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Pamala Charles


Candid Discussions over Real World Topics Cover art photo provided by Kristina V on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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Pamalogy Society

James Carvin

Pamalogy is Awesomeology - we're building a truth machine and need your help. What's your idea of maximized awesomeness? We are a philosophical society that wants to incubate and support visionary entrepreneurs. Come explore the philosophy of awesomeness. Check our transcripts, sources and links at Sign up for our free Pamalogy 101 course so you can earn a top hat. Find out why so many have said we've blown their mind.
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Rozhlasové pásmo Po stopách pamäti alebo Kapitoly z dejín 20. storočia, o ktorých sa kedysi nehovorilo, sa venuje našej donedávna zabudnutej histórii. Autori relácie Soňa Gyarfašová a Pavol Prelovský prinášajú pohľad na čs. dejiny, udalosti a osobnosti, ktoré boli pred rokom 1989 komunistickým režimom zamlčiavané, zatajované, zaznávané alebo deformované. Interpretujú ich vďaka príbehom priamych aktérov - predovšetkým z nášho rozhlasového archívu alebo z archívu Ústavu pamäti národa, v spolup ...
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertis…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Sy…
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V špeciálnom vydaní relácie si môžete vypočuť záznam z verejnej diskusie Slovenskí letci a ich turbulentné storočie pri príležitosti 30. výročia založenia Slovenského leteckého zväzu generála Dr. Milana Rastislava Štefánika. Na pôde Slovenského rozhlasu sa stretli členovia Slovenského leteckého zväzu, kozmonaut, predseda Slovenskej organizácie pre …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on level…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and type…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols include…
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On bol psychiater, ona novinárka. Obaja podpísali Chartu 77 spoločne, ako manželia. „Eštebáci viedli na nás ako na nepriateľské osoby signálny zväzok Osa, asi sme veľmi štípali," hovorí dnes Vladimír Komár. Jeho manželka Mária zomrela v roku 2018 a dnes je on sám rozprávačom ich spoločného príbehu. Viac si vypočujete v relácii Po stopách pamäti so …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise an…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend o…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of exp…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of exper…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise an…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and t…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and type …
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Predstavíme si jednu zo žien Charty 77 - je ňou výtvarníčka Kyra Matuštik. Hoci k tvorbe mala odjakživa blízko, už v študentských rokoch sa dostala do nemilosti režimu. Kvôli otcovi, teoretikovi umenia Radislavovi Matuštíkovi - ten dostal v čase normalizácie ako nepohodlný stopku. Po odchode do Prahy sa cez priateľov Mirka a Ivu Vodrážkovcov dostal…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and ty…
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and typ…
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V relácii predstavíme príbeh Martina Becka Matuštíka, ktorý Chartu 77 podpísal medzi prvými, hoci nikoho z disentu nepoznal. Bol totiž žiakom profesora Jana Patočku a neskôr, po svojej emigrácii nadviazal na jeho odkaz. Cyklus pre vás pripravujú Soňa Gyarfašová a Pavol Prelovský.STVR
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise and ty…
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V relácii Po stopách pamäti Vám predstavujeme signatárov Charty 77 zo Slovenska, jedným z nich bol aj Tibor Novotka. Bol idealistom, no tiež rebelom - čím viac režim voči nemu stupńoval perzekúcie, tým viac stupňoval voči nemu on svoj odpor - a podpis charty bol iba logickým vyústenímSTVR
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise …
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The blogcast serves as a transcript for this episode at The entire Season 1 Pamalogy Society blogcast may be previewed at Those who complete and pass the Pamalogy 101 course are entitled to a Pamalogist top hat. Symbols included depend on levels of expertise an…
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Idei principale Ideea unei slujbe în biserică de Ziua Dezrobirii nu e nouă. Pe 20 februarie 1856, principele Barbu Știrbei scria în decretul de dezrobire – în care folosea sintagma „liberarea sclavilor” – că această zi solemnă ar trebui marcată „în fiecare an în eternitate”. Până acum însă, Biserica Ortodoxă Română a încercat să se disocieze de tre…
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Rasismul e convenabil: Ce trebuie să înțelegi ca să contribui la combaterea lui Ne-am spus povestea despre inferioritatea romilor încă de la forțarea lor în sclavie și am continuat s-o spunem și în timpul celui de-a doilea război mondial, când legile rasiale excludeau pe oricine nu era „român adevărat”. Ne-o spunem și astăzi, când memoria acestei i…
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După 12 ani de muncă, în Cel mai bun copil din lume, un spectacol care a evoluat și-a crescut o dată cu ea, Alina Șerban explorează lupta de a se descoperi, accepta și iubi. Îi e mai clar ca niciodată că ce face ea creează mult inconfortabil, dar e unul în care îi invită pe oameni să pășească pentru a evolua. IDEI PRINCIPALE Alina crede că poate sc…
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Ți-am povestit că istoria sclaviei romilor este peste tot în jur, dacă știi să privești. Inclusiv la Muzeul Național de Artă al României, dacă faci un tur cu sociologul Adrian-Nicolae Furtună – cum am făcut noi în acest al treilea episod. Pasiunea lui de-o viață e să sape în arhive vechi de sute de ani, să intervieveze romi și să caute istoria popo…
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Tu ce ai învățat să crezi despre romi? Probabil că e bine să îi eviți; pentru că fură, mint, ucid. Asta transmit și proverbele românești – „ț*ganul când s-a făcut împărat, pe taică-su l-a spânzurat” sau „ț*ganu’ e rudă cu dracu’” –, iar ele sunt doar o formă prin care ura istorică față de romi a călătorit în timp până astăzi. Această înțelepciune p…
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Amnezie socială: ce știm de fapt despre sclavia romilor? De ce s-ar numi o stradă „Dezrobirii”? Și în București, și în Iași, Ploiești, Constanța sau Caracal? A cui „dezrobire” o fi? E de înțeles să n-ai habar; mulți n-avem niciun reper despre istoria locurilor în care ne-am născut, deși ele vorbesc despre cine suntem. Puzzle-uri de tipul acesta rez…
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27. júna 2020 si pripomíname 70 rokov od justičnej vraždy protinacistickej a protikomunistickej odbojárky, právničky a političky Milady Horákovej. Autori relácie Po stopách pamäti preto symbolicky v tejto časti prinášajú sedem príbehov politických väzňov z 50. rokov a ich najbližších.STVR
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Pri príležitosti 75. výročia skončenia II. svetovej vojny si v tejto časti relácie RTVS Rádia DEVÍN Po stopách pamäti autori relácie Soňa Gyarfášová a Pavol Prelovský pripománajú posledných československých príslušníkov Britského kráľovského letectva.STVR
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Pred 70 rokmi sa v komunistickom Československu odohrala takzvaná akcia kláštory, ktorá mala dve dejstvá. Obe však podľa rovnakého scenára. Z 13. na 14. apríla 1950 a potom z 3. na 4. mája vtrhli do mužských kláštorov po celej republike ozbrojení príslušníci Ľudových milícii, Verejnej bezpečnosti a Štátnej bezpečnosti. Akcia sprevádzaná politickými…
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Branislav Borovský, absolvent Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, podnikateľ, člen Konfederácie politických väzňov Slovenska, otec ôsmich detí. V osemdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia ho zatkli, súdili a uväznili za pašovanie náboženskej literatúry na Slovensko. Ako si spomína na socializmus? Prečo tak veľmi riskoval, aby sem preniesol …
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Pavol Smolík predstavuje ďalšiu osobnosť Nežnej revolúcie, ktorej 30. výročie si čoskoro pripomenieme. Svoju výpoveď o revolučných dňoch a úvahy o ďalšom smerovaní našej spoločnosti poskytuje herec a pedagóg Štefan Bučko.STVR
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Pavol Smolík predstavuje ďalšiu zaujímavú postavu, ktorá zohrala významnú úlohu počas novembrových udalostí roku 1989. Človeka, ktorý bol vcelku nenápadným vedúcim knižnice na Vysokej škole múzických umení, no počas Nežnej revolúcie sa stal veľkou oporou študentského hnutia. Vypočujeme si svedectvo niekdajšieho disidenta, novinára Juraja Alnera.…
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