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It doesn’t matter if it’s a good day, a hard day, or somewhere in-between—we need the hope God offers every day. Max shares words of hope and help through simple, one-minute daily devotionals to encourage you to take one step closer to Jesus.
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Welcome to Making A Scene, the podcast where comedy legends David Walliams and Matt Lucas turn their famous friends' lives into cinematic masterpieces! Reliving key scenes from their guests’ lives, they'll discuss who would play them? What kind of movie their life would be? and most importantly… whether it would be a box-office smash or go straight in the bargain bin? New episodes release every Tuesday, and on Thursdays make sure to look out for You Can’t Ask Me That!—The bonus show, where M ...
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Lucky Boy | Tortoise Investigates

Tortoise Media

Introducing...Lucky Boy Gareth’s whole life has been defined by a relationship he had 35 years ago when, as a 14-year-old schoolboy, he fell in love with an attractive young teacher at his school. He spent most afternoons in her bedroom and thought he was the luckiest boy in the world. But when she walked out of his life everything started to unravel. Lucky Boy is a new four-part series in which Chloe Hadjimatheou asks who gets to be a perpetrator and a victim. Episodes 1 and 2 are available ...
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LU Moment

Lamar University

Home to more than 17,000 students, Lamar University is full of exciting events and research. Listen each week to learn more about the people making the most of their moments at LU.
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With Rolls & No Luck

With Rolls, No Luck

A D&D podcast featuring random people doing random things. Follow the cast and their characters across timelines and campaigns as they wander through the world on ridiculous adventures.
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FISHING WITH DAVID LUCAS is the world's #1 fishing podcast by comedian David Lucas. Known for touring with Joe Rogan and his roasts on Kill Tony, Lucas takes everyone from Roseanne to Ron White down to the lake to go fishing!
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Sol in luč

Radio Ognjišče

Sol da okus in ščiti pred pokvarljivostjo, poleg tega je simbol modrosti, prijateljstva in požrtvovalnosti.Skupnost je sol, kadar ima okus po blagrih. Luč je vir stvarjenja. Kdor je razsvetljen, tudi sam sveti drugim. Oddaja govori o smislu življenja, ter o tem, kako se opremiti, kako živeti, da ta smisel, cilj, tudi dosežemo.
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A proud ragtag maverick who is a freedom-lover & sovereign thinker, plus a political infidel and my creed's demoniac resistance. Thank you in advance & please observe responsibly. Archive Library is available here ~
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Luck Management

Carter Loesch

AYO! Welcome to Luck Management, the luckiest podcast ever. I'm Carter. I believe in luck, but you get luckier when you work hard and take advantage of the opportunities presented to you. This is the Luck Meets Opportunity Podcast. Luck Management is a lifestyle. Luck Management explores tangible strategies for action and provides invaluable insights to harness the power of "luck" in your life.
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In these tough times, could you use a word of encouragement? From Max Lucado, a pastor for over 40 years and bestselling author whose books have sold more than 145 million copies in over 50 languages, The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast is all about the greatest story ever told—the living Savior who brings you a lifetime of hope. With rich biblical insight, heartwarming storytelling, and Max’s comforting tone, you’ll be empowered to place your faith in a loving God who is always near you ...
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In unregelmäßigen Abständen schwadronieren und diskutieren die Filmenthusiasten Lucas Gröning und Lucas Knabe über ausgewählte Filme, die nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen betrachtet und analysiert werden, um filmische Qualitäten, Interpretationen und persönliche Sympathien mit euch zu teilen.
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Good Luck Sis

Good Luck Sis Podcast

Welcome to the Good Luck Sis Podcast featuring Thati J and Elly , two successful proud Haitian-American women. They will discuss everything from, love, money, career, culture, travel, wellness, and education. Whether you are looking for advice on love, heartbreak, breaking generational curses and building generational wealth. THEY GOT YOU! Join them on every other Monday and let them guide you through life. IG: @goodlucksis_pod
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Welcome to your weekly dose of humor, insight, and conversation, hosted by two-time Grammy-winning songwriter, producer, and web3 entrepreneur, Gino The Ghost. Enjoy an in-your-face and informative take on major happenings in pop culture, crypto, tech, and more. Good Luck! (You'll need it)
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Lucky Losers Tenis sin filtro

Lucky Losers

Para los nerds del tenis, Lucky Losers es el podcast sin filtro sobre la actualidad del ATP tour y la participación de nuestros compatriotas. Armado con amor y cariño por Santiago y Raimundo, dos nerds del tenis chileno y mundial como ustedes. Síguenos en Instagram @lucklosers_podcast Twitter @LuckyLoserscast @luckyloserstenis
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Découvrez la télévision comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue ! Tous les jours dans Culture Médias le truculent Jean-Luc Lemoine livre sa session de rattrapage ! Le principe ? Tandis que vous vaquez à vos occupations quotidiennes, l'humoriste et chroniqueur de Thomas Isle ne lâche pas sa zapette et scrute la télé pour livrer sa critique humoristique ! TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+, France 5, M6, Arte, C8, W9, TMC, TFX, NRJ12, RMC, sans oublier les chaînes d'informations comme BFMTV, LCI, France ...
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The Lucky Few

The Lucky Few Podcast

Hey friends! Welcome to the Lucky Few Podcast where we are shifting the narrative by shouting the worth of people with Down syndrome. With your hosts, Heather Avis, Micha Boyett, and Mercedes Lara.
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Grownups Are Lucky

Jason Porter

Jason Porter, author of the novel Why Are You So Sad?, brings you a new story every week, each about two minutes in length, because who has time for anything longer than that?
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Lucky Paper Radio

Andy Mangold and Anthony Mattox

Lucky Paper Radio is a podcast about Magic: the Gathering hosted by lifelong friends Andy Mangold and Anthony Mattox. Focused primarily on sandbox formats like Cube, which are free of banlists, rotation, and net decking, the show is about the best parts of Magic and how to get the most out of the game.
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LuckyDog Podcast

Elias Rauch

Щомісяця+ TV | Movies | Media Sponsored by Help support the podcast! Patreon ~Full podcast library available on Patreon ~ |views on podcast do not represent Elias Rauch/guests/sponsors and are subject to change| Comments , questions , concerns Email | Twitter | @Luckydogpodcast Facebook | Twitch | https://www.twi ...
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Luč v temi

Radio Ognjišče

»Luč v temi« je oddaja, ki prinaša zanimivosti s področja življenja in dela slepih in slabovidnih ter odgovarja na izzive vključevanja oseb z okvaro vida v družbo. Radio Ognjišče jo je vključil v svoj program praktično že na samem začetku svojega delovanja. Gre za edino redno tovrstno oddajo v slovenskem prostoru. Oddaja je v prvi vrsti namenjena ozaveščanju širše javnosti ter razbijanju predsodkov in stereotipov o ljudeh z okvaro vida, je pa tudi pomemben vir informiranja znotraj populacije ...
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show series
This week on the LU Moment, we sit down with Caleb Buse, LU senior majoring in finance, accounting and industrial engineering. For the full transcription of this episode, visit the link here: For updates on the latest news and events at Lamar University, visit…
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1177 avant J.-C. Le jour où la civilisation s'est effondrée - le jour où la civilisation s'est effondrée (Ed de La découverte) « comment survivre à l’effondrement des civilisations « "L'Ascension" d' Amélie de Bourbon Parme (chez Gallimard) Au commencement du XVIᵉ siècle s’ouvre le pontificat de Jules II, ennemi déclaré des Borgia. Alessandro Farne…
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Frank Letmathe baut in DIY-Manier viele Gerätschaften rund ums Gleitschirmfliegen. Mittlerweile hat er weltweit Kunden +++Man kennt und bewundert sie als eine Art Daniel Düsentrieb oder Mac Gyver: Männer, die irgendwie immer das passende Werkzeug, Metermaß, Lötkolben, Heißklebepistole, Ersatzleine, Schäkel oder 3D-Drucker gewissermaßen am Mann trag…
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In this Mother’s day special episode of You Can't Ask Me That! Matt and David are posing awkward questions to their Mums, Kathy & Diana. What Little Britain sketches did they disapprove of the most? Who is their favourite child? And who’s the funniest out of Matt & David? Listen or watch every Tuesday and Thursday. You can email your questions and …
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Spring is a wonderful time to hit the RESET button in your home. Spring cleaning is a thing. Clearing the clutter in your home (and car) will put a "spring in your step"! Take a few minutes a day, set a timer, make it fun! Get your spring back by clearing the clutter!GiveJam Media
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Chaque jour, Jean-Luc Lemoine vous offre une session de rattrapage de tout ce qu'il ne fallait pas manquer dans les médias. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Europe 1
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Retrouvez l’ensemble des épisodes du podcast Limité à 80 de RFM ici "France TV n'appellera plus ses chaînes France 2, France 3..." - Limité à 80 "Limité à 80" Pascal Atenza revisite l'actualité en 80 secondes ! Découvrez la chronique d’aujourd’hui ! Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'information…
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Listen to Today's Devotion There was a point in our life when we were just a signature away from moving from one house to another. The price was fair, it seemed a wise move, but I didn’t feel peaceful about it. To this day I can’t pinpoint the source of discomfort. Sometimes a choice just doesn’t feel right. And then sometimes, choices feel right. …
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Joshua Stacey is joined by RTV analyst Dan Overall for a packed episode. First up, Henry de Bromhead reflects on Bob Olinger and Air Of Entitlement’s Cheltenham Festival victories before discussing his Aintree runners. Lucinda Russell shares her Aintree plans, including updates on Myretown, Ahoy Senor, and Derryhassen Paddy. Richard Phillips provid…
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I've mainly narrated this article & presented my commentary: * Civil War is Here Music Credit by The Orchard Enterprises "Faster Than Light Introduction" Contact, Donations: * PayPal - * Cash App - * Steemit @ LL3-Podcast #…
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Navdihujoče svetnice, ki so našle odlično ravnovesje med vero in družino ter babice svetnice so imele v času svojega življenja in še danes prav posebno mesto. Poosebljajo ljubezen, modrost in moč, ki izhajajo iz dolgoletnih življenjskih izkušenj, in pogosto predstavljajo vir stanovitnosti ter neke vrste svetilnike za mlajše generacije. Predstavili …
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In this special milestone episode of Let’s Talk More Action Golf, the voice behind the outro steps into the spotlight! My wife—my day-one, my biggest supporter, and the original Instagram manager—joins me for a heartfelt and hilarious conversation about building the podcast, living with a golf-obsessed host, and what it’s really like behind the sce…
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Chaque jour, Jean-Luc Lemoine vous offre une session de rattrapage de tout ce qu'il ne fallait pas manquer dans les médias. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Europe 1
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Listen to Today's Devotion You have a Bible? Read it! Has any other book ever been described like the Bible? In Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) says, “The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The words of the B…
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If you’ve watched the news recently, you know that there are some HUGE changes happening in our government, especially with the Department of Education. We’re breaking it all down today with our guest host, Ashley Barlow! She’s a mother to a son with Down syndrome, special education attorney advocate, IEP expert, former teacher, current speaker and…
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Matt Lucas and David Walliams are joined by their most special guests yet...their mums! Diana and Kathy sit down with the boys to help turn their son’s lives into cinematic masterpieces. Listen or watch every Tuesday and Thursday. You can email your questions and messages for the podcast to And find Making A Scene on T…
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I've done a rant & addressed these footnotes: * Churchill's Pub Foreclosure Decision * Churchill's Pub Website Music Credit by The Orchard Enterprises "Faster Than Light Introduction" Contact, Donations: * PayPal - * Cash App - h…
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Nick is joined by RTE and RTV analyst Jane Mangan. First today, owner Jon Shack on the sale of Emily Upjohn to Japan, via a date with Flightline. Plus, Richard Brown on Wathnan's strong hand for the Lincoln, Dan Barber on the history of the Timeform double squiggle and Mr Incredible, Ben Atkins arrives early with the Pointing Update, and Burgage St…
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Craig's day gets off to a great start! A crazy way to delay a plane.Showing up at the ER because of a fisting issue (gutter mind)Speaking of gutters, we talk roofs and eavestroughs with Chris PalmerPlus, the Katy Perry rumor, Clooney done being a heart-throb and more celeb stuff!94.9 The Rock
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Tesla stock is on fire (literally) and not in a good way. The Trump administration launches its War on Domestic Tesla Terrorists, a GoFundMe campaign for Elon, and tease a third term for The Donald. The US government finally lifts its sanctions on Tornado Cash. Gino explains what it means for the future of crypto and privacy in this week's Metaplex…
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Keeping a "spring in your step" requires courage...because every day isn't perfect. Sometimes you go through hard things that require you to be obedient and resolve to be courageous. Marla shares that she allows herself a moment to grieve and then asks God for courage and He strengthens. Walk courageously and you will never lose your footing.…
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View all cards mentioned in this episode Andy, Anthony, and Patrick report on their experience at Baltimore’s first mid-sized Cube event: The Salt Box. Following the pattern of other regional events, the tournament featured multiple drafts of Cubes from the local area, organized by ranked choice selection. The three of them talk through the decks t…
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On this weeks episode the ladies discuss friendship and dating apps. What it means to be a friend, communication, and more. Thati J shares personal experiences of being on dating apps for years with little success, and the struggle of dealing with fleeting connections that don’t go beyond the app. She reflects on how tiring it can be to invest ener…
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Chaque jour, Jean-Luc Lemoine vous offre une session de rattrapage de tout ce qu'il ne fallait pas manquer dans les médias. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Europe 1
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Hi, my friend. I hope you’re doing well today. For the next few weeks on the podcast, leading up to Easter, I’ll be sharing from one of my favorite verses. I’ve been asked what I would choose if I could only preach one topic or one passage for the rest of my life. I think this is it—John 3:16. The Hope Diamond of the Bible. “For God so loved the wo…
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Listen to Today's Devotion You know I can get lost anywhere. Seriously—anywhere. I once got lost in my hotel. I told the receptionist my key wasn’t working. I’d been on the wrong floor trying to open the wrong door! If geese had my sense of direction, they’d spend winters in Alaska. Can you relate? Of course you can. We’ve all scratched our heads a…
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Nick is joined by Mirror man David Yates to canter through the day's racing headlines from around the globe. First up, RTE and RTV's Jane Mangan reports from Aidan O'Brien's press morning, which has cast doubt on the participation of star 2yos The Lion in Winter and Lake Victoria in their respective Newmarket Guineas. Also today, with the Lincoln k…
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I've done a lengthy rant & narrated these footnotes: * UK and US Vaping Policies Are Headed in Wrong Direction * Civics Worthy of America’s 250th Birthday ** Fin…
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Existe uma diferença crucial entre a Psicanálise e as formas diretivas de psicoterapia. O terapeuta diretivo encara as queixas apresentadas pelo paciente como problemas a serem resolvidos. Já o psicanalista as percebe como mensagens a serem lidas e interpretadas. Participe da CONFRARIA ANALÍTICA, a minha escola de formação teórica em Psicanálise: ⁠…
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In our world of shouting, there's a serious shortage - of authentic listening, but learning to listen well with intentionality, care and genuine empathy can rescue friendships, save marriages, and prevent or end wars. So join Jeff as he ponders the power of listening.
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I've done a rant & narrated these footnotes: * Maryland Faces First Amendment Battle Over Satirical Meme Account Targeting Governor Wes Moore * No Moore * Maryland Declaration of Rights…
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In this episode of Looking at Lucasfilm, Jim Hill and Brian Gaughan explore the wild intersections of Star Wars history, theme park updates, and forgotten Lucasfilm curiosities: A closer look at Disney’s abandoned 1979 sci-fi project “Snow Star,” a reimagined Snow White set in space. New budget details and storytelling ambitions behind The Mandalor…
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In this week's episode, Charlotte Greenway looks at the racing this weekend from three different continents, starting on home soil with Harry Derham who sends out nine runners on Saturday between local track Newbury and Kelso. Then we move down under for the return of Via Sistina at Rosehill and in opposition os William Haggas's Al Mubhir so we hea…
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In this episode, Niamh and Chandler struggle to keep Adro on his best behavior, the barrier is crossed, and Adro gets an early Christmas present. Follow us on Twitter (@NoLuckPod), BlueSky ( and/or email us at! Logo by Mark Fionda Jr. ( "Second Attack At Level 5" composed…
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Marla is sharing key decisions that you must make in order to have a "Spring In Your Step!" Not only will you be a joy to be around, you will experience true joy. Today's episode is all about EXCITEMENT! We're "excited" for you to listen in!GiveJam Media
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Chaque jour, Jean-Luc Lemoine vous offre une session de rattrapage de tout ce qu'il ne fallait pas manquer dans les médias. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Europe 1
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