Welcome to Boyfriend Material, the only relationship advice show guaranteed to ruin your relationship. Join your three BFs, Armando, Andrew, and Griff, as they answer your love life questions with jokes so funny you’ll forget to text your partner back.
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Materia Oscura es un programa especializado en Ciencia del periodista José Manuel Nieves. Universo, física, hallazgos, nuevas investigaciones... Todo pasa por el tamiz de Nieves.
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Thoughts by Midi
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Der Materie Podcast - dein Deep Dive in die großen und kleinen Themen der österreichischen politischen Debatte. Von Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Transparenz und Bildung über Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Nachhaltigkeit besprechen wir detailliert politische Fragen mit unseren Gästen - stets mit dem Ziel, den liberalen politischen Diskurs in Österreich zu fördern.
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Trasmissione trisettimanale, il lunedì dedicata all’America Latina con Chawki Senouci, il mercoledì all’Asia con Diana Santini, il giovedì all’Africa con Sara Milanese.
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Podcast realizado pelo Canal Curta! com os grandes nomes da música, das artes, do cinema, da literatura e da nossa história. Publicado quinzenalmente às quartas-feiras.
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O Tenda Materna é um podcast mensal para mães! Um espaço cheio de trocas, afeto, acolhimento e cuidado para mulheres. Vamos juntas mergulhar nas dores e delícias da maternidade, com leveza, respeito e bom humor. Apresentamos diversas possibilidades para que nossas ouvintes possam se aproximar do seu jeito único de maternar. <3 O Tenda Materna foi criado por Maíra Soares, Mentora de Mães e Educadora Parental, criadora do Canto Maternar e mãe da Nara, e por Clarissa Yakiara, Educadora Parental ...
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In this podcast, Taylor and Andrew investigate the past, present, and future of materials science and engineering. Topic areas ranging from cutting edge materials technology, the history of different materials, the commercialization of new materials, and exciting advances in processing and characterization are all covered in detail. Our episodes include things like the unlikely discovery of superglue or teflon, the fascinating backstories about modern biomaterials like dialysis filters, and ...
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A journey towards striving for peace of mind.
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Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down. Hosted by Andy Ihnatko and Florence Ion.
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We are the Maternal Health Learning and Innovation Center, a network of maternal health equity experts and organizations working to make real change for women and birthing people in the U.S. Our podcast is a series of episodes connecting around culture, lifting voices and stories, exploring innovations in maternal care and discussing ways we can center equity in the way we approach our health and wellness. Learn more about us, explore our resource center and find support for all maternal hea ...
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Retrouvez tous les témoignages et les experts de l'émission La Maison des Maternelles sur France 2 en audio ! De la périnatalité à l’adolescence, de l’éducation à la vie de famille, aucun sujet n’est tabou dans La maison des Maternelles, le rendez-vous quotidien de la famille. 🎙️ Retrouvez La Maison des Maternelles en vidéo sur france·tv : https://www.france.tv/france-2/la-maison-des-maternelles/
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A look into active learning, flipped teaching, team based/project based learning and much more. Everything related to teaching materials science and engineering will be covered. Kindly sponsored by the University of Michigan Materials Science and Engineering Department
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A scholarly podcast about pop culture hosted by Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman, produced by Witch, Please Productions. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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In Material Matters, host Grant Gibson talks to a designer, maker, artist, architect, engineer, or scientist about a material or technique with which they’re intrinsically linked and discovers how it changed their lives and careers. Follow us on Instagram @materialmatters.design and our website www.materialmatters.design The Material Matters fair will return in 2025, as part of the London Design Festival. Material Matters is produced and published by Delizia Media Ltd.
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"Welcome to Charissa Marie's Maternal Musings, where insightful conversations with mothers, aunts, and fellow moms take center stage. Join me, Charissa Marie, as we delve into the profound life advice shared by our guests. Together, we embark on a journey of enlightenment, encouragement, and empowerment, drawing from personal experiences, life lessons, and professional expertise across diverse fields. Tune in to be inspired and uplifted as we navigate the beautiful complexities of motherhood ...
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Join Your Spiritual Big Sister Besties, Sam Harper and Natalie Hunter, as they discuss the ins and outs of navigating life, love, and their spirituality in this material world.
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www.FOZAInc.org - Friends of Zayne Adams is a 501c3 nonprofit. FOZA is working to help stop the suicides, the stigma, the silence, and the suffering associated with Postpartum Depression and related maternal fatalities. We offer an educational scholarship for the children who are left behind. We research resources according to zip codes to support postpartum moms and and we welcome our moms and birthing people, medical care providers, doula’s, therapists, counselors, and all advocates of MMH ...
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El podcast Materia Pendiente busca empoderar, educar y explorar los recursos que ofrece el sistema educativo del area triestatal de Nueva York con el fin de servir como una guía en el éxito de nuestros estudiantes latinos. Our podcast seeks to educate and empower latinos with tools to navigate the education system and its resources. We are serving the tristate area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
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BLISS-Stories est le Podcast décomplexé de témoignages sur la grossesse et l'accouchement. Des histoires réelles, fortes, émouvantes et fascinantes, à partager sans modération ⚡🎧⚡
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The building materials marketing landscape is changing faster than ever. Creating an engaging online presence is crucial to the success of any building materials manufacturer. But can your Instagram profile actually grow sales? Will you earn more market share if you change your website? How can you outperform your competition online? Zach and Beth tackle your most burning questions about digital marketing for building material manufacturers, share proven strategies to grow leads and sales, a ...
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Building a marriage takes the right material. But these are not materials that can be purchased in a store. These materials have to be matured and cultivated on the inside. Marriage Material Podcast show was created to help listeners grow and mature in areas that are important to building and maintaining a healthy marriage and relationships. Hosted by Pastor Darius Good. Learn more at iammarriagematerial.com
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The Maternal Wealth Podcast creates a collective space for sharing all birth-related stories. I want to acknowledge birth's uniqueness, honor its variations, and remind us of the power we hold in giving birth. As a Labor and Delivery Nurse, I see the impact of our stories. Let's share those stories with those who come after us to prepare them for what's to come. For those who came before us, allowing them to reminisce and heal as we realize we were not alone in our experiences.
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PODCAST de Maternidade.........e tretas...
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Join myself and my co-host "The Butt" as we delve into all the wrestling news; while also sharing our thoughts and opinions on the current product. It's just two good friends navigating the roads of professional wrestling.
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Audioaulas dos Materiais Pedagógicos da Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
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Mood koosneb materjalidest ja mood õhutab materialismi, uurime moeasjade käiku koos kõige moodsamatega.
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Listen up, you naughty little chickens! Dating, sex, and relationships in your twenties—it’s messy, confusing, and sometimes you just want the male perspective. That’s where Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey comes in. Every Tuesday, Harry Jowsey lets you in on what the male brain is thinking—he’ll break down all of your relationship questions and situations in a manner that only Harry can bring. He’ll give you his honest advice on your friends-with-benefits situation, that late night text ...
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"Maternal Narcissism Unmasked: How Daughters Can Heal and Thrive" is a transformative podcast dedicated to providing support, validation, and guidance for daughters who have experienced the painful reality of growing up with a narcissistic mother. Through raw and honest conversations, expert insights, and real-life stories, this podcast aims to shed light on the often-invisible wounds inflicted by maternal narcissism and empower daughters to break free from the cycle of abuse. Each episode d ...
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Bem vindo (a) a maternidade real! Aqui falaremos sobre a verdadeira maternidade!
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Prisluhni zgodbam žensk in izzivom ter radostim, ki jih prinaša materinstvo. Mother Nature najdeš še na: INSTAGRAMU: https://www.instagram.com/mothernatureslovenija/ FACEBOOKU: https://www.facebook.com/mothernatureslovenija SPLETNI STRANI: matinarava.si
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So you want to outgrow porn. But how? How do you change your brain, heal your heart, and save your relationship? Welcome to Husband Material with Drew Boa, where we answer all these questions and more! Each episode makes it easier for you to achieve lasting freedom from porn—without fighting an exhausting battle. Porn is a pacifier. This podcast will help you outgrow it and become a sexually mature man of God.
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Le podcast qui veut remettre en question les stéréotypes de genre dès l'école maternelle !
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"Negocios Entre Pañales" es el espacio para mujeres que se niegan a elegir entre su carrera y su familia. En cada episodio, Paola Elizaga entrevista a mujeres ambiciosas y valientes que están redefiniendo el éxito. Hablamos de cómo ser mamá, emprendedora y líder sin soltar la independencia económica. Si crees en cambiar el mundo mientras sigues tus pasiones y crías a tu familia, este podcast es para ti. Descubre cómo otras mujeres lo hacen y encuentra las herramientas para lograrlo tú tambié ...
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Radio las comadres
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El objetivo de este sitio es facilitar materiales educativos para primaria.
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Archaeology and Material Culture. What does all this stuff say about us?
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Materialism' on SermonAudio.
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Depuis 2018, les boites aux lettres de l’association « Les papillons », placées dans les écoles et les clubs de sport, permettent aux enfants de dénoncer des maltraitances en déposant un petit mot. C’est grâce à l’une de ces boîtes que Lily a pu révéler les viols commis par son grand-père, un drame qu’elle n’arrivait pas à exprimer autrement. Émili…
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Con #MarcoTrovato, direttore della #rivistaAfrica, appena rientrato dalla #Somalia, parliamo di #Mogadiscio: com’è oggi la capitale somala tra misure di sicurezza e rischio costante di attentati, come vive la popolazione. A cura di Sara Milanese.
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Ya lo decía San Agustín: "Si nadie me lo pregunta, sé lo que es el tiempo. Pero si alguien me lo pregunta, no sé cómo responderle." A día de hoy, incluso para los científicos, el tiempo sigue siendo un misterio. Las incógnitas son muchas: si es algo externo a nosotros, una especie de corriente en la que vivimos sumergidos, o si se trata más bien de…
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Lorsque les épreuves de la vue s'introduisent dans le quotidien, il faut savoir les encaisser, vivre avec, pour pouvoir ensuite en tirer du positif. C'est ce qu'a fait Frédéric Fortier, l'invité de la semaine dans le Podcast des Paternelles : se relever pour être heureux.France Télévisions
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C’est sans aucun doute le nouveau fléau du siècle… Télé, tablettes, smartphones ou consoles… Les écrans occupent de plus en plus de place dans la vie de nos enfants au point de rendre certains totalement accros, comme on peut devenir dépendant à l’alcool ou à la drogue ! Laetitia est la maman de Wil, qui a 15 ans et d’Ally, qui a 10 ans. Son fils e…
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a cura di Diana Santini.
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Episode 23: Ghost Loads
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Відтворити пізніше
This week the boys help out a guy who doesn't know when to delete old nudes and someone who can't tell when girls like them. Truly this episode represents the two wolves that live inside the Boyfriend Material audience. If you’d like to support Boyfriend Material and Midnight Snack go to patreon.com/midnightsnacktv…
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Méningite, s’il y a bien une maladie qui fait peur aux parents, c’est celle-ci ! Cette infection de la moelle épinière et des enveloppes autour du cerveau peut être causée par des bactéries plus ou moins virulentes… L’an dernier, 560 cas de méningites à méningocoques, qui touchent essentiellement les enfants ou les ados, ont été recensés en France,…
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a cura di Elisa Graci e Roberto Festa
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Welcome back you naughty pescatarians! This week Harry is joined by dancer, founder of Amanda Kloots Fitness, Broadway performer, The Talk cohost, New York Times Best Selling author, moderator of Live from The Other Side on Netflix and mom Amanda Kloots! Harry and Amanda first connected during Harry's appearance on Live from The Other Side with Tyl…
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Mark Hearld is an artist and designer who has a fascination with flora and fauna and has worked in a range of different media – including lithographic and linocut prints, painting, ceramics, textiles and tapestry. However, he is best known for his collage pieces. A graduate of Glasgow School of Art and the Royal College of Art, he has curated insta…
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How to change Ghana and make it a wonderful place to visit.
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In this podcast episode, MRS Bulletin’s Laura Leay interviews Nancy Sottos, the Maybelle Leland Swanlund Endowed Chair and head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois–Urbana Champaign (UIUC), and Justine Paul, a former student at UIUC who now holds a position at DuPont, about their work with frontal pol…
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Spiritual Girl in a Material World with your spiritual big sisters Sam Harper & Natalie Hunter officially launching 11/22! ✨Natalie Hunter and Samantha (Sam) Harper
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Exciting news: this podcast is now part of Husband Material Ministries, a Colorado nonprofit corporation! From now on, we are relying on people like you to make resources like this podcast possible (and free) so that more Christian men can outgrow porn. Listen now to learn more... If you believe in and support our mission, please join our team of m…
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Dr David Gourion est psychiatre. Malgré la hausse des dépressions chez les jeunes, il nous donne le secret des adolescents heureux, car oui cela existe.France Télévisions
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C’est sans doute l’un des phénomènes les plus énigmatiques de la nature humaine : le déni de grossesse, le fait d’être enceinte sans le savoir et sans en ressentir le moindre symptôme, touche environ 2000 femmes chaque année en France… Parmi elles, certaines vont découvrir leur grossesse au moment même d’accoucher. C’est ce qu’a vécu Thelma, un dén…
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What do a Mach-3 aircraft and a hip replacement have in common? They are both made of titanium. In this episode we dive into this incredible material from its name rooted in Greek mythology to the unique variants of commercial titanium. Learn about the interesting challenges facing titanium's use in the SR-71 to the new variants being actively rese…
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a cura di Chawki Senouci con Alfredo Somoza
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Join Dietre Epps, CEO of RACE for Equity, as she engages with Maya Jackson, Courtnie Carter, and Megan McKenzie from the Lived Experience Advisory Group, known as The LEAGUE™. In this episode, the group discusses the critical role that community voices play in shaping maternal health policies. They share their journeys, challenges, and the importan…
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Відтворити пізніше
Devenir jeune maman et jeune agricultrice en même temps ! // Vous le savez tout autant que moi hein, les premiers mois de jeune maman contiennent leur lot de difficultés et de challenges… il faut se remettre de son accouchement, prendre soin de son nourrisson, s’occuper de son foyer, maintenir son couple en vie, le tout, souvent, sans dormir… bref,…
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📣 Bliss Stories présente Hot Stories - #25 - JUDITH, MARIAGE & LIBERTINAGE
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Відтворити пізніше
Retrouvez l’ensemble des épisodes du podcast Hot Stories de Bliss Studio ici #25 - JUDITH, MARIAGE & LIBERTINAGE Judith et son mari ont toujours eu le timide désir de pousser leur sexualité un peu plus loin, mais il leur faudra passer par des années compliquées de PMA, de nuits à veiller leur premier bébé prématuré et les déconvenues d'une sexualit…
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Steve and Tim talk with Dr. Ellen Solomon, one of the program managers of the Multidisciplinary Design Program (MDP) at the University of Michigan. Ellen graduated with an MS&E degree from Michigan and worked in industry before coming back to Michigan to run the research program side of MDP. She talked to us about this very unique program that inco…
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600 poules, des vaches allaitantes, une maison en construction, une exploitation à faire tourner jour comme nuit, et un petit bébé sans mode de garde... ça vous fait flipper ? Eh bien c’était le quotidien d’Aurore, qui est devenue mère en même temps qu’elle est devenue éleveuse, et qui a dû jongler entre les poules à gérer, les oeufs à trier, les p…
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This is the Jesus Is The Quarterback episode. We are discussing the importance of keeping God number 1 in our lives and understanding that God's plan is better than our plans. Thank you for listening and God bless.Joseph Cooper
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In this podcast episode, MRS Bulletin’s Laura Leay interviews Reza Moini of Princeton University about his group’s development of an enhanced additive manufacturing technique to fabricate cementitious materials with excellent fracture toughness. They based their design of the material on the double-helical or double-bouligand structure of coelacant…
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Google deals with a mini révolution in France. Links and Show Notes: Safer with Google: New intelligent, real-time protections on Android to keep you safe Providing more data about news results in the EU An update on political advertising in the European Union Support Material with a Relay FM Membership…
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Lucia Sillig est journaliste scientifique, elle présente ce livre : « Game Ovaire » pour en finir avec les arguments scientifiques sexistes et dépassés. Il y a dans le livre, 24 essais illustrés qui viennent mettre à mal tout un tas de préjugés.France Télévisions
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Découvrir que l’on attend des jumeaux c’est déjà une sacrée nouvelle mais imaginez que l’on vous annonce des triplés ! Elodie, ce moment elle l’a vécu, alors qu’elle pensait attendre son troisième et dernier enfant. Elle partage avec nous cette incroyable histoire, qu’elle a racontée dans un livre : Oups, c’est des triplés, publié aux éditions Bava…
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Parlons perturbateurs endocriniens avec Corinne Lalo, journaliste, qui vous explique tout ce que vous ne savez pas à ce sujet.France Télévisions
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