Członkinie i członkowie Redakcji Kultury Liberalnej dyskutują o bieżących wydarzeniach politycznych i społecznych.
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Podcasts for partiet Liberal Alliance. Drives af Liberal Alliances folketingsgruppes sekretariat. Ris, ros og trusler kan sendes til [email protected]
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Podcasten som utforsker liberale ideer. Eirik Løkke og Mathilde Fasting inviterer ukentlig nye gjester til diskusjon om aktuelle og interessante tema.
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Brought to you by Shepherd Express, Laughing Liberally Milwaukee provides topical laughs twice a month.
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A podcast from Liberal Currents ( hosted by Samantha Hancox-Li and Jason Briggeman, with commentary from a liberal perspective on politics, society, economics, media, culture, philosophy, academia, gender, identity, urbanism, books, education, and on and on.
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The New Liberal Podcast dives into the deep end of policy, politics and identity and hosts the economists, academics, industry leaders, thinkers and politicians whose ideas are shaping society.
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Are you looking for sound, thought-provoking conversations on current affairs, politics, and culture from a Classical Liberal perspective? If yes, you are in the right place. Liberalism in Question engages some of our society’s most prominent researchers, political figures, and free speech advocates --finding out their views on the state of Classical Liberalism.
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The Most Comprehensive Analysis of the Relationship Between Humans and Firearms on Planet Earth.
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Conservative, religious, pro gun, right wing american.
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Passion and Practicality is a podcast series produced by Southern New Hampshire University‘s online Liberal Arts department, which includes academic programs and courses in Communication, Composition, Creative Writing, English, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, History, Literature, and Philosophy. In this podcast series, faculty, staff, and guests discuss the career paths open to graduates of those programs, the research and creative work of practitioners in the field, and other interesting stuff.
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Don't tread on me bitch
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Edumeasure is a new podcast for teachers, students, parents, and others concerned with transforming teaching and learning -- a podcast for exploring creative, unconventional responses to current issues in education. Hosted by Dr. Bernd Estabrook, a professor at a small liberal arts institution.
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Podcast produzido pelo Instituto Liberal, a fim de discutir e disseminar ideias liberais.
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A cada episódio exploramos um artigo publicado - geralmente dos portais Mises - com um tema relevante sob perspectiva liberal
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En podcast av og med Klaus Jakobsen. En nyhetspodcast helt fri for medienes sensurerende filter. Befriende liberale tanker slipper til, enten man tilhører høyre, venstre eller midten av norsk politikk. Her skal alle kunne slippe til. Les dine daglige nyheter på Følg oss her: Kontakt oss p ...
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Podcast y Vlog liberal. Analisis de la actualidad economica y politica de argentina y el mundo. Libres pensadores - Adogmaticos Email: [email protected] @terapialiberal
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Black Liberal Guns
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Podcast by Marcio Carvalho
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Intro episode. Teaser just giving you some news and what’s gonna be happening in the future. Thank you guys so much for listening. I hope you love it and share it.
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We HATE libtards
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Heidi Avellan och Sofia Nerbrand är PK-liberalerna. Med utkik i Malmö betraktar vi Skåne, Sverige och världen. På allvar, men inte utan trams.
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Hülsmann's sweeping intellectual biography of Ludwig von Mises. Narrated by Paul Strikwerda.
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Podcast en el que se aglutinan distintos audios liberales procedentes del Instituto Juan de Mariana, de Students for Liberty en España, Club de los Viernes y otras organizaciones o figuras relevantes del liberalismo hispano. Puedes seguir también el canal en Telegram:
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Liberala rummet är en politisk podcast med ett liberalt synsätt och starka åsikter. I Liberala rummet diskuteras mängder med viktiga och intressanta frågor av alla dess slag. I podden får du möta intressanta gäster, ta del av intressanta samtal, debatter, intervjuer och diskussioner.
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Discussing tasty beverages and the politics of the week.
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Where politics, music, film, beer and family meet.
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The podcast of the Fully unlicensed Life Coach and Ultimate Liberal, Liberal Larry. You will laugh and you will learn. Make America Vegan Again! Namaste
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Liberalerna i Täby är Täbys näst största parti med över 25% av väljarna i det senaste valet
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Political Commentary.
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Talk from the left, that's right.
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& Let's solve the unsolved
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Klassiskt liberala partiet skapades för att Sverige saknade ett liberalt parti. Vi jobbar för att begränsa staten, sänka skatterna och skydda människors grundläggande rättigheter. Vi säger nej till EU, morallagstiftning och slöseri. Vi tror att du vet vad som är bäst för dig, och vill därför att du ska ha makt över ditt eget liv. Myndigförklara människan - rösta på Klassiskt liberala partiet!
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Welcome to The Kentucky Liberal Podcast. A place for you to celebrate being Liberal, and to help you find your blue in a sea of red.
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"Talking guns across the aisle with better communication and better arguments."
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The Classical Liberal Project is a podcast by the Classical Liberal Caucus of the Libertarian Party
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Sondre Hansmark og Tiril Eid Barland diskuterer nyhetsbildet og stort og smått i Unge Venstres podcast, ofte med en gjest.
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A podcast about the history of liberalism. It is about the men, women and events that advanced liberty and brought about the world of today.
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News, opinions, and some facts on how liberalism is in fact a mental disorder
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Latinx Liberal is a podcast about progressive ideals, from a brown perspective. Discussing all of the latest in political, social, and cultural news which affects the Latinx community and all liberals.
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The political podcast that rips regressives a new one!
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Interracial married couple Keisha Zollar and Andrew Kimler share a fiery liberal bias. But that doesn't stop them from going toe-to-toe as they debate the news of the week. Complete with original sketches, top-notch guests, and a candid autopsy of a modern American marriage.
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Conversation to engross, ignite, and engage
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The Liberal Arts Endeavor is a podcast by the College of Arts & Letters (CAL). Each episode throughout the academic year will feature a different Liberal Arts story within the College. Learn more at
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In this History Speaker Series event, Dr. Margaret MacDonald discusses her professional and academic career, her advocacy work as a public historian, and her research on Carolyn Beatrice Parker, the first Black woman known to receive an advanced degree in physics and worked on the Dayton Project, part of the Manhattan Project, during World War II.…
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Hvordan gavner det både den enkelte og boligmarkedet, hvis andelshavere og lejere kan købe deres bolig? Og hvorfor er det så svært at bremse væksten i den statslige administration? Det er emnerne i dagens program, hvor boligordfører Carl Andersen vender LAs boligudspil med Morten Østrup Møller, der bl.a. har været juridisk direktør i Ejendomdanmark…
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What's the deal with DOGE?
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1:03:12The last two weeks have seen a number of controversies related to DOGE, the Department of Governmental Efficiency that Elon Musk heads in the new Trump administration. Jeremiah talks through what's going on, why DOGE seems to be breaking so many things, and what their real goals are. Also check out our conversation with Jennifer Pahlka: https://pod…
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Miyanovich talks about the realities of the core supporters of LGO501c4 and helping with the cascading mid-life issues assauting his developers.
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Ep. 569: Har Norge lyktes med integreringspolitikken?
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1:08:21Hva har de to offentlige utvalgene om innvandring og integrering fra 2011 og 2017 funnet ut om norsk innvandrings- og integreringspolitikk? Har vi berøringsangst når det gjelder kulturelle og verdimessige sider ved integrering? Hvordan er den norske innvandrings- og integreringspolitikken sammenlignet med den svenske og den danske? Gjest: Professor…
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Driving Miss Brazy
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1:34:56The boys discuss the theme of "drive" and Lee laments that his Jeff Goldblum impression just sounds like Adam West's Batman. Alternate title: An Oral History of Polyamory.Lee Sanger Goldin
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Watch Here: Emilie Dye sits down with Senator James Paterson, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs and Cybersecurity, to discuss the challenges facing democracies in an increasingly digital world. Should the government attempt to regulate against misinformation? Is TikTok spying on us for China? What about manipulating our …
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Liberale venner! Klaus er frustrert, han har vært syk i to uker nå. Får håpe på bedre tider fremover. I verdenssamfunnet derimot, må nok Norge og andre NATO-land forberede seg på økte forsvarsutgifter. Pete Hegseth, USAs nye forsvarsminister er på besøk i Brussel for å fortelle nettopp dette, at vi må ta mer av kostnaden selv for vår egen sikkerhet…
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Watch Here: This philosophical exploration delves into the ethical complexities of warfare, euthanasia, and colonialism. It examines the morality of self-defense, the right to end one's life, and the lasting impacts of colonial dominance. The analysis encourages reflection on the balance between justice, autonomy, and p…
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Liberale venner! Klaus har reflektert litt i det siste, over utviklingen for debattklimaet i Norge. Sikkert også for verden. Er sosiale medier nå levnet igjen til bare kontrære krefter? Spesielt de på høyresiden? Hvordan blir debattklimaet om vi ikke får til en ordentlig dialog med hverandre? Dette og flere andre nyheter i dagens episode! Husk å sk…
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Watch Here: All our links: In this compelling interview, Robert Forsyth engages in a deep conversation with Mary Eberstadt, acclaimed author and social commentator, on the profound effects of the sexual revolution and the critical importance of families in sustaining a healt…
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Gościem dzisiejszego podkastu Kultury Liberalnej jest Konstanty Gebert – stały współpracownik Kultury Liberalnej, autor książek takich jak "Pokój z widokiem na wojnę. Historia Izraela" czy "Ostateczne rozwiązania. Ludobójcy i ich dzieło". Dziś rozmawiamy o zapowiedzi Trumpa dotyczącej odbudowy Strefy Gazy, która zaskoczyła samego premiera Izraela B…
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The chaos coming out of Washington, D.C., over the past week seems to be emanating from one man, and for once it's not Donald Trump—it's Elon Musk. Project 2025 is still happening, but Musk's seizure of government computer systems is happening more quickly. Samantha and Jason are joined by guest Adam Gurri to ask what this means for the country and…
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Word for Word featuring Special Guests Adrienne Kisner and Melissa Marr
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1:03:18Join us as Word for Word celebrates SNHU's creative writing instructors in a special event spotlighting Young Adult fiction! Award-winning writers and SNHU instructors Melissa Marr and Adrienne Kisner read from their works-in-progress, discuss their writing journeys, and share insights into today's YA fiction market!…
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Ep. 568: Hvordan hadde Norge sett ut hvis økonomene fikk bestemme?
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1:02:17Hvor annerledes hadde Norge sett ut dersom økonomer fikk bestemme politikken? Hadde skattene vært lavere? Hadde velferdsstaten vært mindre omfattende? Og hva med samferdselspolitikken? Og hvor uenig er økonomer internt om hva som er den beste politikken? Gjester: Steinar Juel, samfunnsøkonom i Civita, Øystein Olsen, samfunnsøkonom i Civita, Ola Kva…
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No time for details. Just give it a listen.
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Niels Westy er mangeårig skribent om bl.a. økonomisk historie og underviser i virksomhedsøkonomi. Han er i studiet for at forklare, hvorfor de færreste fagøkonomer kan se fidusen i Donald Trumps mulige tariffer. Noget andet, der måske er på vej, er en krigsskat, som mange i S og omegn sværmer for, men som finansordfører og gruppeformand Ole Birk Ol…
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Liberale venner! Klaus sin bror Baard, fra podcasten Ytringsforum er igjen med som gjest. Det er mye å snakke om siden sist, blant annet har Jens Stoltenberg gjort et sjokk-comeback i politikken, blir han regjeringens redningsmann? Dette og flere andre nyheter sjabbes det om i dagens episode! Husk å skrive en liten omtale av oss i Apple Podcast, sa…
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Gośćmi dzisiejszego podkastu na kanale Kultura Liberalna są prof. Krystian Markiewicz, prezes stowarzyszenia Iustitia oraz sędzia Bartłomiej Przymusiński - rzecznik prasowy stowarzyszenia. Czy wybory prezydenckie w 2025 roku są zagrożone? Poważne wątpliwości budzi orzekająca o ważnosci wyborów powołana przez Prawo i Sprawiedliwość Izba Kontroli Nad…
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This week on Laughing Liberally Milwaukee, David Schendlinger joins host Matthew Filipowicz to discuss how Brad Shimel, the right wing judge who's running for Wisconsin Supreme Court, was caught on tape saying the US might need "another bloody revolution." Laughing Liberally Milwaukee's next live show is Saturday February 8th, 2025 at 8:00 pm at CS…
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One of the most important trends from the 2024 presidential election was the rightward shift of young people - especially young men. Richard Reeves joins the podcast to talk about why this shift happened, what mistakes Democrats have made in courting male voters, and how they can fix their self-inflicted wounds. To get bonus episodes, support us at…
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What are the consequences of President Trump’s executive orders after January 20th? Why is Trump a threat to American bureaucracy? Will the bromance between Musk and Trump break? What will happen in Ukraine? Professor Francis Fukuyama, in conversation with Mathilde Fasting See for privacy information.…
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Tariffs were central to mercantilist economic policy—deployed to generate funding for government, protection for industries, or pain for enemies. But can or will tariffs be put to a genuinely public-spirited use for today's United States? Samantha, Jason, and guest Maia Mindel talk about purposes and consequences of the Trump administration's propo…
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Gościem dzisiejszego podkastu na kanale Kultury Liberalnej jest Jerzy Hausner, profesor nauk ekonomicznych, przewodniczący Rady Programowej OEES (Open Eyes Economy Summit). Tematem dzisiejszego odcinka są powiązania Donalda Trumpa z wielkim biznesem. Czy Zuckerberg, Bezos i Elon Musk angażują się w politykę tylko z powodów biznesowych czy jakiś jes…
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Ep. 566: Hva vil det si å være sosialist anno 2025?
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1:04:14Tror sosialister fremdeles på planøkonomi? Og fordrer sosialistisk styre en revolusjon? Gjest: Sofie Marhaug, stortingsrepresentant, Rødt. See for privacy information.Civita og Moderne Media
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Liberale venner! Med Senterpartiet ute av regjeringen, kun 8 måneder før valget, tror Klaus at både Senterpartiet og Arbeiderpartiet kan vokse frem mot valget. Valget vil bli nok bli jevnere enn mange tror! Dette og flere andre saker i dagens episode. Husk å skrive en liten omtale av oss i Apple Podcast, samt gi oss 5 stjerner i Spotify og Apple Po…
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I 2017 forlod Uber Danmark, men nu transporttjenesten tilbage, omend ikke helt som før. Der er dog stadig grund til at glæde sig, mener transportordfører Jens Meilvang, der også forklarer, hvorfor LA ikke er helt afvisende overfor roadpricing, så længe det ikke bliver dyrere at være bilejer. Og så risikerer et EU præget af manglende vækst at blive …
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Executive Order of the Phoenix
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1:33:26The boys discuss the card stock and font of the latest round of Presidential Executive Orders, Ben relates a bizarre overhead between two rich religious zealots and Lee provides on update on his ongoing neighborhood drama.Lee Sanger Goldin
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Keep it cool...real cool.
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Hvorfor har tidligere statsminister og KrF-leder, Kjell Magne Bondvik, gått fra nei til ja til EU? Hvorfor blir det stadig vanskeligere å håndtere EØS-avtalen? Blir kraft og energi det viktigste stridsspørsmålet i en norsk EU-debatt? See for privacy information.Civita og Moderne Media
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Gościem dzisiejszego podkastu z cyklu “Prawo do niuansu” jest Wojciech Sadurski profesor nauk prawnych, filozof i politolog, profesor Europejskiego Instytutu Uniwersyteckiego we Florencji, profesor Uniwersytetu w Sydney, profesor nadzwyczajny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, autor książek w tym najnowszej „Pandemia populistów” (wyd. Znak). Tematem dzisi…
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Trump II is upon us, and the administration has already taken aim to reduce citizenship rights and deport immigrants, despite the longstanding truth that arguments against immigration don't hold much water. Liberal Currents associate editor Paul Crider joins Samantha and Jason to describe the new Republican restrictionism and to give some of those …
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In which Wireside Chat is joined by Online MFA instructor and award-winning author Kait Ballenger! Lovers of paranormal romance and dark romantasy will not want to miss this episode, as Kait shares an insider's view of romance publishing today and talks about her love of villainous heroes and spicy redemption arcs.…
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I fire år var Sissel Kruse Larsen nærmeste rådgiver til Jens Stoltenberg, med et særlig ansvar for kommunikasjon. Hvor viktig er kommunikasjon for NATO? Og hva lærte hun om kommunikasjon gjennom sin tid i Brussel? See for privacy information.Civita og Moderne Media
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Hvad er forskellen på unge i dag og for 15 år siden? Lever vi i en varm tid - og hvad skal det overhovedet betyde? Og hvor er vores samfund på vej hen? Dét og meget mere taler Alex om med Stefan Hermann, forfatter til bogen ”En varm tid” og mangeårig rektor for Københavns Professionshøjskole.Liberal Alliance
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