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Marbella with Him & Her


Out & about in Marbella with PJ and Hannah, who are a married couple that have lived on the Costa del Sol for over 20 years. PJ is a digital marketer with a passion for cooking and Hannah is a radio, TV presenter and popular ’quiz mistress’. Together they love to travel, EAT, socialise and explore the delights of this wonderful part of Spain.
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Bli med Sofie & Maya når de tar fatt på livet i Marbella—to single, eventyrlystne jenter som deler sine ufiltrerte erfaringer, ukentlige eventyr og brutalt ærlige meninger om dating, relasjonerog alt imellom. "Ingen temaer er utenfor grensen! For annonsering:
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Marbella Hybrid

Marbella Barajas

As a light worker and starseed I am contributing to the consciousness shift that is happening on earth right now. I am making a shift for the planet by being myself and sharing my experiences. This podcast will remind you of your magical nature and empower you to shine your brightest light!
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show series
Episode 52, yes 52, our 1 year podcast anniversery! We are loving putting this together each week and we hope you are still enjoying listening to our expat life in Marbella (and this week Miami too), and general Marbella lifestyle news and events. As Hannah is still zooming across India in a tuktuk Mandy Urena joins us again from Miami with news of…
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Welcome to episode 51 of Marbella with Him and Her, except the her is not Hannah Murray this week, it is Mandy Urena in Miami filling in for Hannah during Hannah's epic expedition across India. It is a varied podcast this week as we introduce Mandy to you and talk about Miami versus Marbella, expensive cocktails, and memories of when we went to Mia…
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Welcome to our half century! We are proud to bring you our Marbella lifestyle podcast Marbella with Him & Her episode 50. This week we walked from San Pedro de Alcantara to Puerto Banus in the glorious sunshine with visiting family, and headed straight to the Benabola Hotel Sky Bar for a drink as it really does have the best views across the marina…
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Welcome to episode 49 of Marbella with Him & Her, your weekly lifestyle Marbella podcast about what to do in Marbella, where to go in Marbella, and what we have been up to during the week. Hannah started the week on a nice healthy note by going to her second bootcamp Pilates class and ended the week on Valentines day with another one called 'Galent…
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A little later than usual due to Hannah's cold, but we are back with our latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her, a Marbella lifestyle podcast packed with information, fun and humour. This week we have much to talk about starting with last week's very wet weather. Hannah was suffering last week thanks to a bootcamp Pilates class in Estepona, whic…
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It is the latest episode of the popular Marbella lifestyle podcast 'Marbella with Him & Her', packed full of new places to eat, new places to visit and a bit of humour thrown in for good measure. We start by mentioning something we completely forgot to mention in last week's episode, the unrehearsed play reading by ITS called Ladies Day. It was a g…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her, a lifestyle and travel podcast about Marbella and the Costa del Sol. As always you can follow Hannah on Instagram at @radiohannah and PJ at @pjlopez1marbella. In this weeks episode we talk about the start of the week being cold and wet, on the same day known as Blue Monday (the most depressi…
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I denne episoden gir Maya og Sofie en oppdatering etter juleferien. De deler hvordan det var å feire sin aller første jul i varmen, og tar oss med på en nyttårsaften som ikke gikk helt som planlagt? Sofie åpner seg om sin emosjonelle berg-og-dalbane den siste tiden – er det hormonene som spiller inn, or is it just not it? I tillegg deler hun sine t…
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It is episode 45 of the Marbella lifestlye podcast Marbella with Him & Her, presented by PJ Lopez and Hannah Murray. Hannah spoke about filming in the executive suite at Hark Rock Hotel Marbella for Good Morning Spain TV this week! (@hrhmarbella @goodmorningspaintv) Early on in the week we hit the gym in San Pedro with one of us (not mentioning any…
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Welcome to episode 44 of your Marbella lifestyle podcast Marbella with Him & Her, with PJ Lopez and Hannah Murray. PJ has worked in digital marketing since 2003 while Hannah is a radio presenter on Talk Radio Europe @talk_radio_europe). They both belong to the amateur theatre group International Theatre Studio(@internationaltheatrestudio) and enjoy…
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Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR from Marbella with Him & Her, your weekly Marbella podcast from PJ Lopez and Hannah Murray (@pjlopez1marbella and @radiohannah). In our podcast we bring you news of the places we have been and the things going on around Marbella and the Costa del Sol, although this week we did go a little further into Andalucia to Ronda. Our…
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Welcome to our latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her, your Marbella podcast. This week we have lots to tell you, including our recent UK trip and Christmas frolics. After the Christmas quiz at the Hogan Stand we were up early the next morning to head to the airport for our visit to the UK. PJ was added to his step father's car insurance so did …
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Maya har vært hjemme alene i Marbella for første gang, og spoiler alert: det gikk ikke helt som planlagt. Hun deler alt om hvordan hun taklet stillheten (eller mangelen på den) og hva som egentlig foregår hos naboen. Sofie åpner opp om reisen til Marokko for å besøke daten sin. Før turen slet hun med usikre følelser og mange spørsmål, men nå har hu…
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Welcome to the last podcast before Christmas! It is episode 41 of Marbella with Him and Her, your podcast about Marbella and the Costa del Sol by PJ Lopez (@pjlopez1marbella) and Hannah Murray (@radiohannah). This week we talked about Hannah’s recent interview with Charlotte Church, plus her annual interview with Santa Claus himself, direct from La…
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Sofie begynte på prevensjon igjen, etter å ha gått uten i 6 med uten. Hun er sjokkert over bivirkningene hun har fått og snakker åpent om hva som har skjedd. Jentene har laget en liste hver over ting gutter har gjort som har «traumatisert» de på ulike måter. Vi snakker «didlo i rumpen» og skremmende oppførsel ++ See for priv…
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We cannot actually believe we are on episode 40 of Marbella with Him & Her, your Marbella lifestyle podcast by PJ Lopez (@pjlopez1marbella) and Hannah Murray (@radiohannah). Each week we catch you up with what we have been up to as well as bringing you information on restuarants, events and things happening in and around Marbella on the Costa del S…
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PJ and Hannah (@pjlopez1marbella and @radiohannah) bring you episode 39 of Marbella with Him & Her, your Marbella podcast about things going on the Costa del Sol. It has been a very busy week with lots of Christmassy things happening but firstly, Hannah started the week by meeting up with Charlotte of Cervinco Wines (@cervincowines), a regular on H…
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Maya har vært en uke i Oslo, der hun endelig klarte å sette grenser for seg selv. Maya fikk en uventet opplevelse etter at hun delte åpent om hva hun føler og tenker. Sofie har oppført seg som en drage under helgens besøk av Massimo. Hun deler åpent om hvordan det er å gå fra å være "mannehater" til og plutselig skulle åpne seg opp for noen igjen. …
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Jentene har akkurat kommet hjem fra Marokko, og sitter igjen med mange nye inntrykk. De forteller åpent og ærlig om turen, og hvordan de hadde det i Marokko. Jentene snakker også om hva de har lært de siste årene, og hvorfor det er viktig å vite sin verdi. See for privacy information.…
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Welcome to the latest episode of the Marbella podcast Marbella with Him & Her featuring the social lives of Hannah Murray @radiohannah and PJ Loprz (@pjlopez1marbella). Hannah started the week with spinning and zumba at the gym and a lovely facial for €10 at the Marbella Beauty Academy (@marbellabeautyacademy). It is where beauty students get to tr…
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Jentene har feiret Maya sin 26 års dag, som resulterte i en innholdsrik helg. Det var mye fest og moro, men bursdagen endte likevel i tårer. Maya forteller åpen og ærlig om hva som har skjedd. Jentene reiser også snart til Marokko for å møte flørten til Sofie. De er spente på hvordan det vil oppleves å dra til et helt nytt land, og hvordan kulturen…
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Welcome to episode 37 of Marbella with Him & Her, a popular podcast about Marbella and the daily activities of hosts Hannah Murray (@radiohannah) and PJ Lopez (@pjlopez1marbella). In this packed episode we start with a special tea arranged for long standing quiz team member of Director's Cut, Mary who has now gone back to the UK. We devoured sandwi…
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Jentene gir en recap på den siste uken. Forrige podcast episode var Maya klar i sin tale om at hun var ferdig med sin av og på flørt. Spørsmålet er, har hun klart å holde seg til hva hun sa? Jentene har også kommet hjem til Marbella igjen, og Sofie har hatt besøk av Massimo og gir dere en oppdatering på hvordan besøket gikk. Maya fyller 26 år denne…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her, your podcast about the busy social lives of Him (PJ Lopez) and Her (Hannah Murray) as they go out and about in Marbella and the Costa del Sol. This week starts with Hannah's caesar salad made at the table for friends Bev and Jamie who came over to watch our performance of Abigail's Party. La…
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Jentene har ankommet Oslo, og lengter allerede tilbake til Marbella livet. Helgen har vært crazy med alt for mye bobler og to damer som ble helt villkatt. Jentene prater om et viktig tema som har preget begge to mye men på forskjellige tidspunkt. See for privacy information.Moderne Media
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After an unscheduled week off due to illness, Marbella with Him & Her is back and packed with lots of fun activities and adventures. This week we start with a fabulous dinner party with friends Guy and Teresa in Benalmadena. It is a real buzz to get together with new friends and share so many stories! The day after, we set off for a wedding (a hash…
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Sofie og Maya har kjærlighetssorg fordi Massimo har dratt, som et plaster på såret har Sofie ordnet en liten overraskelse til Maya.Jentene har bare bodd i Marbella i 2 uker, men har allerede rukket å møte på flere gamle flammer.Maya forteller om sin sykeste sex opplevelse, og jentene deler sine tanker og sitt forhold til det å være komfortabel in t…
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Sofie har endelig møtt sin Massimo, og gir en detaljert oppdatering fra helgens aktiviter. Jentene snakker om tidligere relasjoner, kjipe forhold, og deler sine opplevelser på godt og vondt. Maya reflekterer rundt valgene hun har tatt når det kommer til menn og får mannehateren Sofie til å dele sin beste tips til å ikke la dustemenn kontrollere liv…
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Welcome to episode 34 of Marbella with Him & Her, a weekly podcast bringing you information about Marbella and what we (Hannah & PJ) have been up to over the course of the week. It started with Hannah getting back to the choir with the Del Sol Singers who are getting set for a bumper number of Christmas concerts this year. After choir Hannah met up…
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Welcome to episode 33 of Marbella with Him & Her, a podcast about our lives in Marbella and the different things that are going on in the area. This week was a busy social week for us, but before that we had the final night of Abigail's Party last Sunday and we ended with a great night and a standing ovation! Part of us is always sad to end a show …
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A bit later than usual as we had our last performance of the iconic Abigail's Party on Sunday. This is episode 32 of Marbella with Him & Her, your guide to Marbella and the surrounding areas. The week started with a BBQ at our house for family, and PJ's amazing Thai pork burgers were an instant hit! The night ended with Hannah drinking Crème de men…
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Thank you for continuing to listen to Marbella with Him & Her, a podcast all about Marbella, the things we do, the places we have visited and recommendations. This week we start with our midweek visit to the San Pedro tapas bar called Bar Guerra to meet up with Hannah's fathers cousins who are on a visit to Spain for a few days. Bar Guerra is an au…
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Can you believe we are on episode 30?! In this episode of Marbella with Him & Her (your podcast about Marbella and local areas), we talk about beach clubs, comedy, and celebrity interviews. Apart from our regular Monday night rehearsal for Abigail's Party, which is now just under 2 weeks away, we went to a comedy night at the live lounge in La Sala…
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This week Marbella with Him & Her went on tour to London and Gibraltar as well as having some fun in Marbella and La Cala! The week started with a very early flight to London when some of the Marbella cast of the International Theatre Studio's (@internationaltheatrestudio) October production of Abigail's Party flew to London to see the play at Stra…
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Welcome to episode 28 of Marbella with Him & Her, the number one podcast about the goings on in and around Marbella on the Costa del Sol. We start ths episode talking about our wonderful end of summer beach day on the stunning beach at Elviria (east Marbella), where we also had the most expensive Spanish breakfast we have had in over 20 years livin…
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Episode 27 is our latest installment of the Marbella lifestlye Podcast, Marbella with Him & Her presented by Hannah Murray (@radiohannah) and PJ Lopez (@pjlopez1marbella) Hannah starts with a correction from an earlier podcast episode where she actually brought someone back from the dead (I think we will leave that one there, listen for details). T…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her, a weekly podcast by Hannah Murray (@radiohannah) and PJ Lopez (@pjlopez1marbella) about Marbella. We bring you information about what is going on and places we have visited around Marbella and the Costa del Sol. This week we start with our visit to Musaka in San Pedro where we enjoyed a love…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her. It was a busy week so we have packed quite a lot in to this episode. We start with an after dinner visit last Sunday to El Candil in San Pedro, a lovely and very traditional Spanish restaurant that does amazing cheeses, jamon and red wine @elcandildesanpedro We also talk about Hannah's UK tr…
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It is episode 24 of Marbella with Him & Her, your weekly Marbella lifestyle podcast with Hannah Murray and PJ Lopez. This week was a quieter week as Hannah was not very well, but she did manage to perk up for her birthday celebrations at the Hard Rock Hotel Marbella where she spent a fun day by the pool with her friends (@hrhmarbella) They also dis…
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Welcome to episode 23 of Marbella with Him & Her, a weekly podcast by PJ Lopez and Hannah Murray talking about things that happened in Marbella and the Costa del Sol over the last week and the different things they got up to. They start this week's episode mentioning PJ's trip to the UK and Hannah's exploits while he was away, which included churro…
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Welcome to episode 22 of Marbella with Him & Her, your Marbella and Costa del Sol podcast! This week we review Maya Garden in San Pedro @mayagarden_marbella and their new Japanese souffle pancake place next door @jp-pancakes-marbella PJ has some unique packing tips (or not) and we speak about the beaches in Malaga that have banned smoking. There is…
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Welcome to our 21st Episode of Marbella with Him & Her, a fun podcast about what's going on in Marbella and the Costa del Sol. This week we covered the many activities for PJ's birthday from a picnic at Lake Tortuga in Nueva Andalucia, the quiz night at the Hogan Stand in San Pedro (@thehoganstand) and his birthday meal at the Indian restaurant in …
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Episode 20 of Marbella with Him and Her. This week we reminise with the Euro 24 final and the amazing atmosphere in The Hogan Stand (@thehoganstand), and here in general. Wayne Rooney watched the match at the Clubhouse Marbella (@clubhousemarbella ) Hannah had the time of her life watching Take That at Starlite, and Conor McGregor did his thing at …
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Welcome to episode 19 of Marbella with Him & Her, recorded for the first time at the Talk Radio Europe studios (@tretalkradio on Twitter) It was a busy week, especially for Hannah who attended two concerts at the Starlite Festival. On Tuesday she went to see Keane and was blown away by how good they were. Then on Wednesday PJ & Hannah went to see T…
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Our latest episode is packed with lots of great Marbella info, but we start with Hannah's Beatles pilgrimage to Liverpool with her father, as well as PJ's home alone antics to Guayaba Beach in San Pedro (@guayababeach) They discuss the new amazing venue for the filming of Good Morning Spain at the Hard Rock Hotel Marbella (@goodmorningspaintv @hrhm…
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Welcome to our latest episode which is slightly shorter than normal because it is a 'pre-record' as Hannah is in Liverpool with her father this weekend doing a Beatles tour. Make sure you catch up next week to hear all about the things they got up to! We do however recall our trip to Starlite during the covid restrictions to see the Bootleg Beatles…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her, the podcast about Marbella, the Costa del Sol and lots of other fun stuff. PJ talks about Spain’s good start to Euro 2024 and their 3-0 win over Croatia, and the fact that they have set a new record for playing the youngest player in the tournament aged just 16 years old. As this podcast goe…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Marbella with Him & Her. Hannah & PJ discuss some recent articles from the Sur in English including the new Travelodge Hotel near Malaga Airport, the Andalucia over 65s discount card and a new shop dedicated to rubber ducks! (@lospatitosdel22) More info on the over 65s card…
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