Was ist eigentlich in Polen los? Die ARD-Korrespondenten Kristin Joachim und Martin Adam begleiten im Podcast "In Polen" die Folgen der Parlamentswahl 2023, den Regierungswechsel und den Umbau des polnischen Staates. Die beiden geben Einblicke in unser Nachbarland, treffen Menschen und suchen Antworten.
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Ce n'est qu'un combat ! ... Continuons le début !
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Der Auslandsdienst des Polnischen Rundfunks - ist ein Bestandteil der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalt. Der Auslandsdienst bietet objektive Informationen über Polen und den polnischen Standpunkt zum Geschehen in diesem Teil Europas sowie in der Welt. Die Sendungen vermitteln ein Bild der polnischen Nation, ihrer Errungenschaften in Wissenschaft und Kultur.
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Bridging the gap between pole dance & exercise and sport science. Hosted by Dr. Emily Rausch a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician who specializes in helping pole dancers learn how to not f*ck up their bodies and unf*ck them when they do.
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Weekly insights on the future of work, cities, and buildings. Hosted by Dror Poleg, with occasional guests. Dror Poleg is an author and speaker focused on the future of work and cities. His insights have been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, NBC, Bloomberg, and beyond. Dror’s work draws on two decades of hands-on experience in private equity and tech. He regularly briefs and advises multibillion-dollar companies such as UBS, Bank of America, HSBC, Recruit ...
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Kingdoms Polemics seeks to recapture the comprehensive and optimistic Kingdom theology of the Westminster standards with clarity, conviction, and confrontation. Kingdom Polemics is seeking to advance a spirituality that is gospel, worship, and church-centric and yet creational, institutional, civil and familial connected. Support us: https://buymeacoffee.com/kingdompolemics
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Each week podcaster, life long Christmas nerd and professional Santa Matt sits down with one of his fellow Santa performers or Christmas lovers and talks about all things Christmas including the art of representing Santa, movies, music, decorations and more.
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Der Podcast rund um Polen. Unsere Expert:innen liefern spannende Einblicke in die polnische Politik, Geschichte, Kultur und in die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen. Für alle, die an Polen interessiert sind oder den östlichen Nachbar Deutschlands besser kennenlernen möchten - hören Sie rein!
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Pôle Hip-Hop, c'est deux heures de bombes sonores au carrefour des genres et des styles puisant leurs sources dans les musiques africaines et caribéennes.
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Interviews with Authors of Politics and Polemics about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/politics-and-polemics
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Hosted by Felix Cane and Elizabeth Domazet, Pole Obsession takes you straight to the heart of the pole dance and aerial fitness world. Each episode is packed with electrifying stories, insider tips, and unfiltered conversations with the biggest names in the industry. Whether you’re a seasoned poler, fitness enthusiast, or just intrigued by the art of pole, tune in for a dose of inspiration, laughs, and pure obsession.
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The Green Pole is the new Fulham show from the team at hammyend.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This podcast is for millennial skeptics, regular Sunday church goers, those who have given up on church, pastors, and explorers just wanting to learn a little more about the big book. Each week Rev. A.J. Houseman and guests will talk about Bible texts from the RCL and digging deeper into aspects of the week's texts that get glossed over or totally ignored in most preaching. The Bible has a lot of parts that are racy, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright horrifying. Let's talk about it.
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The North Pole News Dispatch is a remote Christmas and Holiday news station located on a hilltop looking down on the magical North Pole Village. Ken Smith reports the going ons in the North Pole Village as well as the Christmas and Festive Holiday News as it comes across the holiday news wire.
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Poléncast é o podcast mensal da Revista Pólen!
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A Tilos Rádió heti rendszerességgel jelentkező műsora 2002 óta. Szerdánként 23-01h-ig hallhatsz minket az FM 90.3-on.
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Dans "C'est qui en pole?" nous devisons de façon décontractée de l'actualité du "Continental Circus" contemporain à savoir les championnats Moto3, Moto 2 et Moto GP sans toutefois oublier le WSBK, superstock, l'endurance entre autres. Des informations factuelles et des avis passionnés, le tout en français. Si cela vous tente rejoignez-nous et partagez vos avis! Générique : "Road trip" by Scott Holmes http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/
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Polemics Rec. is the official podcast of Polemics Magazine. As a student-run production, the podcast features the voices, creative contributions, and editorial input of the diverse student body at the Diplomatische Akademie Wien. The podcast takes advantage of the vibrant international community here in Vienna by interviewing diplomats, policymakers, academics, and cultural figures.
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O seu podcast semanal sobre assuntos banais. Aqui a gente entende do que está falando! Toda sexta-feira, geralmente pela manhã =)
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Nosotros tenemos las preguntas. Las respuestas quien sabe donde estén. Un podcast de humanidades por Martin Alfasi y Carlos Saramel
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A network for all perspectives on the controversial topics surrounding Pop Culture, Philosophy & Politics.
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La Polémica de la Copa
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Podcast by Pole Parlour
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F1 Talk Show
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Nosotros nos dedicamos a polear contra el aburrimiento, hablando de series, tecnología y otras debrayadas
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Joven de 18 años, hablando de cualquier tema polémico.
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Die wenigsten Deutschen kennen Polen, Land, Leute und Politik. Der Podcast soll helfen Polen kennenzulernen, zu verstehen und möchte Wissenswertes auch über das deutsch-polnische Verhältnis vermitteln. Wir richten uns insbesondere an Menschen, die neugierig sind auf das Land, jedoch Polen nur aus den Medien kennen.
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Ce médecin généraliste blogueur débusque les statistiques biaisées et les fausses informations touchant à la santé. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Bienvenidos a este espacio, en el cual hablaremos y daremos una opinión sobre distintos temas, por qué recuerden una opinión no dada es conocimiento desperdiciado y no valorado.
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Se Esquerda e Direita, podem ser faces representativas da mesma moeda, a verdadeira política ocorre na intercessão dos interesses dos atores envolvidos. Sejam bem vindos a esse programa de papo informal, com conteúdo formal.
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Podcast about family and discrimination
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Dibawakan pemuda asal Kota Pahlawan, Pole Position Podcast bakal ngobrol santai soal MotoGP, F1, Formula E dan ajang balap lain.
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O Polêmicas Vazias é o lugar onde discussões futebolísticas que não levam a nada e debates complexos sobre o jogo recebem a mesma atenção e quantidade de argumentos. Tudo é embasado. Nada de achismos. Nascido no Youtube, o programa sempre teve o DNA de um podcast. É muita fala e pouca pausa!!
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Polemos é o grupo de estudo e pesquisa em Conhecimento e Política, coordenado pelo Prof. Dr. José de Magalhães Campos Ambrósio, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. O grupo possui o projeto "Política, Imaginação e Futuro" que contempla esta frente do canal PolemosCast, com um podcast gravado por alunos e professores convidados que debate sobre literatura, política, poder, Estado, democracia e demais temas relevantes para o cenário global. "Panton pater polemos" a gu ...
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Good Day North Pole is an audio podcast that features a Christmas story in each episode. It also has weather, traffic, and news from the North Pole. It is by elves and for elves (everywhere around the world) brought to you by the Official Office of Magical Mail at https://www.legendaryletters.com. Season 1 starts with the oldest post #1.
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#BEAUTIFUL AND ORIGINAL CUTTERS POLE DANCE COSTUMES We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer of pole dance costumes and more! Flexible material, high quality, without gaps - order http://helloqueen.pl http://queen.radius.vxm.pl
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A podcast where a novice pole dancer tells you her own pole dancing journey and talks with pole dancers all over the MENA region. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Ever wonder what takes place at the North Pole on a regular basis? How about, how many elves are at the North Pole? Do the elves go to School? What is the North Pole Reading Tree. Well this is the right place to be...follow along throughout the year and you to can be a special North Pole Insider.
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In this Moms Who Pole podcast, Andrea talks with other badass mothers in the aerial arts, fitness, and pole community about health and fitness, body image, and celebrating their passions while balancing motherhood, family obligations and career life. We discuss the joy and challenges of balancing the busy lives moms lead with a love for dance, fitness, and aerial arts such as pole, lyra, acrobatic chair, and flexibility training.
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Die bekannte Hamburger TV-Köchin Cornelia Poletto ist eine der wenigen Frauen in der deutschen Haute Cuisine. Ihr Credo lautet: „Wirklich gutes Essen entsteht nur aus wirklich guten Produkten.” Cornelia Poletto vermittelt ihr Kochwissen auf eine kompetente Art und Weise, die jede Menge Spaß macht, und bedient sich dabei auch neuer Technologien: Es gibt bereits eine iPhone App, ganz neu auch eine iPad App, sowie die Bücher Mein neuer Grundkurs für Einsteiger und Meine schnelle Küche für jeden ...
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Our Podcast aims to meet all the hot topics present in the world today. We offer insight in how to solve these issues. We strive to offer strong business advice as well. Ha! Cover art photo provided by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@timmossholder
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E para colmatar uma falha nos media portugueses, o zerozero decidiu lançar um novo podcast para debatar os temas mais quentes do futebol português e internacional. Com o nome «Isto é Polémico», falamos sempre com boa disposição sobre...os temas que nos vamos lembrando. Com apresentação e moderação de Igor Gonçalves, os jornalistas do zerozero Luís Rocha Rodrigues e Rodrigo Coimbra discutem o que têm de discutir.
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Je suis Charline, amatrice et passionnée de Pole Dance. Je souhaite faire découvrir la Pole, donner des conseils et échanger avec des pratiquant·e·s. Si vous avez une question, une remarque, un sujet que vous souhaitez voir aborder ou si vous avez envie de participer à un épisode, n'hésitez pas à me contacter ! Instagram : @polecast.france Facebook : polecast Mail : polecast.france@gmail.com Soutenez nous sur Tipeee : https://fr.tipeee.com/polecastfrance Belle journée à vous ! Hébergé par Ac ...
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Welcome to The Pole Dance Podcast, where we talk about all things Pole Dance. Brought to you by Pole Dance Academy team (Michelle Shimmy, Maddie Sparkle, Unleished and Hànnah) On our podcast we discuss pole dance, stretching & flexibility, conditioning & fitness, tips to be a better pole dancer. When we aren't having discussions amongst ourselves we will bring in some industry pros to chat with us. If your obsessed with pole like we are - you wont want to miss all the juicy talks we have in ...
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The pretend podcast for the BC Apple Sector professional on the go
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Popularna vlogerka Justyna Kozłowska, znana mama trójki uroczych dzieciaków, dzieli się z rodzicami swoimi pomysłami na zabawy edukacyjne, wspólne spędzanie czasu, pokonywanie wyzwań wychowawczych. Specjalnymi gośćmi programu są znane mamy oraz psycholog - Małgorzata Ohme, która głosem eksperta komentuje temat odcinka i udziela praktycznych porad dla rodziców. Program realizowany jest w domu Justyny, jego naturalnymi bohaterami są jej dzieci, dzięki czemu w programie panuje wyjątkowa, autent ...
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The Green Pole team discuss the games since the last International Break and all of the highs and the lows. Give it a listen, if you like... Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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NPND March Edition 2025
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1:35:49Text me at the Dispatch Station Time Stamps 00:31 Intro 00:49 Current Weather At The North Pole The Village News 04:55 Tinsel Town Cinema Marathon Announced 06:51 Reindeer Dash Coffee Co 13:58 Listener Emails 22:10 Annual Winterfest Toboggan Races 28:39 Elf Jacob's St. Patrick's Day Jokes 33:05 Elf Kristi's Pecan Pie Ball Taste Test And Recipe 39:2…
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Join Pole Prep - Free Virtual Workshop on Warm-Up Creation Schedule an Assessment with Me Connect with Dr. Emily: Website InstagramDr. Emily Rausch
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Send us a text We’re back with Part 2 of our Miss Pole Dance Australia exclusive! This time, we’re diving deep into the judging criteria—what it really takes to make it to the national finals and impress the panel. Plus, breaking news on this year’s competitors, the hottest MPD controversies, and the future of the competition. And one of the bigges…
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2025.03.19 adásnapló
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1:30:00adás archívumTilos Rádió
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"Santa of Oxley" With Brendan Low
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1:26:44Matt welcomes back his good friend Brendan Low, who has been on his Santa journey the past few years and has talked about it before on the show. Now he's here to talk about a lot of the fun and exciting things he has done in the last couple of seasons!Matt Spaulding
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Ophélie, Stéphane & Pierre débriefent le 2ème Grand Prix d'ouverture de la saison 2025 en Argentine, sur le circuit de Termas De Rio Hondo. Un week-end sur les toits du monde pour Marc Marquez qui a tout raflé, avec une nouvelle fois son frère Alex dans le train arrière et Morbidelli pour clôturer le podium. On revient s…
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Ep 4.16 The Roman BBQ with JAX Queer Bible Study
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1:01:23The Queer Bible Study group at the Jacksonville Campus Ministry unpack Paul. They talk about different perspectives on Paul, his personality, his faith, and his potential queerness. Dive into hear these amazing college students share their faith, theology, and perspectives on one of our Biblical writers! Episode guests include: Rev. Sarah Locke, Sa…
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#302 avec Mike Shabb + nouveautés de Flynt, Tarik Azzouz, Westside Gunn, Curren$y...
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1:49:02Cette semaine, on reçoit Mike Shabb pour une entrevue d'une heure autour de son nouvel album Shabbvangogh. Aupinard - toutes les fleurs Tarik Azzouz - CHAQUE JOUR (feat. Zequin) Veust - Smic (feat. GrandBazaar) Jeune LC - Kadhafi (feat. Ichon) Flynt - ENCORE CHAUD Curren$y & Harry Fraud - Checkpoints DJ White Socks - Iced Bezels (feat. Mori$$ Regal…
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Polnisch – eine Sprache, die für Deutsche schwer zu erlernen ist? Lange Zeit galt das als allgemeine Annahme. Doch das Kompetenz- und Koordinationszentrum Polnisch in Deutschland, kurz KoKoPol, beweist das Gegenteil. Seit fünf Jahren setzt es sich aktiv für die Förderung der polnischen Sprache in Deutschland ein – mit dem Ziel, die Verständigung zw…
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The presidents of the American Historical Association and Organization of American Historians join the podcast to talk about the effects of historical censorship, data shredding, meaningful public education – and what everyone can do to fight back. After being sworn in as the 47th president, Donald Trump issued a slew of executive orders. The order…
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Royce Kurmelovs, "Slick: Australia's Toxic Relationship with Big Oil" (U Queensland Press, 2024)
A riveting expose of the global oil industry' s multi-decade conspiracy to muddy the waters around the science of climate change and use the Australian government to undermine worldwide efforts to address environmental devastation. Researched and written by one of Australia' s most fearless investigative journalists, Slick: Australia's Toxic Relati…
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Fidelity over Frequency at the Table
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1:15:03In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, we are providing a rebroadcast of a sermon given by Pastor Aldo Leon at Pinelands Presbyterian in Cutler Bay, FL. He delves into the biblical principles surrounding the Lord's Supper, emphasizing the importance of fidelity over frequency in communion. Drawing from Exodus 12, 1 Corinthians 11, and historical Refo…
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Die letzten Tage waren in der polnischen Innenpolitik von großen Spannungen gekennzeichnet. Die politische Lage kommentiert Journalistin Aleksandra Rybińska.
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David Hollenbach, "Human Rights in a Divided World: Catholicism as a Living Tradition" (Georgetown UP, 2024)
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1:07:56In his most recent book, Human Rights in a Divided World: Catholicism as a Living Tradition (Georgetown UP, 2024), Jesuit scholar and Georgetown professor, Fr David Hollenbach explains the Judeo-Christian roots of our concept of human rights and the contributions of secular institutions like the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights …
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Most of us are playing a game that no longer exists. Originally Published on March 20, 2025, here. Please visit Dror's website to view all the illustrations and link. Dror Poleg is a leading authority at the intersection of technology, work, and cities. His insights have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Bloombe…
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Trotz begrenzter Luftangriffe beschießen sich Ukraine und Russland weiter. Die Angriffe erfolgten kurz nach dem Telefonat zwischen dem russischen Präsidenten Putin und seinem US-Amtskollegen Trump, in dem sich beide auf einen Plan über eine begrenzte Waffenruhe geeinigt hatten.
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Infomagazin aus Polen: "Trump bekommt einen Korb", bleibt Szczęsny bei Barca, Ex-Botschafter Byrt über die aktuelle Weltlage
Die Medien lassen kein gutes Haar am Ergebnis des Gesprächs zwischen Putin und Trump. Und: Kann Europa ohne die USA zurechtkommen? Mehr dazu im aktuellen Infomagazin.
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This week on Madison’s Notes, we continue our discussion with Stephen Macedo, co-author of In COVID’s Wake: How Our Politics Failed Us (Princeton UP, 2025). The book examines the institutional failures during the pandemic, including the politicization of science, inconsistent messaging, and the disproportionate impacts of policies. We cover key que…
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Genevieve Guenther, "The Language of Climate Politics: Fossil-Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It" (Oxford UP, 2024)
The Language of Climate Politics (Oxford UP, 2024) offers readers new ways to talk about the climate crisis that will help get fossil fuels out of our economy and save our planet. It's an analysis of the current discourse of American climate politics, but also a critical history of the terms that most directly influence the way not just conservativ…
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Dan Crawford and Russ Goldman reflect on Fulham's fabulous Europa League fightback against Juventus - which took place 15 years ago tonight at Craven Cottage. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Infomagazin aus Polen: Trump und Putin über mögliche Waffenruhe, kein Geld für Radio Free Europe, Radek Knapp schreibt Bestseller und verkauft Bananen
Trump und Putin wollen heute zum zweiten Mal über eine mögliche Waffenruhe für die Ukraine sprechen. Auf einen Vorschlag zu einer 30-tägigen Feuerpause hat Putin zurückhaltend reagiert. Was ist also von dem Gespräch zu erwarten? Das werden wir wahrscheinlich heute Abend erfahren.
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Bryan Caplan, "Build, Baby, Build: The Science and Ethics of Housing" (Cato Institute, 2024)
Economist Bryan Caplan has written—and artist Ady Branzei has illustrated—this new graphic novel about housing regulation (if ‘novel’ can be applied to an imaginative essay on a nonfiction topic), Build Baby Build: The Science and Ethics of Housing Regulation (Cato Institute, 2024). The thesis of the work is that regulation has driven up the cost o…
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Infomagazin aus Polen: Trump sucht nach Kompromiss, Kremls Passpolitik, Chełmońskis Kunstwerke in Poznań
Die Gespräche mit Wladimir Putin sind schwieriger als gedacht, sagte vor Kurzem US-Präsident Donald Trump. Deswegen werde er jetzt persönlich mit Putin über einen möglichen Friedensplan sprechen. Trump zeigt sich optimistisch und spricht von einem möglichen Kompromiss. Das geopolitische Puzzle ist das Thema heute.…
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Juillet 2024. Saint Martin-lès-Melle. Le Village de l’eau a aussi reçu de nombreuses délégations étrangères : Allemagne. Espagne. Rojava. Palestine. Inde. Mexique. Brésil. Chili. Colombie… Membre et combattant de la nation Yukpa, Juan-Pablo Gutierrez n’utilise pas les mots « Colombie » et « Amérique« , expressions des colonisateurs. Ces espaces ava…
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Alan, Freddie, Denver and tonight's special guest who received the English Lightweight Belt last weekend and the Forever Fulham award this weekend, Youssef 'Super' Khoumari discuss our 2-0 victory at home to Tottenham Hotspur. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Über die subtilen und weniger subtilen Methoden, mit denen Russland versucht, völkerrechtswidrige Landnahme weißzuwaschen und seine Einflusssphäre auszuweiten, sprechen wir mit Hörfunkjournalist Thomas Franke.
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Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, "Prison Capital: Mass Incarceration and Struggles for Abolition Democracy in Louisiana" (UNC Press, 2023)
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1:05:57Every year between 1998 to 2020 except one, Louisiana had the highest per capita rate of incarceration in the nation and thus the world. Prison Capital: Mass Incarceration and Struggles for Abolition Democracy in Louisiana (University of North Carolina Press, 2023) is the first detailed account of Louisiana's unprecedented turn to mass incarceratio…
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R2K and FV Joined in Anti-Revival
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1:59:30In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, Pastor Aldo Leon is joined by Rev. Zach Dotson from the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia http://www.ulvpcea.org. Together, they explore the surprising commonalities between Radical Two Kingdoms (R2K) theology and Federal Vision (FV), particularly in their shared resistance to revivalism and experiential …
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In den 1960ern wurde die ostdeutsche Lyrik zum Gegenstand erregter Debatten. Ausgelöst haben sie einige Autoren der jüngeren Generation, die fast durchweg 25 bis 30 Jahre alt waren. Erstes wichtiges Datum war eine Lesung in Ost-Berlin im Dezember 1962, die vor allem einen neuen, von Beginn an angefeindeten Lyriker bekannt machte: Wolf Biermann.…
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On January 20th, Donald Trump issued an executive order entitled “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government.” The order announced that “It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incont…
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Alan, Freddie, Denver & Elliott discuss our upcoming game at home to Spurs on Sunday. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Infomagazin aus Polen: EU verlängert Sanktionen gegen Russland, würde die NATO um 50 Hektar Wald kämpfen, Nationalmuseum bietet Führungen auf Deutsch an
EU verlängert Sanktionen gegen Russland. Die USA setzen Moskau finanziell unter Druck. Wieso ist die US-Administration so stark auf Kreml-Propaganda eingeschwenkt? Und: Nationalmuseum bietet Führungen auf Deutsch an. Mehr dazu im aktuellen Infomagazin.
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