Hey Everyone, Thanks for visiting my Podcast Page. Here I talk about Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and Business Development. There's a lot of value, Scroll down!
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The Naina Redhu Experience | Digital Marketing, Social Media, Online Brand Building in India
Naina Redhu
The Business of Blogging, Photography, Influencer Marketing & Professionalism, specifically from the point of view of India. I bring 16 years of experience working as a professional photographer, artist, social media influencer & business consultant to the "podcast-table". Online Brand Building, Social Media Strategy, Influencer Marketing for Brands, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, The Business of Photography, Professionalism & Pricing, Pricing Your Services, Professional Photogra ...
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Learn about Branding, Marketing & Digital Marketing with Abhisek Satapathy
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For personal brands, solopreneurs and small businesses; hints, tips and advice on how to build your brand online.
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Willkommen zu Her Brand, dem Podcast für Success Embodiment von innen nach außen. Nicole ist Deutschland’s führender Success Embodiment Coach, ehemalige Perfektionistin und badass Online-Unternehmerin mit mehrfach 6-stelligem Online Business. Mit mehr als 2 Jahrzehnten Online Marketing Expertise, ihrem wöchentlichen Podcast HER Brand und als angehende Autorin kennt sie die Online Business Achterbahn aus dem FF. Hier lernst du keine reinen Online-Marketing-Strategien, denn wenn das reichen wü ...
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We help you brand, build and market your business online.
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Breakthrough Brand Podcast - Online Business Growth, Website Design Strategies, Grow a Podcast, Motherhood and Business, Passive Income, Christian Faith, Showit Templates
Elizabeth McCravy
Welcome to The Breakthrough Brand Podcast — your go-to for relatable, raw, and tactical business training designed to help you hit those big goals! I’m Elizabeth McCravy, a website designer and business educator for female entrepreneurs. I’ve built a multiple six-figure web design business in my 20s, and I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned so you can do it too. No secrets, just real talk and proven strategies for building a thriving business. I’m a Christian business owner, mama t ...
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eCom Leverage: Increase Amazon Sales and Grow Your Brand Online
Chris Leake: Author, Consultant, Ecommerce Veteran, Amazon Selling Specialist
Want to increase your company's sales on Amazon and other online channels? Looking to grow and protect your brand? The eCom Leverage Podcast gives business owners and brand executives the tools you need to be successful in e-commerce! Hosted by author, ecommerce consultant, and veteran online seller Chris Leake, the eCom Leverage Podcast gives you a weekly dose of teaching, tips, examples, case studies, and expert interviews to equip you to increase your profits and grow your brand online. S ...
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Doing Business Gently: Business Clarity and Personal Branding for Women with Online Service Based Businesses
Marta Goertzen | Gentle Business Coach | Business Clarity | Personal Branding for Women
Business Clarity, Alignment & Personal Branding for Women. ** Do you ever wonder if there is a different way to do business? ** Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you because your business feels so hard? ** Or have you ever asked yourself, shouldn’t I know what I want to be when I grow up by now? Maybe you’re a massive introvert, shy, or considered an HSP, a highly sensitive person, or maybe you feel like you’ve never really fit into what and who the standard online business co ...
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The Smart Brand Marketing Podcast: Online Business | Content Marketing | SEO | Sales | Lifestyle Design
Tom Libelt: Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Small Business Consultant & SEO Expert
Provides Course Marketing & SEO Services
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Wealthy Wellness Biz: Online Business, Branding & Marketing for Wellness Entrepreneurs
Nicole Harlow: Brand Strategist for Health-Based Businesses
Building a wellness business that heals shouldn’t hurt. Do you wish that you could find a resource for building a wellness biz that finally makes things “click”? Join award-winning brand strategist and wellness entrepreneur, Nicole Harlow each week as she breaks down the intricacies of building a wellness biz into bite-sized chunks. These short episodes are designed to help you build your biz on-the-go with actionable items in every show. If you’re a health-based entrepreneur, wellness brand ...
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In diesem Podcast geht's um all things Brand Design für Selbständige und Unternehmer*innen. Du bekommst Tipps und Inputs wie du dein Design aufs nächste Level bringst und wie du dein wahres Strahlen in deinem Branding zeigen kannst. Alles, damit du deine Persönlichkeit in deinem Auftritt zeigst und die richtigen Menschen von deinem Business begeisterst. Ich bin Sophie Zeiszig, dein Host und das ist Design Unleashed. Mehr zu mir und meiner Arbeit: www.sophies-logomanufaktur.com Follow me on I ...
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FutureProof Business | Branding | Lifestyle | Online Marketing | Build Your Business with Courtney Newell
Courtney Newell
Welcome to the FutureProof Business Podcast, the ultimate resource for entrepreneurs and executives ready to challenge the status quo. Your host, Courtney Newell, doesn't just talk business—she lives it, transforming a modest investment into a thriving, award-winning enterprise. Every week, Courtney brings you insider insights, actionable advice, and the success secrets the top 1% won't tell you. This podcast is for the visionaries looking to write their own rules, elevate their influence, a ...
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Write Copy that Connects | Online Marketing, Course Creation, Brand Messaging, Copywriting, Email Marketing
Robbin Kent | M.A. Psychology, Educator, Speaker, Messaging Coach for the Non- Copywriter, Course Creation Coach, Christian Entrepreneur
***TOP 2% Global Podcast!*** Are you building an online business and stuck at what to say to your audience? Do you feel like no one is listening to you? Do you stare at a blank screen for hours because you don’t know what the magic formula is to writing copy that connects? And you can’t afford to hire a copywriter to do it for you? Well you’re in the right place! Because I used to be you! I am going to teach you how to connect with your target audience, so that they feel like you get them… a ...
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Indie Brand Builder: how to build a successful business online
Dan Chadney: Creative entrepreneur, Online Business and SEO Expert, Blogger
Each week we interview successful entrepreneurs and industry experts while reflecting on our own experience building e-commerce brands. Topics include selling consumer products wholesale, SEO, e-commerce, marketing, and business management. Whether you’re just getting started in developing a consumer product-based brand, or are looking to build an existing brand, you’ll find a ton of useful, actionable information both in the podcast and at indiebrandbuilder.com.
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Are you struggling to find your unique voice in your copywriting? Curious about how AI can lend a hand without replacing your authentic self? In this episode, I sit down with Pat, an author and workshop creator, who is navigating the process of aligning her message with her passion for helping women reimagine retirement. Pat shares her journey of u…
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Es wartet eine echt heiße Podcastfolge auf dich, denn ich teile mit dir, wie ich es geschafft habe, im Februar 40.000 Euro Cash-Umsatz zu machen und das mit nur der halben Arbeitszeit. Das klingt nach einem absoluten Wunder, aber glaub mir, es hat auf jeden Fall Strategie, es war ein Mindset-Part und ein Embodiment-Part dabei. All das werde ich mit…
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4 Key Components of Building Personal Brand for a Gentle Business Do you find personal branding overwhelming? In this episode, I share my approach to personal branding for gentle businesses. I explain why personal branding doesn't have to feel heavy or complicated. Instead, it can be an authentic way to connect with your audience. You'll learn my f…
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307: A Candid Conversation About Making a Shift to The Breakthrough Brand Podcast (+ a REAL Look at How I Make Big Business Decisions & a Q&A)
Big changes are coming to the Breakthrough Brand Podcast! In this episode, I’m sharing a personal and business update that’s been months in the making—I’m shifting the podcast to a seasonal format and taking a three-month break from releasing new episodes. But don’t worry, this isn’t a goodbye! To be clear, I’ll still be actively working in my busi…
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Self-Care is Not a To-Do List: A Gentle Approach for Women Entrepreneurs Have you been doing self-care all wrong? Buckle up for a game-changing conversation about what truly caring for yourself looks like. In this episode, I'm getting real about self-care—and why our Pinterest-perfect ideas might be totally missing the point. If you're a woman entr…
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Do you get stuck or uninspired of what to write about to promote your business? In this episode, I'm diving deep into 4 powerful ways to connect with your audience through copy. Whether you're crafting an email, a social media post, or a sales page, understanding how to engage both the head and heart of your audience can make your words truly reson…
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Heute nehme ich dich mal mit hinter die Kulissen zu meiner Reise nach Basel zu Dr. Joe Dispenza und seinem ‚Progressive Retreat‘ wo ich gerade die letzten 3 Tage verbracht habe. Und es geht in dieser Folge nicht nur darum, was ich dort erlebt habe und gelernt habe, sondern ich teile auch mit dir die 5 größten Fehler, die dein Business aktuell noch …
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Ever feel like your business is too noisy? Learn how to "hush" it just like you would a cluttered room. In this episode, we explore the concept of "business hushing" - a simple but powerful way to deal with recurring overwhelm in your business. Just like decluttering a room can bring peace to your home, quieting different aspects of your business c…
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Are your sales not meeting your expectations? Does it feel like your audience just isn't engaging with you? You're not alone, sweet friend! In this episode, I'm tackling 5 common messaging mistakes that could be costing you sales. Grab a pen and paper and take a listen so you can check your own messaging after you take a listen! 💞Introducing my NEW…
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Es wartet wieder ein unfassbares Interview auf dich. Ich spreche mit Karen Sailer, moderne Medizinfrau und Mastermind-Buddy von mir. Wir haben immer wahnsinnig tiefe Gespräche, wenn wir zusammenkommen. Das wirst du auch sicher in diesem Gespräch feststellen. Die Weisheiten in ihren Worten, die Tiefe in ihrer Energie und die Frequenz, in der sie spr…
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Feeling stuck and overwhelmed in your business? You're not alone. In this episode, we tackle the common problem of feeling overwhelmed as a business owner. Many entrepreneurs struggle with too many tasks, endless to-do lists, and the pressure to keep all the plates spinning. I’m sharing four simple, practical ways to handle overwhelm when it hits -…
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306: Taking a Family Gap Year As An Entrepreneur: Homeschooling, Traveling Abroad, and Ditching Instagram (While Growing Your Business) with Emily Conley
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1:01:40Today, I’m chatting with Emily Conley, an incredible copywriter, business owner, and world traveler who’s been balancing work, family, and homeschooling—all while exploring different countries. If you’ve ever wondered, is it possible to run a business without social media?, Could I travel full-time with my family?, or How does homeschooling actuall…
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154 | LIVE COACHING: Website Copy Optimization to Build Your Know, Like, & Trust with Your Audience
In today's fast-paced digital world, crafting compelling web copy and layout is key to capture your audience's attention. You get a bird's eye view of a coaching session with my client, Michele, in taking a look at her home page from top to bottom. Are you interested in getting my eyes and ears on your copy? You can start with a 20 minute Messaging…
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Podcast Quickie: Spürst du, dass noch viel mehr in dir steckt? Möchtest du dein Business auf das nächste Level heben? Bist du bereit für den Quantensprung in deinem Business? Egal wo du gerade aktuell damit stehst, egal, wo du hinwillst, ein einziger Tag wird dein Business verändern.Hol dir dein Ticket für ‚Authentic Business Live‘ ein – dem Live-E…
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When you hear the words “gentle business” what immediately comes to mind? Let's bust some common myths about what it really means to do business gently. In this episode, we tackle four common misconceptions about gentle business. I share why being gentle doesn't mean being weak, and how you can build a strong, successful business while staying true…
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305: How We Handle Health Insurance as a Self-Employed Family (Talking Healthcare, Finances, and more!)
If you’ve ever wondered how to navigate health insurance as a self-employed family, this episode is for you! With two kids (and another on the way!) and no employer-sponsored coverage, we’ve found an alternative that works for us—Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM). In this episode, we’re breaking down exactly how it works, what we pay, and the p…
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153 | Struggling with Storytelling? My 4 Step E.P.I.C. Framework to Write Authentic Stories that Connect and Convert with Your Audience
Are you struggling to weave storytelling into your copy? Do you want your stories to truly connect with your audience? In this episode of Write Copy that Connects, I'm sharing my E.P.I.C framework for powerful storytelling. We'll go through each part of the framework: Engage, Personalization, Imagine, and Connect. If you need additional support wit…
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Podcast Quickie: Träumst du groß, aber zögerst du noch, deine Vision zu verwirklichen? In dieser kurzen Folge nehme ich dich mit auf meine Reise nach L.A. und teile meine Erkenntnisse vom Mastermind-Treffen "The Visionary Collective". Du erfährst, was es bedeutet, eine Visionärin zu sein, wie du deine Vision findest und warum die Firmenkultur so wi…
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A Gentle Business Is Built on Healthy Habits & Routines Is your business running you, or are you running your business? Your daily habits shape your business success more than you might think. In this episode, we dive into how the small things we do every day can make or break our business success. I share my personal wake-up call about social medi…
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Motherhood and business—can we really do both without losing our minds? If you’re an entrepreneur who’s expecting or navigating new motherhood, this episode is for you. I’m sharing everything I wish I had known before having my first baby while running a business. From planning maternity leave (hint: you’ll probably need more time than you think) t…
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152 | Ready to Build Trust Fast? 5 Steps to Writing a Brand Story that Connects with Your Target Audience
Are you wondering why writing a brand story is crucial and how exactly to get started on creating one? In this episode of Write Copy that Connects, I dive into the art of crafting a strong brand story that not only connects with your audience but also builds that know, like, and trust factor to grow your personal brand. We'll explore the 5 key part…
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Wenn du versuchst an alle alles zu verkaufen, verkaufst du eigentlich niemandem irgendetwas. Dass dich das Millionen auf den gesamten Laufzeitraum deines Businesses kostet, darüber möchte ich mit dir heute mal in dieser Podcastfolge sprechen.Wenn du schon mal von den Opportunitätskosten gehört hast, dann weißt du, dass eine Entscheidung immer dazu …
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The Power of Clear Values & Priorities in Your Gentle Business Ready to stop second-guessing your business decisions? Let's explore how understanding your core values and current priorities can transform your business into a more aligned and gentle operation. In this episode, you'll learn: What core values and priorities really mean in business How…
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303: The Surprising Secret to Avoid Burnout & Grow Your Business: How You Can Prioritize Your Health in Life’s Busiest Seasons with Shaela Daugherty
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1:01:09In today’s episode, we’re talking about prioritizing health and wellness as busy women who are juggling businesses, chasing kids, managing marriages, maintaining friendships, and nurturing faith. With so much on our plates, our health often takes a backseat. Our guest today is Shaela Daugherty, host of the Simple Fitness Habits podcast. She’s a cer…
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151 | 8 Phrases to Elevate Your Copywriting Strategy & Capture Your Audience's Attention in 6 Seconds!
Have you ever wondered how to instantly grab your audience's attention? Or felt like you're the only one struggling with writing compelling copy? In this episode of "Write Copy That Connects," I share 8 killer phrases you can use in your social media, emails, sales pages, and website copy to make sure your message hits home and catches those precio…
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Deine finanzielle Freiheit liegt hier im Kern unserer Arbeit hier bei mir in meinem Unternehmen. Und deswegen ist es für mich eine besondere Freude und Ehre, dass ich heute eine Interviewgästin für dich habe, für die finanzielle Freiheit von Frauen ebenso wichtig ist wie für mich nur auf eine ganz andere Art und Weise.Ich habe heute Dr. Carmen Meye…
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Is your business personality buried under everyone else's advice? It's time to uncover your true entrepreneurial identity. In this episode, we dive into why knowing your business personality is crucial for creating a gentle, aligned business. Many entrepreneurs struggle because they're trying to follow conflicting advice instead of embracing their …
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If you’ve ever thought about starting a podcast—or you already have one and want to take it to the next level—this episode is for you! After hitting 300 episodes, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing exactly what I’d do if I were launching a brand-new podcast in 2025. Spoiler: the podcasting landscape has changed A LOT since I started in 2019, …
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150 | Struggling with Engagement? 4 Simple Copywriting Hacks to Nail Your Copy & Increase Your Conversions
Ever find yourself struggling to grab your audience's attention or unsure how to connecting with your audience in your copy? In this episode of Write Copy That Connects, I share 4 simple copywriting hacks that will boost your engagement across emails, social media posts, and sales pages! I also throw in some bonus tips on optimizing your content vi…
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Building Your Dream Business: A Journey to Gentle Success Today we're exploring how to build a business that fits you perfectly - just like choosing the right vehicle for a journey. I share my framework for creating a gently business simply and sustainably that doesn't burn you out. What you'll learn: How to identify what type of business journey y…
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What if your business could feel gentler and less stressful? In this episode of Doing Business Gently, we dive into what it truly means to run a business in a way that works with your life, not against it. I share my perspective on building a sustainable business that honors your energy, values, and current season of life. What you'll learn: The di…
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Heute widmen wir uns mal meinem Lieblingsthema nämlich dem Hustle-Modus. Wenn du bereits selbstständig bist, deine ersten Kunden auf Social Media gewonnen hast, weil du sichtbar bist, regelmäßig Content veröffentlichst und Geld verdienst mit dem, was du tust, geht es jetzt ins Wachstum. Ganz wunderbar, denn du hast dir die Basis geschaffen. Du bist…
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Do you ever wonder if there is a different way to do business? Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you because your business feels so hard? Or have you ever asked yourself, shouldn't I know what I want to be when I grow up by now? Maybe you're a massive introvert, shy, or considered an HSP, a highly sensitive person, or maybe you feel …
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It’s the start of a new year, which means it’s time to give your website a little love. In this quick and tactical episode, I’m sharing three super simple updates you can make to your site that’ll keep it fresh and professional – and here’s the best part: they all take less than five minutes! Seriously, you could knock these out during your coffee …
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Struggling with capturing your audience attention in just 6 seconds? Yep! That's about all the time you have before someone bounces away. In today’s episode, I dive into common connection challenges and reveal why I've rebranded from "Online Courses Made Easy" to "Write Copy That Connects." I share my journey from being intimidated by writing copy …
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Heute habe ich Rosa von ‚Motherhood Meets Business‘ zu Gast bei mir im Interview. Wir sprechen über ihren grandiosen Businessmama Summit, der am 15.01.25 startet. Sichere dir jetzt noch schnell ein Ticket, denn ich bin dort als Speakerin als eine von 25 Top-Online-Business-Unternehmerinnen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu Gast.In unserem Interview spri…
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300: Baby #3 Is Coming! (How We Found Out, Close Age Gaps, and Preparing for Life as a Family of Five)
As the title says, WE’RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! It’s our third! 🎉 I couldn’t be more thrilled to share this incredible news with you all in the 300th episode of the Breakthrough Brand Podcast! This announcement feels extra special as it marks such a significant milestone for both my personal life and podcast journey. I recorded this at 14 weeks of pr…
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148 | What's Coming in 2025? Learn How to Market Your Course Even Better. Create Deeper Connections that Convert!
Wanna thrive in 2025? Curious about how to create a deeper connection with your audience? In this episode, I’m sharing the exciting changes coming up on the podcast starting next week. My word for 2025 is "thrive," and we’re focusing on improving the quality of our courses, email lists, and overall engagement. After months of market research and di…
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Seitdem ich mich vor mittlerweile fast 30 Jahren das allererste Mal mit einer wahrlich bemerkenswerten Personal Brand auseinandergesetzt habe, nämlich Walt Disney, sind mir unfassbar viele unglaublich besch…. Mythen über den Weg gelaufen.Und wenn ich könnte, würde ich diese Folge tatsächlich ‚Die 5 größten Bullshit-Geschichten über Personal Brandin…
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299: Hosting a Team Vision Meeting: Why This Practice is Not Just for Big Businesses (+ How to Do It!)
Have you ever thought about hosting a team vision meeting for your business? Whether you’re a solopreneur with a small group of contractors or running a remote team, trust me when I say that this concept could be a game-changer for your business. If the term “team vision meeting” sounds a little fancy or intimidating, don’t worry—it’s not. This epi…
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Are you ready to create an online course that truly sells? Do you want to start 2025 with a solid plan for your customer journey? In this super quick episode, I share my excitement for the new year and challenge you to take the next step with me. Make sure to catch Episode 131, where we dive deep into understanding the customer journey. Trust me, h…
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