Channel podcast multi segmen yang ngebahas tentang dunia seni - ilustrasi, film, musik, dan literasi. Bagian dari Catalyst Arts Indonesia. #podluckpodcast #podcastindonesia #catalystarts
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Mulai 19 Januari episode lengkap dari Podluck Podcast hanya akan tersedia di Spotify, Anchor, dan Youtube. Silahkan follow atau subscribe di kanal-kanal tersebut ya manteman!
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The Podluck is a podcast serving up bite-sized of the best theology in thirty minutes or less.
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**CONTENT NOTE** In this episode Jon and I talk about the gender politics in the Barbie movie, and our conversation touches briefly on eating disorders, body image, sexual violence, harassment, and purity culture. Please be aware of these themes and care for yourself accordingly. Make sure you're in a space where that flow of conversation is someth…
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Support the showMegan Westra
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Quotes today from the books The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin and This Here Flesh by Cole Arthur Riley. Support the show
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Quotes in this episode taken from I Want You to Be: On the God of Love by Tomáš Halík and A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church by Dr. Wilda C. Gafney. You can listen to "The Kingdom is Yours" by Common Hymnal here, and maybe have tissues nearby if you cry during songs. (The last time I tried to lead this in a congregational setting I literally…
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Support the showMegan Westra
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Support the showMegan Westra
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Quotes this week taken from the documentary Crip Camp, which you can stream on Netflix. Blessed are you who wait for tomatoes. Who water and weed and pray for rain and sun. Blessed are you building a highway in the wilderness, Or at least you were, Until you were stopped by the zoning board. Since when does the wilderness have a process for proposa…
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Quotes and information this week drawn from Anna Case-Winters' commentary on Matthew, part of the Belief Series. A Blessing for Advent week 2: Blessed are you who escaped from the vipers nest. Who found yourself growing up in a world that had so thoroughly forgotten the very-goodness baked into its bones and bark that all it offered were tenuous pa…
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It's Advent y'all! Each week during Advent I'm ending the episode with a blessing I wrote, text is included below for reference: When the World is Ending...or Beginning Blessed are you who sit in stunned silence in the driveway or parking lot, on the curb for just a moment too long because the illusion has broken yet again And you remember that twi…
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Quotes this week from the Luke commentary of the Belief series, by Justo González and Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. Support the show
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Quote taken from Justo González's commentary on Luke from the Belief Commentary Series. Also, a few impact words toward the end of this episode, so be mindful if you're listening at work or with young children around. Support the showMegan Westra
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I'll be on Instagram live this coming Thursday evening (October 6th) at 7pm Central with Kelley Nikondeha talking about her new book The First Advent in Palestine. Support the showMegan Westra
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Sources cited in this episode: You Can Talk to God Like That by Abby Norman. Luke commentary by Justo González as part of the Belief Commentary series. Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder's chapter on Luke in True to Our Native Land. Support the show
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This week I gleaned a lot from the notes in my New Oxford Annotated Bible, which is my favorite study Bible. Highly recommend if you're not quite ready to buy a bunch of commentaries, but you'd still like more background info on the text as you read. Support the showMegan Westra
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Sources engaged in this episode are The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggemann, Short Stories by Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine and Clarice J. Martin's chapter on 1-2 Timothy in True to Our Native Land. Support the showMegan Westra
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Sources mentioned in this podcast include, Dr. Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder's commentary on Luke contained in True to Our Native Land and concepts from Dr. Scot McKnight's commentary on Philemon in the New International Commentary series. I can't remember which episode it was in, but adrienne maree brown talks about the wisdom of mushrooms on her po…
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In this episode I reference quotes from Dr. Soong-Chan Rah's book Prophetic Lament and Dr. Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder's commentary on Luke 14 in True to Our Native Land. If you want to learn more about the formation of the Biblical canon and the deuterocanonical books, I love this quick intro from The Bible Project. Support the show…
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Referenced in this podcast are (again) Justo González's commentary on Luke, and the scholarship of Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg who graciously does an extraordinary amount of public theology--much of it on Twitter--you can (and should) follow her at @TheRaDR. Support the show
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Referenced in this episode are the BRILLIANT commentary by Justo González on Luke and this interview with Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright from 2008. All readings are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. If you're enjoying the show please consider leaving a review wherever you're listening, sharing on social media or supporting on Patreon. S…
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JustTexts discussed in this episode are from Proper 14 in the Revised Common Lectionary. Isaiah 1:1, 10-20; Psalm 50: 1-8, 22-23; Genesis 15:1-6; Psalm 33:12-22; Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16; Luke 12:32-40. Sources engaged and uplifted: Patricia K. Tull's commentary on Isaiah in The Women's Bible Commentary. Randall C. Bailey's work on the concept of "whit…
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The Podluck is back! We're going to be walking through the Revised Common Lectionary. Megan maps out why the change and what she hopes we can do together in this audio space. Support the showMegan Westra
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Membahas Arti Cinta dan Komitmen dalam Hubungan Asmara Lewat Buku dan Podcast Kitab Kawin feat. Laksmi Pamuntjak
Podluck Podcast mengajak kamu untuk berkenalan dengan Laksmi Pamuntjak, seorang penulis kawakan yang telah menerbitkan banyak buku, beberapa di antaranya adalah Jakarta Good Food Guide, Aruna dan Lidahnya, Amba, dan buku kumpulan cerita Kitab Kawin. Selain sebagai penulis, Laksmi Pamuntjak juga menjadi host dari Podcast Kitab Kawin yang diadaptasi …
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Buat teman-teman yang ikutan kompetisi Podcast Resensi Buku, jangan lupa ikutan acara pengumumannya hari Senin 25 April 2022. Info Lengkap ada di IG Podluck Podcast ya.
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Bagaimana kalau kita, ketika sedang menjalin hubungan asmara dengan seseorang, tiba-tiba naksir atau bahkan jatuh cinta sama orang lain? Perlukah perasaan ini diutarakan ke pasangan kita? Atau lebih baik dipendam saja, menjadi sebuah rahasia yang dibawa "hingga mati"?
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Kamu suka baca buku dan tertarik berbagi cerita tentang buku? Yuk, ikutan Kompetisi Podcast Resensi Buku 3! Ceritain satu buku pilihanmu dalam format audio dan raih kesempatan untuk memenangkan puluhan hadiah menarik, mulai dari microphone, headphone, lavalier microphone, saldo e-wallet, voucher buku, dan paket buku. Kompetisi Podcast Resensi Buku …
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Masih berhubungan dengan episode CIB sebelumnya yang ngebahas tentang The Tinder Swindler. Kali ini Rena ngobrolin tentang karakter yang rentan online scam, khususnya di Dating Apps.
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(SPOILER ALERT: The Tinder Swindler) Sudah nonton The Tinder Swindler? Film dokumenter yang bisa kamu tonton di Netflix ini bercerita tentang seorang laki-laki bernama Simon Leviev yang telah menipu banyak perempuan di aplikasi kencan online dengan mengaku-aku seorang pengusaha berlian kaya raya. Kisahnya langsung mencuri perhatian satu dunia karen…
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Sample Suara AKG LYRA - Front Pattern by Podluck PodcastPodluck Podcast
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Sample Suara AKG ARA - Front Pattern by Podluck PodcastPodluck Podcast
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Sample Suara Shure SM57 + PreSonus Bluetube V2 by Podluck PodcastPodluck Podcast
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Sample Suara Shure SM57 + Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 by Podluck PodcastPodluck Podcast
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Ada persepsi bahwa pengguna dating apps kebanyakan cuma mau mencari casual sex doang. Apakah benar begitu? Di episode ini, Rena bakal memberi tahu data dari beberapa penelitian. Salah satunya kesimpulan yang didapatnya dari penelitian kualitatif soal pengguna dating apps di Indonesia yang dilakukannya bersama beberapa temannya. Dengerin episode Cin…
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Rena kembali lagi dengan segmen Dunia Penuh Cowok. Buat yang belum tau, segmen ini adalah segmen seru-seruan yang berisi hasil observasi Rena terhadap cowok-cowok dari berbagai belahan dunia. Kali ini yang dibahas, Cowok Belgia. Selain menghasilkan coklat, ternyata negara ini menghasilkan cowok-cowok yang katanya sih ganteng, badannya bagus. Tapi, …
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Mengajak kamu yang suka baca buku untuk membahas buku-buku favoritmu bersama dengan teman-teman pembaca lain dengan ikutan Kompetisi Podcast Resensi Buku 2 berhadiah menarik senilai jutaan rupiah! Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara @podcastresensibuku dengan @penerbitharu, @goshen_swara_indonesia, @penerbitbaca, dan @shiramedia, didukung oleh …
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Di episode Segara Biru kali ini, @prunamasari dan @iqbalwin mengobrol dengan seorang kawan yang juga environmental lawyer bernama @raydudayev, yang mempunyai kepedulian tinggi untuk menjaga terumbu karang. Cerita Rayhan berawal dari konservasi alam dan bagaimana konservasi, tanpa pengelolaan yang tepat dan melibatkan masyarakat, berpotensi memarjin…
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Beberapa pengumuman dan kegiatan seru yang akan ada di PODLUCK dalam waktu dekat!
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Di episode sebelumnya Rena pernah ngebahas soal bagaimana kalau kita di ghosting oleh gebetan kita? Apa penyebab umumnya? Hingga bagaimana menghadapinya? Kali ini, Rena bahas kelanjutannya. Apa yang bisa kita lakukan apabila sang peng-ghosting tiba-tiba kembali lagi ke hidup kita? Referensi : Psychological Correlates of Ghosting and Breadcrumbing E…
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Apakah kamu adalah salah satu korban dari pertanyaan klasik yang setiap tahun dilontarkan anggota keluarga: "Kapan nikah?". Jika IYA, dengerin episode ini sampai habis karena di episode ini, Rena alias @ibu.rt memaparkan kenapa membela diri ketika mendapatkan pertanyaan tersebut bisa membuat kita melakukan defense mechanism yang disebut reaction fo…
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Sebelum memutuskan untuk memilih pasangan, ada baiknya kamu mengenal diri sendiri dulu lebih lanjut. Salah satunya dengan mengetahui, apakah kamu itu seorang monogamous atau polyamorous. Gimana sih cara mengetahuinya? Di episode terbaru Podcast Cinta Itu Bisnis, @ibu.rt memaparkan cara untuk mengidentifikasinya! Penjelasan Rena di episode ini menga…
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Siapa yang nunggu-nunggu reunian yang satu ini?
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Check out Dr. Alexander John Shaia's work with Quadratos on the Quadratos website. You can also follow him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Support the show
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During this series I'll be drawing from the following sources: The Jewish Annotated New Testament Matthew for Everyone by N.T. Wright Three Months with Matthew by Justo L. González True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary edited by Brian K. Blount The Women's Bible Commentary edited by Carol A. Newsom Matthew: A Theolog…
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Ada berita baik buat kamu yang tertarik ikutan Kompetisi Podcast Resensi Buku GPU x PODLUCK tapi belum sempat membuat resensinya selama sebulan kemarin: durasi pendaftaran kompetisi diperpanjang 14 hari sampai 16 Mei 2021! Untuk pendaftaran, silakan ke tautan Kompetisi ini merupakan kolaborasi antara Podcast Main Ma…
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A little detour on our Matthew road trip to talk with author and speaker, Tiffany Bluhm! Make sure you take a moment to read more about Tiffany's work on her website, subscribe to her podcast Why Tho? and pick up your own copy of Prey Tell. Support the showMegan Westra
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Kali ini Nana ngobrol bareng Aria dan Razny dari Cine Crib dalam rangka piala Oscar 2021 yang akan segera bergulir. Film-fiml apa saja yang dijagokan mereka untuk meraih penghargaan? Yuk, simak obrolannya di Cinema Paradisco.
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