An irreverent podcast hosted by Kayla (new mommy) and Kailey (a DINKWAD--dual income no kids). Our podcast explores uncomfortable social situations, personal moments of rage, and asks the questions you might have been too embarrassed to admit out loud. We strive to be open and honest while we explore entering our thirties and functioning as real adults. The best part is that we are a perfect example of what we all need to remember - you can be lifelong friends and still not always agree on a ...
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. We are wrapping up our deep dive into Jordan Peterson's book "The Twelve Rules for Life" by completing the personality assessment on his Understand Myself Website. For the sake of fun, we used the comparison tool to compare/contrast our scores and to…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice The last 12 weeks we have read and reviewed our thoughts regarding Dr. Jordan Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life." In this final chapter (the coda aka the tail), the rules are reviewed and wrapped up with a series of questions. Kailey and Kayla review their own personal growth over the last 12 weeks and the lesson…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome to the final chapter of Jordan Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life." Chapter 12/Rule 12 states "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street." Don't be misled by the chapter heading- we are discussing more than cat people vs. dog people. Dr. Peterson uses this analogy to remind us to look for little momen…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to the Nonsexual Soulmates Book Club. We are breaking down chapter 11 from Dr. Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life. In this chapter we are challenged to look at the motivations behind "protective" policies. Are we diminishing daring and courage under the guise of safety and security? The chapter break…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Book Club. We are approaching the end Dr. Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life" and this week we recap chapter 10. "Rule 10: Be Precise in Your Speech" Last week, we were presented with a better way to listen. This week, we are challenged to speak clearly. Dr. …
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to the Nonsexual Soulmates Book Club! This week we recap chapter 9 of Dr. Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life. (If this is your first time tuning in, don't fret, you can pick up anywhere without feeling left out). Rule 9 "Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't". We …
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Here we are with another solid piece of insight from Dr. Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life. Chapter 8 / Rule 8: "Tell the truth- or, at least, don't lie." Telling the truth can be hard. Sometimes telling a "little lie" or a "half truth" seems an easier solution, but how many times have you found yourself in more…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice THIS IS THE 100TH EPISODE OF THE NONSEXUAL SOULMATES PODCAST!!! How appropriate then, that the rule of chapter 7 in Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life, says the following: "Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)." The irony really slapped us in the face- the endeavors that matter may take time, but the…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here to witness the departing of a friend (or foe), the year 2024. We have watched her age, she has seen us grow, we now send her off to her heavenly home. Join us for another holiday special as we lay to rest the trends of 2024 and set our sights on new horizons. Are you making res…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Our regular Tuesday release falling on Christmas Eve felt like the sign we needed to pause our regular book club episodes and bring you all a little holiday spirit. We bring you Christmas traditions old and new- possible pagan origins? What is the deal with Christmas trees? What are our favorite festive activities…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back for chapter 6 of the 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson. The rule this week reads: "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world." And we are feeling a little too seen. Join us as we review this chapter, advice on how to start the process of "setting your house in order" and th…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back for chapter 5 of the 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson. The rule this week reads: “Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.” GET EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO OUR CONTENT Just follow the link & enter your email. Do us all a favor and like…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back for chapter 4 of the 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson. The rule this week reads: "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today." If you're anything like us, that required some re-reading so it could really sink in. This chapter also challenges us to view the succes…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another episode of the Nonsexual Soulmates Book Club. This week we discuss Rule #3 for a better life: "Make friends with people who want the best for you." Even if you're not reading along with us, this chapter in particular has some pretty heavy-hitting quotes. Our tip this week? Take a look at th…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome to our book club breakdown of "The 12 Rules for Life" by Dr. Jordan Peterson. This week we review chapter 2 (Rule 2). Chapter 2/Rule 2 felt like a big one. Kayla felt a little lost in the middle of the chapter and Kailey found new meaning to some of the Biblical stories from childhood. Join us as we review…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to the pod, we are happy you are joining us. This week we breakdown chapter one/rule one from Jordan B. Peterson's 12 Guides to Life. Before you have a knee jerk reaction to his name and the public perception of him, please hang in with us and we review some really helpful insights into changing the w…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice As previously discussed, Halloween/All Hallows Eve/Samhain is the start of the new year on the old pagan calendar. We figured, why not try something new? So welcome to our first official book club in which we picked an author/book and break down a chapter each week. As a rule, we have always championed going to th…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome to our official Happy Halloween episode. Kayla has been EAGERLY awaiting her opportunity to discuss Cryptids. Join us as Kailey is ushered into the world of weird creatures, creepy encounters, and skin walkers. Are these just scary stories or are there really things that go bump in the night? We want to he…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Have you ever wanted to dip your toe into the world of herbs and other natural supplements? As another aspect of Halloween/Witchy season, we are exploring some ways we can incorporate these real life potions into our everyday lives. Kailey also discusses the possible pitfalls of the unregulated supplement industry…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice We can think of NUMEROUS scenarios that are scarier than your average haunted house and are CERTAINLY more spooky than any haunted hayride. Join us this week on the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast as we review some of the most feared scenarios in our adult lives. Tip: Get yourself (or anyone with pierced ears that you…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Have you ever read your star chart? Not just the little horoscope sign based on the date of your birth, but the whole big daddy report? Well that's what we did this episode and it was so fun. Whether you live by the planets or you think it's all hogwash, it is fun to read and see what it says. Join us as we unpack…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome to October! Witchy, spooky, and pumpkin season is officially here! To celebrate, we are doing some very elementary research about the origins of Halloween and some of our most beloved traditions. Did we make a few mistakes? Probably. But it was fun to try and learn a little bit. Thanks to Britannica for th…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another week of how to be an adult. Kayla has broken down the basics of how to purchase a home: where do I start? what do I do? who do I talk to? Sign up for our emails below and we will send you Kayla's quick reference guide: Thank you as always for listen…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice "What's for dinner tonight?" Arguably one of the worst questions and hardest decisions an adult has to make. But fear not! This week we discuss how we have simplified weeknight meals plus bonus insights on budget friendly ways to feed a toddler. Just the tip this week? It's a shameless plug for ourselves. Click on…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to the second week of our Adulting 101 Series. Tune in this week if you want to learn the basics of Advance Directives with two basics. We will cover an overview of the terms to know and where to start with your own planning. Just the Tip(s): To join the Numbering Your Days Network:https://numberingyo…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome to the Adulting 101 Series hosting by the Nonsexual Soulmates (who are allegedly adults). We continue to realize how many things we weren't taught in school and have had to educate ourselves about. We aren't experts, but if you want to hear about the basics from a couple of basics, come along for the ride.…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Have you ever been happily munching on a snack when suddenly it took a turn and now you are disgusted by the rest of your meal? Have you ever looked at a behavior and felt the second-hand cringes of embarrassment? Do the textures of certain objects make your skin crawl off? If you answered no to all of the above, …
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Woah. Do things look a little different? That's because we did a rebrand! Thanks for noticing, we think we look better too. ANYWAY, this week we have another fun topic for you. Don't take us too seriously, we just think it's fun to wonder. So if you're into asking questions, you like random though exercises, or yo…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. This episode was inspired by a post that listed qualities that do not disqualify you as a kind person (despite making others uncomfortable). For example, you can be a kind person and still say no. Mind blowing, am I right? Join us as we break down th…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice This week we compile what could be considered a list of 3am thoughts. Questions about life- where we come from, how did we get here? To questions about tattoo choices- why a death moth, why on the neck? Buckle up ya turkeys, it's about to get weird. What questions swirl around your gray matter? Do you hold any of …
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Week 4 of our Semi-Selfish Summer Series is all about relationships. How do we cultivate meaningful connections? How do we balance life, family, and friendships? What does it really mean to have healthy relationships as we get older and move into this new phase of life. What did we miss? What do healthy relationsh…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice We have arrived at week three of our Semi-Selfish Summer Series. We have reviewed how we try to manage our physical and mental health during the last two weeks and this episode we dive into fostering our spiritual/soul health. We get it, this sounds like some woo-woo shit. But our spirit, or soul, or inner knowing…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice We have arrived at Part Two of our Semi-Selfish Summer Series and this week we are talking about mental/emotional health. How do you define mental and emotional health? What do you do to invest in this key part of your overall wellness? We share our own stories of healing and what we have found to be beneficial in…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. We are diving into part one of our Semi-Selfish Summer Series - Physical Health. On this episode, we explore what physical health looks and feels like to us. We review what we are doing well to support our own physical fitness and discuss what tools …
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome to the first week of our deep dive into a mini-series! All hail the "Semi-Selfish Summer Series" that will be airing for the entirety of July. Join us on the introductory episode as we explain why we want to explore our own wellness practices and how to improve our overall wellbeing. (And yes we will also …
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back! And all hail summertime. For a fun little episode before we launch our first round of mini-series, join us as we discuss some of our summertime favorites. Are you an at-home fireworks family or go to the city's show? Are you a hamburger or a hot dog? Charcoal grill or gas grill? We already know our a…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Can you believe we are already halfway through 2024? We find it unfathomable that the Summer Solstice is already upon us. So Happy Summer Turkey Tots! We hope you are sipping your beverage of choice poolside, grilling hamburgers, and planning summer vacations. As is our custom, we are using the solstice as an excu…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice We all have our own quirks when it comes to germs, but have you ever really taken the time to sit down and think about them? Well, on this week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast, that is exactly what we did; and we are going to compare notes to share with you. What are your household polices regarding the handlin…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Do you ever observe or experience a person and wish you could immediately remove yourself from the situation? On this week's episode of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast, we engage in a creative exercise to encourage ourselves to be more observant and to use humor to reduce our rage as we engage with the general pub…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice We have been incessantly asking you all questions for the last few months so this week it is time to roll out some listener feedback. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond, we have been delighted to hear from other points of view and to learn a little more about you. Do you have questions for us? Do y…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Life circumstances change, people change, major life events happen. Do you ever find yourself worrying how, or even if, your friendships will survive? Adapting to the various twists and turns of relationships can be difficult and sometimes we accidently wound each other. One of these nerve-inducing events is becom…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast! This week we dive into ourselves and reflect on our personal growth, our journey into our thirties, and resdiscovering who we are in this next phase of our lives. Kayla shares an intimate look into the first year of motherhood, rediscovering who she is in the contex…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another episode of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. This week we have questions for YOU. As you have probably guessed, we are nosey nellies. But we also think asking questions, staying curious, and wondering about the experiences of others is a great way to build empathy and compassion. So we get t…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another episode of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. This week we are excited to discuss common sayings that perhaps need a bit more clarification: "Marriage/relationships are hard work." "Opposites attract." "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." "Travel while you're young." "You HAVE t…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another episode of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast! Thanks to Kayla's background in marketing, we recently completed an exercise in creating the embodiment of our target audience. We thought it would be fun to review the results of our brainstorming for all of you to enjoy with us. While we think w…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back to another week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast! On this episode we review all of our favorite "remember whens" from childhood. We reflect on how much technology has changed and wonder if all kids learn how to draw that one "S" in middle school. What are your favorite childhood memories and old tec…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice This week on the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast we are piggy backing off of a concept discussed on the Modern Wisdom Podcast in which they discussed hard truths that we need to hear (but maybe don't want to acknowledge). Sometimes even the passion project you love still feels like work because half of the gratificati…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Do you ever find yourself with a hair trigger and hate in your heart over the behaviors of people in public? Us too. So this week we thought we would come up with some ways to battle the rage and foster a more empathic way of moving through the world. Join us as we each review some actionable ways to be more patie…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice Welcome back Turkey Tots and thank you for joining us on another episode of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. We started off the year setting intentions and goals for 2024 and we decided to use the Spring Equinox for more than just crafting. We are checking in on our goals and on each other to see how the first qua…
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Send Us a Message.. please be nice IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO GET ACCESS TO OUR FARTS & CRAFTS: Just follow the link & enter your email Anyhow, it's another week of the Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast. This week, we researched information directly from the source to bring you the red flags of women (from the perspect…
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