Um podcast onde o não é garantido, apresentado por Inês Lopes Gonçalves. Charged by Dacia.
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To tydelige typer løser verdensproblemer over en lav sko, mens både høyre- og venstresida får gjennomgå. Anrettet på en seng av nagende tvil.
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The podcast about all the twisted ways art and life imitate each other.
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Mimarlığın tüm halleri üzerine konuşmalar. (Hazırlayan ve sunan: Yağmur Yıldırım)
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Kuuntele Mimmit sijoittaa -podcastia ja audioartikkeleita! Mimmit sijoittaa -media puhuu sijoittamisesta, ihmisistä ja taloudesta. Käsittelyssä ajankohtaisuudet, sijoittaminen, säästäminen, ura ja raha. Lue artikkeleita osoitteessa ja seuraa meitä Instagramissa, LinkedInissä, TikTokissa ja Facebookissa! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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An actual play TTRPG podcast that explores popular adventures and modules within the confines of our homebrew world of Aurora!
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A Dungeons & Dragons podcast, where a rotating panel of DM’s provides insight and inspiration for Players and Dungeon Masters.
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The Sifu Mimi Chan Show
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We cover a lot of things on this podcast. We love covering trials, true crime, and conspiracies. Mimi & Wheezus (@themimiandwheezusshow) • Instagram photos and videos
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C'è una storia nascosta dentro ogni canzone. MIm le racconta. ••• (MIm si pronuncia MI minore • MI minore è un podcast di Marco Mm Mennillo ) instagram: @miminore_ • • Il Canale telegram: (15.000 Ascolti prima del Re-Up)
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A true crime podcast with a focus on lesser known crimes and the background of those who commit these heinous acts. Each case is told with a bit of southern sass, but with tons of in depth research and respect for those lost. Join this mom and daughter duo as they sip their mimosas while diving into tragic cases. New episodes every Saturday, just in time for brunch (and a mimosa of your own)!
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Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao GainCast, o podcast oficial da Clear Corretora. Aqui, os melhores analistas do mercado falam sobre suas experiências, contam suas histórias e se divertem com muita resenha sobre Bolsa de Valores e seus bastidores. Seja você um trader experiente ou um iniciante curioso, uma coisa é certa: bolsa de valores sem mimimi é aqui. Aumente o som e prepare-se para o Gain!
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Porque acredito que ter 30 minutos para nós é meio caminho andado para uma vida melhor. Neste podcast vou partilhar a minha experiência como mulher, mãe, freelancer a viver fora do país. Vou partilhar histórias da minha vida, reflexões sobre o dia-a-dia, vou também responder às vossas muitas perguntas sobre como te ruma vida saudável, equilibrada e sobretudo consciente.Juntem-se aqui nestes 30 minutos para mim!
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Mimon Baraka Aufnahmen der NWO
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Les fictions sonores de MimiRyudo...
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todas as quintas-feiras, clara matheus e leonardo oliveira conversam sobre assuntos que chamaram atenção durante a semana. cultura da internet, arte, lançamento de livros, filmes e séries: tudo que é mídia pode se tornar assunto. sempre compromissados com a informação de qualidade, mas sem perder o bom humor.
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Welcome to "griefsense," a bi-weekly podcast for creatives who are grievers. I'm your host, Mimi Gonzalez, guiding you through discussions about life, death, and 'grief sense,' a unique perspective born from my personal loss and confrontation with mortality. We'll invite guests to share their stories of loss and healing and how they've tapped into this thought exploration of their #griefsense. Together, we'll explore the intersection of grief, creativity, and mortality, striving to normalize ...
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Estudos para vestibular e enem Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash:
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Tatar podcast with love from Canada, eh.
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Podcast über alles, was eigentlich so schön sein könnte, aber doch ganz schön scheiße ist. Von Philine Kreuzer, Taiina Grünzig & Lara Lorenz Jetzt auch bei iTunes & Spotify!
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Even a mime has to speak,when it’s caged.
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A podcast about women in creative industries who have found success while navigating the everyday challenges we face as mothers and caretakers.
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For those times you need a story...
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Selamat datang di Catatan Mimpi, dimana mimpi-mimpi berharga saya dismpan dan diabadikan
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Wie kannst du deinen Stoffwechsel anregen, gefährliches Körperfett verlieren und deinen Körperfettanteil senken? Wie vermeidest du die häufigsten Fehler beim Abnehmen? Wie geht Muskelaufbau – besonders ab 40? Was hilft gegen Rückenschmerzen und Bandscheibenvorfall? Warum haben so viele Menschen Probleme mit dem Ischiasnerv und wie kannst du das ändern? Welche Rolle spielt unser Gehirn und wie kannst du mit Stress und mentaler Gesundheit umgehen? Neustart Wechseljahre: Fit, cool und voller En ...
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Analisa tiap gameweek Liga Inggris dan bahas semua tentang bola
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la nouvelle émission société, média et culture de Radio M
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Panggil saja mimom. mimom adalah ibu rumah tangga biasa yang kebetulan jadi dokter, konselor menyusui serta sedang belajar jadi spesialis gizi klinik. Podcast mimom akan banyak bercerita tentang kehidupan ibu ibu, yang erat hubungannya dengan memberi nutrisi keluarga , mengurus rumah, hingga aktualisasi dirinya sendiri. tidak menjanjikan suara merdu, sekadar berbagi suara ibu ibu:) kontak mimom di
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Snuggle up and have a little snack, with the best storyteller around, Mimi! Once a month join Kiddo and his grandmother, Mimi, for stories, snacks, and snuggles, in this new series from PJ Library.
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Original slam poetry from artist Nicque Marina
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Andre Wolf von Mimikama und der Timpel von 88.6 klären in diesem Podcast ganz spezifische, aktuelle Fake News auf und plaudern auch über die größten Themen und Herausforderungen in der Welt der (Falsch-)nachrichten im Social Media Zeitalter.
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I will never break your heart
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Join us as we delve through the mysteries of this world. We will cover everything from unsolved murders, disappearances, secret societies, and conspiracy theories. And of course, grab your cocktail, because this is about to get wild.
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Podcast by San Francisco Mime Troupe
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Lifestyle | Music | Travel | Wellness
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Reviews/recaps/theories for GoT, Star Wars. etc.
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Textos lidos. Instagram @cleo_viater Telegram @cleo_viater E-mail
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Site Oficial da MEGA HITS!!!
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This is an online health community focused on self-care for mental, physical and spiritual growth.
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Listen to Mike and his friends as they try to make sense of a world turned upside down. Warning: Mike the Mime is intended for "immature" audiences.
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Welcome to Mimi Steward, where amazing things happen.
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Ini cerita berdasarkan pengalaman hidup nyata. Yang bertujuan bisa menginspirasi khalayak ramai.
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Nie sme komičky, iba političky s energiou, ktorú by sme radi preniesli aj na vás cez náš nový podcast Mimo záznam.
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Obrolan Ancur yang penting banget di rasakan boundingnya
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RICARDO ARAÚJO PEREIRA - Não Mandas em Mim #14
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1:36:01Animais selvagens, poder, responsabilidade zero e a ambição de ser cada vez pior.Não Mandas em Mim é um podcast onde Inês Lopes Gonçalves conversa com os seus convidados sobre aquilo que os aperta e o que os liberta, o que querem fazer mas não podem, o que fazem mas não querem e o que fazem porque podem. Ideia original e apresentação: Inês Lopes Go…
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No episódio de hoje, trago-vos dicas úteis no que toca a comer em restaurantes. Quais as opções mais saudáveis, o que evitar e como gerir uma vida profissional que requer muitas vezes ter de comer fora de casa. Espero que gostes! Sam Prozis Utiliza o código SAMANTAMC e ganha 10% de desconto em toda a tua encomenda! FAZ A TUA ENCOMENDA AQUI Follow m…
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Siamo sempre stati fan di Brunori SAS, fin da bambini. Non solo canzoni impegnato e cantautorato profondo: Dario Brunori ha saputo raccontare anche le emozioni più profonde dell'ovino che ha fatto la storia del Web.
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In this short episode, Kyle answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of his mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 3:01 Outro and Closing Theme 13:48 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at https…
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Martial Arts Philosophy in Daily Life In our latest MiOsc podcast episode, we dive deep into martial arts philosophy , exploring the interplay between internal and external elements. Whether in the explosive movements of kung fu or the meditative flow of tai chi, these principles extend far beyond training, influencing our approach to life, work, a…
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Der Herzschlag im Alter: Ein Mythos auf dem Prüfstand Hast du auch schon mal gehört, dass es mit zunehmendem Alter besser sei, den Puls nicht mehr allzu sehr in die Höhe zu treiben? Schließlich sei es vermeintlich wichtig für ein gesundes Herz. Unser Puls ist ein entscheidender Indikator für unser Wohlbefinden und unsere Fitness. Er verrät uns viel…
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K3 J6: Onko moraalitonta olla asuntosijoittaja? Pikakahvimemegirl räntti ja tutkijan näkökulma
Kaupallinen yhteistyö: Nordea <3 Onko moraalitonta olla asuntosijoittaja? Päivän jakso herättänee ajatuksia puolesta ja vastaan – ja syystä! Asuminen on perustarve. Jos sitä käyttää vaurastumisen vipuna, osallistuuko samalla riistoon? Onko yksityinen vuokranantaja osa laajempaa rakenteellista ongelmaa? Me emme kaihda epämukavia keskusteluja, ja sik…
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Mainos: YTK <3 Elämme epävarmoja aikoja, ja monelle työttömyysturva on nyt ajankohtaisempi kuin koskaan. Muutosneuvottelut, lomautukset ja haastava työllisyystilanne herättävät kysymyksiä tuista ja niiden ehdoista. Ja mitä vielä: väärää tietoa aiheesta liikkuu paljon! Tässä jutussa kumoamme kolme yleistä harhaluuloa työttömyysturvasta. Lue lisää ja…
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M052 - Mailbag of Holding - Why Does Dave Eat Trees?
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1:10:42In this mailbag episode, Megan, Dave, and Adam dig into 25 questions about D&D, pop culture, waffles, and more! DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at Spotify at https://open.spotify.c…
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In this short episode, Kyle answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of his mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 6:34 Outro and Closing Theme 19:50 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at https…
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Premiere: AUDUN LYSBAKKENs Skjebnetid
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1:07:15Hvilke krefter og ideer representerer Putin? Finnes en sammenheng mellom disse og trusselen fra Trump? Gjest i første episode av Audun Lysbakkens nye podkastserie er forfatter og Russland-kjenner Aage Borchgrevink. I Skjebnetid går Audun Lysbakken inn i Trump, Putin, ny og gammel fascisme, om trusselen fra ytre høyre og hva vi kan gjøre for å skape…
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This episode focuses on the spellcasters that have been added, which includes one for each of the six classic types of Giants! Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 Hill Giant Avalancher 2:48 Stone Giant Rockspeaker 8:15 Frost Giant Ice Shaper 15:46 Fire Giant Forgecaller 22:08 Cloud Giant Destiny Gambler 31:03 Storm Giant Tempest Caller 41:21 Closing Theme…
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Er det alltid galt (av menn) å være «selvhevdende»? Bør Norge flørte med Kina, nå som USA har slått opp? Kan venstresida mane til sterkt forsvar mot Russland uten å bli nyttig idiot for amerikansk våpenindustri? Dette er NOEN av spørsmålene Mímir må bryne seg på i Lytternes time. (Og ja: Lysbakken lanserer podkast!) Manifest Media er folkefinansier…
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Join Stacey and Sandra as they discuss the parallels of Anna Wintour and Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) from the movie The Devil Wears Prada.Stacey Rourke & Sandra Schaer-Fisackerly
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Kaupallinen yhteistyö: Suomen Vuokranantajat Mimmien Asuntoklubi Q&A: Mitä velvollisuuksia vuokralaisella on? Entä vuokranantajalla? Te kysyitte, Mimmit sijoittaa vastaa (mutta nopeasti)! Tsekkaa myös Suomen Vuokrantantajien videosarja: Onnistu asuntosijoittajana. <3
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Check out our season 4 return!! In this episode we talk about the death of Brittany Murphy and a few conspiracy theories.
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In this episode I chat with actor Langley Kirkwood for an insightful conversation about the state of the world, creativity in turbulent times, and life from the vantage point of Cape Town, South Africa. Langley is known for his powerful performances on screen, especially on one of my favorite shows, Warrior. Beyond the camera, he is a thoughtful th…
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Die Perimenopause beginnt oft unbemerkt: Neueste Studien zeigen, dass viele Frauen bereits ab 35 erste Wechseljahre-Symptome erleben. Diese Episode enthüllt die unbekannten Anzeichen jenseits von Hitzewallungen, Hormonveränderungen und Gewichtszunahme. Erfahre, wie Wechseljahresbeschwerden mit veränderten Ernährungsbedürfnissen zusammenhängen und w…
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Welcome to House Bonehood! This mini-campaign finds our party of dwarvish kin searching for the coveted Bone Sauce recipe from the rubble of one of the most infamous houses of the Blackmantle Dwarves... This is the first 20 minutes of this patreon exclusive mini-campaign! If you like what you hear, JOIN US FOR ADVENTURE on Patreon!…
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K3 J5: Tulevaisuuden asuminen – mitä asunnon ostajan pitää tietää?
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1:03:46Voiko tulevaisuutta ennustaa? Asuntosijoittajan kannattaa ainakin yrittää! Tätä jaksoa on odotettu – ja syystä! Sijoittamisessa, erityisesti asuntosijoittamisessa, tulevaisuuden ymmärtäminen on avainasemassa. Vaikka tavallisena kuukausisäästäjänä ei kannata liikaa yrittää ennustaa tulevaa (tai ollenkaan), asuntomarkkinoilla kehityskulkujen hahmotta…
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ANA GALVÃO - Não Mandas em Mim #13
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1:13:57Autoridade paterna, rock n' roll, não ter amarras e voltar a estudar aos 50Não Mandas em Mim é um podcast onde Inês Lopes Gonçalves conversa com os seus convidados sobre aquilo que os aperta e o que os liberta, o que querem fazer mas não podem, o que fazem mas não querem e o que fazem porque podem. Ideia original e apresentação: Inês Lopes Gonçalve…
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Send us a text In this episode, I hold space to honor the bold and beautiful legacies of my best friend, Meghan Victoria Leroy, and my grandmother, Wela Sefa—two women who shaped me long before I had the words for who I was becoming. Their birthdays are this month, and this is my offering to them. Meghan taught me what it means to live presently an…
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Send us a text Engage with a gripping true crime narrative as we delve into the chaotic life of Taylor Schabusiness, a woman whose path led her to commit unspeakable acts of violence. With a turbulent background, marked by personal loss and mental health struggles, Taylor's story raises poignant questions about the nature of accountability in the c…
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Alternativ medisin, yoga og vaksinekritikk: Er gamle hippie-verdier en drivkraft for den blåbrune høyrebølgen? Yogainstruktør Siw Aduvill kan rapportere om høy stemning for Trump blant kollegaer i det alternative miljøet. Sammen med journalist Lasse Josephsen lyser hun vei ned i kaninhullet, i en samtale ledet av Kristine Sørheim. FRP-KODEN utforsk…
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Sanat tarihçisi Nurtaç Buluç'un Şehrin Panoları projesi, İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir gibi şehirlerdeki apartman, otel, iş hanı gibi yapılarda 1950'li yıllardan itibaren yer almaya başlayan, 1960'lı ve 70'li yıllarda yaygınlaşarak çok sayıda kıymetli örneği üretilen seramik ve mozaik panoları belgeleyen bir kent hafızası projesi. Sadi Diren, Eren Eyüboğ…
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Har venstresida noe motstykke til høyresidas mannsideal; den karriereorientere og individualistiske VINNEREN? Eller er venstresidas mannsideal «ikke-mannen», renset for det snevert gammeldagse vi en gang kalte maskulinitet? Statsviter ØYVIND SØRAAS SKORGE er ukas gjest i M&Ms safe space. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: …
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In this short episode, Brad answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of his mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 4:28 Outro and Closing Theme 18:40 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at https…
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Kaupallinen yhteistyö: Suomen Vuokranantajat Mimmien Asuntoklubi Q&A: Millainen on hyvä sijoitusasunto? Te kysyitte, Mimmit sijoittaa vastaa (mutta nopeasti)! Tsekkaa myös Suomen Vuokrantantajien videosarja: Onnistu asuntosijoittajana. <3
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Kung Fu, Connection, and Community: A Weekend to Remember This past weekend, the Wah Lum family came together in a truly special way to celebrate Sifu Bob Rosen’s 40th anniversary in Boston’s Chinatown. It was more than just a milestone; it was a testament to the strength of our community, the deep roots of our traditions, and the unbreakable bonds…
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FETT WEG AB 40: Die 4 Ernährungsregeln, die meinen Körper komplett verändert haben Eigentlich wissen wir doch alle, was gesunde Ernährung ist – und trotzdem wird sie oft unnötig kompliziert. Warum eigentlich? Heute geht es um die Wissenschaft der Fettverbrennung und warum Kalorien zählen oft nicht funktioniert. Ich zeige dir, wie Protein beim Frühs…
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K3 J4: Aloittelijasta ammattilaiseksi – Asuntosijoitusstrategiat, mutta ymmärrettävästi
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1:04:30Kaupallinen yhteistyö: Nordea. Mikä asuntosijoitusstrategia sopii sinulle? Jos suunnittelet asuntosijoittamisen aloittamista, tämä jakso on must listen! Käymme läpi yleisimmät asuntosijoitusstrategiat, niiden hyödyt ja haasteet sekä sen, miten valita juuri itselle sopivin tapa sijoittaa. Vieraana on Netta Eskola (@flippaajatar), joka omistaa ns. RE…
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NININHO VAZ MAIA - Não Mandas em Mim #12
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1:13:05Ser livre quando se está preso, aprender a nadar em fontes, ser o rei das alcunhas e fã do FF. Não Mandas em Mim é um podcast onde Inês Lopes Gonçalves conversa com os seus convidados sobre aquilo que os aperta e o que os liberta, o que querem fazer mas não podem, o que fazem mas não querem e o que fazem porque podem. Ideia original e apresentação:…
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Hvilken rolle spiller humor, frykt, sinne og andre følelser når ytre høyre definerer samfunnsdebatten? Med Nederland som eksempel dykker forfatter Carline Tromp ned i høyrepopulistene metoder og retorikk. I samtale med Kristine Sørheim. FRP-KODEN utforsker den nye høyrebølgen. Fra Donald Musks USA til Tysklands ytre høyre og Sylvi fra Sunnmøre: M&M…
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Ele vive de trade "eu pago DARF todo mês"- GainDelas#62 com Murilo Lindão
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1:04:40#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #ações #investimentos RocketTrader: já foi jogador de futebol, surfista, jogador de poker e hoje é day trader (dos bons). Neste GainDelas ele contou sua história, como opera e como tem conseguido ter gains com consistência no mercado d…
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Bu programda İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü'nden yayımlanan "Kurmak ve Onarmak: Mimar ve Restoratör Mualla Eyüboğlu (1919 -2009)" kitabının yazarları Işıl Çokuğraş ve İrem Gençer konuklarımız. Çokuğraş ve Gençer'in araştırması, Mualla Eyüboğlu'nun arşivinin nerede olduğunu merak etmeleriyle başlıyor ve Doğan Apartmanı'nın çatı katında Eyüboğlu'na…
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Kan Trump drive Norge inn i EU?
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1:00:47Gjennom flekkete brilleglass myser vår dynamiske duo mot den geopolitiske tornadoen som kommer stadig nærmere Det norske hus. Der, midt i stormen, får de se en modig ungsosialist. Han hever sin blågule fane. Ukas gjest er Europabevegelsens SV-medlem Fredrick Tønsvoll Mortvedt. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til mani…
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In this short episode, Kasi answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of her mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 4:08 Outro and Closing Theme 21:02 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at https…
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Kaupallinen yhteistyö: Suomen Vuokranantajat Mimmien Asuntoklubi Q&A: Miten löytää hyvä vuokralainen? Te kysyitte, Mimmit sijoittaa vastaa (mutta nopeasti)! Tsekkaa myös Suomen Vuokrantantajien videosarja: Onnistu asuntosijoittajana. <3
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