Go back to school with the country's top professors lecturing on a variety of topics in American history. New episodes posted every Saturday evening. From C-SPAN, the network that brings you "After Words" and "C-SPAN's The Weekly" podcasts.
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A daily podcast of reflective, prayerful Scripture reading by Sharon Garlough Brown
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Le Podcast sur le cinéma qui ne parle pas des mêmes films que les autres.
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LectioYouth.Net est un programme catholique pour la lecture et l’étude systématiques de la Parole de Dieu. Il est destiné à des groupes ou à des personnes individuelles, plus particulièrement aux jeunes, en Afrique et à Madagascar.
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LectioYouth.Net is a Catholic program for systematic reading and study of the Word of God. It is intended for groups and individuals, particularly the youth in Africa and Madagascar.
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A series of lectures about legends, folklore, history, language, and archaeology.
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Un podcast nel quale la storia si mescola alla geopolitica. Le questioni più attuali affrontate da una prospettiva passata. Ogni episodio tratterà di argomenti di ampio respiro: politici, sociali e storici. La frequenza di upload sarà di un episodio a settimana. In aggiunta, la sotto-rubrica "L'attualità in 3 parole" avrà cadenza bisettimanale e si focalizzerà su tre notizie (una relativa all'Italia, due agli Esteri) che hanno avuto risonanza nel corso del mese. Il NUOVO libro di Nova Lectio ...
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L’actu des courses Landaises décortiquée par Didier Goeytes, ses chroniqueurs et ses invités. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Sestřih je složen z několika částí - čtení, evangelia a samotného kázání.
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Bienvenidos a mi podcast, soy Patricia Hernández y te quiero compartir las lecturas de diversos libros que te ayudarán, inspiraran o simplemente te entretendran
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The Lectio Divina is an ancient prayer and meditation podcast that emphasizes scripture and listening for God's word to you through a series of readings. Please listen to episode 0 for more information.
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Working Preacher hosts "I Love to Tell the Story," an engaging conversation on upcoming Narrative Lectionary readings. Each episode is fun, informative, and creative—and will help you and your congregation become fluent in the first language of faith.
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Gresham College has been providing free public lectures since 1597, making us London's oldest higher education institution. This podcast offers our recorded lectures that are free to access from the Gresham College website, or our YouTube channel.
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Ce podcast, c’est moi : mes lectures, mes contradictions, mes élans. Un journal de bord fait de livres islamiques, de romans, de BD et de réflexions personnelles. Pour lire autrement. Pour penser librement. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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The weekly lectionary readings (from the three-year lectionary) — every Thursday evening.
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Club de lectura de la editorial Prometea
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Public events
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Daily Lectio is a daily resource created by CommunionArts to help you slow down and meditate on Scripture. Each day's meditation will guide you through praying a portion of Scripture in the style of Lectio Divina, which is an ancient spiritual way of reading Scripture. The goal of this daily practice is not to gain more information but to experience God’s transforming presence as you sit with him and his word. You can find more resources like Daily Lectio at www.CommunionArts.org. Grace and ...
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EACPHS PharmD Class of 2012
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A team of pastors and laypersons discuss the Gospel Lectionary for each Sunday of the year.
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Join Fr. Aaron and Marissa Burt for conversation surrounding the Sunday lectionary texts from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). Learn more at www.athomewiththelectionary.com
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Remontez le son des 60's à nos jours en suivant les chemins folkeux, les grandes routes américaines, les ruelles popeuses, les chaussées de traviole et les avenues majestueuses. Une virée guidée par les playlists et les visuels de Céline.
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Le meilleur de la littérature en lectures quotidiennes Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Iván Fematt "La Mole" y Adrián Marcelo, semana a semana, te traen un show prohibido que no nos dejarían pasar en ningún otro lugar.
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El podcast “Breves lecturas para el alma” te invita a disfrutar de una nueva forma de leer escuchando...
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Dans ce Podcast cinéma et série dédié aux cinéphiles, cinéphages et sérievores, on vous fait traverser l'écran à travers nos visites de lieux de tournage. De Los Angeles à Ho Chi Minh, de Singapour à Prague, on suit la bobine pour vivre la fiction. Après avoir voyagé à travers l’écran, nous brisons le quatrième mur pour marcher dans les pas de nos héros et on partage tout ça avec vous ! Pour voir tout ça en images : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXiPnsU33b5FE1vOL22suxxTGS95TLpm6
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Explicación de las lecturas diarias y Evangelio de la Iglesia Católica, realizada por el Padre Francisco Sojos, Rector de la Catedral de Guayaquil - Ecuador. Muy útil para aprender sobre nuestra doctrina y crecer en nuestra Fe. Escucha un nuevo programa diariamente de lunes a domingo. Lectio Divina
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Une émission pour plonger au cœur des festivals de cinéma européen Univerciné à Nantes et découvrir la richesse de quatre cinématographies européennes - allemande, britannique, de l'Est (Caucase, Asie centrale, Pays baltes et Europe orientale) et italienne - dans toutes leurs particularités linguistiques et culturelles.
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public domain audiobook podcast - for people with catholic tastes
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The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.
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EMF radio. Un canal réalisé en partenariat avec la revue L'Actualité Nouvelle-Aquitaine (https://actualite.nouvelle-aquitaine.science/) des lectures et des enregistrement en lien avec la recherche, la création et l'actualité. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Life is hard and things are going to fall apart at some point or another –especially when you’ve experienced trauma in your life. But the problem is that most Christians can’t be seen to have moments when they lose control or even struggle. By being honest with the challenges he’s faced, Lecrae is going to dive into the hard things no one else will face and talk about what life looks like when you go off the deep end. This show is not for perfect people or people who’ve never made mistakes. ...
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Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes takes listeners through the daily Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Our lectionary readings follow a three year cycle through the Bible. Follow along with us and Christians around the world in daily readings of the Bible. Let's experience the Living Word, and grow in his life and love together. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com
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Je vous fais la lecture ? Quelques pages d’une publication récente pour éclairer notre monde, découvrir d’autres possibles, pousser les murs et – qui sait ? – rêver ensemble. https://www.instagram.com/berenicegagne/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/b%C3%A9r%C3%A9nice-gagne-b251b2289/
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Podcast de lecturas de cuentos, relatos, novelas, poemas, crónicas. Te voy a leer los mejores escritores de la Literatura Universal para sentir el placer de escuchar la música de sus palabras. Acompañáme en éste viaje apasionante.
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l’émission de l’association des Haltes Pèlerines en Loire-Atlantique & Via Ligeria, qui vous parle des sentiers de pèlerinage dans notre département.
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WHEN IN DOUBT - with Todd Spencer
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Since 1980, City Arts & Lectures has presented onstage conversations with outstanding figures in literature, politics, criticism, science, and the performing arts, offering the most diverse perspectives about ideas and values. City Arts & Lectures programs can be heard on more than 130 public radio stations across the country and wherever you get your podcasts. The broadcasts are co-produced with KQED 88.5 FM in San Francisco. Visit CITYARTS.NET for more info.
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Lectures and Kirtans by Indradyumna Swami
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Geneva College Speeches and Lectures Podcast
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Podcast Lechero
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Sadler's Lectures
Lectures on classic and contemporary philosophical texts and thinkers by Gregory B. Sadler
I'm that YouTube Philosophy Guy! Find more than 3,000 videos in my main channel. Support my video and podcast work! https://www.patreon.com/sadler or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/A4quYdWoM Learn more about this podcast channel - https://youtu.be/qRvL0gqlyrw and https://gregorybsadler.substack.com/p/the-sadlers-lectures-podcast Due to popular demand - and with the work underwritten by my Patreon supporters - I have been converting my videos into MP3 files listeners can listen to anywhere they ...
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En este espacio hablamos de todo un poco, la vida, el pasado, el futuro, nuestras experiencias, nuestras opiniones, y demás pastruladas. Síguenos en IG como: @leches.elementales
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Each week the host reads the Christian scripture readings for the next Sunday’s church services. In addition, there is a little background of the texts, the specific books of the Bible, and/or information about the current church season.
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Programa musical multi género conducido por Javier Hernández "pancholon" transmitido desde Tijuana para el mundo entero con buen cotorreo, buena vibra, y las capsulas del conocimiento llamadas "mayapedias" a cargo de Mario Alberto "el maya" siempre haciendo amigos. Los invito a escuchar toda esta música variada
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A collection of some of Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia's friday khutbas and lectures. Shaykh Amin is the Director and Founder of Darul Qasim. https://twitter.com/shaykhamin https://facebook.com/ShaykhAmin https://instagram.com/shaykhaminkholwadia/ https://darulqasim.org/
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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durée : 00:19:52 - Lectures du soir - "Il y a longtemps que le grand public et la politique se sont emparé de ma théorie et de ma personne et ont tenté, par tous les moyens, d’asservir l’une et l’autre à leurs propres fins."France Culture
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Tony y Teresa.
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Sestřih je složen z několika částí - čtení, evangelia a samotného kázání.Marek Orko Vácha
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Sestřih je složen z několika částí - čtení, evangelia a samotného kázání.Marek Orko Vácha
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Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes takes listeners through the daily Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Our lectionary readings follow a three year cycle through the Bible. Join Christians around the world in daily readings of the Bible as they point our hearts to the God who is love. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com Partner …
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Psalm 126:1-6 www.Communionarts.org Hosted by Anthony Celia Music by John Slaten Artwork by Tanya CeliaAnthony Celia & Communion Arts
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Dans cet épisode, je partage une réflexion personnelle sur l’introspection, le besoin de mieux se comprendre, et la difficulté à lâcher prise. Je parle aussi du lien entre tawhîd et tawakkul, tel que l’aborde l’imam al-Ghazâlî dans Ihyâ ‘ulûm al-dîn, et de l’importance de faire confiance à Dieu. Vous souhaitez commenter cet épisode ou poser une que…
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Psalm 32:7-11 For a version without music click here For a shorter version without instructions click hereSharon Garlough Brown
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durée : 00:20:11 - Lectures du soir - "On trouve ici, parmi les intellectuels, un antisémistisme indescriptible. Il est impossible que je reste à Berlin, ne serait-ce que parce que j’ai de bonnes raisons de penser que les milieux ultra-nationalistes en veulent à ma vie. Est-ce vrai ?"France Culture
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Who truly sees Jesus? In this episode of the Narrative Lectionary Podcast from Working Preacher, Profs. Rolf Jacobson, Alan Padgett, and Jennifer Pietz unpack Luke 18:31–19:10, exploring the powerful stories of Zacchaeus and the blind man. As Jesus journeys toward Jerusalem, he encounters a blind man seeking sight and a tax collector seeking transf…
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El señor Last y la manera de enfrentar su situación de divorcio.
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Geneva College
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Offerta NordVPN: NordVPN festeggia il suo compleanno, ma il regalo è per te!: vai su https://www.nordvpn.com/novageo e ricevi uno sconto esclusivo + 4 mesi extra sui piani biennali + 6 mesi extra, per un totale di 34 mesi al posto di 24! Il NUOVO libro di Nova Lectio, Instant Storia d'Italia Prima di Roma: https://amzn.to/4h3P7cc Tutti gli altri li…
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Durant la quatrième édition du festival Les Menstrueuses organisé à Poitiers, le Lieu multiple / Espace Mendès France a donné carte blanche à Florence Cherrier, créatrice sonore, pour mener des ateliers avec des femmes du Bonheur du GEM (groupe d'entraide mutuelle) de Poitiers. Pendant une semaine, à partir d'ateliers d'écriture, de prises de sons,…
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Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes takes listeners through the daily Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Our lectionary readings follow a three year cycle through the Bible. Join Christians around the world in daily readings of the Bible as they point our hearts to the God who is love. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com Partner …
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Lectio Divina con el Padre Francisco Xavier Sojos Oneto ¿QUIERES SER BENEFACTOR DE PROCLAMA LECTIO DIVINA? SIGUE ESTE ENLACE: https://donorbox.org/proclama-crece TRANSFERENCIAS EN ECUADOR: Banco Bolivariano Cuenta de Ahorros # 0061090389 Francisco Xavier Sojos Oneto Cédula: 0908892706 📱Para subscribirse al chat de WhatsApp: enviar mensaje al +593 9…
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Fatigué, je me concentre sur l'essentiel. Dans la simplicité, la sérénité émerge. Vous souhaitez commenter cet épisode ou poser une question ? Rendez-vous sur ce lien ⬇ https://forms.gle/Czsj8RT9ZCgM4A1G7 Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.Le lecteur illettré
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Psalm 85:1-9 www.Communionarts.org Hosted by Anthony Celia Music by John Slaten Artwork by Tanya CeliaAnthony Celia & Communion Arts
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Psalm 32:1-6 For a version without music click here For a shorter version without instructions click hereSharon Garlough Brown
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Send us a text Join Fr. Aaron & Marissa Burt for this week's episode, in which they consider the readings for the fourth Sunday in Lent: Joshua (4:19-24), 5:1 (2-8) 9-12; Psalm 34 or 34:1-8; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Luke 15:11-32. They discuss the Israelites memorable crossing of the Jordan, David's joy in God's deliverance, Paul's plea for reconcili…
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Quatrième dimanche de Carême C : https://c-b-f.me/LYN204CFRFédération Biblique Catholique
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Fourth Sunday of Lent: https://c-b-f.me/LYN204CENCatholic Biblical Federation
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Yung Pueblo
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:08:46Our guest today is poet, author, and meditator Diego Perez, better known by his pen name: Yung Pueblo. A popular voice in the self-improvement space, Pueblo is known for writing – in books and on social media – that focuses on personal development and healthy relationships. His newest book is How to Love Better: The Path to Deeper Connection Throug…
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Salām: Result of Laylat al-Qadr - Ramaḍān 23, 1446 - Post-Tarāwīh Khatira delivered by Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia | Director and Founder of Darul Qasim College. https://twitter.com/shaykhamin https://facebook.com/ShaykhAmin https://instagram.com/shaykhaminkholwadia/ https://darulqasim.org/
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El señor Last, Brenda, Beaver, la cuota de alimentos.
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Nicolas Morandin, responsable de la Ganaderia Bel'Aventure: Présentation et objectif de sa cuadrilla 2025
durée : 00:20:23 - Nicolas Morandin, responsable de la Ganaderia Bel'Aventure: Présentation et objectif de sa cuadrilla 2025ici
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Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes takes listeners through the daily Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Our lectionary readings follow a three year cycle through the Bible. Join Christians around the world in daily readings of the Bible as they point our hearts to the God who is love. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com Partner …
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Lectio Divina con el Padre Francisco Xavier Sojos Oneto ¿QUIERES SER BENEFACTOR DE PROCLAMA LECTIO DIVINA? SIGUE ESTE ENLACE: https://donorbox.org/proclama-crece TRANSFERENCIAS EN ECUADOR: Banco Bolivariano Cuenta de Ahorros # 0061090389 Francisco Xavier Sojos Oneto Cédula: 0908892706 📱Para subscribirse al chat de WhatsApp: enviar mensaje al +593 9…
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Psalm 24:1-6 www.Communionarts.org Hosted by Anthony Celia Music by John Slaten Artwork by Tanya CeliaAnthony Celia & Communion Arts
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Development of the Atomic Bomb
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:23:59University of Texas history professor Bruce Hunt discusses the development of the atomic bomb during World War II and the role of the Army Corps of Engineers General Leslie Groves. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesC-SPAN
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Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:19:13BAM Comunicación
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Khutbah delivered by Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia | Director and Founder of Darul Qasim College. https://twitter.com/shaykhamin https://facebook.com/ShaykhAmin https://instagram.com/shaykhaminkholwadia/ https://darulqasim.org/
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Qur’ānic Creativity Through Re-Presentation - Ramadān 22 1446 - Post-Tarāwīh Khatira delivered by Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia | Director and Founder of Darul Qasim College. https://twitter.com/shaykhamin https://facebook.com/ShaykhAmin https://instagram.com/shaykhaminkholwadia/ https://darulqasim.org/…
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Readings for March 23, 2025: The Third Sunday in Lent Exodus 3:1-15 Isaiah 55:1-9 Ezekiel 33:7-20 Psalm 63:1-8 Psalm 85 Psalm 103: 1-4, 6-8, 11 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Luke 13:1-9Steve Fogle
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Readings for March 16, 2025: The Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Jeremiah 26:8-15 Psalm 4 Psalm 27 Philippians 3:17 — 4:1 Luke 9:28b-36 (Catholic) Luke 13:31-35 (Protestant)Steve Fogle
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Readings for March 9, 2025: The First Sunday in Lent Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 91:1-16 Romans 10:8b-13 Luke 4:1-13Steve Fogle
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En marcha el divorcio de los Last.
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Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes takes listeners through the daily Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Our lectionary readings follow a three year cycle through the Bible. Join Christians around the world in daily readings of the Bible as they point our hearts to the God who is love. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com Partner …
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Lectio Divina con el Padre Francisco Xavier Sojos Oneto ¿QUIERES SER BENEFACTOR DE PROCLAMA LECTIO DIVINA? SIGUE ESTE ENLACE: https://donorbox.org/proclama-crece TRANSFERENCIAS EN ECUADOR: Banco Bolivariano Cuenta de Ahorros # 0061090389 Francisco Xavier Sojos Oneto Cédula: 0908892706 📱Para subscribirse al chat de WhatsApp: enviar mensaje al +593 9…
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Psalm 130 www.Communionarts.org Hosted by Anthony Celia Music by John Slaten Artwork by Tanya CeliaAnthony Celia & Communion Arts
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Luke 13:6-9 For a version without music click here For a shorter version without instructions click hereSharon Garlough Brown
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"Lettres" de Gertrud Kolmar 5/5 : Et c’est comme ça que je veux aller au-delà de mon destin fut-il haut comme une tour
durée : 00:20:01 - Lectures du soir - "La maison… comme si cela existait encore pour moi… Je suis décidée à ne plus m’en tenir désormais qu’à l’essentiel et à me défaire de tout le reste comme d’une guenille."France Culture
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