Verse by verse studies through books of the Bible with Pastor Gene Pensiero of Calvary Hanford. In this series titled "The Fiery Bones" we learn about the judgment of God and His extravagant love for His people.
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The last thing Zedekiah sees before he is blinded is the murder of his sons by their Babylonian captors (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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After reading aloud Jeremiah’s prophecy of the destruction of Babylon, Seraiah ties a rock to the scroll and throws it into the Euphrates River to illustrate the nation’s sinking (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Warfare rages in which God reveals Himself as the Redeemer to either deliver those who repent or to destroy those who rebel (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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A series of God’s judgements against Judah’s enemies encourages us that we can be more than conquerors as we walk with Him (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah uses a vineyard metaphor to describe the false pride of the Moabites (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God’s judgment against the warlike Philistines is personified as a sword that Jeremiah has a conversation with (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The Jews refused to believe Jeremiah that they would find no refuge from King Nebuchadnezzar by fleeing to Egypt (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Baruch, Jeremiah’s secretary, expresses that he wanted more out of life than he was going to get serving The Lord (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah rebukes the Jews who have fled to Egypt for their hard hearts (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The Jews ask The Lord if they should continue fleeing to Egypt even though they have no intentions of obeying Him if He says “No” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Governor Gedeliah ignores the warning that Ishmael is going to kill him (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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In the aftermath of Jerusalem’s fall Jeremiah is given a choice to live in either Babylon or Judah (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Two men – Jeremiah and Ebed-Melech – are singled-out by God for special treatment in Babylon (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The princes of Jerusalem throw Jeremiah into a pit in order to stop him from preaching (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Zedekiah secretly visits Jeremiah in a makeshift dungeon to discuss the fate of Jerusalem (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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King Jehoiakim takes a knife and cuts the Word of God as it is read then throws the fragments in the fire (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Knowing the Rechabites won’t drink it, God instructs Jeremiah to set wine before them (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The Lord asks His besieged people to obey Him in the midst of the crisis (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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As the fall of Jerusalem rapidly approaches God insists His love for Israel & Judah is unwavering (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah questions God when he is asked to buy a seemingly worthless field (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God illustrates His everlasting love by showing how He continually draws you to Himself (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Despite the impending and inevitable destruction of Jerusalem Jeremiah shows the Jews it wasn’t all doom and gloom by giving them a glimpse of their future prosperity in the land (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The Lord encourages His chosen people to set their minds on seeking Him during their seventy year captivity in Babylon (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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When Hananiah breaks Jeremiah’s wooden yoke he replaces it with one made of iron (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah tells Judah and the surrounding Gentile nations that The Lord will preserve and bless them if they wear the yoke of submission to Babylon (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah is told to stand in the Temple and deliver God’s Word (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah pours-out wine to represent the coming pouring-out of the wrath of God against sin (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah is shown two baskets of figs, one ripe, one rotten, that illustrate the people of Judah (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God tells Jeremiah that the prophets and the priests are profane men who have have profaned His house, the Temple of the Lord (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God promises Judah that in the future He will regather them as a Shepherd leads sheep to their pasture (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah comments on the awful administrations of the last four kings to rule Judah before the Babylonian captivity (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah is consulted as the Babylonian armies begin their final siege of Jerusalem (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah tried to quit delivering God’s prophecies only to find that God’s word was a fire in his bones (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah is told to take a jar from the potter’s house and break it in the presence of the elders and the priests of Judah as a sign of the destruction prophesied against the nation (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah is so overwhelmed by the news his life is in danger that he starts praying against the people of Judah (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God likens His relationship with the nation of Israel to that of a potter working with hardened clay (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The Jews are exhorted by Jeremiah to quit saying “No” to God with regards to His command that they keep the Sabbath (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God tells Jeremiah we all have a deceitful heart and that we therefore tend to con ourselves into departing from the Lord (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God spells-out the righteous lifestyle He had chosen for His prophet (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Like many prophets before and after him, Jeremiah complains to God that he was being persecuted as a bearer of bad news (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Although Jeremiahʼs prayers are largely ineffective, God considered him one of the Bibleʼs great intercessors and their talk in these verses communicates volumes about our intimacy with God (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah is told to wear a sash around his waist to symbolize Godʼs relationship with the nation of Judah (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah 11:18-12:17 – A Horse Is A Horse, Of Course, Of Course, Until You’re Empowered To Race The Horse
When a weary Jeremiah feels as if he is in a race against footmen God tells him that he will soon have to run against horses (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Even though Godʼs Word had been rediscovered, the people of Judah continued to burn incense to Baal (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah describes God as a loving Father, Who therefore disciplines His children for their own good (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah shows the futility of apostate Judah worshipping dead idols adorned by their metal smiths (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiah lamented that the disobedience of Judah had them on a course that would force God to turn their beautiful land into a desolate wilderness (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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Jeremiahʼs heart grows faint as he longs for revival among Godʼs people (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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The people of Judah are so deep into their sin that at one point God tells Jeremiah to not even pray for them (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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God appoints Jeremiah an assayer to test Judah just as you would precious metals (Pastor Gene Pensiero)Calvary Hanford
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