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Getting the intelligence back from AI with history's greatest truths not spoken.
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Libri, libri e ancora: Libri! In bookanieri parliamo dei libri che ci piacciono e che, speriamo, possano piacere pure a voi!
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La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare. Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee. Condotta da Roberto Festa
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Seznamte se s knihami, které doporučují známé osobnosti. Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Yugen (cinema, serie tv, libri, fumetti, musica, giochi, luoghi, consigli, classifiche, film, nerd)
Claudio Garioni
Ingredienti: consigli, liste di cose belle, film, musica, libri, fumetti, amici nerd, serie tv, videogiochi, luoghi e tutto quello che passa per le teste qui riunite da Claudio Garioni. Special Guest: CARLO LUCARELLI, ANDREA DELOGU, LUCA RAVENNA, PAOLA BARBATO, MAX COLLINI (Offlaga Disco Pax), GIULIO PRANNO, GIACOMO KEISON BEVILACQUA, GIANLUCA MOROZZI, WALTER LEONARDI, BARONCIANI, SANTAMATITA, CARLO CORALLO, LEONARDO PATRIGNANI, STANLIO KUBRICK (I 400 calci), MEGANOIDI, FRANCESCO DIMITRI, LU ...
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Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Hörspiele lassen fantastische Welten in unseren Köpfen entstehen: das nebelverhangene London, ein Piratenschiff im Sturm, die Weiten des Weltraums – alles wird vor unserem inneren Auge lebendig und das nur durch die Kraft von Stimmen, Geräuschen und Musik. Beim Theater ex libris kann man Hörspiel sehen - live auf der Bühne. Mit Live-Musik, einer aufwändigen Bildpräsentation und stimmungsvollen Lichteffekten verwandelt das Ensemble Literaturklassiker und eigene Geschichten in spannende Live-H ...
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Libri per il successo si presenta come un podcast dove si propone all’ascoltatore un libro che possa fornire spunti per migliorare la sfera personale e professionale. Ogni due settimana un libro- un argomento, una pillola pratica, se mettiamo insieme podcast dopo podcast nell’arco di un periodo ci troviamo ad assimilare una serie di strumenti che di danno una marcia in più. Ovviamente i libri vanno letti e questo programma è pieno di opinioni e aneddoti personali del suo autore, non intende ...
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Um podcast rápido e ligeiro (às vezes) sobre Política, Comportamento Humano, Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura do Projeto Impressões Digitais.
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free public domain audiobooks
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Hosted at, read by Karen Savage
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free public domain audiobooks
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Programa de ràdio sobre llibres. (Ràdio Cardedeu). Presentat i dirigit per Clara Calbet.
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Benvenuti amanti dei libri! Questo podcast nasce con l'obiettivo di diventare una grande libreria comune dove potrete trovare, ogni settimana, nuovi suggerimenti di lettura.
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Das Ö1 Literaturmagazin präsentiert Neues aus der Welt der Literatur - Neuerscheinungen, Kritiken, Texte sowie Autor/innen im Porträt.
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Scrivi? Vorresti lavorare nel mondo dei libri? Leggi? Se l'editoria ti sembra un pianeta misterioso, scopriamolo assieme!
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A Libri Magazin podcast-csatornája íróportrékkal, könyvajánlókkal és tematikus műsorokkal várja a könyvrajongókat. Kövesse csatornánkat a Spotify-on vagy a Google és az Apple podcast-alkalmazásaiban, és kerüljön képbe a legfrissebb könyves újdonságokkal!
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È finalmente arrivato il momento di partire per un viaggio che ci catapulterà nel mondo dei libri e dei brividi di amore, dolore, piacere, stupore, follia che riescono a fare vivere nei nostri corpi… vera LIBRIDINE. Un programma di Radio NFO realizzato da Elena Piazza, Andrea Firrincieli e Giorgio Grasso.
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by L.M. Montgomery, audiobook read by Karen Savage
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Le anteprime audio degli audio libri di Antonio Tombolini Editore, disponibili su "Il Narratore"
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William Librizzi is the founder and director of The Wellspring Counseling Center and the Wellspring Communications Group in Manasquan, New Jersey. He, along with his team of Christian counselors, assist individuals in the areas of emotional and spiritual growth. They work with their clients integrating the word of God with sound, psychological principals. Reverend Librizzi is a Licensed Professional Counselor within the state of New Jersey and an ordained minister. Prior to counseling full t ...
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I romanzi di Ferrante saranno la cartina di tornasole per guardare ai libri scritti dalle donne, al femminismo per come lo intende Ferrante e soprattutto alle italiane che sono le vere protagoniste dell’opera monumentale dell’autrice invisibile. Io sono Viviana Scarinci ho scritto fino a oggi alcuni libri su Elena Ferrante pubblicati in Italia e in Germania.
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Mi chiamo Mariana, sono una ladra compulsiva, ossessiva e ripetitiva. E sono una ladra di libri. Ogni lunedì on line con le #bookreviews della settimana, interviste e tutte le news dal mondo dell'editoria e dei libri.
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Listen to some of the UK’s wittiest wordsmiths cross pens as they bluff and counter bluff in Ex Libris LIVE! the entertaining panel show adaptation of Ex Libris, the game of first lines and last words. Be prepared for a good deal of bluffing, entertaining chit-chat and outright literary sneakiness! While panelists set about writing fake but plausible opening or closing sentences to genuine books, the Ex Libris LIVE! host, broadcaster David Freeman, will interview, in turn, each contender dis ...
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Podcast sul mondo dei libri gialli e non solo. Sono Federica, giornalista patita di libri, cacciatrice di storie. Se ami scoprire nuovi libri da leggere, sei nella stanza giusta.
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Zona Lettura è un podcast di recensioni letterarie ideato per avvicinare alla lettura, per stimolare alla riflessione, per approfondire temi di interesse letterario, e per consigliare nuovi titoli a chi è in cerca di novità.
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Autrice di romance, thriller e fantasy MM e LGBTQ, ma anche lettrice compulsiva e book-blogger. Amo leggere e scrivere per poter condividere, con chi ama la lettura, quelle che sono le mie sensazioni, emozioni, pensieri vissuti quando leggo un libro, e per dare visibilità a quegli scrittori esordienti, schiacciati dai big, ma che meritano di essere letti. Con questi podcast proseguo una rubrica già intrapresa su Facebook, Instagram e YouTube di lettura di incipit, prologo, primo capitolo o e ...
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Shpjeguar nga Hoxhë Lulzim Perçuku. Pesë librat prej ku është marrë komenti i librit: 1. Fet’hul Mexhid – Abdurrahman Ibn Hasen (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 2. Tejsirul Azizil Hamid – Sulejman Ibn Abdilah (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 3. Temhid – Shejh Salih alu Shejh, Allahu e ruajtë 4. Ianetul Mustefid – Shejh Feuzani, Allahu e ruajtë 5. El Kaulu el-Mufid – Shejh Uthejmini, Allahu e mëshiroftë ©Të gjitha të drejtat i përkasin shoqatës "Qendra Udhëzimi". Menaxheri i këtij p ...
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In questo podcast del Digital marketing, a cura di Massimo Brugnone, appuntamento ogni venerdì con i libri editi e proposti dal Sole 24 Ore
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Ogni lunedì recensisco i migliori libri di marketing e business per aiutarti a: - crescere - impara subito i 3 punti chiave del libro - scoprire di più sui migliori autori
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Questo podcast si intitola "Libri che raccontano idee" perché bisogna sempre farsi ispirare dalle idee che circolano per non rimanere mai indietro. Io mi chiamo Luigi Serra e sono un consulente di Marketing e le idee di questi libri sono dedicate ai piccoli imprenditori, a quelli che devono fare tutto da soli per promuovere una azienda e a quelli che cercano nuove strade. In "Libri che raccontano idee" parlerò di marketing, di comunicazione, di business e di digitale.
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Gli incipit di Due Minuti Un Libro. Il piacere della lettura ad alta voce. Che sia un thriller, un romanzo, un manuale, un libro per bambini o ragazzi, di poesie, un distopico, un autobiografico, uno spirituale a noi piace leggerli. Buon ascolto!
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Un libro, un podcast. Le conversazioni dei nostri autori con il direttore editoriale della nostra casa editrice, Marco Lillo. Arricchite, talvolta, da uno o più commentatori autorevoli che partecipano al dialogo. Il primo episodio è dedicato a Contro! di Alessandro Di Battista. Seguiranno L’Uomo nero e le stragi di Giovanni Vignali con la partecipazione di Carlo Lucarelli e Antonella Beccaria, Le Banane della Repubblica di Pino Corrias, Il caso Khashoggi di Marco Lillo e Valeria Pacelli, Io ...
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a cura di Roberto Festa- Paola Caridi: Il gelso di Gerusalemme. L'altra storia raccontata dagli alberi (Feltrinelli).- Edmund White: L'umile amante (Playground)- Christian Pastore: Nessuno si farà attendere (Neri Pozza)
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"Le montagne sono donne immense, eppure tante portano nomi di uomini. Forse fu per questo che scelsi di fermarmi lì, nella valle della Becca". E' una frase tratta dal romanzo "La strangera", opera prima di Marta Aidala (Guanda). La protagonista è una giovane donna, Beatrice, che decide di lasciare l'università e Torino per trasferirsi in montagna e…
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In this video, we will explore 9 psychological theories that will change how you view the world. These theories are all about how our minds work and how they can influence our behavior. 00:00:00- Surprising Psychology Theories That Will Change The Way You Think by Peter Hollins 00:01:14- Theory One - The Pratfall Effect. 00:02:49- Theory Two - Reac…
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EPISODIO 91- LO ZEN E IL TIRO CON L'ARCO - EUGEN HERRIGEL Finalmente puoi ordinare il mio libro - 7 COLPI DI MACHETE SITO: COACHING: Im Dong-Hyun, è un atleta della corea sud, è stato per un periodo il numero 1 al mondo ne…
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Mirko e Luca vi traghettano nella quinta stagione di Bookanieri, raccontando che libri hanno accompagnato la loro estate. Buon ascolto!Bookanieri - Libri & Rum
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Menù del giorno: - BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTE - GLI SCARABOCCHI DI MAICOL & MIRCO + CHE FINE HA FATTO TOTO' BABY (con Maicol & Mirco) 1' 31'' - IN DIFESA DI JACOBS (con Leonardo Patrignani) 23' 11'' - FANTACALCIO 2024/24: 3 CERTEZZE + 3 SCOMMESSE (con Angelo Taglieri) 40' 23'' - Lista dell'attesa n°81 (Secret Level, The 4:30 movie, L'ultimo omi…
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LibriVox recording of Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 by Havelock Ellis. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Volume 3: Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain In the study of Love and Pain I have discussed the sources of those aberrations which are commonly called, not altogethe.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Romance of the Animal World by Edmund Selous. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A description of the animal world, from the smallest protozoa all the way to man eating tigers! For further information, including links to online text, reader information, RSS feeds, CD c.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Juan Martín el Empecinado (versión 2). Episodios nacionales IX by Benito Pérez Galdós. Read in Spanish by Alexelmagno. Después de sus peripecias en Cádiz, Gabriel Araceli se ve obligado a separarse de Inés, su amada, y de Amaranta, la madre de esta.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the follo…
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LibriVox recording of The Black Cat Vol. 04 No. 06 March 1899 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps M…
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LibriVox recording of Green Eyes by Roy J. Snell. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A teenage mystery book While holidaying on Lake Huron Florence and a gypsy dancer friend meet up with a lady detective searching for a lost ruby and meet up (and survive) many dangers.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the fo…
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LibriVox recording of The Tales of Chekhov, Vol. 13, Love and Other Stories by Anton Chekhov. (Translated by Constance Garnett.) Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Here are 25 stories by Russian writer Anton Chekhov, beautifully translated by Constance Garnett, each showcasing Chekhov's intimat.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Second Stage Lensmen by E. E. Smith. Read in English by Mark Nelson. Earth is once again in peril. The Boskonian organization, thought defeated, has acquired the negasphere technology and is preparing to use it against Earth, destroying it and everyone on it.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of…
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LibriVox recording of The Basset-Table by Susanna Centlivre. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Sir Richard wants his daughter Valeria to marry a Navy Captain, but she is more interested in young Ensign Lovely.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent,…
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Migrace je oblíbené politické téma, hlavně před volbami. A o těch prezidentských v USA to platí dvojnásob. Jaká bývají rozhodnutí opustit rodinu a vlastní zemi a jak náročná je cesta za lepším životem, ukazuje literární reportáž salvadorského novináře Óscara Martíneze s názvem Bestie. Na migrantech nesejde. Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete po…
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LibriVox recording of Scanners Live In Vain by Cordwainer Smith. Read in English by Ben Tucker. This story deals with science-fiction's oldest subject—space-travel. Yet the author's treatment of the subject is so completely different that it makes "SCANNERS" one of the most outstanding stories to .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Gospel Dialogues by Dwight L. Moody. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The Dialogues which form the latter part of the book were heard with much interest and profit at some of the London meetings; I think the perusal of them will be helpful in removing many of the hindran.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Golden heart, and other fairy stories by Violet Jacob. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A collection of fairy tales by Violet Jacob. Including the title story, The Golden Heart, The Peacock's Tail, The Cherry Trees, Jack frost, and several more! (Summary by ShrimpPhi.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Psychology: the Cognitive Powers by James McCosh. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. For the last thirty-four years I have been teaching Psychology by written lectures to students in Ireland and America.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Arch…
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LibriVox recording of Les Dents du tigre by Maurice Leblanc. Read in French by Bidou. Nouveau combat d'Arsène Lupin, en tant que Don Luis Perenna, « Les Dents du tigre » met en scène un ennemi sournois et manipulateur qui cherche à s'attribuer un fabuleux héritage américain, au prix de crimes.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item…
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LibriVox recording of Записки охотника (Zapiski Okhotnika) by Ivan Turgenev. Read in Russian by tovarisch. Написанные и впервые вышедшие в свет в середине XIX века, "Записки Охотника" Ивана Сергеевича Турге.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT…
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LibriVox recording of The Knave of Diamonds by Ethel M. Dell. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. After a series of chance encounters, an unlikely friendship blossoms between reserved Englishwoman, Lady Anne Carfax and the free-spirited American, Napoleon "Nap" Errol.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the foll…
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LibriVox recording of El sí de las niñas by Leandro Fernández de Moratín. Read in Spanish by Epachuko. Doña Irene está satisfecha tras haber concertado el matrimonio de su hija Francisca de 16 años con Don Diego un buen partido que tiene ya...60 años.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps …
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 recordings of A Living Poet by Henry Kendall. This was the Weekly Poetry project for September 8, 2024. Henry Kendall was the first Australian poet to draw his inspiration from the life, scenery and traditions of the country.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 1…
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LibriVox recording of Frightened by Helen Leah Reed. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. LibriVox volunteers bring you 15 recordings of Frightened by Helen Leah Reed. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for September 1, 2024.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, A…
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LibriVox recording of Letters from Mrs Palmerstone to Her Daughter, Volume One by Rachel Hunter. Read in English by Anne Fletcher. The extended title of these volumes is 'Inculcating Morality by Entertaining Narratives”, and in the preface the Author indicates she offered them for approval to a fr.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Danny the Detective by Vera Charlesworth Barclay. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Danny is a mystery enthusiast, who is teased by bigger boys for his interest. But then, after moving to the country with his mother, he finds out about becoming a Cub Scout and he is able .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of A Review of Ecclesiastical History by John Newton. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A Review of Ecclesiastical History, so far as it Concerns the Progress, Declension, and Revivals of Evangelical Doctrine and Practice ; with a Brief Account of the Spirit and Methods by w.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Black Drama by Manly Wade Wellman. Read in English by Ben Tucker. A strange weird story about the eery personality known as Varduk, who claimed descent from Lord Byron, and the hideous doom that stalked in his wake.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbp…
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LibriVox recording of Little Novels by Wilkie Collins. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Master Victorian storyteller Wilkie Collins, author of classics such as The Woman in White and The Moonstone, brings us a collection of novelettes and novellas of varying styles.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the fol…
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LibriVox recording of Nobody's Rose by Adele Eugenia Thompson. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. In the hustle and bustle of the big city, nobody heard the small cry of a child. A policeman finally stopped and asked her where she lived.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kb…
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LibriVox recording of Nicholas Nickelby Band 1 by Charles Dickens. (Translated by H. Roberts.) Read in German by josvanaken. Der junge Nikolas Nickleby muss sich Anfang des 19. Jahrhundert in England durch den Verlust seines Vaters plötzlich in einer gefährlichen Welt zurechtfinden, die von habgie.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Los Lusíadas by Luís Vaz de Camões. Read in Spanish by Mario Pineda. ¿Qué puede ser mejor que la descripción de viajes de exploración a tierras desconocidas escrito en verso? Esta clásica epopeya escrita por Luis Vaz de Camoens después de su viaje a Oriente en el siglo.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item h…
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LibriVox recording of ΕΚΛΟΓΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΛΑΟΥ by Nikolaos Politis. Read in Greek by Penelope. Συλλογή Ελληνικών δημοτικών τραγουδιών του Ν.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, Metadata, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3…
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LibriVox recording of Short Ghost and Horror Collection 074 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, four-legged beasts and things that go bump in the night.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archi…
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LibriVox recording of Making over Martha by Julie M. Lippmann. Read in English by czandra. The sequel to Martha-by-the-day. Despite others' wishes for Martha, that she rise above her station, she remains stoutly Martha, care-giver and match-maker, up-lifting wise woman and life-saver.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has file…
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Im Tiemannsland Part 2
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
Die neue Folge von "Hörspiele sehen" geht in die zweite Runde: "Im Tiemannsland Part 2"! Nachdem Christoph Tiemann sich schon im ersten Teil nicht mehr nur auf dem Co-Host-Stuhl ausruhen durfte, gibt es jetzt noch mehr Enthüllungen. Wie kam es eigentlich dazu, dass der Mann das Theater ex libris gründete? Klar, dass Björn Roguszka hier nachhakt! Un…
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LibriVox recording of Pan's Garden, a Volume of Nature Stories by Algernon Blackwood. Read in English by Ben Tucker. Titan of Weird Fiction Algernon Blackwood brings to us a captivating collection of stories that shows the power and glory of Nature and the reverence that must be given it.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has …
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LibriVox recording of The Odyssey by Homer. (Translated by Samuel Butler.) Read in English by Peter Dann. Homer's "The Odyssey" forms the template of practically every adventure story that has been told in the West since it was composed nearly three thousand years ago: a bold and ingenious hero (in .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Ferragus, Chief of the Dévorants by Honoré de Balzac. (Translated by Katherine Prescott Wormeley.) Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Why would someone with an immaculate reputation enter a house known for vices? A young officer sets out to uncover the "secret" of the wo.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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Okupace českých zemí nacistickým Německem nebyla jen silovou záležitostí, ale také ideologickým projektem. Nešlo jen o fyzické vysídlení neárijských obyvatel, nacisté potřebovali i přepsat a vymazat české dějiny. Jaké postupy využívali, zmapoval Jiří Němec z Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity. Jeho výzkum vyšel v 2023 jako kniha s názvem Odc…
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LibriVox recording of Romances Históricos Mexicanos by José Peón y Contreras. Read in Spanish by Mario Pineda. Obra clásica en verso que describe románticamente la historia pre-columbina de México.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, Djvu XML…
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LibriVox recording of The Apple-Tree Table, and Other Sketches by Herman Melville. Read in English by ShrimpPhish. A collection of short stories by Herman Melville, including the title story The Apple-Tree Table, I and My Chimney, The Happy Failure, and several others.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the followi…
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LibriVox recording of At Aboukir and Acre: A Story of Napoleon's Invasion of Egypt by G. A. Henty. Read in English by gracesilvey. This is a tale of the French expedition into Egypt led by Napoleon Bonaparte, aimed to establish a French colony in Egypt and to threaten English possessions in India.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This …
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LibriVox recording of Behind the Throne by William Le Queux. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Frank Spalding, a young diplomat, finds himself embroiled in political intrigue and global espionage when he is stationed in Italy.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Ar…
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LibriVox recording of The Flying Inn (Version 2) by G. K. Chesterton. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Captain Patrick Dalroy and Humphrey Pump take to the road in a donkey cart with a cask of good rum, a giant round of cheese, and the signpost from his pub, The Flying Inn.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of…
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LibriVox recording of The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor by Wallace Irwin. Read in English by Bruce Kachuk. The comic genius of Wallace Irwin is boldly evident in this saga of the daily life and romantic aspirations of a humble but fervent New York City transit worker.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the follow…
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LibriVox recording of The Lady Macbeth of the Mzinsk District by Nikolai Leskov. (Translated by Alfred Edward Chamot.) Read in English by Phil Benson. In Mzinsk, a remote Russian town, adultery is Katerina's relief from boredom.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archiv…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 21 recordings of Moon-Drowned by James Whitcomb Riley. This was the Weekly Poetry project for September 1, 2024. James Whitcomb Riley was an American writer, poet, and best-selling author.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorre…
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LibriVox recording of Devotional Hours with the Bible, Vol 1 by James Russell Miller. Read in English by MaryAnn. One way of studying the Bible is to get from it practical lessons from our daily life. This is the purpose that is in mind in this book.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps M…
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