Bob Stobener , a seasoned leader celebrated for his adept communication skills, has a unique perspective on improving communication as a means to foster understanding and collaboration. Drawing from his creative background in cartooning and strategic advertising at a successful comedy club, Stobener believes that effective communication is essential not only for resolving conflicts but also for enhancing personal and professional growth. He emphasizes the importance of listening and forming genuine connections, demonstrating how these practices can lead to positive outcomes, as seen in his ability to guide team members toward fulfilling career paths. By advocating for open and honest dialogue, Stobener illustrates how strong communication skills can support individual success and organizational excellence across various industries. (00:01:52) Communication Skills: Comedy Club to Corporate Success (00:14:21) Transparent Interactions: The Foundation of Leadership Success (00:14:21) Transformative Impact of Transparent Leadership Communication (00:19:41) Mastering Communication Skills for Multifaceted Success Hosted by Larry Wilson Produced by: Verbal Ninja Productions Producer: R. Scott Edwards Sponsored by: The Wilson Method **Check out NEW upgraded website with FREE offer !! Visit: Link:…
Подкасти, які варто послухати
Der PietSmiet Podcast.
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Der ANTENNE MAINZ Sonntags-Talk - jeden Sonntag von 09-13 Uhr - alle Folgen zum nachhören - hier im Podcast!
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Tervetuloa Menestystä Etsimässä podcastin pariin kuuntelemaan inspiroivia vertaistarinoita yrityksistä ja yrittäjistä matkalla menestykseen, erityisesti B2B:n kuninkuusluokasta, SaaSista. Juontajana toimii Loyalisticin ja SaaS Finlandin vetäjä, Antti Pietilä. Podcast tehdään yhteistyössä Loyalisticin ja SaaS Finlandin (osa Software Finland ry:tä) kanssa.
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Dans ce podcast, je te révèle tout ce que les hommes ne te diront jamais. Tu apprendras comment attirer, séduire et garder l’homme de ta vie grâce à mes conseils d’expert en relations amoureuses. Abonne-toi et rejoins des milliers de femmes qui transforment leur vie sentimentale. Retrouve-moi aussi sur Instagram @yannpiette et sur mon site pour encore plus de contenus inédits et gratuits.
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Richard Piet, known to terrestrial radio listeners in Southwest Michigan for years as the genial host of an informative and engaging interview program, brings The Richard Piet Show worldwide with this podcast! A show about "rides, people and smart talk," Richard is a fan of cars and interactive discussion focusing on a range of topics. In 2021, Richard established Livemic Communications, adding opportunities for purposeful exposure through informational, customized podcast series. Businesses ...
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“Pietura vecākiem”, kuru veido un vada “Centrs ZIN” vecāku izglītības treneri Inga Oliņa un Georgs Rubenis, ir raidījums, kurā apkopotas viegli saprotamas un pielietojamas idejas visu vecumu bērnu vecāku ikdienas atvieglošanai. Raidījuma mērķis ir palīdzēt klausītājiem pārkāpt pāri mākslīgi izveidotajām domāšanas robežām, ka bērnu audzināšana ir temats, par ko jādomā un jāinteresējas tikai zīdaiņu vecākiem. Tāpēc radio raidījuma “Pietura vecākiem” vadmotīvs ir “Viss par bērnu audzināšanu – n ...
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Pieta Prayers is a podcast about prayers and novenas from different saints and places that I would love to share with everyone.
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Join tech industry mavericks and thought leaders, Monica Enand & Sejal Pietrzak, as they share insights and tools from their personal playbooks as Founders, Tech CEOs, and Board Chairs. Conversations will explore strategies around leadership, navigating private equity, time boxing, micro and macro trends shaping the business landscape, and game-changing tech trends, such as AI and the need for transparency. Season One features guest Hasan Askari, private equity founder and managing partner o ...
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Welcome to the Pieter podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Pieturzīmes ir pirmais valodas podkāsts Latvijā. Runāsim, diskutēsim un domāsim latviski par latvisko. Pieturzīmes cilvēkos, grāmatās un valodā. Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece un tulkotāja, kurai latviešu valoda ir ne tikai izglītība, bet arī aizraušanās, darbs un hobijs. Ikdienā viņa strādā Ventspils Augstskolā, kur arī studē doktorantūrā, bet brīvajā laikā vada valodas podkāstu “Pieturzīmes” un lietišķās sarakstes un iedarbīgas valodas seminārus. Ja vēlies atbalstīt "Pieturzīmes", to var izda ...
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Mike & Sarah Piet Vlogs
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Ideas I want to share you
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Piet & Zander finden sich regelmäßig bei Edna in der ruhigen Hafen-Kneipe ein, um über die alltäglichen Geschehnisse Ihres Fischerdaseins zu snaggen und der Mundart zu frönen. Uns ist es gelungen heimlich ein Mikrofon unter Ednas Theke anzubringen und haben so nun endlich die Möglichkeit Ihnen bei Ihrem wohlverdienten Feierabend-Bierchen zu lauschen.
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De microfoon is altijd al mijn grootste vriend. Als een razende reporter interviewde ik in mijn werkzaam leven een ontelbaar hoeveelheid mensen en dit wil ik ook na mijn pensioen blijven doen. De podcast Piet van Dijken is daarom een ideale manier om mijn zo geliefde werk een vervolg te geven.
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Historian-blogger Chris Gehrz and guests explore Christianity, history, higher education, and how they intersect.
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Intelligence sociale - Développement personnel - Relations - Entrepreneuriat Suivez moi sur Youtube 👍🏻 💯 Pour voir mes Masterclass en vidéo: 🎦 📚 Retrouver tous mes articles (oui on écrit encore): ✅ Me suivre sur Facebook Sur FB: 👋🏻 Et sur mon instagram perso
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Siódme Piętro to jedyny podcast w Polsce o takiej nazwie. Dwóch charyzmatycznych prowadzących - Kuba i Janek, rozmawiają na wszelkie tematy, poczynając od tak banalnych rzeczy jak to, co jedli na śniadanie, a kończąc na długich i niezwykle interesujących wywodach o nowinkach technologicznych i niemal filozoficznych dyskusjach o zjawiskach w internecie. Prowadzący mają wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży internetowej, ale także nieobce im są tajniki vlogowania i obracania się w technologicznej ...
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The rhino. An icon - almost extinct. Kevin Pietersen. A maverick cricketer who never backs down. He says he'll save them. But poachers are never far away - and time is running out. For more search #beastofman
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Sedotti da un’eruzione imminente, quattro personaggi gravitano attorno al vulcano Etna. Pietra Madre - Il Podcast è stato prodotto dall’Associazione Scarti e da Radio NFO - No Fade Out. Questo podcast è stato tratto dall'omonimo film documentario di Daniele Greco e Mauro Maugeri, prodotto da Artescienza e Scarti. Potete scoprire le storie non dette nel film da Nunzia, Boris, Padre Sam e Bahman, ritrovandoli nei quattro episodi del podcast. Tutti gli episodi sono stati scritti da Giorgio Gras ...
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As part of Spitalfields Music Festival 2017 BBC Radio 3’s Sara Mohr-Pietsch chats with festival artists, in a series of extended conversations for Spits Music Podcast.
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Podcast by Padre Pio
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Produttori ed editori processati, registi in carcere, libri ritirati dal commercio, film tagliati o addirittura distrutti; le accuse: «stampa oscena», «atti a turbare i minori», in qualche caso «concubinaggio». Luca Fontò racconta l’Italia del secolo scorso – spaventata dal cambiamento forse più che dal sesso – attraverso gli eventi che hanno accompagnato persone e personaggi “indecorosi”, da Bernardo Bertolucci a Lupo Alberto.
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SONNO E MORTE NELL'ECONOMIA EVOLUTIVA DELL'UOMO Relatore Pietro Archiati Dal convegno di Trento, 5 novembre 1989 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Pipes and Piety exists to discuss theology and life in light of the Bible; we do this to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify God, and to bring reverence to God. All of this will be accomplished by the grace of God, for it is only by him we are able to attain knowledge. Additionally, we seek to emphasize God's grace and that the law has been fulfilled in Christ; therefore, we look to him alone. We do all of the above while enjoying fellowship and a good pipe.
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Laura Maria Rypa und Pietro Lombardi haben zusammen gefunden! Nicht nur privat, sondern jetzt auch im Podcast. Und weil sie bald auch zu Dritt sind, haben sie beschlossen genau darüber in diesem Podcast zu sprechen: wie haben sie sich überhaupt kennen gelernt, wie war das erste Date, warum war ihre Beziehung so oft ON/OFF, wie haben sie von der Schwangerschaft erfahren und was denken sie eigentlich darüber? Die ganze Wahrheit hört Ihr ab sofort jeden Donnerstag – die neueste Folge gibt es im ...
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LA DIMENSIONE MORALE E RELIGIOSA NEL BAMBINO Relatore Pietro Archiati al convegno di Trento, 16 marzo 1990 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 3° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 14 al 17 febbraio 2008 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La fil ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati 8° Seminario dall'8° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 30 settembre al 3 ottobre 2010 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calor ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati 12° Seminario dal 12° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 28 al 30 settembre 2012 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’ ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 14° seminario di Milano dal 27 al 29 settembre 2013 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La filosofia del ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 4° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 21 al 24 agosto 2008 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La filos ...
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Hoi, ik ben David. In deze podcast mijn verkenning naar een authentieker en bewuster leven. Dat begon allemaal toen ik voelde dat er 'meer' moest zijn dan de route die voor me uitgestippeld lag. Ik vroeg me af: "Hoe kan ik dichter bij mezelf komen? Wat gebeurt er als ik mijn gevoel en intuïtie serieuzer neem? Hoe zou mijn leven eruitzien als ik écht keuzes maak vanuit wie ik ben, niet vanuit wie anderen vinden dat ik zou moeten zijn?" In deze podcast verken ik thema's als: -Persoonlijke ontw ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 6° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) - dall'8 all'11 ottobre 2009 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La f ...
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LA FORZA DELL'INDIVIDUO in un mondo difficile Con Pietro Archiati CONVEGNO di SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO di Udine, 7 - 8 - 9 Ottobre 2011 "È innegabile osservare che la situazione mondiale, pur essendo volta allo sviluppo del benessere, non è riuscita a garantire a tutta l'umanità neppure i diritti fondamentali dell'uomo. Essa appare senza sbocco se non verrà riconosciuta l'unicità di ogni individuo e la ricchezza che da essa ne deriva. Togliere alle persone la fiducia e la speranza, far perdere ...
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IL SEGRETO DELLA FORZA INTERIORE - Convegno di Scienza dello Spirito con Pietro Archiati
Pietro Archiati
IL SEGRETO DELLA FORZA INTERIORE CONVEGNO di SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO Relatore Pietro Archiati MILANO, 15 - 16 - 17 Novembre 2013 TEATRO OSCAR - VIA LATTANZIO, 58 Le molte insoddisfazioni della vita presente ci dicono che la nostra psicologia, forse, non basta più per esseri umani inquieti, in cerca di significato, e la cui vita interiore è ogni giorno teatro di battaglie e conflitti. Gioie e dolori non sono che condizioni necessarie per l'anima perché l'uomo rafforzi la sua interiorità, così c ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 5° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) - dal 5 all'8 febbraio 2009 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La fi ...
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Il professor Massimo Ramaioli parla della storia della Russia, dalla geografia alla politica. Lista delle opere consultate Opere letterarie Fedor Dostoevskij, I Fratelli Karamazov Fedor Dostoevskij, L’Idiota Fedor Dostoevskij, Delitto e Castigo Fedor Dostoevskij, I Demoni Leo Tolstoj, Guerra e Pace Leo Tolstoj, Morte di Ivan Ilich Michail Bulgakov, Il Maestro e Margherita Grossman, Vita e Destino Opere accademiche Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon Averted Stephen Kotkin, Stalin Vol I Paradoxes of P ...
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La Filosofia della Libertà di Rudolf Steiner - 2° Ciclo - 1° Seminario con Pietro Archiati
Pietro Archiati
La Filosofia della Libertà di Rudolf Steiner - 1° seminario del secondo ciclo di incontri con Pietro Archiati a Milano, dal 14 al 16 febbraio 2014 - Cap. I - L'AGIRE UMANO COSCIENTE "La filosofia della libertà di Rudolf Steiner è il testo di base per chiunque voglia dare il meglio di sé. Il pensare è la chiave per capire sempre meglio il mondo e per creare modi di essere sempre nuovi. La prima parte è ricca di esercizi mentali che rendono il pensare sempre più vivente e spregiudicato; la sec ...
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IL BENE E IL MALE Che cos'è? Con Pietro Archiati Dal convegno di Torino, dal 26 al 28 Ottobre 2007 "Il bene del corpo è la salute, il suo male è la malattia. Così è anche per gli uomini: stanno bene in salute quando si favoriscono a vicenda come gli organi e le cellule di un organismo; stanno male, soffrono, quando si mettono gli uni contro gli altri, quando ognuno pensa solo a se stesso. Un vecchio adagio dice: "La virtù sta nel mezzo". È vero: ogni forma di male risulta da una qualche unil ...
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Food insecurity brought record demand at the South Michigan Food Bank during the COVID-19 pandemic. But, that does not mean demand has returned to pre-pandemic levels. CEO Peter Vogel returns to Community Matters to talk about a recent visit to Washington, D.C. where he and his counterparts from Michigan voiced concerns about potential cuts to food…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso
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Markkinoinnin rooli yritysarvon rakentamisessa – vieraana Karri Karsi, Saarni Cloud
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1:37:04Markkinoinnin rooli yritysarvon rakentamisessa – vieraana Karri Karsi, Saarni Cloud Markkinoinnin merkitys B2B-yrityksissä on usein aliarvostettu, vaikka se voi olla ratkaisevassa roolissa yritysarvon kasvattamisessa. Miten markkinoinnilla rakennetaan kilpailukykyä ja vahvistetaan brändiä erityisesti buy and build -strategian kautta? Vieraana on Sa…
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(Community Matters 128) Plan for Beckley Road Corridor Will Likely Reduce Parking, Add Housing
The firm hired to help the City of Battle Creek work through the process of the Lakeview District Plan - focused on the Beckley Road retail corridor - says an overabundance of parking spaces paves the way for new housing. Progressive Companies Associate Planner James Kilborn tells Community Matters "placemaking" is the difference between retail cor…
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PietCast #474 - Assassin's Creed Shadows und stressige Umzüge
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Відтворити Пізніше
1:07:18Wir feiern den Release von Assassin's Creed Shadows. Führt das Spiel die Reihe zu alter Stärke? Außerdem sprechen wir über den Start der F1-Season, unser großes Minecraft Projekt DLDS und den stressigen Umzug von Sep. Koro: Mit dem Gutscheincode PIETCAST erhaltet ihr 5% Rabatt auf jede Bestellung! Hier shoppen:…
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S0388 Pietura vecākiem. Kā palīdzēt skolēnam saprast, par ko kļūt, un motivēt pusaudzi kustēties?
Vai tavs bērns nezina, ko vēlas darīt nākotnē, un 14 gadu vecumā izvairās no fiziskām aktivitātēm? Šajā "Pietura vecākiem" epizodē meklējam atbildes: kā atbalstīt skolēnu, kurš apjucis nākotnes izvēlēs, un kā gudri iedvesmot pusaudzi kustībai bez lieka spiediena. Klausies Spotify un uzzini praktiskus padomus, kas stiprinās jūsu attiecības un palīdz…
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AE Tech Design President Roger Ferworn and his team have seen a lot of things when inspecting networks and equipment. In this episode of Little Blinking Light, he shares some of the vulnerabilities he has seen in that process. And, he shares some of the foundational ways to avoid network vulnerabilities. Episode Resources AE Tech Design website Boo…
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In 2025, Creating Dementia Solutions is looking deeper into what The Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention and care has indicated are ways people can reduce their risk of dementia. Bronson Battle Creek Clinical Nutritionist Jillian Bowen visits CDS this time to talk about overall nutrition as well as cholesterol and her impressions…
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(Community Matters 127) Future Community Leaders: Battle Creek Community Foundation is Looking for You
The Battle Creek Community Foundation, while honoring its first full-time chief executive, is looking for its next Peter J. Christ Leaders Fellow. Seeking nominations in March 2025, the Christ Fellow is a chance for the person selected to be involved in leadership development learning opportunities. In a press release, BCCF says those include custo…
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(Community Matters 127) Mom/Son Birthday Challenge to Raise Funds for Lions Football Campers in Battle Creek
The Detroit Lions engage kids in learning more about football by offering football summer camps all over Michigan. In 2025, one of the camps will take place in late July at Battle Creek Central High School. Nine-year-old Bentley Dowdy and his mom Brittney, of Battle Creek, have started a friendly competition for their birthdays to see which can rai…
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STARBASE Battle Creek, a science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) academy which provides supplemental learning for hundreds of west Michigan students, has been closed since early February 2025. When or if it - and 89 others in the US, Puerto Rico and Guam - will reopen is caught up in partisan budget wrangling in Washington. STARBASE …
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne youtube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon instagram perso
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When asked about tariffs the Trump administration is enacting, Battle Creek auto dealer Vince Pavone of Lakeview Ford suggests folks should take a breath. Pavone calls tariffs a negotiating tactic, pointing to those employed in the first Trump administration in the solar panel and washing machine industry. He also suggests rushing to judgment on ta…
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(Creating Dementia Solutions 51) Improving Vision Can Be Within Reach Using These Calhoun County Resources
In 2025, Creating Dementia Solutions is looking deeper into what The Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention and care has indicated are ways people can reduce their risk of dementia. Cassandra Lucas-Moore with Carewell Services in Battle Creek returns to discuss access to vision services which can mean the difference between seeing w…
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PietCast #473 - Das Zeitalter der Bösis
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1:09:57Natürlich steht heute unser großes Event DLDS 2 auf dem Zettel. Außerdem geht es um steigende Bauzinsen, Brammen war auf Klassentreffen und Battlefield 7 sowie Death Stranding 2 stehen an. Koro: Mit dem Gutscheincode PIETCAST erhaltet ihr 5% Rabatt auf jede Bestellung! Hier shoppen: Jetzt sorgenfrei surfen - mi…
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Asiakastutkimuksella tuote timantiksi – Vieraana Ville Österlund, Leanlab
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Відтворити Пізніше
1:42:53Asiakastutkimuksella tuote timantiksi – Vieraana Ville Österlund, Leanlab Miten asiakastutkimuksella voidaan kehittää tuotteesta todellinen menestystuote? Miksi käyttäjätutkimus on kriittinen osa tuotekehitystä? Tällä kertaa Menestystä Etsimässä -podcast pureutuu asiakasymmärryksen voimaan ja siihen, miten Leanlab auttaa yrityksiä kehittämään palve…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! Host Monica and guest host Ned Renzi are joined by Vani Hari, better known as “the Food Babe,” for an eye-opening conversation about America’s food system. With over 10,000 chemicals approved for use in the U.S.—compared to just 2,000 in Europe—Hari has made it her mission to expose what’s really in o…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! Georgianna Moreland - Executive Producer | Managing Editor; Matt Stoker - EditorGeorgianna Moreland
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Ursula Simon: Vom Tiefpunkt zum Neubeginn Wie geht man mit Schicksalsschlägen um? Wie findet man nach tiefen Krisen zurück ins Leben? In dieser bewegenden Episode spricht Ursula Simon über ihren außergewöhnlichen Lebensweg – von ihrer Leidenschaft als Erzieherin über ihre Arbeit als Familientherapeutin bis hin zu persönlichen Herausforderungen wie …
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(Community Matters 126) Dearing Discusses BC City Manager Search, Beckley Road Study, River Naturalization and More
Battle Creek Interim City Manager Ted Dearing returns to Community Matters with updates on the search for the city's next top administrator. Dearing also offers perspective on the ongoing Beckley Road corridor study and downtown river naturalization project. Episode Resources Battle Creek City Manager ABOUT COMMUNITY MATTERS Former WBCK Morning Sho…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne youtube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon instagram perso
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In this Oaklawn Health Matters episode, Occupational Therapist Rene Pere shares insights about occupational therapy and how that differs from physical therapy. Rene also shares information about the advancing area of vision rehabilitation which offers folks practical ways to compensate for vision impairments that may be affecting their daily lives.…
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PietCast #472 - Hunde und Babys sind gleich?
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1:04:51In der PietCast Folge #472 sprechen Peter, Jay und Sep über Erziehung von Babys und Hunden. Außerdem wird über Monster Hunter: Wilds und Splitfiction gequatscht. Koro: Mit dem Gutscheincode PIETCAST erhaltet ihr 5% Rabatt auf jede Bestellung! Hier shoppen: Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Partnern finde…
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Sijoittaja arvostaa kassavirtaa – Vieraana Mr Cashflow, sijoittaja Ali Omar,
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2:21:30Menestystä Etsimässä -podcastin uudessa jaksossa keskustelemme kassavirran merkityksestä niin yrittäjän kuin sijoittajan näkökulmasta. Vieraana on Ali Omar, sarjayrittäjä, enkelisijoittaja ja perustaja, joka tunnetaan myös lempinimellä Mr Cashflow. Ali Omarin tausta on poikkeuksellinen – harva lääkäri päätyy kasvuyrittäjäksi, enkelisij…
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Steve Frisbie, elected to the Michigan House of Representatives District 44 in 2024, is planning town hall community meetings around Battle Creek in March 2025. The 44th District of Michigan includes Battle Creek, along with northern and a portion of western Calhoun County, including Albion. Frisbie joined Community Matters to discuss what he hopes…
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Helikopterilentäjästä Yritysryppään rakentajaksi. Vieraana Heikki Lehmuskoski, BuildWith.AI
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Відтворити Пізніше
1:17:24Menestystä Etsimässä -podcastin uusimmassa jaksossa sukellamme poikkeukselliseen yrittäjätarinaan, jossa yhdistyvät intohimo, sattuma ja määrätietoinen tekeminen. Vieraana on Heikki Lehmuskoski, joka on tällä hetkellä mukana monessa – muun muassa BoostWith.AI-yrityksen kautta tekoälyratkaisujen kehittämisessä. Hänen polkunsa yrittäjäksi ei kuitenka…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso
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Community Matters caught up with one half of the Downtown Battle Creek Zine team, journalist Nick Buckley, to talk about the February 2025 issue in which they tout some of the downtown Battle Creek ongoing developments. Some of those include the river naturalization project. Though it won't be finished in 2025, progress is expected. Ongoing efforts…
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PietCast #471 - Wer hat auf der gamescom LAN geknattert?
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1:06:52Was ist Wichtiges in den letzten Tagen passiert? Chernobylite kam raus (und Piet findet es nicht gut), Jay hat Kingdom Come Deliverance durchgezockt und Monster Hunter Wilds steht in den Startlöchern. Brammen war außerdem auf der gamescom LAN und hat dort einiges erlebt. Natürlich sprechen wir auch über die Demo von Gothic 1 und unser anstehendes E…
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(Community Matters 125) Drawdown Brings A Big Payout and Honors Dedicated Harper Creek Optimist
The Harper Creek Optimist Club in Battle Creek is well known for its annual gift to the community in its Christmas Parade. One of the things that makes that parade possible - along with support for programs and education for young people - is the club's biggest fundraiser of the year: The Duncan Bailey Memorial Drawdown. HCOC's Dr. Jeromy Myers tel…
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In 2024, the Village of Vicksburg welcomed two new trustees to the Village Council, as well as two new appointees to the Planning Commission. In this Vicksburg Visit, trustees Jessica Cox and Chad Kissinger and planning commissioners Rachel Plankenhorn and Nick Riashi talk about what motivates them to serve. Episode Resources Vicksburg, Michigan we…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! Monica Enand and guest host Ned Renzi sit down with Jeffrey Brashear, a veteran technology consultant with over 30 years of experience advising financial giants like Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. They dive into how AI is reshaping enterprise, from unlocking new revenue streams to raising serious…
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Jeremy Andrews tells Community Matters his dream for a downtown Battle Creek grocery and restaurant has taken 15 years to eventuate. The wait is nearly over. Andrews talks about what folks can expect when Uproot Market and Eatery opens in spring 2025 at Michigan and Carlysle. Episode Resources Uproot Market and Eatery ABOUT COMMUNITY MATTERS Former…
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(Community Matters 124) Wiggly Tail: Once Severely Injured, Bagel is Ready to Find his Family
Bagel the orange tiger kitty is a story in resilience. Once severely injured in some sort of attack, he was most certainly in a life and death situation. Now, he's mostly recovered and looking for his family. Hear Bagel's story on this Wiggly Tail segment of Community Matters with Jessica Gilbert of the Humane Society of South Central Michigan. We …
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In 2025, Creating Dementia Solutions is looking deeper into what The Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention and care has indicated are ways people can reduce their risk of dementia. In a post-script to our discussions about hearing loss and its dementia connections, as well as hearing aid technology, Cassandra Lucas-Moore with Carew…
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In 2025, Creating Dementia Solutions is looking deeper into what The Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention and care has indicated are ways people can reduce their risk of dementia. Among the 14 modifiable risk factors The Lancet Commission has pointed to is hearing loss. Oaklawn Hospital Audiologist Steve Malocha talks about what t…
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PietCast #470 - Voll krank!
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1:11:48Sep hat die Grippe voll erwischt und bald geht's auch schon ins neue Haus nach Münster! Peter trainiert nicht nur weiter fleißig im Mittelalter, sondern stemmt im Fitti auch Gewichte. Es gab noch ein unterhaltsames F1 Event und Avowed kam raus! Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Partnern findet hier: [](http://linktr.…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso
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(Community Matters 123) Volunteers Help the World Go Round at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center
NOTE: A hiring freeze implemented by the Trump Administration includes volunteers at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center. However, this is viewed as temporary and the center is still accepting applications from prospective volunteers. Hundreds of people have committed to volunteering in various capacities at the Battle Creek Veterans Administration …
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Spontane Ausgabe des PietCast, der live im Stream mit dem aufstrebenden Künstler Zartmann geführt wurde. Der Berliner bringt am 04. April 2025 seine EP "Schönhauser" auf den Markt. Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Partnern findet hier: []( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.f…
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With Valentine's Day vibes in the air, it seemed timely to ask Derek King, chair of the Calhoun County Board of Commissioners, to talk about some current jewelry trends. He is the owner of King Jewelers in Battle Creek, after all. But, at least lately, no Calhoun County Board update would be complete without talk of road repair plans. The Board rec…
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PietCast #469 - Playstation und die State of Play
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1:07:54Die State of Play hatte ein paar nette Überraschungen und es gibt einen Ausblickauf die nächsten Tage! Außerdem muss Peter mal ein bisschen über Kingdom Come 2 reden. Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Partnern findet hier: []( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Miten perinteinen insinööritoimisto rakensi menestyksekkään SaaS-bisneksen? Vieraana Kimmo Mattila, Granlund
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1:28:12Voiko perinteinen insinööritoimisto rakentaa menestyksekkään ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan? Granlundin tapauksessa vastaus on kyllä. Granlund on vuonna 1960 perustettu suomalainen insinööritoimisto, joka toimiikiinteistö- ja energiajohtamisen sekä LVI-, sähkö- ja taloautomaatiosuunnittelun edelläkävijänä. Yritys työllistää yli1 400 asiantuntijaa, ja sen…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! In this episode of MasterStroke, Sejal and Ned are joined by @Sunil Wadhwani, a tech entrepreneur and philanthropist whose journey from co-founding Mastech, Inc. and IGate to leading a $4.5 billion acquisition by Capgemini is nothing short of remarkable. Sunil has not only built businesses but transfo…
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Andrea Vierlinger über ihre Berufung als Hebamme In dieser Folge von Im Talk mit Volker Pietzsch begrüßen wir Andrea Vierlinger – eine Hebamme mit Leidenschaft und langjähriger Erfahrung. Sie gibt faszinierende Einblicke in ihren Berufsalltag, erzählt von den Herausforderungen und Chancen der Geburtshilfe und erklärt, warum sie sich für diesen Weg …
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso
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In 2025, Creating Dementia Solutions is looking deeper into what The Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention and care has indicated are ways people can reduce their risk of dementia. Among the 14 modifiable risk factors The Lancet Commission has pointed to is hearing loss. Oaklawn Hospital Audiologist Steve Malocha discusses the impo…
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Smartvattenin tarina – vedensäästöstä 20M kv-SaaS-yritykseksi. Vieraana Joe Hamari
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1:18:16Vesi on elintärkeä luonnonvara, mutta liiketoiminnassa sillä on pitkään ollut vain operatiivinen merkitys – kunnes Smartvatten näki tilanteen toisin. Tässä Menestystä Etsimässä -podcastin jaksossa keskustelemme Joe Hamarin, Smartvattenin co-founderin, entisen CRO:n ja nykyisen hallituksen jäsenen, kanssa siitä, kuinka Smartvatten kasvoi vedensäästö…
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Ciro Visone über Fastnacht, Comedy & das Leben 🎙️🎭
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1:01:35In dieser Sendung spricht Ciro Visone über seinen außergewöhnlichen Lebensweg – von seinen Wurzeln in Neapel über seine Kindheit in Deutschland bis hin zu seiner Karriere als Fastnachter und Comedian. 🔍 Das erwartet dich:✅ Wie Ciro Visone zur Fastnacht und Comedy gekommen ist✅ Warum er trotz TV-Erfolg nie hauptberuflicher Künstler wurde✅ Persönlich…
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