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I Altingets podcast "Ministertid" inviterer forhenværende minister Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille en perlerække af tidligere danske ministre ind til en samtale om deres tid i ministerstolen. Hver episode dykker ned i deres personlige oplevelser og udfordringer, fra de afgørende beslutninger i det politiske maskinrum til de mere ukendte anekdoter, der har præget deres politiske karriere. Podcasten giver et unikt indblik i livet som minister, hvor erfaringer og taktikker deles, og hvor vi kommer ...
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Season One of ‘The Presidents & Prime Ministers brought to life all 55 of Britain's Prime Ministers through interviews with the authors of all 55 essays in Iain Dale’s book The Prime Ministers: Three Hundred Years of History. From the obscure 18th-century figures like the Earl of Shelburne and Henry Pelham to 20th-century titans like Churchill and Thatcher, these podcasts provide a much-needed reminder about their motivations, failures and achievements. Season Two, gives the same treatment t ...
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The Ministering Angel Podcast

Ronald Myers Jr

The Ministering Angel podcast is designed to help you navigate life's challenges through spiritual eyes. I will attempt to give you right now practical answers to life's most challenging dilemmas. Helping you to see yourself and see god hopefully from his perspective.
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un Podcast para apoyar espiritualmente y Biblicamente. Contiene predicaciones y sermones para guiar a alguien al cieloPastor Tito ha pastoreado desde 2015 y ha sido en el ministerio desde 2010. Va a tener diferente entrevistas y predicaciones.
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#Ebenezersandiego Te invito a que te suscribas a nuestro canal y actives las notificaciones 🔔 para seguir recibiendo Palabra que edificará tu vida. #pastorfranciscolabraña#Ebenezersandiego #MinisteriosEbenezer Facebook: / Ebenezersandiego Instagram: / Ebenezersandiego Dirección 6580 Federal Blvd Lemon Grove, CA 91945 United States Horarios de servicio Viernes 7:00pm Domingos 10:00am
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Ministerios Abba Padre

Profeta Carlos & Gaby de García

Creemos que la palabra de Reino viene a prosperar a quien se vuelve un hacedor de ella, prepárate para ser transformado y prosperado en la palabra de Dios. Siguenos en nuestro canal de Youtube Escucha Radio Cristiana 24/7 Radio Abba Padre Online en MyTuner Radio ¿Necesitas Oración? Ingresa al enlace y escríbenos tus peticiones de oración
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Dear Young Minister

Simi Deleawe

Welcome to Dear Young Minister, the podcast created to inspire and equip young ministers on their journey of personal and spiritual growth. Each week, Simi Deleawe shares her own experiences, offering practical insights, heartfelt stories, and transformative strategies to help you become the minister God has called you to be. Rooted in Matthew 9:37, this podcast aims to nurture the next generation of leaders, empowering them to live with purpose for the benefit of humanity and the glory of God.
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Welcome to Prime Factors where we review each UK Prime Minister from Robert Walpole to Keir Starmer. We discuss their biography, highs and lows, and then rate them on a scale designed by a 10-year old before awarding the ultimate prize: Are they ”Known” or an ”Ice Cream Cone”? Some dads build a treehouse with their kid. We’re doing a history podcast.
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How many times have you said to yourself, "If I were the Minister for Education…?" Well I do! Rather than grumble to myself, I decided to podcast my thoughts on ways I'd change the primary education system in Ireland. Every episode I'll take on a different theme, give some background and hopefully come to some conclusions by the end.
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Prime Time: Prime Ministers

The Robinocracy

Prime Time is a casual history Rexy-Pod ranking all the British Prime Ministers from Robert Walpole to the modern day. On our way, we'll tell the story of this nation, cast judgement on our forebears, and explore some of the weird, wonderful, and time-worn bits of modern British Politics that are still around today. @primetime_cast For bonus episodes and our Discord, join us on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Rob Barnett is the co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Modern Classrooms Project, a really interesting project which, at its core, tries to use technology for better human interaction and relationships in the classroom. Rob is a hugely impressive educator as you will hear in this episode but you can also watch him at this TEDx talk. Rob has als…
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In this episode, Simi Deleawe explores the crucial lesson of "Think Big, Start Small" for young ministers and aspiring leaders. Simi Deleawe shares personal experiences and biblical wisdom to encourage listeners to embrace God's grand vision while patiently navigating the building process. LinkTree:…
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Quaresma: Tempo de Conversão e Esperança! ✝️🌿Iniciamos mais um período de 40 dias de intensa busca pelo Senhor, tempo de oração, jejum e caridade. A Campanha da Fraternidade deste ano nos convida à reflexão sobre a ecologia integral, lembrando que tudo o que Deus criou era "muito bom".📖 “Convertei-vos ao Senhor vosso Deus, pois Ele é benigno e comp…
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Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: Jeremias 12:1-3 Plano De Leitura Anual: Números 34–36; Marcos 9:30-50 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: Há pouco, vi uma fotografia da escultura Moisés, de Michelangelo, na qual destacava-se um pequeno músculo saliente no braço direito de Moisés. Trata-se do extensor …
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Ugens gæst i Ministertid har en livshistorie, som de færreste drømmer om. Laurits Tørnæs kom ud for en alvorlig trafikulykke, mistede sin kone til kræft, stod alene med tre små børn og uden fysikken til at kunne fortsætte sit hverv som fiskeskipper. Men så kastede han sig over politik og blev i mere end fem år landbrugsminister i tre forskellige bo…
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Escuela de Predicadores - Diplomado en Vida, Apostolado y Escritos de Pablo (Clase 5)El Movimiento de Jesús en el Siglo I• Para el año 49 d.C., el movimiento de Jesús ya tenía diversas corrientes de pensamiento.• Desde el principio, no existió una única manera de entender a Jesús; esto se reflejó en los evangelios escritos posteriormente.El Concili…
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Prime Minister's Question Time, also referred to as PMQs, takes place every Wednesday the House of Commons sits. It gives MPs the chance to put questions to the Prime Minister or a nominated minister.In most cases, the session starts with a routine 'open question' from an MP about the Prime Minister's engagements. MPs can then ask supplementary que…
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Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: 2 Crônicas 35:20-27 Plano De Leitura Anual: Números 31–33; Marcos 9:1-29 O devocional de hoje está uma bênção! Marque um amigo aqui nos comentários para ler com você! Era terrivelmente tedioso ir e voltar da faculdade cruzando uma área de deserto. Como a estrada era longa e reta, muitas vezes dirigi mais rápido do que deveri…
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The Ministering Angel Podcast, hosted by Ronald and various speakers, aims to deepen connections with Jesus Christ and inspire listeners with divine messages of strength and resilience. The podcast emphasizes that genuine commitment to beliefs, whether in faith, dreams, or relationships, is evidenced not by words but by steadfast actions, resilienc…
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Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: Tito 2:1-10 Plano De Leitura Anual: Números 28–30; Marcos 8:22-38 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira 👇 Nelson Bell, 23, tinha acabado de se formar em medicina no estado da Virgínia, EUA, em 1917. Mesmo assim, lá estava ele, em um país asiático, sendo o novo administrado…
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Iain Dale talks to the host of the Chinese Whispers podcast about the life and rule of President Xi Jinping of China. Signed copies of THE DICTATORS can be ordered here
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Gálatas 6,17 – Los estigmas de Jesús en nosotros.IntroducciónEl apóstol Pablo, al finalizar su carta a los Gálatas, hace una declaración profunda y personal:"Por lo demás, que nadie me cause más problemas, porque yo llevo en mi cuerpo las cicatrices de Jesús." (Gálatas 6:17)Esta afirmación no es doctrinal, sino una convicción profunda sobre su mini…
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El discurso pronunciado por el pastor Carlos Gentile y Mariluz Gentile sirve como una exploración profunda de temas espirituales pertinentes a la congregación de la Iglesia Bautista de Middletown. La esencia de su mensaje gira en torno a la manifestación de la presencia divina y la justificación de la fe a través de la encarnación corporal de Dios.…
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Leitura bíblica Do Dia: Salmo 1 Plano de leitura anual: Números 26–27; Marcos 8:1-21 Vamos ler o devocional juntos? Separe um tempo especial para Deus hoje e faça sua reflexão diária: Quando André e sua família foram a um safári no Quênia, tiveram o prazer de ver uma variedade de animais num pequeno lago escondido na paisagem. Girafas, antílopes, h…
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The episode of the 'Divine Revelations' introduces an exploration of profound truths and life-changing insights from the Holy Bible aimed at transforming lives and strengthening relationships with Jesus Christ. It details the spiritual composition of a true believer, emphasizing the importance of faith, righteousness, the Holy Spirit, the word of G…
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Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira 👇 Leitura bíblica do dia: Mateus 11:28-30 Plano De Leitura Anual: Números 23–25; Marcos 7:14-37 “A alma inquieta nunca se satisfaz com riqueza e sucesso” poderia ser dito por um ícone da música country, já falecido. Ele teve quase 40 de seus álbuns entre os d…
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The podcast emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit within believers, guiding them through life's challenges by shifting focus from external adversities to the omnipotent presence of God within. It stresses the importance of trust and obedience in cultivating a relationship with God, and highlights examples like Joseph to illustrate how divine pres…
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Ministers Talking S#!T! ~ Rev Brz and Rev Michael Mangus Sponsored by New Thought Media Network Sign up for our Newsletter /ntmn-sign-up Make A Donation at: #newthoughtmedianetwork #sbnrRev. Robert Brzezinski
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Leitura Bíblica Do Dia:Mateus 11:28-30 Plano De Leitura Anual: Números 23-25; Marcos 7:14-37 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: “A alma inquieta nunca se satisfaz com riqueza e sucesso” poderia ser dito por um ícone da música country, já falecido. Ele teve quase 40 de seus álbuns entre os dez…
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In deze aflevering, meer details over onze live, Stef wordt bijna gewurgd in bed en Jonas heeft een verhaal over walen die bellen voor werk. Verder bespreken we weer verschillende banale artikels waaronder één over urine slikkers. Have fun met aflevering 98! Support the showHet Ministerie Van Banale Zaken
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El martes 25 de febrero tuvimos la clase número 4 del Diplomado en Vida, Apostolado y Escritos de Pablo, en la que adquirimos conocimientos que fueron herramientas invaluables para nuestra vocación como mensajeros de la Palabra.
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No episódio 29 do VerbOnline, Ana Gaia vai te deixar por dentro de todas as novidades que estão rolando no Ministério Verbo da Vida. O convidado da vez é Perilo Borba, escritor, jornalista, coordenador de Comunicação do Ministério da Vida, além de professor das Escolas Rhema e de Ministros.Na conversa de hoje, Perilo Borba fala sobre a importância …
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Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: Salmo 68:4-14 Plano De Leitura Anual: Deuteronômio 5–7; Marcos 11:1-18 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: Em 2020, as celebrações marcaram o 100º aniversário da aprovação da Décima Nona Emenda à Constituição dos EUA, a qual permitiu às mulheres o direito a voto. As fot…
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Gálatas: Aspectos introductorios – Una carta desde el corazón y el celo de Pablo por el evangelio que recibióTe compartimos la Palabra de Dios que nuestro pastor, David E. Ramos, impartió en la primera reunión general de Renuevos 2025.
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George Grenville wanted to be a lawyer, but when his Uncle Cobham needed more MPs to form his "Cobham Cubs" to fight Robert Walpole, George dutifully entered parliament. With Pitt by their side, the family seemed unstoppable. But after decades playing second-fiddle, would George Grenville step out of his family's shadow and find his own path?…
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This episode explores the theme of disappointment, examining how unmet expectations can lead to feelings of betrayal. It emphasizes the importance of realigning expectations with wisdom, grace, and God's promises. Key points include expecting imperfection but believing in growth, hoping for the best while trusting God's plan, loving freely without …
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