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Life Lately...

Amanda Murphy

Welcome to an all-new, refreshed podcast called life-lately. Life Lately is a podcast where we talk about all things life. Life is made up of many things, and so is this podcast. I have tried many times to narrow down just one or a few things that we talk about on this show and it just never worked. I am a multi-passionate and multifaceted person and I am a firm believer that we really all are. From mental health, and living more organically, to being human, and finding true health and happi ...
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show series
We are all very aware that the diet industry is up to no good, but what about the wellness culture? If you ask me, it's even sneakier than diet culture. It can really hook you. But I don't want you to become a victim. Let's talk about it, let me share with you how even as an intuitive eating counselor I have become hooked and a victim of the wellne…
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This may sound like the same topic from a previous episode but I want to attack this from a different angle, more of a food angle, more of an intuitive angle if you will. This is a huge question in the lives of many these days. Can you live intuitively while still eating low-tox? Can you eat low tox while eating intuitively? Is low-tox eating a die…
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There has been an increase in the number of new health suggestions, tips, and diets and they are all so different but all saying they come in the name of your overall health and well-being. Well, how can that be if they are all so different? And how do we know what is what, which ones are true, who to believe, what to implement and what to ignore? …
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Things are constantly changing, growing, and evolving. We would be doing ourselves a massive disservice if we didn't allow those changes to happen and that growth to blossom. Here is to the next chapter of the podcast! Murphy
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How does a certified intuitive eating counselor navigate living low tox you may ask? Well with principal number 10 of course! However, there are so many red flags, and things to watch out for and keep in mind when living low tox and not wanting to fall back into old or similar patterns or behaviors. It can be so tricky and just as overwhelming to n…
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A different take on change and fear of what others things about us. This shines some more light on just what has been going on in Amanda's world, the changes that are coming, that have happened, and updates on the podcast. Are we connected?…
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Hey love! Long time no talk! I am back and this episode where I planned to catch up just came bursting to life! It must have needed to be said and heard. So let's dive right in! Are we connected? Murphy
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So creating habits can be hard but I believe that is all because of how we go about setting them up and getting them to stick. Let's chat about that. Are we connected? theamandamurphy.comAmanda Murphy
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I am sure you have heard the saying "do what makes you happy" more times than you can count. While it as well as the individual saying it has good intentions this can do you more harm than good. Let's dive into why. are we conntected? theamandamurphy.comAmanda Murphy
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As an intuitive eating counselor, as a therapist, as a chronic, crash dieter turned diet culture drop out, as a human just like you I am willing to bet that there are a few things still floating around the internet, getting buzz, that seem harmless enough as tips to help you in your health journey. BUUUUUTTTT, I am a firm believer that these things…
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Let's take a step away from the typical valentines day talk and talk about something I feel is just as important and can also be relevant to Valentine's day. Are we connected? theamandamurphy.comAmanda Murphy
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Listen in on Emily and I discuss shame, body positivity, learning to love ourselves and so much more as she shares her story with us. Emily is using her own personal journey to help reach other women and bring us all a little closer together! You can find Emily on Instagram here:…
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I know you all know what I am talking about when you are feeling in a "funk" and "not like yourself"...all you want to do is do whatever it takes to get back to feeling like yourself. You are feeling funky, things just don't feel right and I mean NOTHING feels right. But what if I told you that you were doing yourself a disservice when you do every…
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Listen, I know this saying is catchy, we often want to justify why we are not where we want to be just yet, why we haven't figured it all out, etc. But in doing so we discredit ourselves. Let's talk about why you are NOT a work in progress my love! ARE WE CONNECTED?…
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Look, we all know that rude a$$ that is always saying mean AF things to us? So what do we do about it!? What should you know about it? Are you exempt from her? Hmm, let's chat. ARE WE CONNECTED? theamandamurphy.comAmanda Murphy
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Okay, okay, hear me out first! I truly believe that there is a need for the body-positive community and all of its badass warriors. But you are so much more than a body sis! There is so much more to be talking about and I feel like it's either one or the other! This or that! No one is talking about how we have to blend the two, how they are connect…
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So we have "issues" with our bodies, with the food we eat, our size, exercise you name it. We all are working hard to re-write the narrative around these things to relieve ourselves from these issues. But what if I told you that despite it feeling like there are so many "issues" it all just comes from one place, it all has the same source? For you,…
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Okay, so every new year we all go into the new year with new goals. But are they really all that new? Also, why are you waiting until the new year to start a goal anyways? Do you know how much can happen in such a short amount of time!? I have some hard, honest truth for you sis! Let's talk! Are we connected?…
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We all wake up and have things that make us feel anything but joy or excitement. We are also quick to blame those things on the wrong thing, we are grasping at straws trying to change it, just not getting any closer to what we want. I think I know why. let's dive on in. ARE WE CONNECTED?…
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Are we showing up authentically, in a way that feels good to you? Or are you showing up in a way that you feel you SHOULD show up? There is a big difference between the two and it has a huge effect on how you feel! Let's dive in! Are you connected? Murphy
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We live in a world where we are made to feel like we are missing out and we fear what we are missing out on. The truth is all this fear of missing out, this fear of getting is wrong, it isn't doing us any good. It's actually doing the opposite. Here is why. Let's dive in. ARE WE CONNECTED?…
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A spirit message has dropped a bomb on me recently and I HAVE to share it with you loves! Something that surfaced and just came and hit me like BAM! You have to hear this! Let's dive on in! Are we connected? theamandamurphy.comAmanda Murphy
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So your girl did it! She FINALLY turned 30! The DIRTY THIRTY! It was amazing and everything I wanted and hoped it could be. But there have surely been some amazing things I have learned in my twenties! I want to share with you the highlights of those things! Of course, if I shared them all like I wanted to we would be here forEVER! Are we connected…
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So what do your favorite TV show, your favorite spot to eat, your favorite hoodie, and your comfort zone all have in common? Well, let's chat about it. Also, let's talk about why this commonality will help you better understand yourself and bust through those goals! Are we connected? theam…
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Things are not always what it seems to be. The things we thought we wanted sometimes turn out to be the last thing we wanted. But sometimes the things that make us the happiest look nothing like we thought they would. Sometimes that is a good thing, we are happy about it. But other times we are often disappointed in that reality. There is so much m…
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In this episode, we are diving into a mindset that I believe is one of the biggest false believes holding us back from living life the way we have always desired, from diving deep into our soul's purpose and living life in alignment for ourselves. It is what keeps our dreams and goals at arms reach at all times. Let's dive in. Are we connected? the…
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Hey loves! This episode is extra special as it is technically the 100th episode. Not only that but I am getting really passionate about something that has been super impactful in my life and something intuitive eating has taught me. I wouldn't be able to rest easy or sleep well at night knowing that I haven't shared this with you. There has also be…
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Intuitive Eating is not always a field of dasies! It can be so difficult and downright frustrating at times. I want to dive into exactly why that is. So let's dive in! Are we connected? Stay up to date on all the new episodes! Murphy
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You are the only one who can make you a number one priority. If you are not making yourself your number one priority then you will never be anyone else's number one priority. This isn't how it works. Everyone else should be their own number one priority and no one should come before that! Don't believe me? Allow me to explain why! Are we connected?…
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In this episode, I am sharing the dirt on a part of my journey this past year or so and how it is very important information for you to hear. Knowledge is power and the more you know the more powerful you are! Diet culture and society want us to stay dumb, to be ignorant of the truth. I know I surely do not know everything, I am not trying to convi…
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In addition to being skinny, with perfect boobs, belly, and butt you must also look like your 18 forever! Society and the beauty industry are making millions off of you every year trying to convince you that getting older is gross. That you shouldn't look or act your age if you're over 25. You need all these things, these products, these services a…
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Allow me to break it to you, we will all gain weight at some point in our lives. We will probably lose weight as well. Our weight and bodies will change sometimes over the years and this is just inevitable. There are also many reasons for this, many, if not all of them are outside of our control! But despite what society has taught you, gaining wei…
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Today we are diving into a topic that I feel is so important for everyone to hear! This is something that can be applied to anyone's goals or dreams and it seriously the secret sauce! When things get tough and trust me they will, how do we keep going? What happens when motivation isn't enough or just is not there at all? How can we make it through?…
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Okay, so let's call this a part two shall we? Last episode we discussed if diet culture and weight loss can exist together. Well after some more marinating on this topic I feel there is more that you need to know, some questions we need to ask ourselves, and some things I want to make sure I explained fairly. So let's continue exploring this topic!…
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Okay ladies and gentlemen, today we are talking about a HUGE topic. This is very important and I don't care who you are or where you are at on your journey this is something you need to hear, it absolutely will benefit you and it is a must listen. Can you leave diet culture behind and still pursue weight loss? Well, let's talk about it. Don't forge…
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Today we are talking about something that recently came to light for me and has become the next chapter on my journey to complete, 100% self-acceptance. Something that I have become very passionate about as a part of what makes us so unique, so wonderful, and so beautiful! So allow me to introduce you to this topic as well as share with you my pers…
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Today we listen in on Jenelle who is sharing her story and personal journey with diet culture and her body and where she is today! She is also sharing just what she believes is some of the most helpful things for everyone along their journey no matter how unique. This conversation she and I had was so very special and you could feel the passion we …
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I get it! We all try our best to be positive at everything we do, which include the things we say and think when it comes to our bodies and the relationship we have with ourselves. Allow me to pip in and tell you just how and why sometimes positivity can be toxic when it comes to loving our bodies. I will also share with you what to do about the ha…
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Okay, so clearly that is not my wish for you but it most likely will be the reality for you. That is because you are human and well....more reasons to but we will dive into that on the podcast! So listen in! Don't forget you can text me your questions and comments straight to my phone! I will then send you my love and an answer as well as feature i…
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Okay, okay! Not really, but I am diving into a recent bump in the road on my journey with self-love, self-acceptance, and all things body positive. Out of all things and despite it being, well, rough, it surely has been a humbling experience. One that I feel I must share and really want to share as I love each and every one of you and my story, lik…
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In this episode, I am going to be going back down memory lane and sharing my story a bit but also how that has lead to me where I am now and the things that it has taught me. I am also going to explain why you need to know these things and how they are just that darn important! I am so excited that you are here for episode 70! If you want a loving …
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During today's episode, we are busting through some myths and major assumptions about the body-positive community, all the anti-diet advocates, and more! It isn't what you think, there is no one trying to tell you what you can and cannot do and no matter what there is ALWAYS a seat at this table for you! Are we connected?…
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In this episode, I am going into detail all about what I gained from ditching diet culture, society's expectations, and everything alike and explaining to you why it is MUCH bigger than what it sounds like. I am also explaining WHY it is so impactful. You are NOT going to want to miss this! Have we met yet? Are we connected? Find me on…
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This mini-sode is all about what you practice. You might be practicing failure and you don’t even realize it! I didn’t. So we’re talking how that might be, what you can do about it, and why it’s so important!! Listen in!Amanda Murphy
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Either it is in the DM's or it is in the comment sections, sometimes it is in an email or via conversation but I am always asked how to ditch diet culture without giving up on our health? How do we continue to work towards feeling our best all-around, physically mentally, and emotionally but give up all the BS of diet culture? Can this even be done…
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I know I am not the only one who seems to never find what they are truly looking for in each and every day that they wake up. It always seems as if we are still searching for it, we are still waiting to arrive at that destination one day. We are miserable each and every day trying to get to the place, the feeling, the being that we are trying to ge…
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Hey loves! We are ringing in the new year with one last tory from one badass babe! Chloe Xandria from Love Your Social Media! You might have seen Chloe on TikTok spreading her body-positive messages to as many babes as she can! Chloe X. Brown is the social media Community Manager for Love Your Social Media, based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (PA…
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Girl, we are talking all this end of 2020 here! I am sharing some insight into my funk that lasted the entire last quarter of 2020 and how I am moving out of it. We are also talking about some things that I want you to keep in mind while setting your goals and intentions for 2021 and if weight loss is one of those intentions, this is what I want yo…
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