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Piratensender Powerplay

Samira El Ouassil, Friedemann Karig

Das politische Gespräch am Ende der Woche. Kein News-Rückblick, sondern Analysen mit Haltung. Von Samira El Ouassil und Friedemann Karig. Updates, Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartner:innen findet ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/piratensenderpowerplay Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Every weekday afternoon, Power & Politics guides Canadians through the country's political news, with a regular cast of political panellists and the continuously unfolding drama of the Canadian political scene.
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Power User with Taylor Lorenz

Taylor Lorenz

Power User explores how technology and the internet are upending our lives and the world around us. Each week, tech journalist Taylor Lorenz explores everything from online fame to emerging platforms, viral phenomena, the creator economy, and much more. Tune in every Thursday for the most influential stories that Silicon Valley often ignores.
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Sounders Pow Wow

Jonathon, Katy and Troy

Beginning in 2009, the Sounders Pow Wow podcast features three season ticket holders of the Seattle Sounders FC discussing the boys in Rave Green, this and that as well as occasionally touching on other goings on throughout Major League Soccer.
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PowerSpeaking Podcast

Carrie Beckstrom

Join Carrie Beckstrom, CEO, PowerSpeaking, Inc. every month to discuss topics that will help you become a more powerful presenter and communicator. We believe that everyone's voice deserves to be heard!
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Power Unlimited

Helemaal op de hoogte zijn over wat er speelt in de wereld van games en entertainment?! Dat kan! Gewoon elke week de Powerpraat aanslingeren, dan weet je precies wat je moet spelen en wat de redactie van Power Unlimited bezighoudt.
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COSMO po-russki


Cosmo po-russki – это общественно-правовая медиапрограмма для русскоязычных жителей Германии. Наши новости, репортажи и интервью помогут Вам больше узнать о немецкой жизни и друг о друге. COSMO po-russki – öffentlich-rechtliches Mediaprogramm für Russischsprachige in Deutschland. Nachrichten, Infobeiträge und Interviews für Communitymitglieder, die mehr über deutsches Leben und übereinander erfahren wollen.
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Path to Power

Matt Cooper & Ivan Yates

In Path to Power, experienced broadcasters Matt Cooper and Ivan Yates bring their individual points of view to a lively weekly discussion that sets the agenda and examines all the political and current issues. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Curated Questions: Conversations Celebrating the Power of Questions Hosted by Ken Woodward, Curated Questions is a thought-provoking podcast that celebrates the art and science of asking profound questions. This podcast is for curious minds who understand that the right question can unlock new perspectives and drive personal growth. What to Expect Insightful Conversations: Experts from diverse fields share their journey in mastering the craft of inquiry, revealing how it has transformed thei ...
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Every Friday and Sunday, Slate’s popular daily news podcast What Next brings you TBD, a clear-eyed look into the future. From fake news to fake meat, algorithms to augmented reality, Lizzie O’Leary is your guide to the tech industry and the world it’s creating for us to live in.
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Knowledge = Power


Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Day by day, and at the end of the day-if you live long enough-like most people, you will get out of life what you deserve.
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PowerPoint Ministries is the radio and television broadcast ministry of Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church — a nearly 37,000-member church with three campuses in the Dallas and North Texas region. Through PowerPoint Ministries, Dr. Graham offers practical, biblical steps on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/395
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Kerry W. Kirby is a renowned entrepreneur, technology innovator, philanthropist, and the founder and CEO of 365 Connect. Alongside co-host Ernest F. Oriente, a property management expert and founder of PowerHour, their award-winning podcast offers insightful discussions on emerging technologies and trends in the multifamily housing industry. Streaming since 2007, Kerry and Ernest are established pioneers in the podcasting space, reaching millions of listeners worldwide.
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Power Play


Power Play is POLITICO's new weekly transatlantic podcast hosted by renowned British journalist Anne McElvoy. It takes listeners inside the minds of those who wield power to better understand the choices they face. The show features guests at the top of their fields in government, business, civil society and more — accompanied by the expert analysis of journalists across POLITICO's newsrooms globally, giving listeners the inside take on the most significant issues raised by the guest, as wel ...
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Power Problems

Cato Institute

Power Problems is a bi-weekly podcast from the Cato Institute. Host John Glaser offers a skeptical take on U.S. foreign policy, and discusses today’s big questions in international security with distinguished guests from across the political spectrum. Podcast Hashtag: #FPPowerProblems. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Five days a week acclaimed interviewer Tom Power sits down with the artists, writers, actors and musicians who define pop culture. Whether he’s ribbing Adele, singing a boyband classic with Simu Liu, or dissecting faith with U2 frontman Bono – Tom brings the same curiosity, respect and meticulous preparation into every conversation. He also has a track record for interviewing artists on the precipice of stardom – like Lizzo and Billie Eilish — who appeared on Q well before hitting the mainst ...
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Power Spike

Last Free Nation

Power Spike features hosts Christian "IWillDominate" Rivera, Adrian "Jamada" Wharlton-Thorne, and Daniel "Dgon" Gonzales in a segment-based talk show discussing global League of Legends.
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Join Emmy Award-winning journalist Peter Hamby, along with the team of expert journalists at Puck, as they let you in on the real conversations insiders are having across the four corners of power in America: Wall Street, Washington, Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Puck's contributors will bring you smart conversation around the inside stories happening in these worlds. Presented in partnership with Audacy, new episodes publish daily, Monday-Friday.
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Antyweb Po Godzinach


Podcast technologiczny, w którym na luzie i z humorem rozmawiamy o szeroko pojętej technologii, ale nie pomijamy też tematów związanych z kulturą. Prowadzący: Konrad Kozłowski i Patryk Koncewicz
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Podcast o SCP z polskiej listy. █ █ █ Serwer Discord: █ █ █ █ █ █ https://discord.gg/z6DuyYyWMK█ █ █ █ █ █ Znajdziesz nas na: █ █ █ █ █ █ Instagramie: https://www.instagram.com/scppopolsku █ █ █ █ █ █ Breakerze, spotify'u i paru innych platformach █ █ █ █ █ █ Mail biznesowy: █ █ █ █ █ █ [email protected] █ █ █ Logo autorstwa: daveono
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Po Królewsku

Anna Orkisz

"Po Królewsku" to podcast - przewodnik po królewskich tematach i dramatach👑. Opowiadam w lekkim tonie historię królewskich dworów i członków rodzin królewskich. Monarchia, rodzina królewska, Elżbieta II czy Księżna Diana nie będą miały przed Wami tajemnic. Dodatkowo razem obejrzymy serial The Crown czy zwiedzimy królewskie pałace. Zapraszam! kontakt: [email protected] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pokrolewsku/
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Bloomberg Washington Correspondents Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz deliver insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill. Watch us LIVE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF.
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Dwóch po dwóch

Dwóch po dwóch

Dwóch po dwóch. Dlaczego akurat tak? Wiecie, padł pomysł, by nazwać to tak, jak powinno być nazwane, gdy nie klei się rozmowa. Po prostu, jest nas dwóch i żeby kleiła się rozmowa, musimy obaj być po dwóch. Zawsze będzie kilka tematów, które będą związane z technologią, grami i rozrywką, ale być nie muszą. Newsy, opowieści, dywagacje, nasze opinie i cykle takie jak "No Movie Ci" i "Nostalgią po jajach". Ma być ciekawie, oryginalnie, treściwie, ale też na luzie i to będziemy chcieli uzyskać.
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Slovencem po svetu

Radio Ognjišče

Oddaja je namenjena obveščanju poslušalcev v domovini z življenjem rojakov po svetu. V oddaji poročamo, kaj je novega pri Slovencih v zamejstvu, v Evropi, ZDA, Kanadi, Argentini in Avstraliji. V oddaji lahko slišite tudi glasbo, ki jo ustvarjajo rojaki. Včasih so oddaje v celoti posvečene določeni tematiki.
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Podcast cestovnej kancelárie BUBO vám prináša praktické informácie a skúsenosti z ciest do všetkých krajín sveta. Hľadáte cestovateľské inšpirácie alebo potrebujete pomôcť s prípravou na vašu vysnívanú dovolenku? V rozhovoroch najscestovanejších Slovákov sa dozviete všetko potrebné. Poďte s nami cestovať Uchom po mape.
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Po Živote s Tomášom Verešom

Tomáš Vereš

Životné príbehy osobností Slovenského športu a umenia. PS: Každý z nás má svoj vlastný príbeh. Šťastný. Menej šťastný. Ak patríš k tým, so šťastím po svojom boku, pomôž tým, u ktorých je prázdnota po boku. https://www.ludialudom.sk PS2: Staň sa hrdinom, daruj kvapku krvi www.ntssr.sk
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Po Japonii

Emil Truszkowski

Podcast Po Japonii to miejsce, gdzie poznacie prawdziwe życie w Japonii z perspektywy Polaków, którzy tu mieszkają i pracują. Emil Truszkowski - YouTuber i przewodnik po Japonii. Wesprzyj podcast na: www.patronite.pl/emiltruszkowski Kontakt: [email protected]
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Big Data Po Polsku


Rozmawiamy o tym, co związane z dużymi danymi. Poznajemy świat przez pryzmat danych i algorytmów. Mówimy ludzkim językiem o branży Big Data i uczymy się jak się uczyć zaawansowanych technologii, żeby je oswoić.
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BAM POW Comic Hour

Andrew Galauner and Chris Ramos

This is a comic book podcast where we review comic stories featured in the hardcover format, as well as other interesting and iconic stories from Marvel, DC, Image and other Indie Comic Companies that we would like to share with our audience.
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PowerPodden med Zoë


Zoë vill inspirera dig att hitta din egen inre kraft med hjälp av det bästa inom andlig och personlig utveckling. Hon delar med sig av alltifrån hälsotips, yoga, meditation, healing, till kontakten med de andliga sfärerna.
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Mark Bell's Power Project

Power Project Studios

Hosted by Mark Bell, inventor of the Sling Shot; American record holding professional powerlifter. Joined by Professional Bodybuilder & Grappler Nsima Inyang and producer Andrew Zaragoza, the crew covers topics ranging from Health and Fitness, Nutrition, Masculinity, Dating, Powerlifting, life coaching and motivation. Join Mark on his journey to "Make the World a Better Place to Lift".
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show series
TRAVEL TALKS ✿ Ak ste niekedy zavítali do kancelárie BUBO v Bratislave na Dunajskej ulici 31, pravdepodobne vás uvítali naše šarmantné a skúsené dievčatá. Dve z nich, obidve Kiky, vám poodhali v čom ich práca spočíva, čo všetko sa museli naučiť, ale aj o tom, kam všade sa vďaka tejto práci dostali. moderátor: Martin Ferenčík - BUBO hostia: Kristína…
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Gledališka, lutkovna in kabaretna predstava, slikarska razstava, okrogla miza o koroški cerkvi in slovenski kulturi, koncert Koroška pesem prek meja - kar 12 dogodkov bo v okviru letošnjih Koroških kulturnih dnevov v Ljubljani od 22. marca do 23. aprila. Pripravljata Klub koroških Slovencev in Društvo avstrijsko-slovenskega prijateljstva iz Ljublja…
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Już lada moment, bo w nocy z 2 na 3 marca, odbędzie się tegoroczna gala rozdania Oscarów. W tym roku w szranki staną głównie filmy artystyczne, które wywołały mnóstwo kontrowersji. Jakich? Tego dowiecie się z nowego odcinka podcastu Antyweb po godzinach. Rozmawiali Patryk Koncewicz i Konrad Kozłowski.…
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W dzisiejszej audycji ojciec prof. dr hab. Waldemar Linke CP i Joanna Człapska omawiali kolejne wydarzenia z Księgi Wyjścia, skupiając się na spotkaniu Mojżesza i Aarona z Faraonem. 🔍 Kluczowe tematy audycji: ✅ Mojżesz i Aaron – relacja pełna hierarchii – Mojżesz jako prorok Boga, Aaron jedynie jego rzecznik – Aaron to bardziej postać zadaniowa niż…
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22,5 миллиона жителей Германии – пенсионеры. Счастливы ли они? Довольны собой и жизнью? Чем занимаются на пенсии представители «третьего возраста»? Как помогает государство пожилым немцам скрасить свой досуг? Что они делают для этого сами? Ответы на эти вопросы найдете в подкасте.Elena Wosowik
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Czy ubezpieczenie od utraty dochodów obejmuje również UoP czy tylko B2B Jeden z naszych klientów który wypełnił formularz kontaktowy, zadał nam też pytanie “Czy ubezpieczenie od utraty dochodów obejmuje również UoP czy tylko B2B”. Pytanie jest zasadne. Bo wśród klientów ubezpieczeń od utraty dochodu mamy zarówno osoby pracujące na umowach o pracę, …
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█ █ █ Serwer discord: █ █ ███ █ ⁠⁠https://discord.gg/z6DuyYyWMK⁠⁠██ ██ █ █ Znajdziesz nas na: █ █ ███ █ Instagramie:⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/scppopolsku⁠⁠█ █ ██ █ █ Breakerze, spotify'u i paru innych platformach █ ███ █ █ Mail biznesowy: █ █ ██ █ █ [email protected]█ █ ██ █ █Kanał na YT:█ █ ████https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsgfu…
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Według Światowego Forum Ekonomicznego, "Specjalista Big Data" jest najbardziej perspektywicznym zawodem świata. Ponieważ łatwo idzie nam wyciąganie wniosków z pojedynczych zdań, przygotowałem odcinek na temat przyszłości branży danych. A nawet... przyszłości świata w kontekście danych! To oczywiście moje opinie, zachęcam żeby je ubogacić o Twoje zd…
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W ramach No Movie Ci lubimy brać na warsztat stare i znane filmy, więc filmu #MortalKombat z 1995 roku nie mogliśmy pominąć. No po prostu, no nie 😅 Tym bardziej, że w tym roku (a dokładniej w sierpniu 2025 roku) minie 30 lat od światowej premiery. Przypominamy sobie kiedy oglądaliśmy ten film pierwszy raz, wspominamy jak oglądało się kiedyś, a jak …
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👉 Zostań Patronem: https://patronite.pl/pokrolewsku 👈✒️ 💌 ODBIERZ mini-przewodnik "Londyn Po Królewsku. Dookoła Pałacu Buckingham" zapisując się na newsletter.👉 https://tinyurl.com/pokrolewskunewsletter👉☕ Wesprzyj jednorazowo: https://www.suppi.pl/pokrolewsku 👈 ---------🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Prasa nazywała ją "gorszą kopią Diany". Jej reputacja niemal zawisła na w…
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Recorded March 2, 2025 Anna's back for the week after recovering to commisserate regarding an unusually bad week for Our Caps. After our customary recap of all three games, we go over some potentially unpleasant business concering what may happen with the Gr8 chase. To close, we go over even more potentially depressing (depending on your point of v…
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Was eine wilde Woche. Während die Welt sich im Wahnsinn verliert, wachen Andreas und Emu langsam auf und quatschen sich durch eine Welt voller Comics. Ob wilde Käferkriege, stillen Panels voller Handlung, häretischer Konflikte oder epischen Superhelden. Diesmal ist alles dabei. Auch Filme 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:27 Begrüßung 00:04:35 Batman & Robin - …
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durée : 01:48:40 - Soft Power - par : Frédéric Martel - Avec 42 millions d’utilisateurs mensuels en France, YouTube s’est imposée comme la première plateforme vidéo du pays, attirant aussi bien les créateurs que les médias. Youtube serait-elle en train de réécrire les codes du paysage l'audiovisuel ? - réalisation : Peire Legras - invités : Justine…
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Published by Boom Studios, Grim is a original series created by writer Stephanie Phillips and artist Flaviano with colorist Rico Renzi, imagining the world of the afterlife run by various "Grim Reapers" of all backgrounds featuring the main character Jessica Harrow. She is a young Grim Reaper who is edgy yet caring character that is here to escort …
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Everyone’s talking about the price of eggs—so why are they so expensive? And when can we expect—if ever—the price to come back down? Guests: Dr. Jada Thompson, associate professor at the University of Arkansas Want more What Next TBD? Subscribe to Slate Plus to access ad-free listening to the whole What Next family and all your favorite Slate podca…
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Micheál Martin is going to the Oval Office, but what will happen? Matt and Ivan disagree on Trump’s effectiveness, whether it’s all bluster or seriously dangerous. The real importance of the Dáil speaking rights row and pending paralysis, Ivan’s green deal revelation and Matt on paying for and delivering new drugs, worse to come on the cost of the …
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Inna Sovsun, Ukrainian Member of Parliament; Roman Waschuk, Former Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine; Mike Duheme, RCMP Commissioner; The Front Bench with: Sabrina Grover, Melanie Paradis, Gurratan Singh & Rachel Aiello.CTV News
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Watch Joe and Kailey LIVE every day on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF. Bloomberg Washington Correspondents Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz deliver insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. Plans to sign a critical minera…
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SHOWNOTES: Kleine Anfrage: https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/150/2015035.pdf Gute Medienkritik von Ann-Katrin Müller: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/ann-katrin-mueller-ueber-die-normalisierung-der-afd-in-den-medien-100.html Parteispenden: Deutschland ist das intransparenteste Land in Europa, Lobbycontrol, https://www.lobbycontrol.de/parteienfinan…
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CTV News live at Ontario leader headquarters: John Vennavally-Rao, Patricia Boal, Nathan Downer & Tony Grace; David Peterson, Former Liberal Ontario Premier & Tim Hudak, Former Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader; The Front Bench with: Robert Benzie, Laura Stone and Sabrina Nanji; Nik Nanos, Nanos Research.…
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Pustne prireditve bodo ta konec pripravili tudi rojaki na južni polobli, kjer se po poletnih počitnicah počasi v ustaljene tirnice vrača življenje znotraj misij, krajevnih domov, klubov in društev. Slovenski dom Carapachay v Buenos Airesu v Argentini to nedeljo zvečer pripravlja Pust po ta starem, pustno prireditev, kjer bo poskrbljeno za glasbo, p…
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Winding down the Essential Gospel series a passage-by-passage, Scripture-by-Scripture, study of the book of Romans Pastor Jack Graham points out that Romans 16 is often skimmed over because it is filled with unpronounceable names. But he teaches that every person on the list played a vital part in what he calls Team Jesus.To support this ministry f…
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The Canadian actor Molly Parker (Kissed, Six Feet Under, Deadwood) has become known for playing complex characters with really compelling stories. In her new series, “Doc,” she stars as a brilliant doctor who’s struggling with amnesia. Molly joins guest host Talia Schlanger to talk about the show, her journey as an actor, and why she loves playing …
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When Peter Fernandes was just starting out as an actor in Edmonton, he was told he didn't have the right stuff to do Shakespeare. In fact, he was told he could never do Shakespeare. Today, he’s one of the most celebrated theatre actors in the country with a starring role in a new production of “Fat Ham” — James Ijames’s Pulitzer Prize-winning adapt…
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Federal workers in the U.S. Digital Service resigned in protest over what they viewed as indiscriminate, irresponsible firings coming from the DOGE office. While lawsuits are entering the courts and protests are taking to the streets, will any of this make a difference to the chainsaw-minded leaders of DOGE? Guest: Ryan Mac, tech reporter at the Ne…
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Dylan Byers joins Peter to discuss the turmoil brewing at 30 Rock where MSNBC’s new president Rebecca Kutler implemented a sweeping programming overhaul—and network star Rachel Maddow openly criticizing her bosses live on air in prime time. But as Dylan explains, some of these changes may be necessary as the network navigates its future beyond Madd…
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Former ambassadors, former foreign minister Peter MacKay, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Sen. Peter Boehm and U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton unpack how a confrontation between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has left Ukraine and the world on edge and changed the balance of global diplomacy. Plus, Canada's new fenta…
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Send us a text The nerds talk about The Red Hulk - Crafting and Survival Gaming! Video episodes every Sunday on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TheNerdPowWow Join the Nerds on discord https://discord.gg/X3awkB2C Find SeraphTheHost on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/SERAPHTHEHOSTThe Nerd Pow Wow
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Watch Joe and Kailey LIVE every day on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF. Bloomberg Washington Correspondents Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz deliver insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. On this edition, Joe and Kailey…
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Ruby was a young, beautiful, successful African American woman, a staple in her community in Live Oaks, Florida. Due to her husband’s gambling and liquor business. For 1934 the McCollum family was on top of the world. Fast forward 20 years later Ruby’s on trial for murdering her doctor. Tune-in. Instagram: @painpowerpodcast Email: painpowerpodcast@…
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Narodni svet koroških Slovencev NSKS pozdravlja koalicijsko pogodbo nove avstrijske vlade, saj se v poglavju »Ustava, človekove pravice in uprava«, v odstavku »Osnovne in človekove pravice«, omenjajo avstrijske avtohtone manjšine, tudi slovenska. Dobesedno tam piše: »Krepitev šestih narodnih skupnosti (hrvaške, slovenske, madžarske, češke, slovaške…
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In deze Powerpraat zonder Tjeerd (die lekker op vakantie is) nemen Cody, Dwayne en Florian je mee in hun dagelijkse routine bij PU. Ze buigen zich over de knoppen van de Xbox-controller, bespreken Two Point Museum, Monster Hunter Wilds en hebben het over een mogelijke Tony Hawk-remaster. Ook komt de mysterieuze PU-knokploeg voorbij en geven ze hun …
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The 2000s were a formative decade for tech. From the dot com bubble to the rise of social media, to the chaotic days of early blogging, the iMac, and emergence of the PayPal Mafia, the 00s shaped our online world in ways we’re still reckoning with. Colette Shade is the author of the brand new bestselling book Y2K: How the 2000s Became Everything (E…
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Pastor Jack Graham continues his in-depth study in the book of Romans, looking to chapters 14 and 15 for the message Right or Wrong? Pastor Graham teaches that our choices ultimately form our character, and our character forms our destiny. So, when making decisions we need to know what the Bible says about how to make good and godly choices in life…
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Jay Douglas has been making reggae music in Canada for decades. First as the frontman of The Cougars, a popular group in Toronto and Montreal’s Caribbean nightclub scenes, and then as a solo artist. A new documentary, “Play It Loud,” tells Jay’s story and the story of reggae in Toronto. He sits down with Tom Power in our studio to talk about the fi…
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Nish Kumar is a British stand-up comedian who isn’t afraid to ruffle feathers with his political comedy. But when he started getting death threats, it seriously impacted his mental health. Ahead of his new North American tour, Nish drops by our studio to chat with guest host Talia Schlanger about his comedy, the death threats he's received from the…
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Leigh Ann Caldwell joins Peter to break down the political fallout of Elon Musk’s cost-cutting bloodbath. While Democrats are weary of Musk slashing government spending, Leigh Ann reveals that Republicans, too, are privately voicing concerns to the Trump administration. Leigh Ann also explores a brewing showdown in Congress, where Democrats may pro…
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Episode Notes [00:00] Introduction to Curated Questions [01:05] Meet Chad Littlefield [02:57] Chad's Journey with Questions [05:14] The Impact of Powerful Questions [05:40] World in Conversation [08:22] The Essence of Connection [11:31] The Role of Intention in Questions [12:16] Chad's Origin Story [20:17] The Power of Conversations [25:50] Intenti…
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As U.S. President Donald Trump asserts that blanket 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian imports are still coming 'as scheduled,' Immigration Minister Marc Miller joins Power & Politics from Washington to discuss whether Canada's efforts can avert the tariffs before March 4. Plus, the Power Panel breaks down what happened on the Ontario campaign trail a…
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The French president and British prime minister have been to the White House to urge President Donald Trump not to abandon Kyiv as negotiations with Russia loom. Trump's attacks on Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration's approach to the Western alliance have caused consternation among European capitals. This week, host Anne Mc…
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BUBO TRIPS ✿ Azorské ostrovy patria podľa National Geographicu medzi najkrajšie miesta sveta. Či je to skutočne pravda, sa dozviete z rozprávania Gréty Trnkovej, sprievodkyne cestovnej kancelárie BUBO, ktorú vyspovedal Viťo Chrappa. moderátor: Viťo Chrappa - rádio VIVA hosť: Gréta Trnková - BUBO produkcia: rádio Viva Pre ďalšie inšpirácie, rady, ti…
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Watch Joe and Kailey LIVE every day on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF. Bloomberg Washington Correspondents Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz deliver insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. On this edition, Joe and Kailey…
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Anita Anand, Transport & Internal Trade Minister; Todd Battis, CTV News; Mike Le Couteur, CTV News; The Front Bench with: Brian Gallant, Lisa Raitt, Tom Mulcair & Robert Benzie; Hannah Thibedeau, Liberal Leadership Debate ModeratorCTV News
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Zveza slovenske katoliške prosvete, Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž in Združenje cerkvenih pevskih zborov iz Gorice so že 20. leto zapored pobudniki priznanja poimenovanega po duhovniku, prosvetnem delavcu in publicistu Kazimirju Humarju. Namenjeno je društvom, organizacijam ali posameznikom iz goriškega prostora za ustvarjalne dosežke, pomemben prisp…
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In his message today relevant to today’s culture, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that God has called us to be awake and alert to what is happening and to respond appropriately. But wakefulness is not the same as wokeness, which is causing division and conflict and violence throughout our country and the world and will ultimately destroy everything.To s…
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