos negócios. Com os mais diferentes convidados, geramos diálogos entre cabeças pensantes, conversas provocativas, opinativas, trazendo sempre as informações mais relevantes do que está acontecendo nos mercados. Tem indicação de pauta ou convidado para o podcast? Envie por aqui: https://aceventures.typeform. ...
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Todo por la radio

SER Podcast

Nos reímos de la política en el podcast de Toni Martínez, Especialistas Secundarios y todo su equipo: El Mundo?Today, Sheila Blanco, Javier Coronas, Juanma López Iturriaga, Luis Piedrahita, Raúl Pérez o Lucía Taboada.?Un repaso nada convencional a los sonidos del día. En directo en La Ventana de lunes a jueves a las 17:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes.
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Stop Your Porn Addiction Podcast

Certified Coach & Hypnotist Helps You to Quit Watching Porn

Are you finally ready to break your addiction to pornography? Are you sick and tired of watching porn and all the negative side effects that come along with it? Are you motivated to fight, overcome and eventually beat your pornography addiction once and for all? Then the Stop Your Porn Addiction Podcast has the potential to change your life. What makes this podcast different from other podcasts that give advice on how to quit porn? Other podcasts, products, and coaching programs focus on cha ...
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My Dad Wrote A Porno

My Dad Wrote A Porno

Imagine if your Dad wrote a dirty book. Most people would try to ignore it and pretend it had never happened - but not Jamie Morton. Instead, he's decided to read it to the world in this award-winning comedy podcast. With the help of his friends, James Cooper and Alice Levine, Jamie will be reading a chapter each episode and discovering more about his father than he ever bargained for. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Curb and Canyon: A Porsche Podcast

Andy Gaunt, James McGrath

Welcome to Curb and Canyon – a podcast for Porsche enthusiasts BY Porsche enthusiasts. A collaboration between Porsche tragics, Andy Gaunt of ‘Last Rasp’ and James McGrath of ‘Auto Amateur’, Curb and Canyon is all about the lifestyle choice that is Porsche ownership. We’re not experts, we’re mates having a laugh about owning and driving these great cars, the roads we’ve driven, the upgrades we’ve made, the mods we’ve messed up and the great people we’ve met along the way. We want the world t ...
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Chiflados por el cine

Chiflados por el cine

Todos los domingos a las 21.30 emitimos desde: https://www.twitch.tv/chifladosporelcine Y este es nuestro podcast. Somos Carlos y David de : http://www.cinemascomics.com/ Y Sergio de: http://critico-de-cine-aficionado.blogspot.com.es/ Y estamos en directo los domingos por aquí: https://www.twitch.tv/chifladosporelcine Canal de YouTube: https://youtube.com/@chifladoscine7092?si=iv0XYLSnihmXp8yV
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show series
Elogio del riesgo. Décimo episodio. Final.Anne Dufourmantelle. -Con riesgo de la belleza. -Con riesgo del espíritu. -¿Arriesgarse a lo universal? -Obsesiones. -Espiral, elipsis, metáforas, anamorfosis. -Contemplar la noche. -Revoluciones. -A riesgo de atravesar el infierno.( Eurídice) FIN. Anne Dufourmantelle. Filósofa, psicoanalista, profesora uni…
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#ManuelFeregrino #AbriendoLaConversación Grupo Fórmula #AbriendoLaConversación #ManuelFeregrino ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! http://goo.gl/NAKFkj Podcast: https://goo.gl/PbwGxT Mantente informado minuto a minuto en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook-----http://goo.gl/5UHZOQ Twitter----------http://goo.gl/nEXxVF Canal sugerido http://goo.g…
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Un grupo de chalados recorren USA en su furgoneta buscando posibles portadores del virus gripe para contagiarse. El estado del servicio de salud americano convierte la aventura en una invitación a la muerte
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Imaginemos por un momento a Isaac Newton como un genio con peluca y cara de estar pensando en el infinito, sentado bajo un manzano. De repente, ¡pum!, una manzana le cae en la cabeza. Pero en lugar de enfadarse o hacerse un zumo Newton se pregunta: “¿Por qué demonios ha caído esta manzana?” Escuchar audio…
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ORO POR VOCÊ – 2740 Pai, hoje quero pedir duas coisas a Ti. Primeiro, não permitas que meu coração seja solo propício para as raízes da amargura. Ajuda-me a permanecer confiante em Tuas verdades e a deixar que Tua graça me cure as feridas. E, em segundo lugar, quero pedir sabedoria para que eu identifique quando preciso parar tudo para conversar co…
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GENEROSIDADE: PIX 31.321.234/0001-64 (CNPJ)Banco Bradesco Ag 1997C/C 23992-5aIgreja Por Amor CNPJ: 31.321.234/0001-64-Banco Itaú Ag 0562 C/C 16233-9 Igreja Por AmorCNPJ: 31.321.234/0001-64PAY PAL (Aceita também transações internacionais)https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6VV5TC5F6FXE6&source=qr- SÉRIE "UM RASCUNHO …
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Podcast de la pasada emisión del 23/03/2025. Volvemos con nuestro programa junto a Agustín Lara, Espartanos del cine, David Larrad de Cinemascomics, y Sergio Reina. Hoy os hablamos de Escape, El Cuervo, Daredevil Born Again, Reacher, El Señor de los Anillos La guerra de los Rohirrin, Los Gemstones, Los Hombres del S.A.S. y por supuesto mucho más...…
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Magazín de los viernes con entrevistas de actualidad, política, secciones, tertulias y programas en los exteriores de nuestros estudios. Todo a nivel local y regional. Con Daniel Montesdeoca y Patricia Hernández. Todos los viernes, a las 09:05 y en reposición a las 21:00 horas.
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Professor Borém é um dos nomes mais respeitados do café no Brasil e no exterior. Ele esteve no nosso podcast pra falar um pouco mais sobre o quão diverso é o mundo do café do qual o Brasil é protagonista mundial. Tópicos do papo: Variedades de café Escolha do café de acordo com o consumidor Experiência de café na cafeteria dele em Lavras Dúvidas ge…
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n el Ep. #27 de ¨Por Amor al Arte¨ nuestra invitada, la actriz Marilyn Pupo, conversa con Yamaris Latorre sobre sus primeros años de vida en Cuba, sus estudios en ese hermano país, su relación con sus padres y cómo su pasado forjó su carácter de lucha y valentía. Nos habla sobre sus comienzos en la actuación, sus experiencias en las telenovelas y e…
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O Três por Quatro, o videocast de política do Brasil de Fato, Três por Quatro, debate o racha na extrema direita e a disputa pela candidatura presidencial bolsonarista em 2026. Quem será o candidato do bolsonarismo à presidência?Os jornalistas Igor Carvalho e Nara Lacerda dividem a bancada com o comentarista do podcast José Genoino, ex-deputado fed…
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En el mes dedicado al gran #WilliamShatner, les traemos la obra y vida del Capitán Kirk en #Trekkiepedia.-------------------------------------------------Ayudanos a bancar esta locura comprándonos un cafecito en: ⁠⁠https://ko-fi.com/remerasrojas⁠⁠https://cafecito.app/remerasrojasBuscanos nuestras redes:Facebook: ⁠ https://www.facebook.com/remerasro…
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Neste episódio especial, estreando uma nova série do Growthaholics, Pedro Waengertner recebe Pedro Carneiro, sócio da ACE Ventures, para analisar em profundidade o case OpenAI — uma das empresas mais revolucionárias dos últimos tempos. Vamos explorar como a OpenAI se tornou referência global em inteligência artificial, moldando o presente e influen…
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En este episodio imperdible con Priscila Arias, mejor conocida como La Fatshionista y también integrante de Seis de Copas, hablamos sobre “¿Por qué seguimos odiando nuestros cuerpos?”, explorando también lo difícil que es ser una voz revolucionaria en un mundo que impone estándares inalcanzables. Ponemos sobre la mesa esas conversaciones incómodas …
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Esta semana nos tocó ruleta rusa con la cartelera, algunos filmes buenos, otros... un disparon en la... Empezamos con "The Dead Thing' Donde vemos como una chava después de varios encontrones en citas por a app, parece hallar el hombre de sus sueños, pero nunca mejor se podria decir, que le aplcaron el "ghosteo" extremo. Hablaremos tambien de "Bord…
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Noticias de Astronomía y Exploración del Espacio – Marzo 18, 2025. En este programa presentamos, comentamos y explicamos dos o tres noticias astronómicas y de exploración del espacio que fueron dadas a conocer en la semana, y que nos parecieron de particular relevancia e interés. Además, Pablo Lonnie Pacheco, de “Cielos Despejados,” nos presenta su…
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Víctor Basterra estaba en su casa con su esposa y la bebé de ambos. Era 1979 y el gobierno militar que de facto se había hecho cargo del Poder Ejecutivo argentino cometía aberrantes crímenes en la clandestinidad con la excusa de la lucha contra la subversión. Basterra es separado de su familia y brutalmente golpeado. En la Escuela de Mecánica de la…
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Leonardo Pasquali, reconhecido profissional no mundo dos cafés especiais, pilota a Pasquali Máquinas, um ícone dos negócios de equipamentos para café no Brasil. Ele nos conta tudo sobre máquina de espresso e moinho para ter em casa e cuidados para manter esses equipamentos. Episódio imperdível. Acesse www.pasqualimaquinas.com.br e use o cupom PURAC…
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