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show episodes

Speaking Municipally

Taproot Edmonton

Taproot Edmonton presents a weekly discussion on key stories in municipal politics. We pay attention to City Council so you don't have to! Join us as we delve into conversations about the context surrounding decisions made at City Hall.
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Muni Diaries

Muni Diaries

The Muni Diaries podcast is where you'll hear true stories that happened on public transportation in San Francisco and the Bay Area, presented by the editors of Since our launch in 2008, we've gathered stories from more than 4,000 transit riders. To submit your own story, or read more bus tales, visit
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Municipal Matters

City of Henderson, KY

Welcome to Municipal Matters! The podcast that explores the exciting developments, community events, and important issues shaping the City of Henderson, KY. Whether you're sipping on coffee or driving down Green Street, join us as we make municipal matters matter more - TOGETHER!
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The Municipal Voice


CCM is the state’s largest, nonpartisan organization of municipal leaders, representing towns and cities of all sizes from all corners of the state, with 168 member municipalities.
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The Muni 360 Podcast from New York Life Investments

New York Life Investments

The seasoned, active investors at MacKay Municipal Managers provide valuable insights into the highly fragmented, complex, and inefficient municipal bond market. With topics that can range from public policy, market technicals, and municipal strategies for clients to consider, tune in to our monthly in-depth conversations for the team’s latest views on the municipal market. MacKay Municipal Managers is a team of portfolio managers at MacKay Shields. MacKay Shields is 100% owned by NYLIM Hold ...
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Moody's Talks - Muniland

Moody's Investors Service

Hosted by Nick Samuels of the US Public Finance team, Muniland delves into the latest developments impacting the credit environment for states, local governments, healthcare, higher education and more. In each episode, Moody’s analysts join Nick in exploring the ramifications of the pandemic, climate change, cyber risk, federal policy, pension burdens and other deep-seated challenges.
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EpicLife with Martha Munizzi

Martha Munizzi

EpicLife Church is a life-giving faith based community located in Winter Park, FL led by Pastors Dan and Martha Munizzi. We hope you are blessed and encouraged as you listen to the weekly messages and invite you to share them with your community. Visit us online for more information at
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The Municibid Podcast


We dive into the wild world of government surplus and uncover the creative ways people are utilizing the items they win at auctions. From a city bus transformed into a luxurious RV, to an ambulance repurposed as a work truck, and even a used car dealership thriving by winning auctions and reselling decommissioned police vehicles, we've got some amazing stories to share.
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En podcast om att flytta till München för att plugga tillsammans med sin bästa vän, och allt vad det innebär i form av vardagsbestyr, kalas och kulturkrockar. Av Emelie Lindgren och Elin Olsson.
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Bong Munikotha

Bong Munikotha 'মুনিঋষিদের জানা অজানা নানা কথা'

Bong Munikotha 'মুনিঋষিদের জানা অজানা নানা কথা' ধর্ম যা মানুষকে ধারণ করে রাখে সেই ধর্ম যুগে যুগে মানব সমাজের আন্ত চালিকাশক্তি হয়েই প্রবাহিত হয়ে এসেছে মানব সমাজে, হিন্দু ধর্ম শুধুমাত্র একটা ধর্ম বা ধর্মীয় রীতি নয় যা একটা ভাবনা যে ভাবনার চালিকাশক্তি আধ্যাত্মিকতা বিশ্বাস এবং মনুষ্যত্ব গঠনের প্রাথমিক শর্ত তাই প্রাচীন যুগ থেকে শুরু করে আধুনিক যুগ পর্যন্ত এই ধর্ম বিস্তারে এই ধর্মের প্রচারে এবং এই ধর্মের বিকাশে যুগে যুগে নানা অবতার আবির্ভূত হয়েছেন তাদের কৃতকর্ম জীবনধারা
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Theatro Municipal

Theatro Municipal

Bem-vindos ao canal do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo! Aqui você dará um delicioso mergulho nos destaques da programação do Theatro Municipal. Do erudito ao popular, recheado de entrevistas e muita música. Aqui você encontra o podcast, apresentado por Ligiana Costa entre outros programas.
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Poder Municipal Colombia

Miguel Peña

Este podcast es un complemento de nuestro sitio, el cual, como iniciativa privada no vinculada a ninguna entidad del Estado, es un sitio web dirigido a los alcaldes, concejales, personeros, contralores, demás funcionarios municipales y a la comunidad en general, interesados en conocer las últimas leyes, decretos, pronunciamientos jurisprudenciales y otras notas de interés relacionadas con la administración de los municipios colombianos.
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Rober en Munich (Podcasts)

Roberto M. M.

Este sitio surge como complemento a mi Windows Live!. Es un reflejo de momentos importantes que pasan en mi vida cotidiana. Por decirlo asi, mi propia emisora privada de noticias abierta a todo el mundo. Seguro que te ries un taco conmigo, asi que lo dicho. Suscribete!
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Distinctly You with Sherifah Munis

Sherifah Munis

Welcome to Distinctly You where Sherifah Munis interviews women who have redefined success in different seasons of change. With nearly two decades of experience as an entrepreneur who also wears multiple hats as a wife and mom, she’s been through many transitions in life and with each phase, has had to dig deep to find and maintain her sense of purpose and identity. If you’re seeking to pursue your true passion but you don’t know where to start, join us as we explore inspiring stories of suc ...
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Every difficult time is an opportunity to create, listen and learn from experiences. The Pretzel Podcast will bring creative inspiration and stories closer to you, in your ears. #thepretzelpodcast pretzel /ˈprɛts(ə)l/ 1. a crisp biscuit baked in the form of a knot or a stick and flavored with salt, very famous in the Bavaria region, Germany 2. twist, bend, or contort
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Hegel lectures by Robert Brandom, LMU Munich

Robert Brandom, Axel Hutter

The philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel is a major focus of Robert Brandom's work. Brandom makes Hegel's thought accessible to analytic philosophy by developing a semantic interpretation of the "Phenomenology of Spirit". In his Munich lectures, Brandom is going to present new texts on the "Introduction" of Hegel's Phenomenology for the first time. Conference host: Society "Conceptions of Reason. Justification and Critique" (cooperation of Chair II for Philosophie, LMU Munich, Prof. Axel Hutter, and C ...
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Munich Centre for Advanced Photonics

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Am Exzellenzcluster Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics (MAP) loten weltweit renommierte Forscherinnen und Forscher aus dem Bereich der Photonik neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Photonen aus. Damit leistet MAP einen wichtigen Beitrag zum technologischen Fortschritt, weil Photonen, Photonen- und Teilchenquellen sowie anwendungsbezogene technische Verfahren Schlüsselbestandteile der Technologie des 21. Jahrhunderts sind. Ziel von MAP ist es unter anderem, höhere Intensitäten, eine höhere Frequen ...
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show series
Host Chris Roberti sits down with Mike Denlinger, Portfolio Manager at MacKay Municipal Managers, to break down the biggest trends shaping the municipal bond market in 2025. Instead of just focusing on interest rates and inflation, investors now need to pay closer attention to picking the right bonds and sectors. Mike shares insights on market shif…
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A new committee of council has been born (or, at least, is in utero). Plus, Bridgegate both continues and concludes, council has approved the Nordic spa in the river valley, and the province's CorruptCare scandal (allegedly) reaches the city. Here are the relevant links for this episode: Bridgegate City releases schedule of Edmonton's bridge renewa…
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Casey Fields and Jake Broom take a look at the progress of S244, the tort reform bill, as well as the House subcommittee consideration of bills involving annexation notices for county governments and building permit timelines.Municipal Association of SC
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In mid February, the League and its longtime friends at the N.C. Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) and western North Carolina region Councils of Governments held a second, large convening of governments -- local, state and federal -- in storm-hit Asheville to go over the latest in the post-Helene recovery work for western North Carolina, …
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🎥 ✉️ [email protected] ☎️ (19) 3456-5152 | (19) 3456 5330 📆 A playlist completa pode ser acessada por meio do Spotify, Dezzer, Google Podcast, Amazom Music, Player FM, Tunin além das mídias sociais da Câmara Municipal. Seja bem-vindo a Câmara Municipal de Iracemápolis, você o…
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Join us for an introduction to the wonderful world of Muskegon County Parks. Senior Park Ranger, Kristin Kluting, is enthusiastic about all seasons and activities to be enjoyed at our 8 Muskegon County Parks. Learn about the opportunities to share nature and the comforts of camping, boating and outdoor enjoyment available right here in Muskegon Cou…
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You may have heard that several bridges will be closed at once, but is that true? We dig into bridge maintenance planned for the next few years. We also discuss new bus priority measures, Lime's winter cycling pilot, an audit of DATS, and the upcoming wildfire season. Here are the relevant links for this episode: Bridge maintenance No, five bridges…
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Sheriff Poulin has a long list of responsibilities for keeping our county safe, both as a law enforcement officer and an elected offical with an outstanding record of creating innovative programs both here and around the State of Michigan. Now in his third term as Sheriff, he has been serving in law enforcement in Muskegon County for 38 years and i…
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Casey Fields and Jake Broom review the House Ways and Means Committee version of the state budget, which fully funds the Local Government Fund, provides $222.3 million in Hurricane Helene relief, and supports bridge modernization and beach renourishment. They also discuss ongoing testimony on the liquor liability bills under consideration.…
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We follow up on the Public Spaces Bylaw, accelerating construction on the Valley Line West LRT, and the introduction of two new commissioners for the Edmonton Police Commission. Plus, the City of Leduc proposes to annex land from Leduc County, and we wrap up our Edmonton Food Faves series. Here are the relevant links for this episode: Public Spaces…
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Casey Fields and Jake Broom cover action on bills that would impact electric utilities, annexation of agricultural land, liquor liability and boat taxes. They also cover the adjournment of debate on the bill that would prohibit the SC Department of Environmental Services from denying property owners the right to repair or replace wells or septic ta…
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Meet Andrew Nichols, our dedicated Muskegon County Road Commission Maintenance Superintendent, committed to keeping our roads safe, efficient, and well-maintained for everyone. With years of experience in infrastructure and public service he understands the challenges of ever-changing weather, heavy traffic, and community needs. His leadership ensu…
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Municipal Matters host Mayor Brad Staton is joined by Henderson Tourist Commission Executive Director Abby Dixon, local business owner Andy Rideout, and former Henderson Water Utility General Manager Tom Williams. Together they discuss the ins and outs of the plans for the new Audubon Park Convention Center. Don't miss this opportunity to hear abou…
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🎥 ✉️ [email protected] ☎️ (19) 3456-5152 | (19) 3456 5330 📆 A playlist completa pode ser acessada por meio do Spotify, Dezzer, Google Podcast, Amazom Music, Player FM, Tunin além das mídias sociais da Câmara Municipal. Seja bem-vindo a Câmara Municipal de Iracemápolis, você o…
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Patrick Finnegan plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of our judicial system, managing the daily administrative tasks that keep our courts running efficiently. He handles case scheduling, oversees budget and personnel matters, and implements policies that support our judges, attorneys, and the public. His work requires patience and a…
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City council heard about potential tariffs and how they might affect our city. Plus, the Edmonton Design Committee could be expanding its mandate, and we look at how construction on the Valley Line West LRT might accelerate. Here are the relevant links for this episode: Tariffs Edmonton city council, business leaders talk tariff strategy as adminis…
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The first month of 2025 has already broken records in terms of supply, what’s the trend ahead and how do technicals play a role for the rest of the quarter? Follow Us Twitter @NYLInvestments Twitter @MacKayMuniMgrs Facebook @NYLInvestments LinkedIn: New York Life Investments LinkedIn: MacKay Municipal Managers Presented by New York Life Investments…
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Casey Fields and Jake Broom discuss bills that would create a property tax exemption for nonprofits, restrict annexation of farm properties, and prohibit cities from denying septic tank or private well installations. They also explain subcommittee action on bills aimed at reducing the burden of liquor liability insurance costs on businesses.…
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🎥 ✉️ [email protected] ☎️ (19) 3456-5152 | (19) 3456 5330 📆 A playlist completa pode ser acessada por meio do Spotify, Dezzer, Google Podcast, Amazom Music, Player FM, Tunin além das mídias sociais da Câmara Municipal. Seja bem-vindo a Câmara Municipal de Iracemápolis, você o…
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We examine the updated Public Spaces Bylaw, which will be discussed at an upcoming committee meeting. Plus, an update on affordable housing on surplus school sites, and how artificial intelligence is beginning to integrate into municipal work. Here are the relevant links for this episode: Public Spaces Bylaw Here's why Edmonton may ban or limit pub…
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The current pace of supply is coming in lower than what some expected so far in 2025. Follow Us Twitter @NYLInvestments Twitter @MacKayMuniMgrs Facebook @NYLInvestments LinkedIn: New York Life Investments LinkedIn: MacKay Municipal Managers Presented by New York Life Investments MacKay Municipal Managers is a team of …
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Casey Fields and Jake Broom talk about the SC House debating changes to its governing rules, Gov. Henry McMaster’s push to revive the project expanding the V.C. Summer nuclear plant, as well as ongoing debate on liquor liability and tort reform.Municipal Association of SC
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Getting stuck on a stalled Muni train is every rider's worst nightmare. But what's it like being one of the mechanics with the daunting task of getting that train and its frustrated riders moving again? Rory O'Neill understands both sides of that coin. He spent many years working as a mechanic on the mobile response unit and the emergency response …
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We discuss the 76 Avenue redevelopment, the latest police commission appointments, the end of the EMRB, and a well-known West Edmonton Mall record, which may not be a record at all. Plus, we have a new segment exploring Edmonton Food Faves. Here are the relevant links for this episode: West Edmonton Mall Reddit thread about the parking lot record E…
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Attractively priced new issues are being met with robust demand Follow Us Twitter @NYLInvestments Twitter @MacKayMuniMgrs Facebook @NYLInvestments LinkedIn: New York Life Investments LinkedIn: MacKay Municipal Managers Presented by New York Life Investments MacKay Municipal Managers is a team of portfolio managers at …
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On a week with snowy weather disrupting legislative work, Casey Fields and Jake Broom discuss several election-related bills in the General Assembly. These include S36, which concerns polling locations; S37, which would require municipalities to choose one of two election dates; and S38, which would set specific dates for special elections.…
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Karen Buie, our Muskegon County Clerk plays a vital role in keeping local government organized and accessible to the community. She manages public records, oversees elections, and ensures legal documents are properly filed, all while upholding transparency and accuracy. Her work often goes unnoticed, yet it directly impacts the daily lives of Muske…
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It's nice to have a car, for all the practical reasons. But cars can be a bummer, too. They cost a lot up front, need regular maintenance, require insurance, lose on resale value, might have varying degrees of reliability along the way and bring other kinds of risks and exposures. What if that kind of stress went away for everyday folks? What if yo…
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Join Phil and I as we sit down with Bradford Town Ward 2 Councillor Jonathon Scott. He answers our questions about Bradford as well as his opinion on the incoming tariffs. Phil and I also discuss Brad Bradford, Carney, Freeland, Grok, Olivia Chow and much more.themunicipalspod
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